View Full Version : Mass Fluke Regs this will get you pissed

Blackfish Doug
03-17-2014, 05:47 PM
This was approved see how fast they fill their quota & we get shut down early because of it 16" are you kidding me??? I can't remember the last time I got a Fluke up there at 16" this is insane.


For 2014, the ASMFC adopted a regional approach for managing the coast’s recreational fluke
fisheries with the intent of providing more equity in harvest opportunities among states. While
initially grouped with Rhode Island and facing a size limit increase, MarineFisheries was able to
successfully lobby for Massachusetts to be treated as its own region enabling status quo
regulations for 2014.

For 2014 the following recreational limits will apply for fluke:
Mode Season Bag Limit Minimum Size
Private Angler May 22 – September 30 5 fish 16 inches
For-Hire May 22 – September 30 5 fish 16 inches

03-17-2014, 05:51 PM
That's a bunch of bs

Blackfish Doug
03-17-2014, 06:05 PM
That's a bunch of bs

This is no BS go to this web page


Foul Hook
03-17-2014, 06:14 PM
The Black Sea Bass page was interesting too!

Gerry Zagorski
03-17-2014, 06:40 PM
Just goes to show the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I'm sure MA has a huge fishing lobby interest and they fought hard to get the most favorable regs. Just like NY threatening a law suit to force regionalization. You fight you get.

Blackfish Doug
03-17-2014, 06:46 PM
What really make me laugh is That I don't even think I caught a fluke that went 16" last year.

03-17-2014, 06:52 PM
Just goes to show the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I'm sure MA has a huge fishing lobby interest and they fought hard to get the most favorable regs. Just like NY threatening a law suit to force regionalization. You fight you get.

Really Gerry?

NY fought for 12 years and finally got something... We finally got our rightful share of the pie.

Rob B
03-17-2014, 07:00 PM
Really Gerry?

NY fought for 12 years and finally got something... We finally got our rightful share of the pie.

This is njfishing not nyfishing.

Blackfish Doug
03-17-2014, 07:01 PM
Really Gerry?

NY fought for 12 years and finally got something... We finally got our rightful share of the pie.

Russ you better get NY to fight that 16" size in Mass because if you don't your Fluke season will be over by mid July when Mass over fish's it's Quota your Quota & our Quota & you know what your finally going to get is a good share of the Mass Pie.

03-17-2014, 07:15 PM
Really Gerry?

NY fought for 12 years and finally got something... We finally got our rightful share of the pie.

True, BUT what you fail to understand is that it was at the cost of other states quotas. If Mass can have their own regs and could do it then why not NY? Establish your own vs. impeding on a boundary state, I presume this was the easier way to do something about it vs. concede in other ways??

shrimpman steve
03-17-2014, 07:16 PM
Looks like New Jersey is the only state that did not stand up for itself. Our politicians suck!

03-17-2014, 07:19 PM
Russ you better get NY to fight that 16" size in Mass because if you don't your Fluke season will be over by mid July when Mass over fish's it's Quota your Quota & our Quota & you know what your finally going to get is a good share of the Mass Pie.

I get to keep fluke at 14"... I posses Food Fish Landing license... ( I am a pin Hooker)


03-17-2014, 07:25 PM
I guess in hindsight this does open the doors for better fishing in NY so we might as well make our way on over into the waters and share in the stock of fish there since it's all the same size now. Sure will be nice to be able to catch some of those too at a smaller size now......hmmm 5 in NY waters, 5 in NJ......:D:D

Blackfish Doug
03-17-2014, 07:42 PM
I get to keep fluke at 14"... I posses Food Fish Landing license... ( I am a pin Hooker)


Don't go that way with me I used to be a Pin Hooker. There is no money in Fluke fishing as a pin hooker & that's a fact & you know it. 70 lbs a day or 1000lbs a week. Let me see how many 14" fish are you getting now? I guess your driving a Bentley with all those fish that your getting. How many hours do you have to put in to get your quota? How much a pound are you getting when they are close enough to fish with rod & reel. When they are closer the price goes down but I guess you know that already. Remember I used to do this I was a Pin Hooker & I'm glad I'm no longer one. Also you know there are better options of fish to pin hook for then Fluke. Also all the Pin Hookers I know don't come here to pound their chests they don't have the time. They have better things to do like get ready for tomorrow got to get up early got to get some fish got to pay bills.

shrimpman steve
03-17-2014, 08:33 PM
True, BUT what you fail to understand is that it was at the cost of other states quotas. If Mass can have their own regs and could do it then why not NY? Establish your own vs. impeding on a boundary state, I presume this was the easier way to do something about it vs. concede in other ways??

Very well said!

03-17-2014, 08:38 PM
Don't go that way with me I used to be a Pin Hooker. There is no money in Fluke fishing as a pin hooker & that's a fact & you know it. 70 lbs a day or 1000lbs a week. Let me see how many 14" fish are you getting now? I guess your driving a Bentley with all those fish that your getting. How many hours do you have to put in to get your quota? How much a pound are you getting when they are close enough to fish with rod & reel. When they are closer the price goes down but I guess you know that already. Remember I used to do this I was a Pin Hooker & I'm glad I'm no longer one. Also you know there are better options of fish to pin hook for then Fluke. Also all the Pin Hookers I know don't come here to pound their chests they don't have the time. They have better things to do like get ready for tomorrow got to get up early got to get some fish got to pay bills.

I have a regular job, and only go for fish that puts money in my pocket. You can guess what fish I target. ;)

Fluke can be a good profit if you keep them alive, they are worth $5lb alive.

It all boils down to what connections someone has that makes him a profit. If I went by the dead fish market I would starve, unless we are talking tuna...

Joey Dah Fish
03-17-2014, 10:08 PM
You're all a bunch of blow hards join the Jolly Roger club wear an eye patch hoist the skull and cross bones and STFU :eek:

Reel Class
03-18-2014, 05:04 AM
For hire vs. rec regs? where do I sign up for that? Paul? Capt Adam???

Capt Sal
03-18-2014, 08:42 AM
I have a regular job, and only go for fish that puts money in my pocket. You can guess what fish I target. ;)

Fluke can be a good profit if you keep them alive, they are worth $5lb alive.

It all boils down to what connections someone has that makes him a profit. If I went by the dead fish market I would starve, unless we are talking tuna...

So the truth comes out. RussA is a commercial fisherman! Rumor has it he is a personal friend of Billy Joel the guy who wants to open the stripers up to the Long Island netters!!!

Blackfish Doug
03-18-2014, 09:17 AM
I guess all his NY buddy's feel great about him taking 14" fish while they can only take 18" fish. I gave up pinhooking once I got a full time job. Right now you exposed yourself to this fishing community this is not about getting the fair share. This is about you getting your share & by the way the main reason why the size is 14" for fluke is because most of the fluke being caught now are being caught in very deep water. The mortality rate is not good for returned fish I feel there should be no size limit take what you catch fill your quota & leave the rest alone. That 14" limit was not set for pin hookers it was set for deep water fishing.

03-18-2014, 09:29 AM
So the truth comes out. RussA is a commercial fisherman! Rumor has it he is a personal friend of Billy Joel the guy who wants to open the stripers up to the Long Island netters!!!

The truth comes out? I said this a few times before lol. :)

03-18-2014, 09:35 AM
I guess all his NY buddy's feel great about him taking 14" fish while they can only take 18" fish. I gave up pinhooking once I got a full time job. Right now you exposed yourself to this fishing community this is not about getting the fair share. This is about you getting your share & by the way the main reason why the size is 14" for fluke is because most of the fluke being caught now are being caught in very deep water. The mortality rate is not good for returned fish I feel there should be no size limit take what you catch fill your quota & leave the rest alone. That 14" limit was not set for pin hookers it was set for deep water fishing.

They can go and get the same license I have, it really isn't hard. It's $500 a year.

I didn't expose anything, I have said I am a commercial fisherman before.

Doug it's about the states (NY and NJ) working together to push back... You must not read what I write, because then you would know when I talk it's always trying to get NJ fishermen to work with NY fishermen.

If I took a commercial stance believe me, I wouldn't care about you fishermen, but that's not what I am about. You should go reread what I wrote in the past, I always said to work together.

Blackfish Doug
03-18-2014, 11:16 AM
They can go and get the same license I have, it really isn't hard. It's $500 a year.

I didn't expose anything, I have said I am a commercial fisherman before.

Doug it's about the states (NY and NJ) working together to push back... You must not read what I write, because then you would know when I talk it's always trying to get NJ fishermen to work with NY fishermen.

If I took a commercial stance believe me, I wouldn't care about you fishermen, but that's not what I am about. You should go reread what I wrote in the past, I always said to work together.

The $500 license is for commercial fishing only. You can't fish from a charter boat or party boat legally with that license. Also when your fishing with this license your supposed to sell your fish not keep it. I would say a very good percentage of the fisherman on this board fish from either party boats or charter boats so this is a moot point on this board because the main reason everybody here Fish's here keeps their catch.
My post started with how the Mass regs will effect us all. Why were the regs changed on the Sea Bass? Was it because Mass overfished it's quota last year? What makes you think that this years regs are not going to hurt us big time? Let's see how this plays out but I don't feel it will be in the best interest of the fisherman.
You said in past posts that NY & NJ should work together your right but you know that's not going to happen. By the way I never got to read that it must be on another post. It's hard enough to try to get anything passed you want these states to work together?
Your answer to my original post was your a commercial fisherman? You can keep 14" fish legally do you honestly think that anybody here that fish's from party boats or charter wants to hear that? Yes everybody from here does feel NY has been getting the shaft. So enjoy Your NY pie I just feel it's going to cost us in the end big time in the end.

duranautic al
03-20-2014, 09:19 PM
I have a regular job, and only go for fish that puts money in my pocket. You can guess what fish I target. ;)

Fluke can be a good profit if you keep them alive, they are worth $5lb alive.

It all boils down to what connections someone has that makes him a profit. If I went by the dead fish market I would starve, unless we are talking tuna...

wow...so now your BRAGGING about selling live blackfish to the asians?