View Full Version : Gambler Spring Tile trips and Fall tuna

Charlie Tuna
03-15-2014, 04:58 PM
Hit the show today and saw Captain Bob and the gang.
Booked a bunch of Oct. tuna trips including the NJ 36 hr.
The Gambler has a great schedule instore for the fall. I am sure it will be posted in a few days if you were not able to hit the show.

In addition, there are spring tile trips in April every Saturday leaving 11 pm Friday night.
Get the spots while they avail. Limited to 24 persons per trip.
I'm sure they will be posted in a few days also.

After a long hard winter it's time to get out!

03-15-2014, 06:22 PM
I booked April 5th for Tiles with Bob. It's been a long winter for sure. Looking forward to the trip.

Charlie Tuna
03-17-2014, 06:50 AM
I'm booked for the 5th also so see you then.

Who else out there booked a tile trip over the weekend?