View Full Version : Fluke - 5 Fish Limit for 2014
03-13-2014, 05:20 PM
5 fish limit approved for 2014 by ASMFC today instead of only 4 fish. Size limit will be 18" and we will have a 128 day season that will go from either (most likely options) 5/17-9/21 or 5/23 - 9/27. NJ Marine Fisheries Council will meet 4/3 in Manahawkin to make final decision on season.
shrimpman steve
03-13-2014, 05:33 PM
Good news, thanks Adam!
03-13-2014, 06:07 PM
And we are supposed to be Thank full? 5 fish, 18 inches..... were are all these 18 inch fish supposed to come from? More BS to make you feel better that we could have had only 4 fish or 2 fish or NO FISH.
Stocks are rebuilt, no overfishing has occurred, what's the reward....a size limit that is BS to all of us but you can still fish for them. More dead Fluke going back.
Just got back from Florida, those guys got a break with the Sea Bass (LOL) They can now catch them year round, but they have to be 13 inches!! Saw maybe 8, 13 inch Sea Bass in 6 trips with hundreds of Dead just under going back......nothing changed except the killing time has been increased. The whole system is a mess.
Reel Class
03-13-2014, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the news Adam.
Reel Class
03-13-2014, 06:11 PM
Just got back from Florida, those guys got a break with the Sea Bass (LOL) They can now catch them year round, but they have to be 13 inches!! Saw maybe 8, 13 inch Sea Bass in 6 trips with hundreds of Dead just under going back......nothing changed except the killing time has been increased. The whole system is a mess.
nevermind the patch reefs covered in quality groupers these days :rolleyes:
Foul Hook
03-13-2014, 06:12 PM
Thanks for all the hard work you, "angler paul" and others put into the struggle so shmucks like me are able to go fishing and actually take something home. I tip my hat to you gentlemen!
Capt. Lou
03-13-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks for the info & the work u do for the fishing community .
03-13-2014, 07:02 PM
And we are supposed to be Thank full? 5 fish, 18 inches..... were are all these 18 inch fish supposed to come from? More BS to make you feel better that we could have had only 4 fish or 2 fish or NO FISH.
Stocks are rebuilt, no overfishing has occurred, what's the reward....a size limit that is BS to all of us but you can still fish for them. More dead Fluke going back.
Just got back from Florida, those guys got a break with the Sea Bass (LOL) They can now catch them year round, but they have to be 13 inches!! Saw maybe 8, 13 inch Sea Bass in 6 trips with hundreds of Dead just under going back......nothing changed except the killing time has been increased. The whole system is a mess.
Yes! Where are all those 18 inch fish? All the fish are always a 1/2" too short. And as Captainron said about the dead sea bass. I think 80 plus % short fish die when released. I suck at fluking and because I miss bites and now wait too long and gut hook to many fish with J hooks. Not to change the issue but I am in favor of circle hooks because of the mortality rate. Bucktailing and Gulp do present a problem. So we got one extra fish. Good! Regulate to the max and back off a little and appease the masses. I guess some one is listening to the regionalization decision revolt and decided to throw us a bone.
03-13-2014, 07:16 PM
and we are supposed to be thank full? 5 fish, 18 inches..... Were are all these 18 inch fish supposed to come from? More bs to make you feel better that we could have had only 4 fish or 2 fish or no fish.
Stocks are rebuilt, no overfishing has occurred, what's the reward....a size limit that is bs to all of us but you can still fish for them. More dead fluke going back.
Just got back from florida, those guys got a break with the sea bass (lol) they can now catch them year round, but they have to be 13 inches!! Saw maybe 8, 13 inch sea bass in 6 trips with hundreds of dead just under going back......nothing changed except the killing time has been increased. The whole system is a mess.
new york waters...
Capt Sal
03-13-2014, 07:33 PM
new york waters...
Joke?You are kidding ?
03-13-2014, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the update.
03-13-2014, 07:57 PM
At least we get to keep 5 fish and the longer season.. thanks for the update
03-13-2014, 08:08 PM
Not to change the issue but I am in favor of circle hooks because of the mortality rate.
As an experiment, try using a 6/0, or even an 8/0 Gami Octopus hook. No need for a circle. Fluke have hugh mouths. Try it, no gut hooks, every one hooked in the same place, shorts included. I switched two years ago, never looked back on anything smaller.
Great that we get 5 fish. Still tough on the party boats due to the limitations they may have. But for the charter and private guys this should be awesome!
03-13-2014, 09:01 PM
Great news! Thanks
03-13-2014, 09:49 PM
The fluke grounds have expanded exponentially. There is no more boundary line between NJ & NY. That opens up a lot of bottom. You just have to know where to go. The 1/2 day boats will be limited and may have to go to 3/4 day if they want to fish in NY waters. For everyone else, the prospects are wide open. One extra fish is a kind of moral victory but it's like a hooker offering a 90 year old man a good time. It sounds good but it ain't gonna happen. We're supposed to feel good about getting an extra fish in our coolers so we forget that the size limit was increased. It's a concession that costs the NMFS nothing and makes them look magnanimous. They call it slight of fish. While they are offering you the extra fluke, they are extending the marker at the end of the rulers.
Fish Stix
03-13-2014, 10:06 PM
Well, it's better then 4.
03-13-2014, 10:20 PM
I'm gonna be the glass is half full guy here, but better the limit be 5 than 4, even if the 18" minimum is ridiculous, it's still a small victory for us. We've all been pissed off since they announced the original limit of 4 for 2014, so even though they bent us over with the size limit, at least we kept the original bag limit.
03-13-2014, 10:27 PM
Still should be able to get multiple limits on the Fishermen this summer though....:D
duranautic al
03-13-2014, 10:47 PM
thanks for the good news Capt. Adam...kinda blows that the early opener date might be kinda late for us skinny water flukers...oh well...pretty sure this brutal winter will push everything back a couple weeks
03-13-2014, 11:08 PM
5 18" fish is not going to help me. Never had that in all my life, even when we could keep 6 or 8 fish.
I wish we could have at least one 17" slot fish.
I see this as a BIG success for the commercial industry (who can keep 14" fish, I believe) and a huge let-down for the recreational fishermen
...I suck at fluking and because I miss bites and now wait too long and gut hook to many fish with J hooks...
lol stop doing that then. smh
03-14-2014, 07:07 AM
Haven't we been here before? Is this deja Vu all over again? Couple years ago we were facing what 6 fish at 18". The charter & party boat Captains spoke out to get a lower size limit. "We" gave up a fish to get a 17.5" limit. So, a couple years later, here we are, we never got that fish back and we are still at 18". If this is the progress we can look forward to I figure by the year 2020 we will have 2 fish at 20 inches! On the good side by then I will be in my 70's and, as you can see exact years and numbers already escape me, so 2@20 in 2020 will be easy to remember!
cool hand fluke
03-14-2014, 11:18 AM
Thanks for the update, Capt Adam
03-14-2014, 11:50 AM
NY is loving this!! Charles Schumer went to bat for his anglers! He fought hard and won! Our politicians turned their backs on us! They could care less!
Angler Paul
03-14-2014, 12:29 PM
Fluke and Sea Bass Regulation Update - 3/13/14
On 3/13/13, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council held a special conference call pertaining to fluke and sea bass. The purpose of this call was to discuss and approve management options for the various regions as well as proposed regulatory options for each state. Regarding fluke, New Jersey came out of this as well as c hoped for considering that we are now in a region with New York and Connecticut. Specifically, New Jersey's representatives, Tom Fote (ASMFC) and Tom Baum (NJBMF) argued successfully that we should have a 128 day season and a 5 fish bag limit. There were those who favored a shorter season and/or a 4 fish bag limit. The 18" size limit had previously been approved by all three states in our region. The motion that passed also included two additional provisions. One is that of the 128 day season, no more than 45 days may be during the wave 3 period (May-June). That means that New Jersey's season will begin no sooner than 5/17. We also could begin the season later than that date so that it could be extended further into September, but no later than 9/30. The majority of those in attendance at New Jersey's advisory meeting on 2/27 favored a later start so that the season could be extended further into September. In part that is due to the fact that the season for sea bass will be closed then and with the limit of only one blackfish during that same time, there will be little else for the inshore fishermen to fish for.
The second provision that was approved by the ASMFC is one that would allow a 16" size limit for fluke caught by shore-based anglers in specific areas. However, these areas would have to be properly monitored. Connecticut already has this special regulation in effect and it is now up to New Jersey and New York to develop similar regulations if they wish to do so.
In regard to sea bass, the ASMFC approved options for each region along with various regulatory options for each state. Not much has changed since my last report except that the ASMFC based their decision on the mandated 7% cut set by NMFS. However, the ASMFC also will be writing a letter to NMFS requesting that the reduction be less than 7 %. The 7% cut was in part due to projected wave 6 data (November - December). However, the wave 6 data that recently came out showed that we harvested less fish than had been projected. Therefore, we might be able to cut back by as little as 3.2%. That would mean that our season could be lengthened by a couple of days.
At the advisors meeting on 2/27, a number of options regarding sea bass were considered and a couple new ones were suggested that the NJBMF developed and were since approved by the ASMFC. It is certain that we will have a season that begins on 5/19 with a 12 ˝” size limit. We also know that the season will be closed from 9/18 or sooner through 10/17 or later. There is a strong possibility that the season could be closed by early to mid –August if the bag limit remains high. The options that were on the table at the meeting included those with 12, 15 or 20 fish bag limits. I suggested that the bag limit be reduced to 3-5 fish in July so that the season could be further extended into August or even September. One of the additional options that was approved for consideration is a 15 fish bag limit from 5/19 - 6/30, a 5 fish bag limit from 7/1-8/27 and a 15 fish bag limit from 10/18-12/31. The season will be closed in federal waters from 9/18 - 10/17 so it makes little sense to develop any options that would allow us to fish in state waters only during that time.
The list of various options pertaining to both fluke and sea bass will be coming out soon. Those interested in commenting are encouraged to do so at a special NJMFC council meeting where regulations for both species are expected to be adopted. This meeting will held at 4 PM on April 3rd at the Stafford Township Municipal building located at 260 East Bay Av., Manahawkin.
Paul Haertel
President JCAA
03-14-2014, 01:41 PM
I took my son fishing last year he is 5 years old he cannot believe why I waz throwing hes big flukes back and not fish in he's bucket tell hem the law he was piss toll me dad this suck
Captain Rich
03-14-2014, 06:04 PM
The fluke grounds have expanded exponentially. There is no more boundary line between NJ & NY. That opens up a lot of bottom. You just have to know where to go. The 1/2 day boats will be limited and may have to go to 3/4 day if they want to fish in NY waters. For everyone else, the prospects are wide open. One extra fish is a kind of moral victory but it's like a hooker offering a 90 year old man a good time. It sounds good but it ain't gonna happen. We're supposed to feel good about getting an extra fish in our coolers so we forget that the size limit was increased. It's a concession that costs the NMFS nothing and makes them look magnanimous. They call it slight of fish. While they are offering you the extra fluke, they are extending the marker at the end of the rulers.
"There is no more boundary line between NJ &NY." --Wrong--NJ charter boats have to carry a NY permit to fish NY waters. It used to be around $250-$300, most of us don't carry it, it's not worth the trip up there. If a NJ charter boat gets caught up there without the permit, fahgetabotit,--- big fine. During the spring striper run we stay on the Jersey side of the line. I'm not sure about the party boats needing the permit, but it stands to reason.--Rich
Capt Sal
03-14-2014, 08:45 PM
The fluke grounds have expanded exponentially. There is no more boundary line between NJ & NY. That opens up a lot of bottom. You just have to know where to go. The 1/2 day boats will be limited and may have to go to 3/4 day if they want to fish in NY waters. For everyone else, the prospects are wide open. One extra fish is a kind of moral victory but it's like a hooker offering a 90 year old man a good time. It sounds good but it ain't gonna happen. We're supposed to feel good about getting an extra fish in our coolers so we forget that the size limit was increased. It's a concession that costs the NMFS nothing and makes them look magnanimous. They call it slight of fish. While they are offering you the extra fluke, they are extending the marker at the end of the rulers.
Capt Rich, I think what Billfish is saying is that because the fluke limit and length are both the same for NJ and NY there is no boundary. Other spiecies are different like stripers and porgies. I have payed a fortune over the years for my NY charter permit but I need it because I fish those waters. I pay to fish NY waters with my charters but NY charters and PB boats pay nothing to fish NJ waters!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF-over
03-15-2014, 09:34 AM
Yep thanks Capt. Adam for the great news. Last year you guys down there voted for shorter size and gave back. What happened this year there was no option for 1 fish at 15" and an all year season???
nate chud
03-15-2014, 09:51 AM
if you get 5 fish at 18 you had a great day I haven't got a limit in 2 years
03-15-2014, 10:56 AM
I'll be prepared this year;)
Reel Class
03-15-2014, 01:45 PM
...also exploring the possibility of being able to keep fish of 16" at certain designated shorebound locations.
Clark's dock? :D
All kidding aside, I like it.
Captain Rich
03-15-2014, 02:35 PM
Capt Rich, I think what Billfish is saying is that because the fluke limit and length are both the same for NJ and NY there is no boundary. Other spiecies are different like stripers and porgies. I have payed a fortune over the years for my NY charter permit but I need it because I fish those waters. I pay to fish NY waters with my charters but NY charters and PB boats pay nothing to fish NJ waters!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF-over
Yes I understood where Billfish was going, but that doesn't help us with the permit issue, classic rip-off.
03-15-2014, 05:20 PM
Yes I understood where Billfish was going, but that doesn't help us with the permit issue, classic rip-off.
Can you share the price of this permit?
03-17-2014, 03:41 PM
Would one of the Captains share the price of the permit to fish NY waters?
03-17-2014, 05:25 PM
The whole system is screwed up. You cannot convince me that we over fished our fluke allocation by 47% last year. Many boats and marinas were damaged and I never remember seeing so few boats fishing and the fluke population was much better and bigger in 2012 than in 2013. It annoys the s*** out of me that commercial fishermen can keep the fish I throw back and their size limit has never changed from 14". And the mortality rate on the commercial boats is near 100% When and where were the surveys taken? Why do they ask how many fish were caught and not how many did you keep? They are doing it for fluke, sea bass, winter flounder, blackfish, etc. Like I said the whole system is screwed up and we wind up getting screwed.
03-17-2014, 05:49 PM
The whole system is screwed up. You cannot convince me that we over fished our fluke allocation by 47% last year. Many boats and marinas were damaged and I never remember seeing so few boats fishing and the fluke population was much better and bigger in 2012 than in 2013. It annoys the s*** out of me that commercial fishermen can keep the fish I throw back and their size limit has never changed from 14". And the mortality rate on the commercial boats is near 100% When and where were the surveys taken? Why do they ask how many fish were caught and not how many did you keep? They are doing it for fluke, sea bass, winter flounder, blackfish, etc. Like I said the whole system is screwed up and we wind up getting screwed.
Welcome to the game! Wait it will only get better! :)
You do realize that a safe estimate is 25% of the fluke you throw back die, and that is included into your catch.
03-17-2014, 06:08 PM
Would one of the Captains share the price of the permit to fish NY waters?
We are extorted $250 a year!
03-17-2014, 06:46 PM
Thanks Capt Ron! Would you happen to know what NJ extorts NY to fish their waters?
03-17-2014, 06:49 PM
We are fu♧ked out of 250 $. Then when we renew the permit NY tell me to say we did not fish or land fish in Ny so our fish does not go against thier quota. .
Capt Sal
03-18-2014, 08:54 AM
We are fu♧ked out of 250 $. Then when we renew the permit NY tell me to say we did not fish or land fish in Ny so our fish does not go against thier quota. .
This year when I fill out my trip reports I will say I only fished NY waters and caught a boat limit everyday.
03-18-2014, 05:49 PM
We are fu♧ked out of 250 $. Then when we renew the permit NY tell me to say we did not fish or land fish in Ny so our fish does not go against thier quota. .
Chad, just fill out the form "DID NOT FISH", no hassle from anyone that way.:)
03-18-2014, 07:34 PM
This year when I fill out my trip reports I will say I only fished NY waters and caught a boat limit everyday.
I will pass this info along. :)
Captain Sal Cursi
Cathy Sea Charters
500 HP cc Regulator up to 6 anglers
Cell 732 406 3966
Gerry Zagorski
03-18-2014, 07:51 PM
I will pass this info along. :)
Captain Sal Cursi.
Cathy Sea Charters
500 HP cc Regulator up to 6 anglers
Cell 732 406 3966
RussA is done on this site. Tired of his antagonistic posts and I'm done. I would think the rest of you are too.
Gerry Zagorski
03-18-2014, 08:26 PM
Age does not matter. Attitude and presentation is everything. Positive is great, negative I have no patience for. You either lift the site up with value added contributions like reports or how to stuff, or you drag it down with constant negativity.
03-18-2014, 09:16 PM
RussA is done on this site. Tired of his antagonistic posts and I'm done. I would think the rest of you are too.
Thank you, Gerry....he's a classless moron and won't be missed
03-18-2014, 10:07 PM
Thank You, he added nothing to this great site. He posted a lot but was never a positive addition.
03-18-2014, 10:14 PM
RussA is done on this site. Tired of his antagonistic posts and I'm done. I would think the rest of you are too.
He wont be missed
03-19-2014, 04:40 AM
Age does not matter. Attitude and presentation is everything. Positive is great, negative I have no patience for. You either add value to the site with value added contributions like reports or how to stuff, or you drag it down with constant contrary replies that drag it down.
AMEN!!!!!....A HUGE Thank you for standing up to it....
03-19-2014, 08:05 AM
Age does not matter. Attitude and presentation is everything. Positive is great, negative I have no patience for. You either add value to the site with value added contributions like reports or how to stuff, or you drag it down with constant contrary replies that drag it down.
Thank you Gerry - :)
I was waiting for this for a while
03-19-2014, 08:36 AM
Thank you, Gerry....he's a classless moron and won't be missed
Took the words right out of my mouth!
03-19-2014, 09:22 AM
Just read this above post and said"hmmm wonder if that's RussA they are talkin about?" Great move Gerry!
03-19-2014, 11:03 AM
Good call Gerry.
Blackfish Doug
03-19-2014, 12:38 PM
Good call Gerry nobody is going to miss him.
03-19-2014, 06:00 PM
I dunno, I feel differently I guess.. Yes he could be a pain, but just shit canning the guy?. not so sure, .... I guess its all the glad handing going on.. If it happened to you, you would feel differently.. Gerry makes the decisions of course, and my opinion means nothing, but perhaps a stern public warning might have served the purpose????.. Just my $.02 for whatever little its worth... bob
Blackfish Doug
03-19-2014, 06:09 PM
Bob read my post on the Mass fishing regulations & you will get a good Idea what this guy was all about.
03-19-2014, 07:36 PM
Bob read my post on the Mass fishing regulations & you will get a good Idea what this guy was all about.
BD.. Yes, I did follow it, although I didn't comment.. Yes he WAS acting a bit like an arrogant jackass, but I still hate to see anyone get banned for being a PITA... I'm a softie I guess.. just getting old .... bob
03-22-2014, 06:32 PM
I disagreed with most of what RussA had to say, but I don't think his position was unreasonable per se. Since when did being "contrary" become a bannable offense?
I guess the question answers itself.
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