View Full Version : Hooked on Panama Lodge 2/15-2/23

02-24-2014, 05:42 PM
Spent the week down at Hooked on Panama lodge. Beat out the storm last Saturday in time and we came back just in time for temperatures to drop. With 5 days of fishing, I will try and keep the report as short as I can. Will upload some pictures later today, the Go Pro pics and videos will come later. This lodge is located right at the Costa Rica/Panama border. I apologize for the length and if you see the report again on another site.

Day 1 Offshore - put out first line in the water and had a sailfish on it immediately. That was a sign to come. Could not even give you a number to how many Sailfish we saw. We caught them, missed them, watched them, pitched baits to them, watched them swim on surface and watched them free jump all day. In between all the action with Sails, we also landed some nice Mahi all in the 20-25lb class.

Day 2 Offshore - morning was again alive with Sailfish. Same scenario as day 1, we put some spinning gear out to pitch live baits while we were hooked up, this made the fights last longer but also caused us to lose some fish as we'll. We again picked Mahi in 20-25lb class but I added a bull of about 50-55lbs. Around midday we found the spinner dolphins and whales feeding on krill. We snuck up to see yellowfin of mixed sizes and Mahi swimming amongst the mammals. Broke out the poppers, had a few misses and then bam! Landed approx 140lb Yellowfin on a popper. The life fizzled out there and it was back to playing with the Sails and Mahi. At one point we had 3 Sails and a Blue Marlin up. I dropped the ballyhoo back and after burning my thumb hooked up. Fish went ballistic jumping towards the boat through the pattern. Broke him off when line got wrapped in the roller. Guessed around 250-300lbs.

Day 3 Offshore - had a quick flurry of Sails but action was not like day 1 and 2. Found the spinner dolphins again and saw Mahi and tuna again swimming amongst them. Popped a few smaller tuna but no love from the cows. Rest of the day was a slower but steady pick of Sails and Mahi. Managed a triple header of nice bull Mahi's.

Day 4 Inshore - ran out to Las Dronas islands. Trolled some Bonito for bait and got in close to the rocks to start. While we slow trolled all around, we also popped and jigged. Got a decent Cubera Sanpper, a load of jacks and a mix of snappers while we did this. Had 3 porpoise grab our livies and then we had to go find more live bait. The bonito we were catching at the islands were too small for bait according to our captain. So we did some more popping catching more jacks but saw some Cubera's chasing the poppers. A boat in the area was having luck on the drop off with wahoo. So we put out the spread and started to troll. We caught some more jacks and watched 3 wahoo crash and miss the plugs, they came completely out of the water. Finally with time running down, we landed a 30-35lb wahoo in the boat.

Day 5 Captains choice - caught some live bait but watched a front come through. Some showers to the north, wind and the southern edge had water spouts forming (which is where our guide originally wanted to go). He said it was a good time to fish for roosters while we waited for weather to move off. Again slow trolling live bait while we popped and jigged. Caught some jacks, missed a Cubera and a Rooster on poppers to start. Live bait goes off and my buddy Steve got on rod. He landed about a 70lb Roosterfish. We worked along the rocks and shoals up the Costa Rica coast. Caught some more jacks, can't decided to change things up. We dropped for Grouper but no love. Ran offshore to troll. It was slow. A few Mahi, a Sail or two and some window shopper. Decided to spend last couple hours at point for Rooster again. Landed more jacks on poppers and then Steve again had the luck when a Roosterfish crashed his popper. Ended the trip on that note.

Great trip though I wish we landed a Marlin. We caught 14 different species, seeing many more. Can not say enough great things about the staff, owners and crew. Boats were 33 foot twin diesels that the lodge made. Great set up for fishing down there with plenty of room for fishing and popping and provided plenty of shade when needed. Feel free to ask any questions about the fishing or lodge. Will post some pictures later. Great trip! Has me eager for season to start up here.

02-24-2014, 05:51 PM
Some pictures

02-24-2014, 05:52 PM

02-24-2014, 05:54 PM
One more, new to site will figure out the picture thing

02-24-2014, 05:55 PM
One more

02-24-2014, 06:35 PM
Sounds like an epic trip!! Awesome report

02-24-2014, 06:41 PM
Nice report. I'll be there 8 days end of March

02-25-2014, 08:47 AM
Wow, some trip. Never again apologize for the length of a report like that. I could have read about a few more days.