View Full Version : Hi-Mar Annual Spring Striped Bass Fishing Tournament

02-17-2014, 10:30 AM
Honoring our Armed Forces”
(Additional trophies to be awarded to any active service personnel or Veteran fishing the tournament.)

The Hi-Mar Striper club conducts one of the premier striped bass tournaments in North Jersey.

This year’s Spring Tournament will be on Saturday, 05/17/14, from 5:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M at Bahrs Landing Restaurant, 2 Bay Avenue, Highlands / Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 732-872-1245.

Tournament Info:

Applications may be picked up at most tackle shops and mailed in or by signing up at the captain’s meeting May 16th beginning at 5:30pm at Bahrs Landing Restaurant. (Applications will be available, for download, at www.Hi-mar.com soon.)

Single day tournament format

Entry fee is $125 per boat, max 6 persons fishing

A mandatory captain’s meeting on Friday, May 16th at 7:00pm at Bahrs Landing Restaurant, 2 Bay Avenue, Highlands, NJ

No lines in water before 5:30 AM. HONOR SYSTEM

Weigh-In’s will be from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Bahrs Landing Restaurant

To find out more information about the event, just call the tournament director: Joe Tomaszewski at (908) 514-0776 or send an e-mail to springtournament@hi-mar.com

02-26-2014, 08:13 AM
We had a Spring Tournament Committee meeting last night. A lot of good guys working hard to get this tournament back up & running after taking last year off. I was impressed, about 2 1/2 months to go & we already have boats entered!

Another thing that the guys asked me to mention is our New Supper 50/50 Raffle. So, here it is:

This year we have replaced our Super Prize Raffle with a Super 50/50 raffle. The ticket price is still $5.00 and ticket sales will run for almost 8 months, with the drawing to be held at our Fall Tournament. Now, instead of winning a Rod or Reel, or a weekend in the Poconos, you could win more than enough to buy all of that & more! Just see any Hi-Mar member to purchase tickets.

Remember funds earned from this raffle and our other events go toward helping us set up trips for Kids, Vets, and active duty Military.

shrimpman steve
02-26-2014, 05:22 PM
Dirty shrimp will be in it to win it:D

Weather permitting

04-02-2014, 12:34 PM
Just a reminder that I will be available to pick up any merchandise donated for the Captains' Meeting door prizes. Just sned me a msg. or email at rsfd1@aol.com & I will get to you ASAP!

04-04-2014, 02:54 AM
Count the Rusty 1 in....we may be a small boat but we have big hearts

Tuna Tales
05-07-2014, 08:56 AM

Also...thank you for all of the support and donations so far...very much appreciated!

This tournament is held to honor our veterans/active military as well help fund our charitable fishing trips such as:

Hooked On Fishing - Not On Drugs
Big Brothers - Big Sisters of NJ
Veterans/Active Military
Juvenille Diabetes of NJ

Hope to see all of you enter this year!


Joe T.

Tim B
05-12-2014, 09:01 PM
anyone fishing the hi-mar tourney this weekend?

Capt Derek Fisher Price 3
05-12-2014, 10:36 PM
We will be there

05-13-2014, 06:59 PM

I am more of a bottom fisherman at heart but will be supporting this years tournment being you guys at the Hi Mar supported me and my small cause and do alot of great things to support others in need. Will be fishing with my friend Raul on his Cape Horn. He has one a few tournaments in the past so i am in good hands.

Good luck to all for supporting a great club.

05-13-2014, 07:50 PM
I will be fishing it. First time fishing this particular tournament. looking like its going to be a big turn out!! looking forward to a good day of fishing and a good cause

Tim B
05-16-2014, 06:19 AM
Just a reminder, you can still sign up tonight before the Captain's meeting between 530-7pm at Bahrs.