View Full Version : Extended Winter Flounder Season?

02-12-2014, 12:17 PM
I think this may have been lost in all the talk about Summer Flounder/Fluke Regs.? There was an article in yesterday's (2/11/14) Asbury Park Press. In the article John Oswald stated 'the Atlantic States MArine Fisheries Commission's Winter Flounder Management Board set specifications for the 2014 recreational season, extending it from March 1 to December 31 for the Gulf of Maine and the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic stocks with a two-fish limit at 12 inches. This si an expansion from the current 60-day recreational open season."

"How this change will affect New Jersey fishermen is up to the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Commission." "New Jersey can adopt the new specifications, stay with the current winter flounder season, or come up with a new option."

I don't know about the rest of you people but I fish for Ling quite a lot. During those trips we catch a good amount of big Flounder. It sure would be nice to take some flounder fillets home, with my Ling fillets, instead of having to toss those 3-4 pounders back!

I know, in the past, I have stated that I have given up on the system but I am willing to give it one more shot. The next meeting of the NJ MFC is March 6th., How about we get some letters out to the commission asking them to help alieve the pain of the fluke regs?

Sorry to say I couldn't come up with a working email but the regular mail address is: Bureau of Marine Fisheries, P.O. Box 418, Port Republic, NJ 08241

02-12-2014, 12:29 PM
I think this may have been lost in all the talk about Summer Flounder/Fluke Regs.? There was an article in yesterday's (2/11/14) Asbury Park Press. In the article John Oswald stated 'the Atlantic States MArine Fisheries Commission's Winter Flounder Management Board set specifications for the 2014 recreational season, extending it from March 1 to December 31 for the Gulf of Maine and the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic stocks with a two-fish limit at 12 inches. This si an expansion from the current 60-day recreational open season."

"How this change will affect New Jersey fishermen is up to the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Commission." "New Jersey can adopt the new specifications, stay with the current winter flounder season, or come up with a new option."

I don't know about the rest of you people but I fish for Ling quite a lot. During those trips we catch a good amount of big Flounder. It sure would be nice to take some flounder fillets home, with my Ling fillets, instead of having to toss those 3-4 pounders back!

I know, in the past, I have stated that I have given up on the system but I am willing to give it one more shot. The next meeting of the NJ MFC is March 6th., How about we get some letters out to the commission asking them to help alieve the pain of the fluke regs?

Sorry to say I couldn't come up with a working email but the regular mail address is: Bureau of Marine Fisheries, P.O. Box 418, Port Republic, NJ 08241

That would be awesome. Couple of trips we've done in the past. Throwing back those fatties were heart breaking! Thanks for sharing Ron....:D

Angler Paul
02-12-2014, 12:51 PM
I posted info., on this before. The ASMFC approved having no closed season for winter flounder. It is now up to the NJMFC to adopt a regulation reflecting the change. I contacted a NJMFC member and asked if this might be expedited so that the season could open sooner. He expects the council to approve a 365 day season but they do not intend to take action on this until their Mach meeting. Then is must be signed by the DEP Commisioner before it becomes law. Therfore, I do not expect the season to open earlier this year than in the past but once it is open it should remain open for the rest of the year. Lastly, no changes in the bag or size limit are anticipated.

Paul Haertel
President, JCAA

02-12-2014, 01:09 PM
I posted info., on this before. The ASMFC approved having no closed season for winter flounder. It is now up to the NJMFC to adopt a regulation reflecting the change. I contacted a NJMFC member and asked if this might be expedited so that the season could open sooner. He expects the council to approve a 365 day season but they do not intend to take action on this until their Mach meeting. Then is must be signed by the DEP Commisioner before it becomes law. Therfore, I do not expect the season to open earlier this year than in the past but once it is open it should remain open for the rest of the year. Lastly, no changes in the bag or size limit are anticipated.

Paul Haertel
President, JCAA

So are you saying there is no need to write? This is a done deal and we can save our stamps.

Angler Paul
02-12-2014, 02:21 PM
That is the impression I got from the councilman who I spoke with. However, it would not hurt to write a letter or go to the next meeting and ask the NJMFC to approve this change

02-12-2014, 02:53 PM
That is the impression I got from the councilman who I spoke with. However, it would not hurt to write a letter or go to the next meeting and ask the NJMFC to approve this change

Yea, funny thing about those meetings, 4:00 PM Galloway Twp. I can make it, since I'm retired & have time to do it, if I can find it. But how does a working stiff make it?

I already sent my letter.

02-12-2014, 04:15 PM
They really do not want you to go!!!

Foul Hook
02-12-2014, 04:39 PM
I posted info., on this before. The ASMFC approved having no closed season for winter flounder. It is now up to the NJMFC to adopt a regulation reflecting the change. I contacted a NJMFC member and asked if this might be expedited so that the season could open sooner. He expects the council to approve a 365 day season but they do not intend to take action on this until their Mach meeting. Then is must be signed by the DEP Commisioner before it becomes law. Therfore, I do not expect the season to open earlier this year than in the past but once it is open it should remain open for the rest of the year. Lastly, no changes in the bag or size limit are anticipated.

Paul Haertel
President, JCAA

Thanks Capt. I hope this is retroactive so I can keep the ones I already ate!;):rolleyes::D Again I thank you for your time and information.

Blackfish Doug
02-12-2014, 06:14 PM
I'm ecstatic over this news I may not even bother Fluking. I know one thing there are no shorts where I Flounder fish. I can't wait I have enjoyed Flounder fishing just as much as Blackfishing. The Flounder will fill in the gaps between seasons just nicely.

02-13-2014, 09:49 AM
2 would be great, I toss a lot back ling fishing

Gerry Zagorski
02-13-2014, 10:47 AM
Pretty interesting that for the most part Flounder fishing has been dismal the past few years and Fluking has improved.... They tighten regs on Fluke and want to open up Flounder :confused:

I guess this is one time where the stupidity works in our favor :rolleyes:

02-13-2014, 11:22 AM
Flounder fishing has been great, just not in the spring in the back bays.

Gerry Zagorski
02-13-2014, 11:36 AM
Flounder fishing has been great, just not in the spring in the back bays.

I fish Sandy Hook and Raritan Bays as well as the Rivers in the back... Years back it used to be lights out. Past few years it's been dead.

We have caught a few on the SH Reef and the Rocks fishing for Blackfish in the fall.

02-13-2014, 02:57 PM
Can't wait for it to open up. Stopped by a tackle shop yesterday to pick up some hooks and make some rigs. Does anyone think they will be biting by opening day? The weather is suppose to warm up a little next week.

02-13-2014, 06:10 PM
i gave up on them so if they come up with something it would make me a happy man winter flounder yum:D

02-13-2014, 06:37 PM
I fish Sandy Hook and Raritan Bays as well as the Rivers in the back... Years back it used to be lights out. Past few years it's been dead.

We have caught a few on the SH Reef and the Rocks fishing for Blackfish in the fall.

I have caught more 2-4lb. flounder in the last 4-5 years than I ever did. Just had to toss them back because it was out of season! Last year my secret bait worked wonders!

02-13-2014, 06:44 PM
Why does NJ allow fyke nets?

I mean they do a lot of damage to flounder.

I don't get NJ...

Reel Class
02-16-2014, 06:11 AM
...Just saw this!

Having the "season" opened from March-December would be fantastic; all those big snowshoes we catch during the summer ling fishing out in the hole can go right in the cooler instead of swimming back down to the bottom!

02-16-2014, 07:54 AM
I would have rathered a normal season with a higher daily bag limit.
flounder are one of the most expensive fish to target.

used to be the great yearly kick off.
even when making your own chum, its alot of work for a meager 2 fish per person.
I would have thought with all these reduced seasons for 6 years already that the stocks would have been rebuilt alot better

02-16-2014, 08:52 AM
Is the new season confirmed for sure?


02-16-2014, 12:36 PM
I would have rathered a normal season with a higher daily bag limit.
flounder are one of the most expensive fish to target.

used to be the great yearly kick off.
even when making your own chum, its alot of work for a meager 2 fish per person.
I would have thought with all these reduced seasons for 6 years already that the stocks would have been rebuilt alot better


Couldn't agree with you more. I remember growing up in the 70's and 80's I'd fish with my family all winter long for flounder, even with three feet of snow on the ground. We always caught fish. This was from the shore, not a boat with 10 lbs of chum! Fished mostly Shark River at what is now the boat launch, and when the fish moved out of there we headed to a street parallel with the Pt Pleasant Canal, think it was Maxon St. When the flounder migration was in full gear, we'd fish the wall at the Pt Pleasant Inlet or fish the at the Shark River Inlet. It was common to catch 40 to 50 flounder a day and remember some trips pushing a hundred or more fish. We never took that many as mom and dad were sticklers about taking only what we could eat. My point is there were just as many recreational guys fishing those days and the flounder fishing EVERY year was just lights out. You'd catch, many 2, 3 and 4 lb fish and you would equally catch MANY what we called postage stamps....small flounder that could barely swallow a blood or sand worm. Very solid cross section of varying years classes which is one sign of a very healthy fishery.

And now we have today. I can't help but think once again that our beloved flounder fishery has succumb to the commercial netting pressures while off shore. Back in the 70's and 80's there were just as many bass and blues around so I don't think the fall off in this fishery is due to predatory changes in the food chain. Like whiting and every other species we discuss, if you don't protect the stock and eat into the critical mass needed to perpetuate their numbers, you end up with what we have today. It couldn't be any sadder than what has happened with the flounder stock as they ALWAYS represented the beginning of the season, were great for families to fish, excellent fish to get your children started in the sport (plentiful and easy to catch) and they could reel them in, you didn't back then have to spend an arm and a leg to fish for them and a boat wasn't necessary. It was a tradition of sorts for many families to dust off the cob webs of winter and prepare for the season ahead. PLUS they are absolutely great table fare, far better in my opinion than their cousin the fluke!

It's disgusting to be talking about 1 - 2 fish creel limits, closed seasons, sand and blood worms which cost a dollar a piece to use for bait (one of the most insane things I've ever witnessed) and a resource which is a shadow of what it once was and what it still could be if this world got it's act together. One by one we see these very important resources pushed to the brink and nothing ever seems to change. Sad we never learn from our mistakes! Would still look forward to an open season with 2 fish but man it's beyond belief what has happened to this fishery! And as Hammer pointed out in his earlier post, this is after a series of closed seasons! I still wonder what goes on of shore during these closed seasons!


Capt Sal
02-16-2014, 06:29 PM
Sad part is we think there doing us a favor!

Blackfish Doug
02-16-2014, 10:10 PM
The are still there you just got to be in the right place at the right time of the year. Nobody really fishes for them anymore I can't understand why? I can be very happy with 2 fish Jerry on the Monger used to fish early in the season for them. I loved those trips we always limited out & I never had a problem getting my limit of tasty fillets of nice sized flatties. I hope he does it again I know that when you fish for the stripers back in the keyport flats by the clam boats there are flounder mixed in with the bass you just got to fish for them.

Capt Sal
02-17-2014, 09:58 AM
The are still there you just got to be in the right place at the right time of the year. Nobody really fishes for them anymore I can't understand why? I can be very happy with 2 fish Jerry on the Monger used to fish early in the season for them. I loved those trips we always limited out & I never had a problem getting my limit of tasty fillets of nice sized flatties. I hope he does it again I know that when you fish for the stripers back in the keyport flats by the clam boats there are flounder mixed in with the bass you just got to fish for them.

Doug, Did it for decades but at two flounder nobody want's to book a charter exclusively for flounder.If we are bass fishing on the Keyport flats we put a couple flounder rods out in April.As many charter boat capts. have expressed ''flounder bait is the most expensive''.Chum logs and worms are a fortune.Flat of worms,16 chum logs,bag of mussels=$80-$100.Ouch!!!!

Blackfish Doug
02-19-2014, 06:59 AM
Doug, Did it for decades but at two flounder nobody want's to book a charter exclusively for flounder.If we are bass fishing on the Keyport flats we put a couple flounder rods out in April.As many charter boat capts. have expressed ''flounder bait is the most expensive''.Chum logs and worms are a fortune.Flat of worms,16 chum logs,bag of mussels=$80-$100.Ouch!!!!

I agree the bait prices are expensive but if your chumming for the bass you don't need the logs. I used to use just the stings of fresh clams. I also used to die the strings ahead of time & re freeze the clams in no salt so they come out soft. I also used shedder oil on them before freezing them as well. This worked out very well. I also used to make my own chum logs out of cat food & yellow rice very easy to do & not very expensive either. But if I do bass fish this spring I'm bringing a flounder rod & I'm dead sticking it looking for the flaties. Just leave he price on the worms for your customers to pay for. Tell them there is the possibility of some flounder in the mix with the bass if you want pay the for the worms buy them ahead of time. Also I have caught the flounder on gulp bloodworms they work & I even caught them on nightcrawlers as well both inexpensive alternatives that do work.

03-06-2014, 10:31 AM
Today is the day. The New Jersey Marine Fisheries Commission is expected to approve a year round season at their meeting today, March 6th. If signed it still has to be signed off by DEo Comish. Let's get 'er done!

03-06-2014, 02:03 PM
Anyone offering a flounder trip? head boat or Charter?

03-06-2014, 02:10 PM
I would assume if it is open in the summer, the Paramount will be making a drop or two on the 10 1/2 hr trips to try to get people their two jumbos.

03-06-2014, 05:51 PM
Is there a chance it will open up tomorrow or do we still have to wait a couple of weeks ?

03-06-2014, 08:18 PM
Federal waters are open State water has to go before DEP and then be voted on may not be till end of this season

03-07-2014, 02:28 PM
So I guess we have till the vote right?


03-07-2014, 03:17 PM
From another post, by Angler Paul, under the Fluke Regs. thread.

"At the NJMFC meeting on 3/6/14 the council voted in favor of a winter flounder season that will extend from 3/1 – 12/31. However, the regulation has to be written, reviewed and then signed by the DEP Commissioner before it becomes law. The winter flounder season is currently scheduled to open on 3/23 and it is doubtful that the Commissioner will sign it before that date. However, if he does so, the NJBMF will promptly announce the earlier opening. The bag and size limits will remain the same, 2 fish at 12”."

03-07-2014, 11:08 PM
He's a busy guy - he cant be rushed on the small stuff.