02-09-2014, 07:06 PM
Please help me understand. My math just doesn't add up to any numbers that make sense. #1 The commercials were allotted 11,440,000lbs. last year. The recreational anglers were to get 40% of that or about 4,576,000 lbs. Are those figures correct? I read that the recreational quota for this season is about 947,000 lbs. If that is 40% of the commercial totals, the commercial quota would be about 2,350,000 lbs. Where do these numbers come from? # 2 When you do the math for commercial quotas ( for last year), each commercial boat could conceivably harvest 760,000 lbs. for the entire year. That's one boat! Look at the commercial fluke quotas for NJ for 2013 What am I missing? At that rate, if only 15 commercial boats from Cape May to Belford took their limits for the year, their total catch would be 11,476,000 lbs. Am I missing something? #3 If the commercials can land 11 million pounds of fluke and the recreational guys are supposed to get 40% of that, then we are being shorted by over 3.6 million pounds. There are others out there who are much more versed in all of this so please excuse my elementary reasoning; but please help me out.