View Full Version : Keeping short fluke

team heat
02-08-2014, 01:27 PM
Im confused.Over the last few years Ive read on here all the posts about Asians keeping short blackfish on the jettys and everyone saying call the game wardens and posting phone numbers for fish and game to turn them in.Now that they want to reduce the bag limit on fluke Im readind how alot of people on here want to do the same thing as the Asians are doing.Seems to me we would just be adding to the problem instead of trying to figure out a better way of solving the issue of lower bag limits.

02-08-2014, 01:41 PM
Im confused.Over the last few years Ive read on here all the posts about Asians keeping short blackfish on the jettys and everyone saying call the game wardens and posting phone numbers for fish and game to turn them in.Now that they want to reduce the bag limit on fluke Im readind how alot of people on here want to do the same thing as the Asians are doing.Seems to me we would just be adding to the problem instead of trying to figure out a better way of solving the issue of lower bag limits.

I'm not sure what thread you were reading no one mentioned anything about keeping short Fluke. They reduced the bag limit to 4 Fluke at 18". Most of the guys and I, said we will keep what we catch. It sounds like we're saying anything. Speaking for myself and others we meant anything 18" and over.....

team heat
02-08-2014, 02:53 PM
If you read the post 2014 fluke regulations youll see what im talking about Statements like my frying pan doesnt have a size limit or on my boat i make my own rules etc are what im talking about.I dont want to single any one person out and i can understand their frustration.

02-08-2014, 03:08 PM
Just call me Charlie Chan

02-08-2014, 03:16 PM
Just call me Charlie Chan

LMAO!!! Too damn funny! :D

02-08-2014, 03:21 PM
If you read the post 2014 fluke regulations youll see what im talking about Statements like my frying pan doesnt have a size limit or on my boat i make my own rules etc are what im talking about.I dont want to single any one person out and i can understand their frustration.

People just frustrated with all these bullsh*t regulations. Then you have people posting. "I'll be happy with 2 fish at 17 1/2". :eek: Really?? Don't worry your wish will probably come true next year. Just keep giving these idiots more ideas....

02-08-2014, 03:38 PM
Im confused.Over the last few years Ive read on here all the posts about Asians keeping short blackfish on the jettys and everyone saying call the game wardens and posting phone numbers for fish and game to turn them in.Now that they want to reduce the bag limit on fluke Im readind how alot of people on here want to do the same thing as the Asians are doing.Seems to me we would just be adding to the problem instead of trying to figure out a better way of solving the issue of lower bag limits.

Everyone is disgusted.. I personally will take some fluke home. i will set my own limits. They will be more than reasonable, believe me, I am NOT hungry for fish. If there were really problems with the stock, I might reconsider my thoughts. When the commercials are also restricted tp 18 inch fish along the range of the summer flounder, I will abide by the rules as BIG BROTHER has "written" them.... also,From here on, starting this season, no longer will I throw back almost dead , badly bleeding gut hooked fluke, even if I have to cook and eat them on my boat.... That video of the commercial netter pushing hundreds of nice fat dead fluke off the deck of his boat nauseated me... Sorry , I will NO LONGER feel guilty about bringing home a few fluke.. I have had enough.Let them catch me... Sorry if you disagree, ... btw, blacks are in a LOT more trouble than the fluke are... bob

02-08-2014, 04:08 PM
Hi y'all,

Brand new to posting on this site but have been following for a while. I stummnled on this thread and am really upset by the fact that is seems like people plan to make there own ysarlimits and disrespect the law and law biding citizens. I noticed a trend as of the last few years more and more people throwing that questionable size fish in there cooler and even some mates and captains turning a blind eye to these actions. It saddens me to see such a wonderful past time being ruined by so many. I believe it is time for honest fisherman to start policing there own. Looks like I'll be helping the state make some $ with turning in these dispicable cowards.

WhaleFart Out



NJ Dave
02-08-2014, 04:23 PM
It saddens me to see such a wonderful past time being ruined by so many.
I believe the "so many" are the commercial rock hoppers and gill netters not the guy keeping a just so close fish or the gill bleeding short that would be returned to sink and die. Its not like we don't know what goes on on the other side of this game. I understand everyone has a job to do but the commercial fishery is absurd.
The worse the regs get on our end the more people will get frustrated knowing what really goes on in the big nets and will do what they have to do to put food on the plate. Not saying everyone but its going to get worse.
Last night for dinner a restaraunt was serving two whole grilled sole for $17.99.
When I got my dish the fish were about 12 inches.
Its obsurd what goes on out there.

02-08-2014, 04:53 PM
Alright ive kept my cool for the last couple yrs now! You pirate flag flying and to put it straight up and foward so theres no mistaken this are freaking morons you have ruined the saltwater board for me and im sure many others with your hypocracy bulls#%t! Come at me see if i give two flying gulls! Teamheat maybe you can push some knowledge into their heads i think its like beating a dead horse tho! Wha wha wha whine on landies!

02-08-2014, 05:20 PM
Man its been a long and really cold winter. Just didn't realize it was THIS long and cold! Guys chomping at the bit to argue with someone! All good I guess, gives ya something to do till the thaw.

For the record, yup, I'm keeping some fluke for the table that are "close". IMO the rec guys aren't the problem and keeping a 17 3/4" fish isn't going to kill the fishery.

I'm no rat, so reporting guys just aint my style either.

Although I'm confused over the whole pirate flag thing? Did pirates keep short or out of season fish? Were there regs back then?...:rolleyes:

I'm done commenting. Have fun arguing boys.

02-08-2014, 05:23 PM
personally i think their should be different regulations for those fishing inlets and jettys, there odds of catching legal size fish are much slimmer than the chances of us fishing on a boat. and a lot of them look like they are truly trying to feed themselves…..

02-08-2014, 05:25 PM
The size is not the issue.. the bag limit is..

shrimpman steve
02-08-2014, 05:39 PM
I always have abided by the rules. But what do you do when those making the rules are corrupt? Yes corrupt, they clearly ignored the will of the people as they do year after year.

You rebel and revolt.

02-08-2014, 06:12 PM
A old timer said to me when the first fluke regs came out years ago "They are going to make outlaws out of all of us". Now I can see it happening. Whalefart the name fits

team heat
02-08-2014, 11:15 PM
Hey shrimpman it seems to me the only way to deal with a these lousy politiians is to play there own dirty game.why dont the chater and party boats charge a little more and donate the extra money to our own political action corp.A 501c corp and start handing out campaign contribuions to all theiese dirty politicitians.All of uf recreational fisherman could send in donations or give at flea markets fishing shows etc.Maybe we could all buy hats,tee shirts and all that kind of stuff and donate the money.You could even include sporting good stores and bait and tackle shops to to have a jar at the counter to donate or charge a little more and donate that also to these crooks.Just trying to think of somethind thats not been tried before because forming the RFA,writing letters and rallys didnt work.I say pay the bastards off.

02-09-2014, 12:32 AM
size isn't the issue. we gave up a fish to go to 17.5 which i hated because i was always taught not to give up the bag limit because its never coming back, but i was happy for the guys in the southern ports of nj, as 18 inch fish are much harder to come by but i knew in the long run it would f#ck us all & now north & south we all lost a fish & gained .5 inches.Ny feels victorious & Nj feels defeated it just sucks all around. My biggest complaint is with the bag limit now at 4 my tomato plants are going to be hurting as whole fluke carcasses make the best fertilizer.

Reel Class
02-09-2014, 07:47 AM
the whole entire system flat-out sucks and any reasonable solution that comes as a result of REAL science based on REAL numbers will be shunned by any decision maker since it doesn't favor the big $$$ corporations that are now, for all intents and purposes, running this country...

So many anglers in this state and along our coast feel defeated at this point - it's a sad state of affairs :(

Capt. JJ
02-09-2014, 08:59 AM
Simple solution if youre a charter boat captain:

Go to Belford. Buy 20 fresh, legally-caught, commercial fluke.....meh....about 15". Keep your receipt.

Take your 6 pack charter out...let em catch and release all the freaking short, 17.85", fluke they want...all day long, keeping the 4-5 legits in the box.

Let them take the 20 keepers home....this way, everyone keeps some meat. Charge a bit more to the charter up front to pay for the Belford meat.

Oh wait:

This would throw business to a bunch of other "pirates".

Ok....where were those Asian jettys again with the "keep what you catch" rules??????


(As always, this message is meant purely for fun and not to be confused as anything remotely serious. Except for the part about the "keep what you catch" jettys)

02-09-2014, 09:10 AM
I just finished doing my taxes. I paid a little over $26K state and federal. I generally throw back 90 percent of the fish I catch on any given day. If I want to eat fish on a particular day. I will keep it whatever the size. The fishery problem is not with the recreational community, it is the commercials and and the political appointee's that manage them and us.

02-09-2014, 09:11 AM
Make sure to sign the Saltwater Registry so they can twist those numbers against you also.

I actually want to get caught now, so I can follow the money trail and where it leads to. But if I don't pay the fine, will I not be allowed to go fishing in the Atlantic ocean ?

02-09-2014, 09:22 AM
The charter and party boats are the ones who are really suffering, this is their livelyhood. Their expenses don't go down with the regs. just their income. Tragic, there is a total disregard for the businessman, you wouldn't believe what the draggers kill, a joke.

02-09-2014, 09:32 AM
Consider this:
The stock has been called "rebuilt" by fisheries managers
Cutting this years bag limit and increasing size is more about politics (Schumer and the fluke fairness act) than it is about fisheries management.

I went to the meetings, i submitted comments, i even read all of the written comments on the ASFMC website. Option 3, which got us to this point, was strongly opposed by most of the written and verbal comments. It just wrong the council ignored what we asked them to do and caved to politicians.

The guys that are unhappy with and threaten to turn in fellow anglers that say publicly they will keep what they catch is part of the problem.

I see no problem with keeping a gut hooked short and applying it to my limit. I actually look forward to taking a picture of the fish, getting a violation and going in front of a judge with my picture.

02-09-2014, 09:55 AM
Great way to join and make friends by threatening rat out your fellow recreational fisherman. Do you often rat out people?
I believe we shoud be self regualted as in we get to make our own regualtions, not being forced by our government telling us what, when and how big of flish we can keep.
Name me one fishery, except striped bass, where the fishery has A) been rebuilt and regulations liberalized B) fishery regualtions have actually helped?
Winter flounder - No (B)
Summer flounder No (A)
Weakfish - No
Blackfish - No (B)
Seabass - (A)
Hi y'all,

Brand new to posting on this site but have been following for a while. I stummnled on this thread and am really upset by the fact that is seems like people plan to make there own ysarlimits and disrespect the law and law biding citizens. I noticed a trend as of the last few years more and more people throwing that questionable size fish in there cooler and even some mates and captains turning a blind eye to these actions. It saddens me to see such a wonderful past time being ruined by so many. I believe it is time for honest fisherman to start policing there own. Looks like I'll be helping the state make some $ with turning in these dispicable cowards.

WhaleFart Out



02-09-2014, 09:55 AM
Great way to join and make friends by threatening rat out your fellow recreational fisherman. Do you often rat out people?
I believe we shoud be self regualted as in we get to make our own regualtions, not being forced by our government telling us what, when and how big of flish we can keep.
Name me one fishery, except striped bass, where the fishery has A) been rebuilt and regulations liberalized B) fishery regualtions have actually helped?
Winter flounder - No (B)
Summer flounder No (A)
Weakfish - No
Blackfish - No (B)
Seabass - (A)

02-09-2014, 10:51 AM
Great way to join and make friends by threatening rat out your fellow recreational fisherman. Do you often rat out people?
I believe we shoud be self regualted as in we get to make our own regualtions, not being forced by our government telling us what, when and how big of flish we can keep.
Name me one fishery, except striped bass, where the fishery has A) been rebuilt and regulations liberalized B) fishery regualtions have actually helped?
Winter flounder - No (B)
Summer flounder No (A)
Weakfish - No
Blackfish - No (B)
Seabass - (A)

Couldn't agree more! His name fits him well.....:D:D

02-09-2014, 10:59 AM
I wonder if Whalefart turns himself in when he drives over the speed limit. Assuming he is smart enough to drive.

02-09-2014, 11:12 AM
If you read the post 2014 fluke regulations youll see what im talking about Statements like my frying pan doesnt have a size limit or on my boat i make my own rules etc are what im talking about.I dont want to single any one person out and i can understand their frustration.

I can see not one person you are trying to single out just all the ASIANS
I will tell my grand kids, they are considered as criminals when fishing in your eyes.:mad:

02-09-2014, 11:15 AM
it's about the person u are ! if you are an honest human being you will take what the regs say you can take per person as of now it will be 4 at 18. i was out with my brother bass fishing and we trolled up a door mat one week before the opener and we took pics and through it back. as much as we wanted to bring the fillets to the dock, we still put it back! some people try to hide and sneak but that only sets bad examples. now that being said .....is there anything wrong with bringing 6 guys out on the boat , catching full limit and going back to the dock filleting them up and only 4 of the 6 taking the fillets home ! thats the million dollar question , i say it could be cheating ....but i dont frown on it !:)

Joey Dah Fish
02-09-2014, 11:41 AM
it's about the person u are ! if you are an honest human being you will take what the regs say you can take per person as of now it will be 4 at 18. i was out with my brother bass fishing and we trolled up a door mat one week before the opener and we took pics and through it back. as much as we wanted to bring the fillets to the dock, we still put it back! some people try to hide and sneak but that only sets bad examples. now that being said .....is there anything wrong with bringing 6 guys out on the boat , catching full limit and going back to the dock filleting them up and only 4 of the 6 taking the fillets home ! thats the million dollar question , i say it could be cheating ....but i dont frown on it !:)
It has nothing to do with being an honest person. You do have some valid points. It would be one thing to follow just regulations. But to allow unjust regulations tainted by a big money lobbyist by a corrupt self serving government does not make me or anyone else dishonest. We as a country seceded from England for this very reason!!! This is how our country was founded. By the people for the people. Not by the government for the government. It's about money. That my friends is dishonest and reprehensible!!! To cater or pander to this is un American I stand with the people not this government. Nough said flush hard my friends. I'm mostly a catch and release guy so you won't have to worry about me. But to other that love to fish I say make your own rules because you have more to lose then anyone else on this matter. Last but not least **** the US government they are all corrupt, bought and sold pieces of human garbage. Can you hear me now :eek:

02-09-2014, 12:11 PM
It has nothing to do with being an honest person. You do have some valid points. It would be one thing to follow just regulations. But to allow unjust regulations tainted by a big money lobbyist by a corrupt self serving government does not make me or anyone else dishonest. We as a country seceded from England for this very reason!!! This is how our country was founded. By the people for the people. Not by the government for the government. It's about money. That my friends is dishonest and reprehensible!!! To cater or pander to this is un American I stand with the people not this government. Nough said flush hard my friends. I'm mostly a catch and release guy so you won't have to worry about me. But to other that love to fish I say make your own rules because you have more to lose then anyone else on this matter. Last but not least **** the US government they are all corrupt, bought and sold pieces of human garbage. Can you hear me now :eek:

Now you've hit on something. This is like the revolution. The founding fathers dressed up like Indians and threw tea into the Boston harbor to protest an unjust tax by King George. This time we'll throw short fluke in our coolers!

Fin Reaper
02-09-2014, 12:17 PM
I will never understand the "overfished" thing. Yea, there are a bunch of guys that limit out every time they step on a boat but the vast majority of us don't so who the hell caught all these fish? I think these Gov. people have a sweet job busting our onions and they don't want to see it end so they keep this BS going every year.

Also, NY might be thinking they got a good deal but now we can fish in their back yard and all income from the fines they were collecting by banging NJ anglers that drifted over the Ambrose line just disappeared.

02-09-2014, 03:35 PM
Ttmako are you f in kidding me. A two week member and your guna try to jump on another member if i were you id tuck my hands in my pocket and stop typing the bs also jay and flygaff. Morons! Morons! Morons! I hope whalefart shits on you!

02-09-2014, 03:48 PM
Are there any lawyers on the board? What is the legality of fish and game boarding your boat and searching without a warrant? The cops cant search my car just for the heck of it, why do they suddenly have the right to board and search my boat?

Doesn't seem right to me.

02-09-2014, 04:31 PM
Ttmako are you f in kidding me. A two week member and your guna try to jump on another member if i were you id tuck my hands in my pocket and stop typing the bs also jay and flygaff. Morons! Morons! Morons! I hope whalefart shits on you!
That's nice!
You and your boyfriend can go sit and rat out other guys.
I joined here to try and raise awareness to the fact we were about to get screwed, which we did.
I'm shocked guys on this site actually threaten to narc on each other. And you support him.
You're right I give up but before do go **** yourself you big cocksucker.

02-09-2014, 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by kmaty
Ttmako are you f in kidding me. A two week member and your guna try to jump on another member if i were you id tuck my hands in my pocket and stop typing the bs also jay and flygaff. Morons! Morons! Morons! I hope whalefart shits on you!
That's nice!
You and your boyfriend can go sit and rat out other guys.
I joined here to try and raise awareness to the fact we were about to get screwed, which we did.
I'm shocked guys on this site actually threaten to narc on each other. And you support him.
You're right I give up but before do go **** yourself you big cocksucker.
First off welcome to the site just what we need loud mouth trash! Its very comforting to know that people like you are on our waters! You bash a guy out then get bashed on cant take it and wana wha wha wha about it! You wana raise awarness and help the fishery but you wont report illegal fishimg and activities of poaching so where you get off there?

02-09-2014, 04:50 PM
Oh and id rat you out in a min! Just like ifyou seen a commercial boat poaching your one of those guys who would call but yet would cry the blues when you get caught!

Joey Dah Fish
02-09-2014, 05:23 PM
Now you've hit on something. This is like the revolution. The founding fathers dressed up like Indians and threw tea into the Boston harbor to protest an unjust tax by King George. This time we'll throw short fluke in our coolers!

We will throw what ever we like in the coolers including illegal aliens :eek: I'm making the rules for my fishing now because this government is not capable of wiping its own ass never the less protecting tax paying citizens against a rampant commercial fishing lobby so I say F to you fish and game. Not the officers doing their job every day but the administration. We the people own these waters not the jacked off government :D

02-09-2014, 06:06 PM
Oh and id rat you out in a min! Just like ifyou seen a commercial boat poaching your one of those guys who would call but yet would cry the blues when you get caught!

Two words for you FILLET AND RELEASE!!!! :D LMAO!!!!!!

02-09-2014, 06:11 PM
Technically they cannot search without just cause. They will ask first but I cannot tell you what may happen if you say no thank you. My opinion would be that with homeland security being at a high level they could come up we it a good reason. I would also ask what they are looking for before they board.

02-09-2014, 06:16 PM
I don`t advocate violence or illegal actions, but if there is a group of employed people that are trying to unemploy hundreds if not thousands that have been supporting their families and paying taxes doing so, then those should have their employment threatened as well as their families welfare ! Find a way legally to do so if not the writing is on the wall its just a matter of the Date you put on the head stone of the recreational fisherman and the Charter Industry!

Joey Dah Fish
02-09-2014, 06:52 PM
I don`t advocate violence or illegal actions, but if there is a group of employed people that are trying to unemploy hundreds if not thousands that have been supporting their families and paying taxes doing so, then those should have their employment threatened as well as their families welfare ! Find a way legally to do so if not the writing is on the wall its just a matter of the Date you put on the head stone of the recreational fisherman and the Charter Industry!
The only way for tyranny to persist is if good men do nothing. In that spirit I say we fight!!!! If breaking an un just law is necessary so be it!!!! I'm done with sitting back and taking shit from a worthless self serving government. Things may have to get worse before it gets better. But nobody likes a quitter!!! If you so chose to follow their rules so be it. As for me I have served this country for a reason. To preserve our freedoms and secure our existence. So there you have it call me what you will but I suggest you look at these regs for what there are. An over reach by the government to insure they gain call of every aspect of your existence. That is not freedom. My country my water my fish and I earned the right live my life as I see fit not as a bunch of stuffed shirts believe I should. F them

02-09-2014, 07:46 PM
I get it on all three fronts, commercial guys are struggling with regs, cost of fuel, wages, foreign competition, etc.

Recreational guys just want to bring home some fish, they are not throwing back insane amounts of dead fish and are paying a fortune as well for a day on the water. They just want their share of the stock.

The charter/party boat captain wants to see their clients enjoy the fruits of their efforts. They work hard to get their paying customers some fish to take home for their family and friends.

The environmentalist want to see fish in general thrive, not only rebuilt to acceptable levels but back to true thriving like many species once did.

Me, I believe that we have all been screwing with Mother Nature too much. I am guilty of taking home my legal limit of many species of fish on many occasions, many times more than I will eat or really need. I for one will abide by the four fish at 18 with hopes that it saves some fish for the next generation. I will however be pissed off on many trips when all I catch are 17 3/4" fish!

Politics aside, species aside, science says we are depleting the resources much faster than the species is reproducing themselves regardless of who is getting what percentage.

Sorry for the not so popular opinion

Joey Dah Fish
02-09-2014, 07:59 PM
I get it on all three fronts, commercial guys are struggling with regs, cost of fuel, wages, foreign competition, etc.

Recreational guys just want to bring home some fish, they are not throwing back insane amounts of dead fish and are paying a fortune as well for a day on the water. They just want their share of the stock.

The charter/party boat captain wants to see their clients enjoy the fruits of their efforts. They work hard to get their paying customers some fish to take home for their family and friends.

The environmentalist want to see fish in general thrive, not only rebuilt to acceptable levels but back to true thriving like many species once did.

Me, I believe that we have all been screwing with Mother Nature too much. I am guilty of taking home my legal limit of many species of fish on many occasions, many times more than I will eat or really need. I for one will abide by the four fish at 18 with hopes that it saves some fish for the next generation. I will however be pissed off on many trips when all I catch are 17 3/4" fish!

Politics aside, species aside, science says we are depleting the resources much faster than the species is reproducing themselves regardless of who is getting what percentage.

Sorry for the not so popular opinion

Oh sh*t you make to much sense to argue with :confused: I hate when that happens :mad: I have to agree :eek: no more sh*t to stir tonight so I guess I will watch the Beatles special :D

02-09-2014, 08:20 PM
Ttmako are you f in kidding me. A two week member and your guna try to jump on another member if i were you id tuck my hands in my pocket and stop typing the bs also jay and flygaff. Morons! Morons! Morons! I hope whalefart shits on you!

Take a deep breath Jay! All this fluke talk is gettin crazy! LMAO

02-09-2014, 09:08 PM
A little humor boys...

shrimpman steve
02-09-2014, 09:23 PM
Hey reef
No need to apologize for your opinion. You made good points and didn't get personal.

Joey Dah Fish
02-09-2014, 09:47 PM
A little humor boys...

That's some funny sh*t right there :D

02-09-2014, 10:52 PM
The only way for tyranny to persist is if good men do nothing. In that spirit I say we fight!!!! That is not freedom. My country my water my fish and I earned the right live my life as I see fit not as a bunch of stuffed shirts believe I should. F them


02-09-2014, 10:57 PM
Reefsquater, Like you have ever caught a limit:D.

02-10-2014, 07:39 AM
Reefsquater, Like you have ever caught a limit:D.

Since the weakfish regulations have been like they are I limited out two of 30 trips!

02-10-2014, 12:55 PM
The only way for tyranny to persist is if good men do nothing. In that spirit I say we fight!!!! If breaking an un just law is necessary so be it!!!! I'm done with sitting back and taking shit from a worthless self serving government. Things may have to get worse before it gets better. But nobody likes a quitter!!! If you so chose to follow their rules so be it. As for me I have served this country for a reason. To preserve our freedoms and secure our existence. So there you have it call me what you will but I suggest you look at these regs for what there are. An over reach by the government to insure they gain call of every aspect of your existence. That is not freedom. My country my water my fish and I earned the right live my life as I see fit not as a bunch of stuffed shirts believe I should. F them

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

02-10-2014, 01:18 PM
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

the Germans?????
You need to check a history book.
I think you might be a little confused.

02-10-2014, 01:23 PM
I guess that one went over your head... It's from Animal House. I thought it was suiting given the quote.

02-10-2014, 01:27 PM
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

Fantastic! Animal House reference! :D

02-10-2014, 01:28 PM
I guess that one went over your head... It's from Animal House. I thought it was suiting given the quote.

I was going to say "Forget it, he's rolling."

awesome movie.. I guess NJFishing is on double secret probation.

02-10-2014, 01:53 PM
I can see it now, the next thing will be that you can only fish with an empty hook. Sorry only allowed to fish on credit. No killies, no squid, no spearing and no GULP ( as it hurts the environment). When the size went from 18 to 17.5 I thought it would be easy, however I have had a hard time catching a 17.5 since it was changed. I went out 15 times in 2013 and only limited once, so whoever says that they limit out every time need to get their eyes checked. :eek:

02-10-2014, 02:52 PM
Christ...Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f@#!&*g Peace Corps!

02-10-2014, 02:56 PM
Does anyone think the fluke stock have been rebuilt. Down here in the Barnegat area you cannot catch fluke on open bottom anymore . You have to be on a wreck or reef. Or maybe it's the 10 draggers you see on your 9 mile run from the inlet to the seaside pipe

02-10-2014, 03:24 PM
it has nothing to do with being an honest person. You do have some valid points. It would be one thing to follow just regulations. But to allow unjust regulations tainted by a big money lobbyist by a corrupt self serving government does not make me or anyone else dishonest. We as a country seceded from england for this very reason!!! This is how our country was founded. By the people for the people. Not by the government for the government. It's about money. That my friends is dishonest and reprehensible!!! To cater or pander to this is un american i stand with the people not this government. Nough said flush hard my friends. I'm mostly a catch and release guy so you won't have to worry about me. But to other that love to fish i say make your own rules because you have more to lose then anyone else on this matter. Last but not least **** the us government they are all corrupt, bought and sold pieces of human garbage. Can you hear me now :eek:

love it!

02-11-2014, 10:43 AM
Ttmako are you f in kidding me. A two week member and your guna try to jump on another member if i were you id tuck my hands in my pocket and stop typing the bs also jay and flygaff. Morons! Morons! Morons! I hope whalefart shits on you!

Buddy, I find your comments sickening and your lack of intelligence to make coherent sentences taking reasonable positions even more sickening. You wonder why your post last week was pulled regarding the amounts of fish that are caught. Yes, I saw it! Laughable... Please feel free to rant on a freshwater site and spare us your nonsense. Thanks

02-11-2014, 12:20 PM
the Germans?????
You need to check a history book.
I think you might be a little confused.

There's always one....

Otter: Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic... but absolutely right. We gotta take these guys. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!

Bluto: We're just the guys to do it.

Angler Paul
02-12-2014, 12:41 PM
This is my personal opinion on the matter and I have posted it on this site before. Poachers are nothing more then thieves. If they are keeping short fish or fish in excess of the limit they are stealing from a public resource. Who is to say that the fish they take might not have grown to keeper or trophy size and that someday I or another honest fisherman might have caught them. I wish there was more enforcement and that the fines were higher.
Successful fisheries management is dependent on compliance of the law and unfortunately there are more and more people who no longer comply with the law. Many fishermen think keeping a short fish is no worse than driving 60 mph in a 55 mph zone. Illegal fishing is effecting the overall health of our stocks and then we all have to pay the price through more stringent regulations.
Still many of our regulations are unfair. We sacrificed for many years to rebuild our stocks and were promised that once rebuilt the regulations would be relaxed. Instead they have often been tightened. Then you have what recently happened at the ASMFC where they shoved regionlization down our throats. They went through the trouble of having public hearings and accepting comments on the matter. The vast majority of people and organizations along the entire east coast opposed regional management. The ASMFC adopted it anyway so what was the purpose of having public hearings? I can understand other fishermens anger and why the say XXXX them, they did not listen to us so now we are keeping what we want. Still this is wrong. I would like to see these people become more invlolved by joining an organization that is fighting for the rights of recreational fishermen and/or letting their legisators know how unfairly they are being treated.

Paul Haertel

02-12-2014, 01:03 PM
The only way for tyranny to persist is if good men do nothing. In that spirit I say we fight!!!! If breaking an un just law is necessary so be it!!!! I'm done with sitting back and taking shit from a worthless self serving government. Things may have to get worse before it gets better. But nobody likes a quitter!!! If you so chose to follow their rules so be it. As for me I have served this country for a reason. To preserve our freedoms and secure our existence. So there you have it call me what you will but I suggest you look at these regs for what there are. An over reach by the government to insure they gain call of every aspect of your existence. That is not freedom. My country my water my fish and I earned the right live my life as I see fit not as a bunch of stuffed shirts believe I should. F them

Well Said, Joey, I couldnt agree more!!!!!