Capt Sal
02-08-2014, 10:10 AM
First of all Corey Booker did as much for recreational fisherman in NJ as he did for the city of Newark!He was never involved what so ever.Menendez signed off on a few things but never put in a real effort.Our governor has more important political ambitions on his agenda and we are not one of them.Someone voted for these people.Obama "our president''could care less about recreational fisherman and if he did he would screw it up as bad as "his" health care system.That being said let me move on to the next subject.
The RFA represents NY and NJ.Most of us belong to this organization.How can I justify belonging to the RFA when the Federal Government is pegging state against state.I have donated money from seminars,and encouraged many people to join up.If this is the wave of the future we are all screwed.I know some of you may not agree with me and that is fine.I am all for discussion and I do care about the future of our sport.I would like my grandchildren to have an opportunity to enjoy the sport and the tradition.
Here are a few things that really put a hurting on me personally.We are only allowed two winter flounder.Not worth the gas or the bait to pursue something I have done for over fifty years!One weakfish is ridiculous.Why bother let alone book a charter.I don't blame anyone for not chartering for these two species,i wouldn't either.
Each year we loose more and gain nothing.I,ask ,WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?The answer is,ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!
The RFA represents NY and NJ.Most of us belong to this organization.How can I justify belonging to the RFA when the Federal Government is pegging state against state.I have donated money from seminars,and encouraged many people to join up.If this is the wave of the future we are all screwed.I know some of you may not agree with me and that is fine.I am all for discussion and I do care about the future of our sport.I would like my grandchildren to have an opportunity to enjoy the sport and the tradition.
Here are a few things that really put a hurting on me personally.We are only allowed two winter flounder.Not worth the gas or the bait to pursue something I have done for over fifty years!One weakfish is ridiculous.Why bother let alone book a charter.I don't blame anyone for not chartering for these two species,i wouldn't either.
Each year we loose more and gain nothing.I,ask ,WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?The answer is,ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!