View Full Version : Party boat angler

captain george angler
02-05-2014, 06:21 PM
We are not happy with the fluke regs but the only good thing is we can spend more time in NY waters without the fear of having Jersey keepers which are shorts in NY. This will give us the chance to go further into their waters. I just hope the season goes late enough.

If you remember the deer pictures I posted in July I have been watching them all year and today I had 11 bucks in my back yard, The boys are all hanging out together after the rut.

Can't wait till fluke. Captain George

Foul Hook
02-05-2014, 06:51 PM
That's nice Capt. I hope you keep you address a secret, a lot of fellows may be looking for them bucks right now.;)

02-06-2014, 08:57 PM
hey George I hope you aren't naming them they are prey not pets... cabin fever Is killing me, can't wait to go fishing with you guys. Next pictures we see should be dead fish on the deck of the Angler.