View Full Version : 2014 Fluke Regulations
Angler Paul
02-04-2014, 05:13 PM
At today’s meeting, the ASMFC voted in favor of regionalized management for fluke in effect reallocating some of New Jersey’s fluke quota and giving it to New York. Further, of the two regionalization plans being considered, they chose the worse one for New Jersey. Under the adopted plan, New Jersey will be in a region with New York and Connecticut. Under this plan we will have a 4 fish bag limit at 18” with a 128 day season. The NJMFC will now only be able to decide when the season will begin and when it will end. Under this plan New Jersey is only projected to harvest 906,348 fluke. If the other regional option had been chosen New Jersey would have had a 135 day season with a projected harvest of 947,337 fluke.
Further the ASMFC disregarded the will of the public. Hearings were held in various states and there was a public comment period where the vast majority of the public opposed the regionalized plans. Additionally, the ASMFC claimed they wanted to have similar sized regulations between bordering states but all they did was shift the problem. Last year New York had a 19” size limit and New Jersey had a 17 ½” size limit despite the fact that they were fishing similar waters. This year both New York and New Jersey will have an 18” size limit. However, Delaware will have a 16” size limit. How is that fair for our boats out of Cape May that fish similar waters?
The little bit of good news today was that the ASMFC voted not to have a closed season on winter flounder. Now we just have to wait for the NJMFC to adopt that measure.
The ASMFC also voted in favor of ad hoc regional measures for sea bass as we had last year.
I am hopeful that since New Jersey under fished its target quota that we might be able to have a somewhat longer season this year but that remains to be seen.
Paul Haertel
President JCAA
Foul Hook
02-04-2014, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the info Paul. I made up my mind what I'll be keeping before they told me I can keep.
So, is this really it? No eleventh hour save? No legal challenge to this?
No B.S. I'll make my own rules and regulations. Over the edge now.
I've had it.
We liked to think things were fair. This is a rigged game, with the refs on the take.
To say NY and NJ fishing is the same, Is like saying Peter Luger's and Mc'Donalds are the same because they both sell beef.
This is fisheries managment? Bullshit!
02-04-2014, 06:36 PM
So we can potentially keep 2 winter flounder in the summer now? If so, I will trade that for the fluke season given that I catch more of those than flukies most years.
02-04-2014, 07:12 PM
How the F*&k did this happen?
I went to the meeting in Toms River and no one was in favor of this option.
I'm sure many of us reading this submitted comments. Evidently not enough.
We are getting steamrolled and if you look at the trend next year will be down again.
This management scheme is complete and utter BS.
I've tried to cooperate, but this has now gone too far.
This year on my boat, keep whatever you want I'll be flying the pirate flag.
Cant believe i'll be an outlaw.
02-04-2014, 07:20 PM
One word, PATHETIC.....So, WE THE PEOPLE, means squat to me, stop teaching and preaching
Angler Paul
02-04-2014, 07:20 PM
It is also interesting to note that on page 8 of the addendum, it implied that the season would be from 5/1-9/30. I never bothered to count the days until today but that season would come to a total of 153 days. Yet under the two regional options on page 12 we would have either a 128 or 135 day season. Now we know that the option with the 128 season was chosen. Therefore, I anticipate that since the NJMFC does its best to have the season open on weekends that we will end up with a season from 5/10-9/14 or from 5/17-9/21.
02-04-2014, 07:46 PM
". . . Further the ASMFC disregarded the will of the public . . . " * * * *
* * * * * Now the Public will disregard the will of ASMFC !! * * * *
Capt Joe
02-04-2014, 08:04 PM
Our policy will be the same.
If the State of New Jersey wants management laws enforced by our captains and crew we will be glad to abide for a simple fee of $500. per trip. Crew will abide by filet permit laws, boat will not enforce laws unless paid to do so.
Sorry I am in the fishing business not law enfocement.
Cell phones may be banned.
Capt Joe
02-04-2014, 08:13 PM
Like many of us I agree measures had to be taken to help stabilize and save a fishery which needed help. We all did our part and made the sacrifices, even if we didn't completely agree with the regulations, to get the fishery back to where it is today. Now when we should all be reaping the rewards of those sacrifices, government once again steps in and steals what is rightfully ours to harvest. I'm sure, as always, that money and or incompetence are once again in the middle of these decisions and the general recreational fishing community ends up as usual fronting the bill. I'm not one to break the law but I will tell everyone there is no way I'm going to spend the money to fish for fluke and limit myself or my crew to 4 fish when there are more fish around than there were twenty years ago. The population has been rebuilt and is extremely healthy and there is no way a politician is going to take a resource which belongs to the general public away from me and my family. The people who are custodians for our fishery have no vested interest in the resource, our enjoyment of the resource or anything else which accrues a benefit to the recreational fisherman. That being the case, I'm not about to be governed by their own personal greed, agendas and interests which are nothing more then to benefit themselves. Life is simply too short for us to miss out on a sport or hobby which is our God given right to enjoy because some greedy politicians in Washington or well funded lobbyists feel they can manipulate the laws and steal what is rightfully ours. As I said, I have never in my life intentionally broken the law and have always been conservation minded but the time has come to make a statement. And for the people whose lives depend on fishing, some how groups better start getting together otherwise there truly won't be anything left worth fighting for. It's OK to harvest every natural resource we have and ship them overseas so a few well backed conglomerates can make millions but we ourselves are restricted to a 4 fish reduced fluke season because some idiot who probably has never fished with ulterior motives says so..........%$&^ them!!!!!!!!
02-04-2014, 08:16 PM
The new charter business....3 hour one trip get second at reduced pricing ( Jamaica maybe you knew something and prepared except in slightly longer trips!) so you can go back out and get 4 more god blessed fish..........
02-04-2014, 08:25 PM
**** them, i make my own regulations. BS
02-04-2014, 08:36 PM
Well it wasn't like you didn't know this was coming... I said look out they are going to make it the same for both states whether you liked it or not.
Now instead of whining, both states fishermen need to get on-board together and make the season longer and add 2 fish to the creel...
Just my opinion.
Or you can fight for yourselves again and lose even more... Good luck with that.
Capt Joe
02-04-2014, 08:44 PM
"Now instead of whining, both states fishermen need to get on-board together and make the season longer and add 2 fish to the creel..."
brilliant! :rolleyes:
02-04-2014, 08:48 PM
Should do an OPRA, open public records request, to document all the New Jersey fisherman's comments of opposition to regionalization of the Summer Flounder regulations. This would at least make a statement that AMFSC does not represent our considerations. What outcome would you expect when in todays Asbury Park Press stated as follows:
“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has been strongly advocating a change in fishery laws to give his constituents more fish to catch, is evidently also hearing concerns from stakeholders in other states about the problem of overfishing. In a letter sent to the ASMFC on the eve of the decision, Schumer wrote: “I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States to make sure that the 2014 experiment with regional management is a success, particularly with respect to any future consequences regarding harvest penalties.”
So Schumer says ““I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States”
?????????? Political bullshit! Now this was written before todays decision, but it appears he already knew “regionalization” would be approved. So where is NJ Senator Menendez (D) and Senator Booker (D) representing our interests? ...enough said...lets share, “redistribute the wealth”
shrimpman steve
02-04-2014, 08:52 PM
As previously stated
The dirty shrimp will be under the skull and bones!
I may even organize a private boat protest. Get as many privateers as possible. Have us all come in over limit or undersized and have the conservation officers meet us at the dock with some news cameras there. Let the public know what is going on. I m sure it would not look good to see the tickets handed out to my kids on 12 news!
02-04-2014, 08:55 PM
I can't believe what they are doing to the people in this state that depend on the fishing industry as their paycheck. Look...I am sure all of the party boat and charter captains...and bait shop owners didn't get into the fishing industry planning on being millionaires...but the boats I have fished on...all of bogan's boats...golden eagle...ocean explorer...monger...reel class...etc., depend on customers looking to go fishing. Everyone of the captains and bait shop owners love their job...u never hear squat from them about them hating their job! But...they all have to hate what the government is doing to affect their ability to make money. As I said condolences to ralphy...and I wish I could hear him going off about this crap!!! You guys aren't going to lose people like me...and I hope others feel the same way!!!
02-04-2014, 09:06 PM
"Now instead of whining, both states fishermen need to get on-board together and make the season longer and add 2 fish to the creel..."
brilliant! :rolleyes:
It's better than sitting and feel sorry for yourselves... But hey, you have those guys the abbreviated in your corner! :p
Irish Jigger
02-04-2014, 09:13 PM
A lot of wasted time and money for this bs. Although I didn't attend many meetings I did what i could when time allowed. Money for the Save the Summer Flounder Jar at Petes tackle shop, taking the time to bag my filleted fish, tag them and put them in his freezer for science its all bullshit! I am sure glad my frying pan doesn't know of any size or bag limits!!!!!!
Capt. JJ
02-04-2014, 09:57 PM
Fish and Game Officer boarding my boat: "Hi there. Catch any fluke today?"
Capt. JJ: "Ummmmm...hi right back at cha! Nah....we are creating a high- resolution, digitally-enhanced,topographical bottom map by lightly bouncing 6 ounce, lead weights shaped like small fish and tipped with elastic, poly-resin, scent-enhanced bottom-grabbers that allow us to "see" and "feel" every aspect of the bottom. Every now and then we get snagged on "things" down there; most often wrecks and rocks....occasionally trashy, flat-fish as well. But we let them all go, IMMEDIATELY! Whats that you ask? What are those filets wrapped in dirty rags hidden under the sub sandwiches in our cooler?!!! Those are tommy cod filets we caught on TUNA.COM up in Gloucester the other day. They arent "hidden". Tommy cod filets taste better when they are aged in cloth, with sub sandwiches pressing down on them to help maintain their shape and texture. Oh and.....F#&%K YOU, Ocean Pig!"
(This message is fictional. All parties have been played by actors who are not associated with any recreational fishing groups or boats for hire, and the views expressed are solely for humor.
Unless you are a game warden.
Then "F*&%k YOU, Ocean Pig!")
02-04-2014, 10:02 PM
we should all move to here
02-04-2014, 10:24 PM
Wow.. Wtf happened..
Captain Rich
02-04-2014, 11:10 PM
The powers that be just nailed the lid down on our industry and past time tighter. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I was talking to Capt. Sal Cursi the other day, I think he feels the same way. My disappointment knows no bounds.
02-04-2014, 11:16 PM
Half the season was a bust due to sandy and they say we still overfished our quota. It's the biggest bullshit story. I'm a scientist, and if I conducted my science and reporting like these fishery scientists and lawmakers I would be selling ice cream. I said it numerous times before, if it doesn't change, in 15 years there will be no recreational fishing for no other reason other than f/u science, greed, and politic bs. It a terrible shame and should be considered criminal. I just don't know what to do anymore. Yes, I am a member of all the rec support groups. The OPRA request should be made by the RFA. Btw. I really hate the Monday-morning quarterbacks who state we should have seen this coming. Wtf are you talking about? I was expecting an increase in the quota bc there was no way we took our share this summer. And about the winter flounder fishing allocation that doesn't do crap. The only reason they threw us that bone was so the commercial catch increase could be justified. Sorry to say that the rfa never informed me of any of this. Wtf is going on?
Angler Paul
02-04-2014, 11:35 PM
Someone asked where Senator Booker and Senator Mendendez were on this. Senator Menendez and Congressmen Pallone wrote a letter supporting New Jersey's postiton and we should be thankful for their support. Unfortunately our side did not prevail.
02-04-2014, 11:52 PM
Someone asked where Senator Booker and Senator Mendendez were on this. Senator Menendez and Congressmen Pallone wrote a letter supporting New Jersey's postiton and we should be thankful for their support. Unfortunately our side did not prevail.
My only question then is WHY? I could ask if they carry clout with their peers, or are there "give and take" items at hand which always exist?..Writing letters vs.standing up for hat's right?......But I will stay with WHY?
AND Russ, I'm a member of RFA NJ, not very naive, sorry, no, I didn't see this coming either (crystal ball?).....never saw the communication to just expect this as the a businessman who has a very vested interest in this outcome from a peripheral standpoint, I wish I was told so I could be prepared for the effects it may have....I'm sure many of the charter boat capts would have liked that heads up too....
This is bad for Northern NJ but even worse for South Jersey/Delaware Bay area.
The government cuts back the catch, the fish population goes up, we catch more fish, government says we take too many, and cuts back more, the fish population goes up more and we catch more, government says we caught to many and cuts us back more.
I think I see a trend here.:mad:
Fish The Drop Off
02-05-2014, 07:53 AM
If you heard the meeting yesterday you heard a guy with any agenda and just did not want to hear anything else. The guy running the meeting just pushed this through and did not take Public comment into it. He did not even let the state reps talk to each other. This was a prime example of politics in play and money talked. I would hope that NJ elected officials see this and looking in to what just happened yesterday. People are no longer going to play by the rules and I do not blame them.
02-05-2014, 08:27 AM
If you get caught with 7 fish in your cooler the fine and court costs for 3 over limit totals $136 at the most. Big deal.
Capt. JJ
02-05-2014, 08:50 AM
I was going to start a thread titled "most innovative ways to hide your fluke".
Then I realized most of my friends on here would think I was talking about banging a chick and the responses would just get out of hand !!!!!!
02-05-2014, 08:52 AM
Should do an OPRA, open public records request, to document all the New Jersey fisherman's comments of opposition to regionalization of the Summer Flounder regulations. This would at least make a statement that AMFSC does not represent our considerations. What outcome would you expect when in todays Asbury Park Press stated as follows:
“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has been strongly advocating a change in fishery laws to give his constituents more fish to catch, is evidently also hearing concerns from stakeholders in other states about the problem of overfishing. In a letter sent to the ASMFC on the eve of the decision, Schumer wrote: “I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States to make sure that the 2014 experiment with regional management is a success, particularly with respect to any future consequences regarding harvest penalties.”
So Schumer says ““I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States”
?????????? Political bullshit! Now this was written before todays decision, but it appears he already knew “regionalization” would be approved. So where is NJ Senator Menendez (D) and Senator Booker (D) representing our interests? ...enough said...lets share, “redistribute the wealth”
How do we get the records of the meeting?
02-05-2014, 09:01 AM
Fillet at sea, split fillet into halves, buy some ling racks to keep on the boat.:D
Gerry Zagorski
02-05-2014, 09:20 AM
This sort of stuff is happening more and more. The States are losing there autonomy and the Federal Government gains more power to control things.
Obama Care, No Child Left Behind and now Common Core. You as a State either get in line with the federal mandates or you lose federal funding and your state is left out in the cold.
We all know that the higher up the ladder decisions are made the less likely it is that the will of the people will be served. The bureaucrats in Washington are too far removed and out of touch from all of us. Their decisions are made to serve their own agendas be it party affiliation, ego, money, power, political favor or all the above.
Why can't we the people vote on important matters? It's not like many years ago when time and distance to Washington played a role. We had to elect and send representatives from each state to Washington to represent our interests. We now have the Internet why not let us vote on these matters?
The answer is a simple one...The politicians would loose their power an no one who makes a living in politics is going to have that.
02-05-2014, 09:51 AM
My only question then is WHY? I could ask if they carry clout with their peers, or are there "give and take" items at hand which always exist?..Writing letters vs.standing up for hat's right?......But I will stay with WHY?
AND Russ, I'm a member of RFA NJ, not very naive, sorry, no, I didn't see this coming either (crystal ball?).....never saw the communication to just expect this as the a businessman who has a very vested interest in this outcome from a peripheral standpoint, I wish I was told so I could be prepared for the effects it may have....I'm sure many of the charter boat capts would have liked that heads up too....
Mike for the last 2 seasons I said this was going to happen, because I am outside the box looking in. I kept saying they are going to come after you whether you like it or not, and everyone thought I didn't know what I was talking about.
What I can tell you is this, we need to come together on this issues, if we don't we are going to get the royal screwing like you won't believe.
I will bet the next order of business for them is TOG. You guys have a great reef, but you still allow roller gear on them and fish pots, those have to go, and you need to fight hard I mean really hard for it to go, or they will win.
Is it doom and gloom, no this coast wide limit will go on for a few years and then I feel as though if we don't do anything the regulations will get worse.
I am sure some in your state will still say they have more fishermen then NY and simply put that isn't true. Long Island alone has more people living on it than the whole state of NJ.
I still want unity amongst fishermen, not this our state will do what our state wants, because as you saw and I see, your state didn't fair too well.
02-05-2014, 09:57 AM
Long Island alone has more people living on it than the whole state of NJ.
i dont think that is right, may want to check your numbers.
02-05-2014, 09:59 AM
This sort of stuff is happening more and more. The States are losing there autonomy and the Federal Government gains more power to control things.
Obama Care, No Child Left Behind and now Common Core. You as a State either get in line with the federal mandates or you lose federal funding and your state is left out in the cold.
We all know that the higher up the ladder decisions are made the less likely it is that the will of the people will be served. The bureaucrats in Washington are too far removed and out of touch from all of us. Their decisions are made to serve their own agendas be it party affiliation, ego, money, power, political favor or all the above.
Why can't we the people vote on important matters? It's not like many years ago when time and distance to Washington played a role. We had to elect and send representatives from each state to Washington to represent our interests. We now have the Internet why not let us vote on these matters?
The answer is a simple one...The politicians would loose their power an no one who makes a living in politics is going to have that.
Gerry people voting for what they want, well I don't want that because there are a lot of stupid people out there...
Yes Obama Voters, Bush Voters, and so on.
Gerry fishermen who fish with rod and reel, need to come together and push back hard.
If you vote on things they will just give you what they want you to vote on, you know like what happened when the knuckleheads in South Jersey were crying over a 1/2 an inch, well they threw away 3 fish for a half an inch, then this year, because they got what they wanted, now they upped it back to 18" and now you lost another fish on top of that.
Yeah please I don't want morons voting anymore because they outnumber people who actually think. ;)
02-05-2014, 10:09 AM
i dont think that is right, may want to check your numbers.
Long Island 7.687 million + the other 3 boroughs and you roughly get 12 million people...
New Jersey 8.865 million (2012)
Now I left out some city boroughs even though there are many fishing boats both private and head boats if I added them in you would be in real trouble. :)
02-05-2014, 10:30 AM
Don't forget Queens, but just try and tell someone from Brooklyn or Queens that they live on Long Island.:rolleyes:
This is all part of the trend to commodify natural resources that has been ongoing for many decades. For example, The Bureau of Land Management leases million of acres of "public" land to mining and oil interests who proceed to rape, pillage and pollute "our" land then smile at us as they sell "our" natural resources back to us at a large profit. I think this is what's slowly happening here and elsewhere. There are people in the world who only see dollar signs and unfortunately our culture in America idolizes money above all else and so we have the best government money can buy. Such a pity.
02-05-2014, 10:33 AM
Don't forget Queens, but just try and tell someone from Brooklyn or Queens that they live on Long Island.:rolleyes:
This is all part of the trend to commodify natural resources that has been ongoing for many decades. For example, The Bureau of Land Management leases million of acres of "public" land to mining and oil interests who proceed to rape, pillage and pollute "our" land then smile at us as they sell "our" natural resources back to us at a large profit. I think this is what's slowly happening here and elsewhere. There are people in the world who only see dollar signs and unfortunately our culture in America idolizes money above all else and so we have the best government money can buy. Such a pity.
We have a winner! :)
02-05-2014, 11:20 AM
Someone asked where Senator Booker and Senator Mendendez were on this. Senator Menendez and Congressmen Pallone wrote a letter supporting New Jersey's postiton and we should be thankful for their support. Unfortunately our side did not prevail.
Hi Paul! Hows the back? I wrote the comment regards our Senator representation. OK so I /we would like to see that letter. It is obvious that Schumer either has more clout or merit to the argument of regionalization. Seems the ASMFC does not care to represent our desires, but our Senators do! Maybe too late on this issue, but for future regulation, maybe we need to speak louder to our representatives as I am sure NY did with Senator Schumer. Contact info as follows, and I suggest that all who wrote comment on this issue follow up with a phone call to Booker and Menendez with our displeasure.
NJ Senator Robert Menendez
Washington D.C. 528 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Barrington, New Jersey. 208 White Horse Pike, Suite 18
Barrington New Jersey, 08007.
856.546.1526 (fax)
Newark, New Jersey. One Gateway Center, Suite 1100
Newark, New Jersey, 07102.
973.645.0502 (fax) (no direct email)
NJ Senator Cory A. Booker
Democrat-New Jersey
Washington, DC Office
*Hart 141
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3224
broken bobber
02-05-2014, 11:28 AM
should do an opra, open public records request, to document all the new jersey fisherman's comments of opposition to regionalization of the summer flounder regulations. This would at least make a statement that amfsc does not represent our considerations. What outcome would you expect when in todays asbury park press stated as follows:
“sen. Charles schumer (d-n.y.), who has been strongly advocating a change in fishery laws to give his constituents more fish to catch, is evidently also hearing concerns from stakeholders in other states about the problem of overfishing. In a letter sent to the asmfc on the eve of the decision, schumer wrote: “i would like to take this opportunity to assure the commission that i will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all states to make sure that the 2014 experiment with regional management is a success, particularly with respect to any future consequences regarding harvest penalties.”
so schumer says ““i would like to take this opportunity to assure the commission that i will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all states”
?????????? Political bullshit! Now this was written before todays decision, but it appears he already knew “regionalization” would be approved. So where is nj senator menendez (d) and senator booker (d) representing our interests? ...enough said...lets share, “redistribute the wealth”
bingo..... The real winning comment
broken bobber
02-05-2014, 11:32 AM
Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of Regional Management of Fluke Fish
Press Releases
By Long Island News & PRs Published: February 04 2014
Albany, NY - February 4th, 2014 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that members of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission have voted 7-4 in favor of a proposal to put New York in a region with New Jersey and Connecticut, requiring the same rules for fluke fishing for all three states.
“Today’s vote requiring that New York’s fisherman be held to the same standards as those in neighboring states is a big victory for our fishing industries, especially on Long Island,” Governor Cuomo said. “For more than a decade, New York’s saltwater anglers have endured the toughest fluke regulations on the eastern seaboard – regulations that were unfair and caused the local fishing industry to lose money. As Attorney General and Governor, I have worked with New York’s fishing industries to make the fluke quota more fair and equitable; today, our hard work has paid off. I applaud ASMFC members for righting the status quo. This approval will go a long way in helping to grow New York’s recreational fishing industries.”
This summer, Governor Cuomo sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce calling on the agency to undertake an immediate reassessment of regulations pertaining to the amount of fluke that may be legally caught by commercial or recreational anglers. The Governor also warned the Federal Government that New York State was prepared to file suit if action was not taken to ensure that New York’s anglers get a fair deal.
Click here to view the Governor’s letter to the U.S Department of Commerce.
Since 2002, states from North Carolina to Massachusetts have managed their recreational fluke fisheries using state-specific harvest limits, or “quotas,” based on estimated harvests from 1998, the last year all states had the same rules for fluke. However, the fishery has changed dramatically since 1998. In that year, the fluke population was just rebuilding with mostly smaller fish available for harvest. Today, that stock is rebuilt with many older larger fish available. Significantly, fluke tend to move north and east as they age and grow, resulting in an increase of fish available to New Yorkers. Thus, the distribution of fish currently does not resemble that of 1998. Under regional management, New York anglers will be given the same access to this rebuilt stock as those in states to the north and south.
02-05-2014, 11:48 AM
As previously stated
The dirty shrimp will be under the skull and bones!
I may even organize a private boat protest. Get as many privateers as possible. Have us all come in over limit or undersized and have the conservation officers meet us at the dock with some news cameras there. Let the public know what is going on. I m sure it would not look good to see the tickets handed out to my kids on 12 news!
Steve, maybe you should upgrade the Dirty Shrimp to this...
Twins n Fins
02-05-2014, 12:03 PM
Unbelievable! I'll be a runner boat this Summer, call me on the cell when you have your limit I'll have 5 Hotties on the boat, that gives me a 24 fish limit. I'll make the run back to dock, off load and head to the next. At the end of the day I'll meet you with you're fish for a small fee!!!!!!! LOL what a joke..........
02-05-2014, 12:09 PM
Thank you Broken Bobber for your comment / addition about Gov Cuomo! I might think our Gov Christie is somewhat pre occupied with other issues about now. And yes, Cuomo's threat of a law suit onto the Feds would influence. I will be making those phone calls to Booker and Menedez, "for what it is worth"....the value to be seen by how many phone calls are made. As I suggested by OPRA, I am also very interested in how many comments were made. A good suggestion was made that maybe the RFA could make this records request. I am on my way to the AC boat show and will discuss this with them. For the request I will glad to donate $20 bucks for the purchase 400 comments @ 5 cents each a page when printed. Comments to anyone are free if emailed. Printed comments should then be mailed to our Senators Menendez and Booker.
02-05-2014, 12:12 PM
Should do an OPRA, open public records request, to document all the New Jersey fisherman's comments of opposition to regionalization of the Summer Flounder regulations. This would at least make a statement that AMFSC does not represent our considerations. What outcome would you expect when in todays Asbury Park Press stated as follows:
“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has been strongly advocating a change in fishery laws to give his constituents more fish to catch, is evidently also hearing concerns from stakeholders in other states about the problem of overfishing. In a letter sent to the ASMFC on the eve of the decision, Schumer wrote: “I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States to make sure that the 2014 experiment with regional management is a success, particularly with respect to any future consequences regarding harvest penalties.”
So Schumer says ““I would like to take this opportunity to assure the Commission that I will be a fierce advocate on behalf of all States”
?????????? Political bullshit! Now this was written before todays decision, but it appears he already knew “regionalization” would be approved. So where is NJ Senator Menendez (D) and Senator Booker (D) representing our interests? ...enough said...lets share, “redistribute the wealth”
Spread what wealth? You people in NJ keep banging this same drum of you should have more quota, well that isn't true.
Now if you want to fight with other fisherman and play the I want what I want card, you go right ahead.
NY has more people within the city and long island than NJ and you people in NJ always say we have more people, that is BULLSHIT.
NY has more money than you in NJ, NY has way more people than NJ will ever have, and we have more fishermen, than NJ will ever have.
You need to pull your heads out of your butts, because if we don't start working together, we are going to get a royal screwing in the future.
NJ population 8.865 million (2012)
Population of NYC including the Long Island is around 12 million.
Enough said...
Not for nothing, last I heard this site was "NJFishing"?? :confused: Why are we talking about NY?? :confused: Enough said!!!!!
02-05-2014, 12:45 PM
Spread what wealth? You people in NJ keep banging this same drum of you should have more quota, well that isn't true.
Now if you want to fight with other fisherman and play the I want what I want card, you go right ahead.
NY has more people within the city and long island than NJ and you people in NJ always say we have more people, that is BULLSHIT.
NY has more money than you in NJ, NY has way more people than NJ will ever have, and we have more fishermen, than NJ will ever have.
You need to pull your heads out of your butts, because if we don't start working together, we are going to get a royal screwing in the future.
NJ population 8.865 million (2012)
Population of NYC including the Long Island is around 12 million.
Enough said...
Well Russ A. I wont argue all of your points and actually agree with you. But that's not what you think. First the NJ quota as set prior, was ours, wealth if you will. For that argument you need to look elsewhere on how and where they were set and why. I will not argue the points you presented on population. Fisherman? I would like to see that quantified. You missed the point regards " political bullshit " I would expect Schumer and Cuomo to fight for the quota for New Yorkers. The political bullshit was his knowing regionalization would be approved prior the decision. And thats inside patronage and pay to play bullshit! So you used my comment to write your reply. Did I say I want to fight with NY? I agree we need to work together to ensure our rights to fish, but it is the Feds who are using the tactic to divide and conquer. If it was your quota being taken away would you be fighting for it?
02-05-2014, 01:19 PM
Well Russ A. I wont argue all of your points and actually agree with you. But that's not what you think. First the NJ quota as set prior, was ours, wealth if you will. For that argument you need to look elsewhere on how and where they were set and why. I will not argue the points you presented on population. Fisherman? I would like to see that quantified. You missed the point regards " political bullshit " I would expect Schumer and Cuomo to fight for the quota for New Yorkers. The political bullshit was his knowing regionalization would be approved prior the decision. And thats inside patronage and pay to play bullshit! So you used my comment to write your reply. Did I say I want to fight with NY? I agree we need to work together to ensure our rights to fish, but it is the Feds who are using the tactic to divide and conquer. If it was your quota being taken away would you be fighting for it?
I know no one and knew that this was coming because NY unlike NJ hasn't met the *******s up close and personal and never knew how they played the game like we do here in NY.
When I screamed at you guys 2 years ago to not give any fish up, nor give up your size limit, you guys went ahead and threw away 3 fish for a 1/2 an inch.
Never give fish up, ever. That was their game they baited you and you bit.
Our quota was taken away...
NY took it on the chin for the greater good of the fluke stock. Because of NY's tight limits for 13 years you enjoy the fluke fishing we have today.
You in NJ never felt what it's like to throw back fish that were 3 1/2 lbs because they were short at 20.5", no you were yucking it up at 6 fish at 18" while our regs were 2 at 21".
NJ did nothing to help NY throughout the last 13 year, they sat back and reaped the benefits afforded to them by NY and our tight regulations.
I have been trying to plant seeds in your so called RFA and other abbreviated peoples head to work alongside NY's fisherman, and was accused of wanting a NY vs NJ war.
In all honesty you would lose because Schummer and Cuomo Have way more clout where it needs to be than anyone in NJ.
02-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Not for nothing, last I heard this site was "NJFishing"?? :confused: Why are we talking about NY?? :confused: Enough said!!!!!
You must have started fishing recently.
Some of you in NJ don't remember running to Ambrose Channel...
This is where you went to catch the LARGE fluke in NY waters. Many Tournaments were won in NY waters because NJ boats used to come here to fish OUR waters.
I used to se an ungodly number of NJ boats fishing in Jamaica Bay because there also is where the BIG Fluke lived.
Jay these people are pitting states against each other with numbers that are BS.
NY and NJ are the same waters.
02-05-2014, 01:44 PM
Unbelievable! I'll be a runner boat this Summer, call me on the cell when you have your limit I'll have 5 Hotties on the boat, that gives me a 24 fish limit. I'll make the run back to dock, off load and head to the next. At the end of the day I'll meet you with you're fish for a small fee!!!!!!! LOL what a joke..........
Can you bring your hotties to the J2?
Gerry Zagorski
02-05-2014, 02:33 PM
Well since we lost the battle against Regional Management, maybe what we need to do is fight the other larger issues that effect our now Regional regulations. Flawed science in assessing the stocks and no flexibility in the Magnuson Stevens Act Management_Act
The flawed science fight centers around the flawed methods and data being used to assess the Fluke stocks. If assessments deem that the stock is in trouble, then by law the Federal Government must step in and put plans in place to recover the stock. That means smaller quotas which translates to shorter seasons, lower bag limits (how many fish you can keep) and increases in the size of fish you are allowed to keep.
We also need to fight for some flexibility in the Mangnuson Stevens Act which would allow other factors to be taken into consideration when setting quotas.
As an example.... How could anyone with half a brain say that NJ exceeded their quota for Fluke last year... Participation was way down due to the recovery from Sandy. That was the whole point of Dave Dales survey he put up on the site a few weeks back about how many times we fished for Fluke last year.
Yet the flawed data and science says that we did :confused:
02-05-2014, 05:03 PM
I give up. I keep what I need for the table. My boat has its own personal laminated species regulation chart....
You must have started fishing recently.
Some of you in NJ don't remember running to Ambrose Channel...
This is where you went to catch the LARGE fluke in NY waters. Many Tournaments were won in NY waters because NJ boats used to come here to fish OUR waters.
I used to se an ungodly number of NJ boats fishing in Jamaica Bay because there also is where the BIG Fluke lived.
Jay these people are pitting states against each other with numbers that are BS.
NY and NJ are the same waters.
I understand where your coming from, no need to question or assume, I just started fishing. What does that have to do with this topic. Personally, I really don't care what are the regulations. I'm going to keep what I'm going to catch and eat. END! Look at my avatar speaks for itself......:D
02-05-2014, 05:36 PM
As I stated after having gone to the meeting in Toms River. The only person that was from the commission was a lower level staffer. It was like we were talking to deaf ears, it is now obvious we where.
Science and common sense mean absolutely nothing to the board. Their minds are made up in advance and they only show up so they can say we listened.
As per the 4 @ 18, per Adam at the meeting, the board looks at each angler catching only 2 fish per day, so 4,5 ,or 6 is the same and the # per day didn't really matter. What happened to this reasoning?
AS has been brought up before, we as a group, are some of the most upright citizens around, and respect our laws, it is now getting to the point that a lot of honest people (fishermen and fisherwomen) will be clever enough to say I am going to start disrespecting those that disrespect us!
02-05-2014, 06:03 PM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
Capt Joe
02-05-2014, 07:39 PM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
02-05-2014, 07:43 PM
Does anyone have the data that
proves how many fluke were caught in NJ last year? Does anyone have the scientific data that proves how many fluke were in the Biomass last year? Thanks for this information in advance.
02-05-2014, 07:53 PM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
I understand your position, but we have had enough.. I am going to be 60 soon, and in the years I have left in good enough health to go fishing,I would like to be able to enjoy a few fish to eat , for the big money i spend to go fishing... Enough of this crap. i am with those that will take our chances..
I will fillet a few good size fish to eat, and hide the fillets... If they want to take my boat apart, so be it... If I get caught i get caught.. Otherwise, they will find only 18 inch fish in the cooler.
Actually, I truly believe they WILL start bringing dogs to sniff for hidden fish, or will start boat searches.. Its only a matter of time...In any case, in the meantime I will become a lawbreaker..
This is getting out of hand, and we have become powerless..
They are denying us our heritage.... bob
02-05-2014, 08:06 PM
02-05-2014, 09:21 PM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
Under most circumstances I would agree but this is all about politics and utter BS. As I mentioned in my earlier post, we all gave our pound of flesh over the last many years to rebuild the fluke stocks which has happened and now that the time has come for the recreational community to enjoy the benefits of those sacrifices your suggesting we allow some obscure politicians to determine our fate by mandating we further sacrifice the sport we love so that commercial interests and politicians can benefit. Excuse me if I find it difficult to understand your perspective. This is bait and switch and will continue until someone takes a stance. If you choose to be taken advantage of that's your decision but many will find it offensive to follow your advise. This keeps up NJ will be at a 2 fish limit at 22 inches just like NY was and that is simply not acceptable. Not when you consider the amount of money we collectively put into the economy in pursuit of a few fish for the frying pan but more importantly to spend time with friends and family fishing for what is probably the most popular summer species in our coastal area. Any our elected officials are going to ignore what's important to us, ignore our contributions to the rebuilding efforts and once again screw the blue collar guy. If you want to roll over, be my guest but like many here have said this resource is where it is today because of our efforts and I personally won't adhere to policies handed down from greedy politicians who have their own interests in front of ours.
02-05-2014, 09:38 PM
We have a winner! :)
I couldn't agree more, We have the best government that money can buy!
02-06-2014, 12:12 AM
Good to know that one of our sponsors and captains has a blatant disregard for the law.
02-06-2014, 05:05 AM
Does anyone have the data that
proves how many fluke were caught in NJ last year? Does anyone have the scientific data that proves how many fluke were in the Biomass last year? Thanks for this information in advance.
Still want to know how do they come up with these figures last year, season started late for most due to Sandy. Also, how do the come up with the figures from shore????:confused:
02-06-2014, 06:56 AM
Thanks for the post, Jay.
Capt Sal
02-06-2014, 08:42 AM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
Do you have one million dollars invested in a party boat?Do you make your living fishing?What would you do if the government took away your business that took you 40 years to build?There is a big difference between a private boat owner and charter or party boat!Most of us are frustrated and venting.
02-06-2014, 10:05 AM
If the Fluke stock is rebuilt as Gov.Cuomo states.The limit should be 5 fish at 17 1/2" for NJ/NY/Conn.We all know the fluke tally for 2013 is bogus,due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy.Keep NJ limit the same and bring NY/ line with NJ.
02-06-2014, 10:34 AM
If the Fluke stock is rebuilt as Gov.Cuomo states.The limit should be 5 fish at 17 1/2" for NJ/NY/Conn.We all know the fluke tally for 2013 is bogus,due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy.Keep NJ limit the same and bring NY/ line with NJ.
You are kidding right? It was a floating city out there from June on...
Capt Sal
02-06-2014, 10:35 AM
If NY did not get what they wanted they were going to sue.NJ did not get what what we wanted and no mention of a law suit.Maybe our Governor should take the donut out of his mouth and do what we pay him for instead of causing traffic jams!If he ate more fish he would not be so fat lol
02-06-2014, 11:19 AM
If NY did not get what they wanted they were going to sue.NJ did not get what what we wanted and no mention of a law suit.Maybe our Governor should take the donut out of his mouth and do what we pay him for instead of causing traffic jams!If he ate more fish he would not be so fat lol
LMAO Stop Capt Sal.
02-06-2014, 11:31 AM
if ny did not get what they wanted they were going to sue.nj did not get what what we wanted and no mention of a law suit.maybe our governor should take the donut out of his mouth and do what we pay him for instead of causing traffic jams!if he ate more fish he would not be so fat lol
thats a good one. LMAO
02-06-2014, 11:39 AM
You are kidding right? It was a floating city out there from June on...
Do you really believe there was more fluke harvested in 2013 than 2012?The marinas/boats in my area missed the 1st month of the season.The ocean was cold early also.I agree NY has been screwed with lower fluke limits.N.Y.should have been bumped up to N.J regs.for 2014.
02-06-2014, 11:58 AM
I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. No matter why the rules are made, they are still the rules. If you have no respect for the rules you have no respect for the fish, the sport or yourselves.
BS is right! This is a perfect example of the machiavelli theory divide and conquer and dissension among men. You have guys on this site that would throw you under the bus for a fish that's a 1/4 of an inch short.
I am as conservation minded as any level headed guy on this site, but what don`t these goody two shoes get.
02-06-2014, 12:05 PM
Good to know that one of our sponsors and captains has a blatant disregard for the law.
Buddy what world do live in to disrespect one of the site sponsors or captains on this site because their opinion differs from yours.
I worked in Law Enforcement for 25 years and the system has become more like legalized mafia.It`s corrupt! The fix is in buddy smell the coffee or give me directions to your fantasy world.
02-06-2014, 12:38 PM
Do you really believe there was more fluke harvested in 2013 than 2012?The marinas/boats in my area missed the 1st month of the season.The ocean was cold early also.I agree NY has been screwed with lower fluke limits.N.Y.should have been bumped up to N.J regs.for 2014.
May traditionally sucks for most of NJ, it's really not until June when fluke start going good.
I saw just as many boats as years past and with your lower size limit, which your South Jersey counter parts wanted and got, is what caused you to over fish because everyone was limiting out daily, more so than when it was 6 at 18".
Irish Jigger
02-06-2014, 01:09 PM
May traditionally sucks for most of NJ, it's really not until June when fluke start going good.
I saw just as many boats as years past and with your lower size limit, which your South Jersey counter parts wanted and got, is what caused you to over fish because everyone was limiting out daily, more so than when it was 6 at 18".
The bay, channels, and rocks on weekdays was almost deserted!!!! The weekends were a bit crowded in the usual spots but for the most part no where near what it was in previous years. Everyone catching their limit is yet another false statement. Go look at most party boat posts and the term "limits" is not found like it is when bass fishing. The usual cast of good fisherman had their typical days of limits but as far as "everyone" thats just completely untrue not to mention most marinas including AH and the Highlands area were not even functional !!!!!!
02-06-2014, 01:32 PM
May traditionally sucks for most of NJ, it's really not until June when fluke start going good.
I saw just as many boats as years past and with your lower size limit, which your South Jersey counter parts wanted and got, is what caused you to over fish because everyone was limiting out daily, more so than when it was 6 at 18".
Do you really think everyone was limiting out daily? I am not sure if you fish on Party boats, charter boats or a private boat, but that`s a little ridiculous. The back area of Raritan Bay sucked this year for fluke.
You have some valid points, but the absolutes have to go.
02-06-2014, 02:00 PM
well this sucks i dont get many keepers but now i think i will do what i want :p
02-06-2014, 02:17 PM
Do you really think everyone was limiting out daily? I am not sure if you fish on Party boats, charter boats or a private boat, but that`s a little ridiculous. The back area of Raritan Bay sucked this year for fluke.
You have some valid points, but the absolutes have to go.
Every time I went out I caught my limit plus...I fish on party boats.
I will bring a camera this year with me and we will see how many boats I see when I go out. I go out 3 times a week. :)
Then we can put this to rest.
So I will return with camera in hand and pictures to post. :)
02-06-2014, 02:33 PM
. . . . Every time I went out I caught my limit plus...
IMPRESSIVE :rolleyes:
02-06-2014, 02:56 PM
IMPRESSIVE :rolleyes:
It isn't hard. 17 1/2 fish are paved on the bottom
Captain Rich
02-06-2014, 03:15 PM
I stole this from another site, it may be the way we have to go, the last 2 paragraphs are the best.
Louisiana is fighting back over red snapper closures.
My recollection tellls me the numbers used are total landings and fish mortality. In other words; total fish caught at any size and how many of them lived. Not how many went home as keepers.
No way I agree we went over. It just defies simple logic. Most marinas I sailed from, all in NJ, were at best 50% capacity. A cooler than normal spring. And, don't forget all that south wind. The NJ numbers don't add up.
Every time I went out I caught my limit plus...I fish on party boats.
I will bring a camera this year with me and we will see how many boats I see when I go out. I go out 3 times a week. :)
Then we can put this to rest.
So I will return with camera in hand and pictures to post. :)
You limited out "every" time you went out? How many times you were out? Once? Come on man, now you're really full of sh*t or just love the attention......
Irish Jigger
02-06-2014, 04:12 PM
You limited out "every" time you went out? How many times you were out? Once? Come on man, now you're really full of sh*t or just love the attention....
Limits every trip 3 days a week and not one report!:confused:
02-06-2014, 04:27 PM
Cabella's sells some really high quality soft sided coolers. So soft they can easily fit thru a deck plate...................
bunker dunker
02-06-2014, 04:28 PM
It won't be long before the dollar folds and the president puts us
under martial law so no one can fish.there gonna win doing what
ever it takes.the end is near!!!!!
02-06-2014, 04:41 PM
It won't be long before the dollar folds and the president puts us
under martial law so no one can fish.there gonna win doing what
ever it takes.the end is near!!!!!
:eek: The end is Nigh!
02-06-2014, 04:47 PM
My recollection tellls me the numbers used are total landings and fish mortality. In other words; total fish caught at any size and how many of them lived. Not how many went home as keepers.
No way I agree we went over. It just defies simple logic. Most marinas I sailed from, all in NJ, were at best 50% capacity. A cooler than normal spring. And, don't forget all that south wind. The NJ numbers don't add up.
You give me faith in humanity! You actually think and do research. Thank you sir! :)
Welcome to NY Redux! ;)
02-06-2014, 05:55 PM
There are some excellent fluke fishermen on this site, I don't remember anyone stating how great the past season was. I fish with some of the best and have for over 50 years, even with the knowledge and experience we have, I can't claim many times when we limited everyone on my boat or on friends boats.
If you check back in my past posts, I would normally add depth, general area and water temps. It is unreasonable to now even believe anything that is posted by _______ _, as his posting show a lack of knowledge of the Jersey Shore,
A parking lot? On a normal weekday if I saw 10 boats between Shark River and Monmouth Beach it was a busy day. I broke down in Shark River and waited 1 1/2 hours for a tow, middle of the day, had 1 that's right 1 boat come in past me.
I went to the meeting and listened, spoke, and came away with the feeling they were going to do whatever they wanted. The meeting was a show so that they can say they listened, and did what the majority wanted, what they did was the only option that did not receive 1 vote is what they did.
02-06-2014, 06:18 PM
Buddy what world do live in to disrespect one of the site sponsors or captains on this site because their opinion differs from yours.
I worked in Law Enforcement for 25 years and the system has become more like legalized mafia.It`s corrupt! The fix is in buddy smell the coffee or give me directions to your fantasy world.
The law is not an opinion Mr. law should know that.I guess..maybe not.
02-06-2014, 06:36 PM
You guys are right. I was just trying to see what kind of replies I would get. I'm gonna kill every ****ing fish I catch. And not only fluke.
02-06-2014, 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Fishfish
Well Russ A. I wont argue all of your points and actually agree with you. But that's not what you think. First the NJ quota as set prior, was ours, wealth if you will. For that argument you need to look elsewhere on how and where they were set and why. I will not argue the points you presented on population. Fisherman? I would like to see that quantified. You missed the point regards " political bullshit " I would expect Schumer and Cuomo to fight for the quota for New Yorkers. The political bullshit was his knowing regionalization would be approved prior the decision. And thats inside patronage and pay to play bullshit! So you used my comment to write your reply. Did I say I want to fight with NY? I agree we need to work together to ensure our rights to fish, but it is the Feds who are using the tactic to divide and conquer. If it was your quota being taken away would you be fighting for it?
RussA reply:
I know no one and knew that this was coming because NY unlike NJ hasn't met the *******s up close and personal and never knew how they played the game like we do here in NY.
When I screamed at you guys 2 years ago to not give any fish up, nor give up your size limit, you guys went ahead and threw away 3 fish for a 1/2 an inch.
Never give fish up, ever. That was their game they baited you and you bit.
Our quota was taken away...
NY took it on the chin for the greater good of the fluke stock. Because of NY's tight limits for 13 years you enjoy the fluke fishing we have today.
You in NJ never felt what it's like to throw back fish that were 3 1/2 lbs because they were short at 20.5", no you were yucking it up at 6 fish at 18" while our regs were 2 at 21".
NJ did nothing to help NY throughout the last 13 year, they sat back and reaped the benefits afforded to them by NY and our tight regulations.
I have been trying to plant seeds in your so called RFA and other abbreviated peoples head to work alongside NY's fisherman, and was accused of wanting a NY vs NJ war.
In all honesty you would lose because Schummer and Cuomo Have way more clout where it needs to be than anyone in NJ.
My reply: So RussA, you seem to be the expert on everything. I make my comment as well as everyone on this thread and you choose to attack. In my last post above, in your reply, you failed to address most every thing I said. Instead you would rather rant and rave like "I screamed at you guys" (you do that with every reply) and go on to say "I have been trying to plant seeds in YOUR SO CALLED RFA" called? and you go on to insult our representation saying your state has more clout. Our fluking success is because "NY took it on the chin" because....."NJ did nothing to help NY throughout the last 13 year, they sat back and reaped the benefits afforded to them by NY and our tight regulations" Now that is another assumption/ opinion on your part. I maybe found one decent reply on your part and wont continue to go on and on quoting all your replies to others. I did love your getting limits on every trip.....that was priceless! I am sure you do not care, but I find you insulting, sarcastic, derogatory and down right a waste of time in any debate. What makes me laugh the most is your suggesting we work together...yes, but not with you sir! Sorry Gerry and members, but I had to get that off my chest. Where is the flag button?
02-06-2014, 06:57 PM
Every time I went out I caught my limit plus...I fish on party boats.
Hard to believe.. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
But anyways.. this bag limit is really gonna put a hurting on everyone..
02-06-2014, 07:01 PM
Just reviewed the comments on this fiasco on the asfmc website. They nicely compile the written comments as well as summarize the meetings.
According to the summary table at the end, far more people opposed option than supported it.
So it looks like the will of the people who actually took the time to write a point of view on the topic (far too few BTW) and/or went to the meetings was completely ignored and politics took over.
For a fishery that had been called rebuilt by managers, I still don't understand why we are cutting back on allowable catch.
Other than striped bass, what fishery that is "managed" is actually better off, post regulations? To me it seems recreational harvest declines shortly after species begin to be regulated.
02-06-2014, 07:29 PM
Our policy will be the same.
If the State of New Jersey wants management laws enforced by our captains and crew we will be glad to abide for a simple fee of $500. per trip. Crew will abide by filet permit laws, boat will not enforce laws unless paid to do so.
Sorry I am in the fishing business not law enfocement.
Cell phones may be banned.
Capt Joe
I Concur with your words and Oh, by the way, my phone is Always Off or Left In My Car! Dennis
02-06-2014, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the info Jay. How did they come up with these? Is there any scientific proof to these numbers. If it is not being scientifically proven that species are in danger than why should there be any regulation to protect them? Monitoring Of the Biomass to me Is the only way to check the health of a species. Total catch quantities are nothing more than a excercise in erroneous numbers manipulated on a spreadsheet.
Capt Joe
02-06-2014, 08:03 PM
I hear ya, DENNIS!!!!!!!!:)
02-06-2014, 08:06 PM
Just reviewed the comments on this fiasco on the asfmc website. They nicely compile the written comments as well as summarize the meetings.
According to the summary table at the end, far more people opposed option than supported it.
So it looks like the will of the people who actually took the time to write a point of view on the topic (far too few BTW) and/or went to the meetings was completely ignored and politics took over.
For a fishery that had been called rebuilt by managers, I still don't understand why we are cutting back on allowable catch.
Other than striped bass, what fishery that is "managed" is actually better off, post regulations? To me it seems recreational harvest declines shortly after species begin to be regulated.
Ttmako, were the comments verbatim? I just searched the AMFSC website and could not find what you viewed. Can you provide the link? Thanks
Capt Sal
02-06-2014, 08:11 PM
Hey Russ, Can you take me fluke fishing this year?I have only been fishing Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook for 55 years and I can not get my limit every trip on my boat let alone a party boat. I guess I am doing something wrong!Maybe the salmon eggs I am using are the wrong color WTF over and out :p
02-06-2014, 08:31 PM df
Here it is.
Pretty good read. Certainly some articulate and pissed off fisherman. We just need 10x as many to make a difference.
02-06-2014, 08:55 PM
My reply: So RussA, you seem to be the expert on everything. I make my comment as well as everyone on this thread and you choose to attack. In my last post above, in your reply, you failed to address most every thing I said. Instead you would rather rant and rave like "I screamed at you guys" (you do that with every reply) and go on to say "I have been trying to plant seeds in YOUR SO CALLED RFA" called? and you go on to insult our representation saying your state has more clout. Our fluking success is because "NY took it on the chin" because....."NJ did nothing to help NY throughout the last 13 year, they sat back and reaped the benefits afforded to them by NY and our tight regulations" Now that is another assumption/ opinion on your part. I maybe found one decent reply on your part and wont continue to go on and on quoting all your replies to others. I did love your getting limits on every trip.....that was priceless! I am sure you do not care, but I find you insulting, sarcastic, derogatory and down right a waste of time in any debate. What makes me laugh the most is your suggesting we work together...yes, but not with you sir! Sorry Gerry and members, but I had to get that off my chest. Where is the flag button?
Since you think these are assumptions please list everything NJ has done to help NY, you know since I am assuming these things.
02-06-2014, 09:01 PM
Hey Russ, Can you take me fluke fishing this year?I have only been fishing Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook for 55 years and I can not get my limit every trip on my boat let alone a party boat. I guess I am doing something wrong!Maybe the salmon eggs I am using are the wrong color WTF over and out :p
Take me with you and I will learn you a thing or two. :p
Go buy some 6 inch gulp and go fish in the rocks you will limit no problem. Stop using squid and spearing on a 2 ott english style hook. ;)
02-06-2014, 09:11 PM
I am sorry to those of you who feel I am arogant and harsh. I am only trying to help you not get screwed like we did in NY.
I watch a lot of my favorite boats for fluke either stop fluking or packed it up, and I don't want to see that in NJ.
You will not hear a word from me on management issues from here on out.
Good luck with your fight...
I will say this, I suggest you study what happened to NY, and you will see the \same thing is happening to you. Tog is going to follow you mark my words.
God Bless
Irish Jigger
02-06-2014, 09:14 PM
What party boat fishes the rocks 3 days a week? Limiting on the boat 3 days a week will definitly have you in reports on their website for advertising.
02-06-2014, 09:22 PM
I am sorry to those of you who feel I am arogant and harsh. I am only trying to help you not get screwed like we did in NY.
I watch a lot of my favorite boats for fluke either stop fluking or packed it up, and I don't want to see that in NJ.
You will not hear a word from me on management issues from here on out.
Good luck with your fight...
I will say this, I suggest you study what happened to NY, and you will see the \same thing is happening to you. Tog is going to follow you mark my words.
God Bless
Don't go away mad...:D
02-06-2014, 09:30 PM
The law is not an opinion Mr. law should know that.I guess..maybe not.
Another goof that hides behind a position when it suits him. Comical!!!! I guess you can thank your lucky stars for the internet tough guy.
02-06-2014, 09:39 PM
Don't go away mad...:D
Hell no I am not mad! LMAO Dude the interweb doesn't get me mad. :D
02-06-2014, 09:41 PM
Take me with you and I will learn you a thing or two. :p
Go buy some 6 inch gulp and go fish in the rocks you will limit no problem. Stop using squid and spearing on a 2 ott english style hook. ;)
This is coming from the guy who wonders why there were not any bass under schools of bunker during the summer in the day time. lol What did you expect them to do jump into your boat in August with a bottle of sun tan lotion.
02-06-2014, 10:10 PM
This is coming from the guy who wonders why there were not any bass under schools of bunker during the summer in the day time. lol What did you expect them to do jump in you boat in August with a bottle of sun tan lotion.
Well yeah duh... Don't you? :p
02-06-2014, 10:52 PM
Don't go away mad...:D
Hey Marc!...scratch.....scratch, scratch.....bump.....thump,thump,THUMP....Swiiiiii iiing! Darnit?
Capt Sal
02-07-2014, 09:53 AM
Take me with you and I will learn you a thing or two. :p
Go buy some 6 inch gulp and go fish in the rocks you will limit no problem. Stop using squid and spearing on a 2 ott english style hook. ;)
I will say this,you are entertaining.Maybe a little arrogant, not like myself lol
02-07-2014, 10:24 AM
Well yeah duh... Don't you? :p
No I don`t and if you were as knowledgeable as you portray yourself to be. You would know that striped bass are migratory and what your looking for (usually) occurs from May/June thru October/November. Yes we have local populations that feed, but rarely in the middle of the summer do you see schools of bass feeding in a frenzy on schools of bunker when the water is in the mid 70`s during the day. Duh Obviously, the above mentioned time frames can depend on how cold of a winter/water temps
Also, what party boat do you fish on?
bunker dunker
02-07-2014, 11:03 AM
Is the fishing really this bad!!!!!!
02-07-2014, 11:18 AM
Is the fishing really this bad!!!!!!
Hey Ed, I don't think the fishing is bad at all. What you have here is an informative post that turned into a pissing match between a New York fisherman versus a handful of NJ fishermen. If he's as good as he says he is, maybe he'll start a thread to teach us NJ guys how to limit out on every trip as he claims to do....Hell, I'll even attend a seminar;).
02-07-2014, 11:48 AM
Asbury Park Press article
Regional fluke measures approved
Feb 6, 2014 | By John Oswald | @oswaldapp ... Despite overwhelming opposition, regional management measures for summer flounder for the 2014 season have been approved by the ASMFC. The approved summer flounder regions are Massachusetts and Rhode Island; Connecticut ...
Sorry, could not get the link to paste. A good read on who did and said what, Some key points as follows:
* However, the Addendum was perceived, mainly by New Jersey anglers, as a thinly disguised fish grab by the state of New York.
* October, Capt. Anthony DiLernia, a voting member of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council from New York, said that if the MAFMC elected to stay with coastal equivalency at it’s December meeting, New York was ready to take that decision to court.The tactic worked.
“The final decision was incredible,” said Chris Zeman, one of New Jersey’s representatives to the MAFMC. “I’m shocked that they are going through with this one-year experiment. They are playing with people’s livihoods here
*“New York was threatening litigation to get this through and NOAA clearly listened to New York,” said Zeman. It’s totally appeasement. And in the history of western civilization, has appeasement ever worked?
“New York pushed hard and had the backing of NOAA, which carried a lot of weight,”
What Nowalsky found most troubling was the decision’s impact on state’s rights.
“Individual states have lost their autonomy to go ahead and select regulations that are most beneficial to that state’s anglers, and that loss of autonomy is extremely disconcerting,” he said. It’s especially tough, he added, considering all these states have done to constrain harvests and manage the resource.
............One thing I find most interesting is the comment about NOAA and their support towards NY. As a federal agency is that appropriate? And especially Nowalsky’s comment about states rights. Could that be a Constitutional violation of state sovereignty?
02-07-2014, 12:08 PM
Asbury Park Press article
Regional fluke measures approved
Feb 6, 2014 | By John Oswald | @oswaldapp ... Despite overwhelming opposition, regional management measures for summer flounder for the 2014 season have been approved by the ASMFC. The approved summer flounder regions are Massachusetts and Rhode Island; Connecticut ...
Sorry, could not get the link to paste. A good read on who did and said what, Some key points as follows:
* However, the Addendum was perceived, mainly by New Jersey anglers, as a thinly disguised fish grab by the state of New York.
* October, Capt. Anthony DiLernia, a voting member of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council from New York, said that if the MAFMC elected to stay with coastal equivalency at it’s December meeting, New York was ready to take that decision to court.The tactic worked.
“The final decision was incredible,” said Chris Zeman, one of New Jersey’s representatives to the MAFMC. “I’m shocked that they are going through with this one-year experiment. They are playing with people’s livihoods here
*“New York was threatening litigation to get this through and NOAA clearly listened to New York,” said Zeman. It’s totally appeasement. And in the history of western civilization, has appeasement ever worked?
“New York pushed hard and had the backing of NOAA, which carried a lot of weight,”
What Nowalsky found most troubling was the decision’s impact on state’s rights.
“Individual states have lost their autonomy to go ahead and select regulations that are most beneficial to that state’s anglers, and that loss of autonomy is extremely disconcerting,” he said. It’s especially tough, he added, considering all these states have done to constrain harvests and manage the resource.
............One thing I find most interesting is the comment about NOAA and their support towards NY. As a federal agency is that appropriate? And especially Nowalsky’s comment about states rights. Could that be a Constitutional violation of state sovereignty?
Thanks for taking the time to forward the info.
02-07-2014, 05:20 PM
Maybe instead of 4 fluke at 18 inches we could get 2 fish at 17 1/2. That would give more people an opportunity to take some fillets home.
Maybe instead of 4 fluke at 18 inches we could get 2 fish at 17 1/2. That would give more people an opportunity to take some fillets home.
Finally some levity all these pages later.
02-07-2014, 09:47 PM
What were the regs in years past? Not in the last 5 years or so, but going back to the 90's ...80's....70's
Irish Jigger
02-07-2014, 10:06 PM
Interesting article from 92. How things have changed!
02-08-2014, 02:04 AM
Maybe instead of 4 fluke at 18 inches we could get 2 fish at 17 1/2. That would give more people an opportunity to take some fillets home.
No, they're saving that for next year!
02-08-2014, 05:48 AM
I give up. I keep what I need for the table. My boat has its own personal laminated species regulation chart....
Duff, can I make a copy of yours?? I'll be sure to set the margins just right so the ruler measures everything "perfectly" ;);)
02-08-2014, 08:12 AM
What were the regs in years past? Not in the last 5 years or so, but going back to the 90's ...80's....70's
"Some are questioning whether the 18-inch size limit for fluke, also known as summer flounder, isn't a ruse to prevent anglers from keeping them. They have seen the size regulation creep up from 13 inches in 1986, to 14 inches in 1993, to 16.5 inches in 2006, to 17 inches in 2007 to 18 inches in 2009."
Taken from this very good newspaper article from a few years ago..
Please take the time to read it...bob
02-08-2014, 11:48 AM
Interesting article from 92. How things have changed!
Cool article. 13" is about as far back as I can remember. Have memories of PB fishing with my father in the 70's but no memory of size limits then.
Mike, you can have my chart, I no longer need it.....currently working on a line of artificial fluke tails, which, when put on the fish, adds 2"....:D
02-08-2014, 12:25 PM
Cool article. 13" is about as far back as I can remember. Have memories of PB fishing with my father in the 70's but no memory of size limits then.
Mike, you can have my chart, I no longer need it.....currently working on a line of artificial fluke tails, which, when put on the fish, adds 2"....:D
Wish I had one of those tails last summer, caught this one without a tail at 17"
02-08-2014, 06:36 PM
Its not the size that counts but how you fillet it.
02-08-2014, 06:50 PM
. . . caught this one without a tail at 17" . . . Nice shorty Marc :eek:
02-08-2014, 08:11 PM
Nice shorty Marc :eek:
Thanks, and it was a short as advised by the mates on the boat and released back to grow another half inch...until now:confused:
Angler Paul
02-11-2014, 10:29 PM
I have learned a little bit more about the process of setting regulations for this year. I thought that the 4 fish at 18" was set in stone and the NJMFC would only have to set dates for the season. However, the 4 fish at 18" with a 128 day season is only one of a number of proposals that could become law. I still think that it is the most likely one that will be eventually adopted. However, the way it works is that our region which consist of New Jersey, New York and Conneticut are assigned a quota. Each state has target quota but the states must work together to develop regulations that collectively will not be projected to exceed the regional quota. Right now all three states are working together to do this. The size and bag limits must be the same for each state. However, the states might agree on somehting other than 4 fish at 18" with a 128 day season. As examples they might agree to a 17 1/2" fish with a much shorter season or an 18 1/2" fish with a much longer season. Anyway it is good that they are now working together and we will just have to see what happens during the next couple of weeks. I will keep you posted.
Paul Haertel
President, JCAA
02-11-2014, 11:04 PM
This is fantastic news! :)
Together we stand, divided we fall...
Fish The Drop Off
02-12-2014, 07:07 AM
CT regs last year
17.5 inches 5 fish May 15 to Oct 31
Land guys were able to take a 16 inch fish
NY Regs last year
19 inches 4 fish May 1 to Sept 29
NJ Regs for last year
17.5inches 5 fish May 18 to Sept 24
Looks like to me NJ and CT will have to come up just to get NY down. I really do not want to go to a 18.5 inch or higher and have DEL on a 16 inch fish. So that being said 18 inches and 4 fish and 128day looks like to be the only option. I would love to hear what some of the CT fisherman are saying on this also.
02-12-2014, 08:39 AM
NJ had 17.5 at 5, not 4...
Fish The Drop Off
02-12-2014, 08:52 AM
NJ had 17.5 at 5, not 4...
Sorry Russ It was a typo on my part.
Angler Paul
02-28-2014, 11:53 PM
Fluke and Sea Bass Update 2-28-14
The fluke and sea bass regulations are still up in the air but here is what I know at this point. The NJ Bureau of Marine Fisheries is working feverishly while trying to develop regulations that will best serve our fishermen. However, their hands are tied by the regionalization plan that was forced upon us by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The NJBMF is working the ASMFC and the other states in our region to resolve this matter. Regarding fluke, we know that Connecticut, New Jersey and New York are all in the same region and therefore must have the same size limit, bag limit and season length.
However, each state is allowed to select the exact dates for their seasons. We also know that it is virtually certain that the size limit will be 18” but there is now a possibility that there could be either a 4 or 5 fish bag limit. Research has shown that the harvest for our region would not be too much different with either a 4 or 5 fish limit. Therefore, it seems possible that even with a 5 fish limit, our region would be projected to stay under the quota. Season length is another issue that is being discussed. Addendum XXV approved a 128 day season but there are other factors in play and a 119 day season is being considered as well. It is too time consuming for me to explain this further.
However, at the advisors meeting on 2/27, we received some clues as to what our fluke season might look like. A number of proposals were discussed and there was a consensus that we wanted to extend the season as far into September as possible. In part, that is due to the fact that sea bass season will be closed by 9/18 or sooner. At that time of year we are only allowed to keep one blackfish so if the fluke season is also closed, there will be little for inshore fishermen to fish for. Options that were favored by the advisors would have the season open on 5/17 or 5/23 and extend through either 9/21 or 9/27. Another option in play would have the season beginning on 5/23 and ending on 9/18. Traditionally, our fluke regulations are set at the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council meeting in March but we do not know if this will be resolved by then. There may have to be a special council meeting in April if the proposed regulations are not ready to be voted on by their March 6th meeting.
Regarding sea bass the news is not good. We are in a region with Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. The region over fished its quota last year and depending on which data is used, the entire region will have to cut back by either 3% or 7%. Each region is given a quota and each state within the region is given a target quota to assist in developing their regulations. In 2013 New York harvested 125% of their target, Connecticut harvested 150% of their target but New Jersey harvested only 61% of its target. New Jersey did its job in setting stringent regulations so that we did not exceed our quota but we still have to cut back by either 3 or 7%. It is unfair and hard to believe but that is the way it is under this regional plan, the states that exceed their targets are rewarded while the states that under fish their target are penalized. I can only imagine how the regional fluke plan is going to work out.
At the advisors meeting a number of options regarding sea bass were considered and a couple new ones were suggested that the NJBMF will try to develop and receive approval for from the ASMFC. It seems certain that we will have a season that begins on 5/19 with a 12 ½” size limit. We also know that the season will be closed from 9/18 or sooner through 10/17 or later. There is a strong possibility that the season could be closed by early to mid –August if the bag limit remains high. The options that were on the table at the meeting included those with 12, 15 or 20 fish bag limits. I suggested that the bag limit be reduced to 3-5 fish in July so that the season could be further extended into August or even September. The majority of advisors agreed with me on this as it would enable fluke fishermen to spice their catch with sea bass during the late season. The NJMFB agreed to develop this proposal but it is uncertain if the ASMFC will approve it.
The next meeting of the NJMFC will be held at 4 PM on March 6th at the Galloway Twp. Branch of the Atlantic County Library, 306 Jimmie Leeds Rd., Galloway, NJ. 08205. It is uncertain if the fluke and sea bass regulations will be voted on at this meeting. However, a proposal to open the winter flounder season year round is expected to be considered. The size limit and bag limit will remain the same, 2 fish at 12”.
Please also “like” the Jersey Coast Anglers Association Facebook page. There is a lot more information there regarding fisheries issues.
Paul Haertel
President JCAA
03-01-2014, 12:31 AM
Hoping they go for the 128 day season and 18in - 5 fish bag limit
03-01-2014, 07:25 AM
" . . the states that exceed their targets are rewarded while the states that under fish their target are penalized. . . " Oy vey. The more I learn the less I like - thanks for looking out for us Paul . .
03-01-2014, 11:53 PM
" . . the states that exceed their targets are rewarded while the states that under fish their target are penalized. . . " Oy vey. The more I learn the less I like - thanks for looking out for us Paul . .
NY has not over fished fluke in 10 years so what are you talking about?
It's kind of hard to over fish something when your regulations are 21" and 2 fish, and 3/4 of the fluke fleet were gone
Reel Class
03-02-2014, 06:45 AM
great summary paul... I like your mentioning of a "cut back" on seabass in mid-summer, my only reservation about the roundabout date of July is too early - we still have a decent seabass fishery in July - maybe propose it from roughly 7/15-8/30 (5 fish, 4 fish, etc.)
Keep up the good work in keeping us informed!
03-02-2014, 07:49 AM
I will keep you posted.
Paul Haertel
President, JCAA
Thank You Paul for the update and all of your work.
03-02-2014, 08:30 AM
If they are going to shorten the season for fluke, they should start it later, like early June, and give us more time to fish later in the season, either the end of September or beginning of October. The fluke bite really didn't pick up last year til later in the season, end of June, early July. This was because of the water temps still being too cold. I would think that after the winter we've had that it's going to take even longer this year for the temps to warm up enough for the fluke bite to start.
Gerry Zagorski
03-02-2014, 09:13 AM
I'm with Marc on this. If we have a choice I would rather the season start later and end later. Besides the reasons he mentioned, we have Stripers to fish for in the Spring and once the water warms up warms up they leave and the Fluking gets better.
Capt Sal
03-02-2014, 09:15 AM
My son,Capt Jamey has his boat in Delaware. He says there is no need for the16'' fluke and feels Delaware will go way over the there quota!
03-02-2014, 10:07 AM
The fluke bite really didn't pick up last year til later in the season, end of June, early July. This was because of the water temps still being too cold. I would think that after the winter we've had that it's going to take even longer this year for the temps to warm up enough for the fluke bite to start.
My thoughts exactly. Looking at my log from last season confirms that. Entire May and all of June, ice cold water, jigs were cold, caught numerous ling on 6" grubs, many four spots and spotted hake using same.
I would like to see a later start. Also considering that for the last few years, we seem to lose the last week of august and/or first week of september due to an early offshore storm stirring up the water and making it impossible to fish the end of the season.
Reel Class
03-02-2014, 10:55 AM
If they are going to shorten the season for fluke, they should start it later, like early June, and give us more time to fish later in the season, either the end of September or beginning of October. The fluke bite really didn't pick up last year til later in the season, end of June, early July. This was because of the water temps still being too cold. I would think that after the winter we've had that it's going to take even longer this year for the temps to warm up enough for the fluke bite to start.
agree 100%
that's roughly 120 days!
Angler Paul
03-02-2014, 06:27 PM
Russ, the line you are referring to is about NY exceeding its target quota for sea bass, not fluke. For the record though, according to MRIP, Ct, NJ, and NY all overfished their fluke quotas last year. That information is available on page 9 of addendum XXV if you would like to check it out.
03-02-2014, 07:03 PM
I'm not so sure I'd like a mid June start to the fluke season. I've done very well catching quality fluke in the back bay, south shore of Raritan Bay & the Navesink River as early as Mother's Day. Granted not all fluke fisherman have access to these types of waters, just pointing out that there is quality fluke fishing in others bodies of water other than the ocean.
03-03-2014, 10:18 AM
I for one feel that the earlier the start of the season, the better. We have a blast catching fluke in the rivers and estuaries very early in the year. Before there was ever a closed season on fluke we were catching them in April. I love fishing pre-memorial day when boat traffic is light and the shorts to keeper ratio is 1:1. Why chase them out on the lumps when they are at the end of the dock? most years, with last year being an exception, we have a major weather event that cripples the fluking around September 1st making the rest of the season a crap shoot.... just my 2 cents.
Angler Paul
03-06-2014, 11:25 PM
At the NJMFC meeting on 3/6/14 the council voted in favor of a winter flounder season that will extend from 3/1 – 12/31. However, the regulation has to be written, reviewed and then signed by the DEP Commissioner before it becomes law. The winter flounder season is currently scheduled to open on 3/23 and it is doubtful that the Commissioner will sign it before that date. However, if he does so, the NJBMF will promptly announce the earlier opening. The bag and size limits will remain the same, 2 fish at 12”.
Regarding fluke not much has changed since I last gave an update on 2/28. Various options that I previously mentioned are being considered. However, there is a conference call scheduled for 3/13 between representatives from the ASMFC and each of the three states in our region. After that call, the final options expected to become available for public comment.
Regarding sea bass, the option I suggested to have a slit season bag limit was developed by the NJBMF and approved by the ASMFC. Other options are being considered as well. However, the NJMFC has scheduled a special council meeting to finalize both our fluke and sea bass regulations for this year. The public is invited to attend and give input. The meeting will be held at 4 PM on 4/3 at the Stafford Township Municipal Building located at 260 Bay Av, Manahawkin.
Paul Haertel
JCAA President
Fishin Dude
03-07-2014, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the update Paul.
Angler Paul
03-14-2014, 12:31 PM
Fluke and Sea Bass Regulation Update - 3/13/14
On 3/13/13, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council held a special conference call pertaining to fluke and sea bass. The purpose of this call was to discuss and approve management options for the various regions as well as proposed regulatory options for each state. Regarding fluke, New Jersey came out of this as well as c hoped for considering that we are now in a region with New York and Connecticut. Specifically, New Jersey's representatives, Tom Fote (ASMFC) and Tom Baum (NJBMF) argued successfully that we should have a 128 day season and a 5 fish bag limit. There were those who favored a shorter season and/or a 4 fish bag limit. The 18" size limit had previously been approved by all three states in our region. The motion that passed also included two additional provisions. One is that of the 128 day season, no more than 45 days may be during the wave 3 period (May-June). That means that New Jersey's season will begin no sooner than 5/17. We also could begin the season later than that date so that it could be extended further into September, but no later than 9/30. The majority of those in attendance at New Jersey's advisory meeting on 2/27 favored a later start so that the season could be extended further into September. In part that is due to the fact that the season for sea bass will be closed then and with the limit of only one blackfish during that same time, there will be little else for the inshore fishermen to fish for.
The second provision that was approved by the ASMFC is one that would allow a 16" size limit for fluke caught by shore-based anglers in specific areas. However, these areas would have to be properly monitored. Connecticut already has this special regulation in effect and it is now up to New Jersey and New York to develop similar regulations if they wish to do so.
In regard to sea bass, the ASMFC approved options for each region along with various regulatory options for each state. Not much has changed since my last report except that the ASMFC based their decision on the mandated 7% cut set by NMFS. However, the ASMFC also will be writing a letter to NMFS requesting that the reduction be less than 7 %. The 7% cut was in part due to projected wave 6 data (November - December). However, the wave 6 data that recently came out showed that we harvested less fish than had been projected. Therefore, we might be able to cut back by as little as 3.2%. That would mean that our season could be lengthened by a couple of days.
At the advisors meeting on 2/27, a number of options regarding sea bass were considered and a couple new ones were suggested that the NJBMF developed and were since approved by the ASMFC. It is certain that we will have a season that begins on 5/19 with a 12 ½” size limit. We also know that the season will be closed from 9/18 or sooner through 10/17 or later. There is a strong possibility that the season could be closed by early to mid –August if the bag limit remains high. The options that were on the table at the meeting included those with 12, 15 or 20 fish bag limits. I suggested that the bag limit be reduced to 3-5 fish in July so that the season could be further extended into August or even September. One of the additional options that was approved for consideration is a 15 fish bag limit from 5/19 - 6/30, a 5 fish bag limit from 7/1-8/27 and a 15 fish bag limit from 10/18-12/31. The season will be closed in federal waters from 9/18 - 10/17 so it makes little sense to develop any options that would allow us to fish in state waters only during that time.
The list of various options pertaining to both fluke and sea bass will be coming out soon. Those interested in commenting are encouraged to do so at a special NJMFC council meeting where regulations for both species are expected to be adopted. This meeting will held at 4 PM on April 3rd at the Stafford Township Municipal building located at 260 East Bay Av., Manahawkin.
Paul Haertel
President JCAA
03-14-2014, 09:19 PM
5 Fluke @ 18" is not good for the average angler and even worst for party boats! It is good for the sharpies but that's about it. There will be a lot of gut hooked shorts that will have to be thrown back. It's a shame! The powers to be will do as they please until anglers decide to get very serious and organize. Votes and $$$ will be the only answer to this problem. So go out there enjoy the sun and fresh sea air but don't expect to bring home many if any Fluke! At least I have my memories of the good old days when you could come home with enough Fluke for a few meals for the family! Good luck !!
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