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View Full Version : If they make the Striped Bass limit one will you still go?

Capt Sal
01-30-2014, 10:33 AM
Just wondering how many anglers would still charter or go on a party boat if the striped bass limit is reduced to one fish.In reality one striper yields a lot of fillet.Don't think this can't happen.Although NJ has the spawning bass from the Hudson we still might get screwed!Producer states should be allowed a reasonable bag limit.What are your feelings on this matter?

01-30-2014, 12:11 PM
I'll still go. I don't like eating them anyway. Catch and release is fine with me.

01-30-2014, 12:21 PM
Bring back the slot fish!

Ol Pedro
01-30-2014, 12:23 PM
I would still go as most of my fishing is with jigs. Jig fish are easily released and generally hooked in the lip .

01-30-2014, 12:37 PM
Wouldnt make a difference to me....I keep a fish for dinner and chowder but try to release most that I catch if theyre able to swim away. I enjoy the sport, not looking for the kill :D

01-30-2014, 12:54 PM
sounds fine to me less time i have to spend catching striped catfish the more time i can spend catching lings

01-30-2014, 01:10 PM
x2 on the slot idea! I tend to only keep 28"-30" fish anyway... let the big girls go!

01-30-2014, 01:22 PM
Bring back the slot fish!

Umm how can you bring something back that never was... Good talk!

01-30-2014, 01:37 PM
I'd still go. I'd probably go if the limit were -0-, especially if I caught more.

01-30-2014, 01:39 PM
x2 on the slot idea! I tend to only keep 28"-30" fish anyway... let the big girls go!

The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

Fish over 45lbs eggs start to lose viability. By the time a striper is pushing 50lbs their eggs in most, are not viable.

So throwing back 50lb fish really does nothing.


01-30-2014, 01:44 PM
The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

Fish over 45lbs eggs start to lose viability. By the time a striper is pushing 50lbs their eggs in most, are not viable.

So throwing back 50lb fish really does nothing.


I mostly agree, but there was a 24"-28" slot for years. And fishing was very good in those years.

01-30-2014, 02:30 PM
I mostly agree, but there was a 24"-28" slot for years. And fishing was very good in those years.

What years? All I remember was 1 at 36" and one year they even raised it to 38" for a few months, then what you have seen in the last 15years or so.

01-30-2014, 03:02 PM
What years? All I remember was 1 at 36" and one year they even raised it to 38" for a few months, then what you have seen in the last 15years or so.

Around 2002 +/- a few years. Regs are still available here: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/digmar13_pdf.htm#past

bunker dunker
01-30-2014, 03:04 PM
I'm going even if they close it!!!! They want pirates then lets do this

01-30-2014, 03:18 PM
I will go fish for any specie!!! even i the limit is 1/2 a fish. It is in my blood to fish. Sad to see things like this because we all know if it does not change our kids will never know what it mean to go fishing and enjoy a fresh cooked fish dinner!!! I do not condone breaking the rules but sometimes a man has to do what he has to do!!! Raise the pirate flag!! arg arg arg!!!

01-30-2014, 03:21 PM
I enjoy striped bass season....the bottom fishing boats have more room at the rail this time of year! In all seriousness I would still go if it was limited to one.

01-30-2014, 03:36 PM
I would certainly still fish for them just as much.

shrimpman steve
01-30-2014, 03:38 PM
I remember the slot.

01-30-2014, 03:39 PM
Def still go, one is large enough for some fresh meals

01-30-2014, 04:24 PM
would fish for linesiders even if couldnt keep ANY

01-30-2014, 04:46 PM
The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

Fish over 45lbs eggs start to lose viability. By the time a striper is pushing 50lbs their eggs in most, are not viable.

So throwing back 50lb fish really does nothing.


Is this 100% valid info? Like culling out the old bucks?

I dont catch 50s so it's a moot point in my case lol :D

01-30-2014, 04:58 PM
Around 2002 +/- a few years. Regs are still available here: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/digmar13_pdf.htm#past

Oh ok, (NY here :)) NY still has that stupid Hybrid slot, where you get 1 between 28" and 42" and one greater that 42".

It isn't working out too good.

In my opinion if you want a sustainable stock, Boat owners, be them Private, 6 Pack, or head boat should enforce the no catch and release rule for themselves and once you catch your limit of striper bass that's it.

Then you can go target another kind of fish. But most don't like this idea, because it would actually work, but they want what they want and instead of policing themselves the asshats at the .gov will take away their rights one fish at a time.

Same goes for all other fish.

01-30-2014, 05:02 PM
Is this 100% valid info? Like culling out the old bucks?

I dont catch 50s so it's a moot point in my case lol :D

LOL yes it's legitimate info...

You can verify it with your local Marine Biologist who's expertise are Striped Bass. :)

01-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Yea id still go.. Get one for dinner.. then enjoy catch and release for the rest of the trip.. Its still a good time even if im not killing everything i catch out there..

A slot fish would be cool too.. one at 28in and one at over 38in or so..

Joey Dah Fish
01-30-2014, 06:05 PM
I will I'm cataclysmic and release :) just love to fish. It's not the kill but the thrill of the chase. But I'm sure it will kill the charter boats :(

01-30-2014, 07:37 PM
The slot was great, they were better eating. I have no desire to eat a 20# plus striper, tastes like crap. Let em all go.

01-30-2014, 07:38 PM
1 bass would be fine with me. just leave the fluke limits alone:D

01-30-2014, 09:40 PM
I would still go...I love eating them...but from netting bunker to catching a striper is an experience. Can't beat live lining a bunker...and watching a striper break the surface and nail it. To me...that's what it's all about!!!

01-30-2014, 10:20 PM
The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

Fish over 45lbs eggs start to lose viability. By the time a striper is pushing 50lbs their eggs in most, are not viable.

So throwing back 50lb fish really does nothing.

So I guess when you run across 100`s of bass floating dead in the ocean, which are the result of being the by catch from the commercial bunker boats that has nothing at all to do with with the down turn. There are many reasons for the decline and angler greed is just one of them.
How does anyone state something as pure fact, when they don`t even know that there was a slot fish???

01-30-2014, 11:42 PM
So I guess when you run across 100`s of bass floating dead in the ocean, which are the result of being the by catch from the commercial bunker boats that has nothing at all to do with with the down turn. There are many reasons for the decline and angler greed is just one of them.
How does anyone state something as pure fact, when they don`t even know that there was a slot fish???

It's simple, I am from NY and the slot limit was only for a short time. To nitpick is folly.

Your state allows Omega Protein to harvest bunker, NY doesn't.

The above are facts, the only thing that was corrected was there was a slot limit and I said wow I didn't realize.

You can blame the bunker boats all you want but the facts are the for hire boats are doing the most damage. This is a fact. Show me where you have seen 100's of dead stripers from bunker boats in NY Harbor or the Raritan bay, you can't because you are talking about other states.

There are 2 main spawning areas, The Chesapeake and the Hudson. The delaware bay may have some fish but the two areas I just named are the primary areas we catch our bass from.

From March through December for hire boats from NC to MA wreak havoc on both stocks of fish. They are even caught in the eeze illegally.

These are facts you can not dispute. In the 70's and 80's it was commercial, in the 2000's its the for hire boats and private boats.

Sure you can say but I saw a picture of dead stripers and so on, do you know how much bunker I saw with nothing on them all summer long while fluking? an ungodly number. So the bunker boats are doing their own damage to the bunker and I for one want them gone, but this is for another thread.

In order to fix the problems Private and for hire boats need to start policing themselves. I for one am sick of getting dictated to what I can catch and how many I can keep and when I can catch them... How about you?

01-31-2014, 09:05 AM
Russa, Obviously you are very passionate about your perception of the problem to post a response at 12.42 am and that`s okay. Your new to the forum and I believe it was 2 years ago when several captains who frequent the site brought to light what they had seen regarding 100`s of bass floating dead, which were the result of the bunker boats.
Your entitled to your opinion regarding a great many topics that you choose to comment on, but your opinion is just one mans view of things.
No. I am not happy about being force fed bullshit regs from a government that does not know it`s ass from it`s elbow, yet will cave in to the highest bidder.
Tight lines.

Capt Sal
01-31-2014, 09:46 AM
Russa You keep bashing NJ for no good reason.As far as our state allowing bunker to be sold for Omega you are dead wrong.The bunker boats have a ''B'' on them and that means bait only.As far as NY not allowing Omega boats wrong again.Reduction boats are not allowed inside the the three mile line and that means State waters.NY has nothing to say about federal waters.NY does not allow purse sieners inside the three mile line or Raritan Bay or Long Island Sound.Get your info in order.I have seen stripers floating in Raritan Bay after being dumped over by purse sieners netting bunker.Weakfish also were crushed.

Next this post is about a striper limit and angler participation not your NY verses NJ BS.This is a NJ site and a good one so let it go and stop hijacking posts for your own agenda!

I want to thank everyone that responded.True sportsman on this site IMHO

01-31-2014, 11:02 AM
I was always told they continue to spawn until they die....a 50 lb fish is not even close to the top end of size for the species...no reason to believe a fish in this class will not successfully spawn vs a 30 lb. Where did you get your information?

01-31-2014, 11:19 AM
I'd definitely still go....Love the sport of them most of all. Love eatin' them too...I think they are great tasting at any size! 1 fish per day is plenty in my opinion.

Capt. Debbie
01-31-2014, 12:09 PM
If you wont go for a 30 inch long striper... obviously 2 10" lon winter flounders must be laughable.

No one fishes for cheap food. That's rediculous.

I fish off the tow boat 10-12 hours a day for many many weekends. Almost everything I catch is C&R. Or I can read a book and not fish?

Which would you do?

01-31-2014, 12:16 PM
[QUOTE=RussA;343547]The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

You seriously dont' believe what you have said. Just look at the attached and see what the commercial fleet is doing down south. This is North Carolina. Virginia is just as bad.


01-31-2014, 12:39 PM
FUNNNNY, how most of comments here is about how no one care to take more than one bass. but when I'm on party boats and fishing is good I see the mate straggling to limit fares from keeping fish and get an accurate numbers of keepers on the boat.
I understand keeping your limit and give away fish to friends and neighbors or to the less fortunate (which a lot of us do), but pay what we pay to go fishing and get a few days that we go home with no fish and then when the fishing is good and we can keep 2 doesn't sound too bad.
lets call it as we see it.

Ol Pedro
01-31-2014, 01:23 PM
Oasis , the question was will you still fish if the limit were one Bass . Like you , I would rather have a two Bass limit and have the option to keep two.

01-31-2014, 01:52 PM
Russ A. sounds as if he had 1 too many Rusty Nails.

Ol Pedro
01-31-2014, 01:54 PM
Russ A., I think that a lot of us on this site do a pretty good job of policing ourselves when it comes to wasting fish. Some of the 6 Pac's do catch their limits and then fish for other species. I haven't been out too many times when the Party boat that I was on had a boat limit. I have jigged as many as twenty short Bass to get one keeper. That being said ,if we do what you suggest shouldn't we just keep the first two Stripers that we catch and go home ? No catch and release just catch and kill ? The 22" Striper that I release has just as good a chance as the 32"er when it isn't gut hooked and netted instead of gaffed . I love catching Stripers and eating them TOO!!! There's nothing like seeing three Bass follow my jig up and fight for it or almost having the rod pulled out of my hands when I'm burning my jig back and that Cow blasts it going the other way. Also no one has mentioned the floaters that local gillnetters have left in the past .

Capt Sal
01-31-2014, 02:10 PM
Russ A. sounds as if he had 1 too many Rusty Nails.

His info is as flawed as fisheries management.Even his size limits in his own state of NY are incorrect.The second bass has to be over 40" not 42".I in no way want to see a one fish limit.If I did not charter I would not be so worried.As for as keeping bass,i kept one all year.The two of us ate half of it.This bass was 32".When I take friends and family we take two fish for six people.

Irish Jigger
01-31-2014, 02:36 PM
I usually keep what we will eat or if others ask for fish I will put them in the box. These are the smaller legal fish, I prefer not the 30+lbrs we get in the spring. I fish for fun and not in the business but I can't help but wonder if the "limits++++++" posts, and the pictures of a dock full of cows plus bonus tags are being monitored and viewed on the site by god only knows who and used as a basis for how every boat does daily. I understand it's 100% legal and great advertising but does it hurt more then it helps? Have noticed a lot of the charters on here have scaled back the reports a bit and the photos with piles of fish are gone. Maybee I am being paranoid lol but just food for thought!!

Capt Sal
01-31-2014, 03:15 PM
I usually keep what we will eat or if others ask for fish I will but them in the box. These are the smaller legal fish, I prefer not the 30+lbrs we get in the spring. I fish for fun and not in the business but I can't help but wonder if the "limits++++++" posts and the pictures of a dock full of cows plus bonus tags are being monitored and viewed on the site by god only knows who and used as a basis for how every boat does daily. I understand it's 100% legal and great advertising but does it hurt more then it helps? Have noticed a lot of the charters on here have scaled back the reports a bit and the photos of piles of fish are gone. Maybee I am being paranoid lol but just food for thought!!

When i started my charter boat business I was guilty of posting pictures of dead fish on the dock.Action pictures are always the best.Release pictures are even better.We as charter boat captains should not have to prove our catch with pictures.What picture could be better than a youngster fighting a big bass with a grin from ear to ear?The internet is a doubled edged sword when it comes to posting pictures.Just think about it,salt water magazines only publish action photos.It is high time we all change our ways!

01-31-2014, 05:07 PM
[QUOTE=RussA;343547]The spawning stock are from 28"-45" so roughly 12-40lbs.

So all you guys hammering the stripers day in and out are the cause for the slower striper seasons as of late.

This is pure fact. You can't blame the commercial fishery on this at all.

You seriously dont' believe what you have said. Just look at the attached and see what the commercial fleet is doing down south. This is North Carolina. Virginia is just as bad.


Dixie has not had a good bass run in three years. My buddies that fish winter bass in virginia beach and outerbanks have said it has been very slow the last few years.

Ever see the rod/reel commercial striped bass fishing fleet off Chatam, MA in July? I kid you not...twenty-thirty feet between boats at times. I was having a conversation with guys on the boat next to me without raising my voice.

01-31-2014, 05:12 PM
When i started my charter boat business I was guilty of posting pictures of dead fish on the dock.Action pictures are always the best.Release pictures are even better.We as charter boat captains should not have to prove our catch with pictures.What picture could be better than a youngster fighting a big bass with a grin from ear to ear?The internet is a doubled edged sword when it comes to posting pictures.Just think about it,salt water magazines only publish action photos.It is high time we all change our ways!

agree...keep a fish or two for dinner...want to stroke your ego at the dock....hang flags like the marlin guys do. flags could just be numbers representing weights of fish released..first flag is an upside down bass representing species...following flags..25,30,40, 50...people will get it. honor system...the bs artists will be flushed out real quick.

01-31-2014, 05:46 PM
.hang flags like the marlin guys do. flags could just be numbers representing weights of fish released..first flag is an upside down bass representing species...following flags..25,30,40, 50...people will get it.

Hands down best idea ever! Although I personally wouldn't need any flag over "20". Great concept, would love to see it catch on.

For the record, I'd fish for bass even if you couldn't keep any.

Gerry Zagorski
01-31-2014, 06:32 PM
Love it!!

01-31-2014, 07:43 PM
Getting good now:D

01-31-2014, 08:56 PM
1 bass would be fine with me. just leave the fluke limits alone:D

x 2

02-01-2014, 12:02 AM


02-01-2014, 06:14 PM
It's simple, I am from NY and the slot limit was only for a short time. To nitpick is folly.

Your state allows Omega Protein to harvest bunker, NY doesn't.

The above are facts, the only thing that was corrected was there was a slot limit and I said wow I didn't realize.

You can blame the bunker boats all you want but the facts are the for hire boats are doing the most damage. This is a fact. Show me where you have seen 100's of dead stripers from bunker boats in NY Harbor or the Raritan bay, you can't because you are talking about other states.

There are 2 main spawning areas, The Chesapeake and the Hudson. The delaware bay may have some fish but the two areas I just named are the primary areas we catch our bass from.

From March through December for hire boats from NC to MA wreak havoc on both stocks of fish. They are even caught in the eeze illegally.

These are facts you can not dispute. In the 70's and 80's it was commercial, in the 2000's its the for hire boats and private boats.

Sure you can say but I saw a picture of dead stripers and so on, do you know how much bunker I saw with nothing on them all summer long while fluking? an ungodly number. So the bunker boats are doing their own damage to the bunker and I for one want them gone, but this is for another thread.

In order to fix the problems Private and for hire boats need to start policing themselves. I for one am sick of getting dictated to what I can catch and how many I can keep and when I can catch them... How about you?

Russa You keep bashing NJ for no good reason.As far as our state allowing bunker to be sold for Omega you are dead wrong.The bunker boats have a ''B'' on them and that means bait only.As far as NY not allowing Omega boats wrong again.Reduction boats are not allowed inside the the three mile line and that means State waters.NY has nothing to say about federal waters.NY does not allow purse sieners inside the three mile line or Raritan Bay or Long Island Sound.Get your info in order.I have seen stripers floating in Raritan Bay after being dumped over by purse sieners netting bunker.Weakfish also were crushed.

Next this post is about a striper limit and angler participation not your NY verses NJ BS.This is a NJ site and a good one so let it go and stop hijacking posts for your own agenda!

I want to thank everyone that responded.True sportsman on this site IMHO

Sal you are a very passionate man, good for you! :) I never bashed any state, you really need to take a breath and read what I am saying, all I am stating are my views with some facts as well. I said NY doesn't allow Them in NY waters, you should re-read what I wrote I quoted it for you.

Sal My info is very much in order, like I said take a few deep breaths and read what I wrote. ;)

You have seen all this stuff because your state allows it. You see that is a fact, not an opinion.

NY saw a long time ago what commercial fishing with nets does to fish stocks, NJ well they will learn soon enough.

This isn't a NY vs NJ thing this is about us as fishermen coming together to fight for our right to sustainable fishing and actually getting useful numbers to work with, and models to calculate said numbers.

You want it to be a NY vs NJ thing I get it, thats why you keep bringing that point up. I want all fishermen from our waters to come together so we have a voice. I see the big picture, not the small one where people like to be isolationists and say we know whats good for us in our state and keep fishermen divided.

You need to start thinking about the future of our fishing and not your own state only because you will suffer what NY went through for years only you will lose a hell of a lot more boats, thats a fact.

United we stand! Divided we fall... You are falling for the ploy to get fishermen divided, don't.

02-01-2014, 08:02 PM
What is this nonsense " 1 fish"? The days you get out, maybe take a skunk or the weather keeps you tied to the dock. It all averages out. Catch what you want, keep what you want. NO ROD AND REEL SEASON WILL EVER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE B.S. SEASON WE ARE BEING FORCE FED. F' EM ALL !




02-01-2014, 09:09 PM
It's multiple factors at play here. Guys trying hard to save the bass so we don't have a repeat of the 70's. Loss of habitat, loss of spawning stocks, poaching, fish kills, commercial by catch and so on. I think this is the tip of the iceberg. Where this road will lead us no one knows, I just hope we are collectively moving in the right direction for future generations.
I think rod and reels guys have a deeper passion for fish that live in the sea unlike our commercial counter parts. We would like to be able to pass the fishing torch to our children and grand children, and hope they do the same for future generations to come.

Capt Sal
02-01-2014, 09:51 PM
Sal you are a very passionate man, good for you! :) I never bashed any state, you really need to take a breath and read what I am saying, all I am stating are my views with some facts as well. I said NY doesn't allow Them in NY waters, you should re-read what I wrote I quoted it for you.

Sal My info is very much in order, like I said take a few deep breaths and read what I wrote. ;)

You have seen all this stuff because your state allows it. You see that is a fact, not an opinion.

NY saw a long time ago what commercial fishing with nets does to fish stocks, NJ well they will learn soon enough.

This isn't a NY vs NJ thing this is about us as fishermen coming together to fight for our right to sustainable fishing and actually getting useful numbers to work with, and models to calculate said numbers.

You want it to be a NY vs NJ thing I get it, thats why you keep bringing that point up. I want all fishermen from our waters to come together so we have a voice. I see the big picture, not the small one where people like to be isolationists and say we know whats good for us in our state and keep fishermen divided.

You need to start thinking about the future of our fishing and not your own state only because you will suffer what NY went through for years only you will lose a hell of a lot more boats, thats a fact.

United we stand! Divided we fall... You are falling for the ploy to get fishermen divided, don't.

Russ, You sound like a good person.I just do not agree with some of things you say are fact.Ny is way behind and should of had more organizations like the RFA fighting for them years ago.I do not want recreational fisherman divided!We all want the best for our home states.As I res0nd to this I am in Florida,they too got screwed!Grouper and Red Snapper are closed.We recs are all taking a beating no matter what state we live in.What we need is an organization as powerful as the NRA.I am a life member and we do have lobbyists working for us in Washington!We all need to do our part and maybe these discussions here will help in the long run.

02-01-2014, 09:51 PM
Sal you are a very passionate man, good for you! :) I never bashed any state, you really need to take a breath and read what I am saying, all I am stating are my views with some facts as well. I said NY doesn't allow Them in NY waters, you should re-read what I wrote I quoted it for you.

Sal My info is very much in order, like I said take a few deep breaths and read what I wrote. ;)

You have seen all this stuff because your state allows it. You see that is a fact, not an opinion.

NY saw a long time ago what commercial fishing with nets does to fish stocks, NJ well they will learn soon enough.

This isn't a NY vs NJ thing this is about us as fishermen coming together to fight for our right to sustainable fishing and actually getting useful numbers to work with, and models to calculate said numbers.

You want it to be a NY vs NJ thing I get it, thats why you keep bringing that point up. I want all fishermen from our waters to come together so we have a voice. I see the big picture, not the small one where people like to be isolationists and say we know whats good for us in our state and keep fishermen divided.

You need to start thinking about the future of our fishing and not your own state only because you will suffer what NY went through for years only you will lose a hell of a lot more boats, thats a fact.

United we stand! Divided we fall... You are falling for the ploy to get fishermen divided, don't.

don't wast you time with there nj guys..

Take a kid fishing
02-01-2014, 10:07 PM
One plus the bonus tag? Either way I'd still fish. :o

Fishin Dude
02-02-2014, 10:00 AM
Yes, of course I'll still fish. I love being out on the water, weather on my boat, someone else's, the beach ,a jetty, or pier somewhere. As for keeping Stripers, I would love to see the slot fish come back.

Now, when some guys jump aboard a head boat without knowing the regulations, they get made at the Captain & Crew when they can't keep a fish, when if fact it's the governments fault.

On 6 pack Charters, I find the camaraderie amongst friends, as well as splitting up the catch so everyone eats good, does out weigh the ridiculous regulations that apply to some species.

02-03-2014, 10:42 AM
Ill still go. One fish a day is plenty of meat for me. Catch and release the rest of the day.

02-03-2014, 07:17 PM
The slot was great, they were better eating. I have no desire to eat a 20# plus striper, tastes like crap. Let em all go.

The slot was great to get a whole fish to stuff and bake, During the slot years I often traded a larger fish for smaller slot for feeding 4 people a great meal.

A 10,20,30# striper all taste the same. Fact, so you either like striper or you don't, but 20# "tastes like crap" is totally bogus - don't ask me, ask restaurants that serve them to high paying customers. They pay the same price per pound.

02-03-2014, 07:55 PM
My two cents. Fished 11 times last year for Stripers. With the bonus tag I took home 23 Bass. Three trips I didn't bring anything home...didn't catch and caught a bunch over the line.

Moving forward I would still go and follow the rules no matter how absurd they may be. It does make you think twice before commiting to a charter...

Ram 204
02-04-2014, 09:20 AM
I too love to fish and will keep fishing for stripers no matter what. I find it hard explaining to my grandchildren why we are not allowed to keep more fish for the table.

02-09-2014, 12:39 PM
For me its more about being out there than it is what I am bringing home. That being said i do enjoy eating my catch which I do follow the regs, though I disagree with them like most. To answer your question i would still fish if the bag limit was reduced to 1 fish.