View Full Version : you want fluke?

The Sinker Man
01-26-2014, 09:43 AM
Sunday..Bergen Record.
" Right now " delicious " FLUKE and black sea bass from South Jersey waters are hitting the market."
Fluke- $14.99 a pound
Black sea bass- $17.99 a pound

01-26-2014, 09:46 AM
Hope that's for fillets.

01-26-2014, 09:59 AM
Hope that's for fillets.

Well, about a year ago, I saw a sea bass on ice.. about 15 inches, maybe a pound and a half that was old and nasty looking, white eyes, grey gills etc.. They wanted $15 for that one rotten little fish 'in the round'.. that was here in NY state at Wegmans....
With people paying prices like that, we have little hope of competing for our share of the fishery.. I fear the commercials have won due to the simple dollars equation.... Not trying to be a bummer, but salt water fish is becoming more expensive per pound than lobster or good steak, and we are standing in the way of this windfall... bob

01-26-2014, 10:12 AM
U guys are shopping at the wrong places.

live fluke 11.99 a pound and fluke on ice 3.99 a pound. Seabass 5.99 a pound at ur local hmart

01-26-2014, 12:44 PM
Stopped by the Asian market in Franklin Park this am. 10-11 inch seabass $2.99 a pound but they weren't very fresh at all. Commercials are still out there catching the fish we are being denied.

The Birdman
01-26-2014, 02:18 PM
U guys are shopping at the wrong places.

live fluke 11.99 a pound and fluke on ice 3.99 a pound. Seabass 5.99 a pound at ur local hmart

Exactly, Hmart is great for fresh fish. I go to the one in Hackensack.
They have live fluke, blackfish, dungeuness crab, and others.
Lobster was $4.99/lb last month. dungeunesscrab was 7/lb.
Flounder or "basa" was $3/lb

Wegmans fish prices are ridiculous.

01-26-2014, 02:35 PM
U guys are shopping at the wrong places.

live fluke 11.99 a pound and fluke on ice 3.99 a pound. Seabass 5.99 a pound at ur local hmart

Those are correct prices... The OP must be talking about live fish, because none of the markets by me charge that for a dead fish.

01-26-2014, 02:36 PM
Exactly, Hmart is great for fresh fish. I go to the one in Hackensack.
They have live fluke, blackfish, dungeuness crab, and others.
Lobster was $4.99/lb last month. dungeunesscrab was 7/lb.
Flounder or "basa" was $3/lb

Wegmans fish prices are ridiculous.

Live fluke??.. Live blackfish??...

I was around when blackfish were unheard of at ANY market anywhere, live or dead.

Meanwhile, we have trouble getting a few to keep even when they are in season.. As I stated, I feel we have already lost the battle, and we are going to get ground under the jackboot of even more draconian regulations in the future.
. I honestly hope I am totally wrong, get taken to task for being an uninformed idiot,and get ridiculed and humiliated here in the future for being such an alarmist.. a "doom and gloomer" as it were... bob

Capt Sal
01-26-2014, 07:13 PM
Answer to this is BOYCOTT!!

01-26-2014, 09:42 PM
That's right, it's simple supply and demand. If there ain't no demand, then no one will bother supplying it. Even if it was affordable, I would never buy dinky, out of season fillets on principle.

01-27-2014, 12:28 PM
Sunday..Bergen Record.
" Right now " delicious " FLUKE and black sea bass from South Jersey waters are hitting the market."
Fluke- $14.99 a pound
Black sea bass- $17.99 a pound

Sorry to say but they are probably fair prices for people who have never fished.
My freezer is full now with home made kielbasas,Italian sausage, but only 2 packs of fish left.:(

Capt. Ken
01-27-2014, 12:58 PM
took this pic in NYC some time ago....
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss10/jpcharter/SeaBassNYC-1.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/jpcharter/media/SeaBassNYC-1.jpg.html)

If you can't make it out, it's $16.oo/lb

01-28-2014, 01:37 AM
looks like the grand central market, that right?

Capt. Ken
01-28-2014, 04:17 PM
looks like the grand central market, that right?

Yes, I believe it was.

I took that Pic quite a while ago, but remember saying to my wife, Holy Sh!t look at the price of the Sea Bass!! Her comment was….no way is anyone paying that much for Sea Bass, if they are you should stand outside on the street with a couple packets under your coat.

PSST……hey bubby what ‘a buy some fish?:cool: