View Full Version : Best meds (or not) for seasickness
01-22-2014, 10:18 AM
The last two times out I have not felt well, seasick pretty much from the start.:( I used to take Bonine but stopped after feeling like it was the problem. What do you guys take to keep from being sick? Is it pre-trip diet changes or meds that are most effective?:confused:
01-22-2014, 10:42 AM
Dan I haven't been sea sick in years, felt a little funny a few times. I just eat something with vinegar that seems to work.
I have seen guys using a patch behind their ear and they swear bye it. You need a prescription to get it.
01-22-2014, 10:43 AM
I have pretty much tried EVERYTHING with limited success. 5 years in the Coast Guard did not cure me either. One thing that I have found that messes me up is lack of sleep prior to the trip. The thing that works for me is to take Bonine the night before the trip and wearing Sea Bands. I also drink plenty of real Ginger Ale. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. In the event that I am sick I have found that eating 3 or 4 bananas is the way to go. They go down smooth and sweet and they come up smooth and sweet.
01-22-2014, 10:48 AM
Some people say ginger cookies or ginger snaps.
Some say 1 dramine the night before than 1/2 when going on boat.
Some eat pretzels.
Most say stay away from dark greasy meats and lean towards chicken.
Never ever get sick in the cabin...
01-22-2014, 10:50 AM
God sake man never EAT BANANAS on the boat. Thats worse then throwing up on the Captain..
01-22-2014, 10:56 AM
Scopace - you need a script. It is the same medicine in the patch only in pill form.
Everyone I know that gets seasick that has tried it swears by it. I don't know of even one case where it did not work.
Side affects are minor - a dry mouth. You need one pill every 8 hours. Some folks take only 1/2 a pill.
01-22-2014, 11:02 AM
I used to get sick or at least not feel well on every trip. I tried all the over the counter stuff with limited results. I got a stript from my Doctor for the motion sickness patch and never got sick again. Now I am able to go out with nothing for some reason.Get the patch!
01-22-2014, 11:10 AM
light dinner before trip, & the patch you'll be good to go. i also take a zantac the nite before to take away any stomach acid.
Foul Hook
01-22-2014, 11:16 AM
The last two times out I have not felt well, seasick pretty much from the start.:( I used to take Bonine but stopped after feeling like it was the problem. What do you guys take to keep from being sick? Is it pre-trip diet changes or meds that are most effective?:confused:
Meclizine and a hand full of your favorite brew! If I ever fell sick I chug a beer, it foams up in my stomach and if you yak its all foam. :D stay away from the coffee prior to the trip too
01-22-2014, 11:35 AM
Go to Walmart. Equate motion sickness tablets. 100 for $4.27. Take 2 before you leave the house in the morning NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE. If it's rough take one more mid-day.
01-22-2014, 11:48 AM
Scopace - you need a script. It is the same medicine in the patch only in pill form.
Everyone I know that gets seasick that has tried it swears by it. I don't know of even one case where it did not work.
Side affects are minor - a dry mouth. You need one pill every 8 hours. Some folks take only 1/2 a pill.
I've tried just about everything and Scopace works the best. Been out in some nasty seas and felt fine. The last time I tried to get a prescription filled, they wouldn't fill it because the company stopped making it. If that's still the case, find a compounding pharmacy, bring them the script and they will make it for you.
01-22-2014, 11:53 AM
12 pack of Heineken and 20$ worth of tacobell the night before a trip, has never done me wrong
01-22-2014, 12:04 PM
Meclizine and a hand full of your favorite brew! If I ever fell sick I chug a beer, it foams up in my stomach and if you yak its all foam. :D stay away from the coffee prior to the trip too
I think you might have something there with the no coffee. I always seem to have some before hand and it's the first thing to come up.:confused:
01-22-2014, 12:05 PM
I take a zantac for stomach acid. That seems to work for me. I also skip the meat lovers breakfast, that has caused problems for me a few times. It seems the people who stare at their rod tips too long also become sick. Try to tell them not to focus on any one point too long.
Odd that no one mentioned Dramamine yet. That stuff just puts me to sleep for 2 days...
01-22-2014, 12:20 PM
I haven't been seasick in years and the last time I was it was b/c I had a hangover from hell:D
It seems the one thing that I hear over and over is taking the medicine the night before the trip and then taking it again at least and hour BEFORE YOU GET ON THE BOAT seems to help. I have NEVER seen anyone take anything that works after they already feel queasy. The only cure at that point is sitting under an oak tree.
I've seen people eat ginger from a sushi bar, ginger ale, ginger gum etc all with some success but it's no guarantee.
Just remember, if you do get sick get to the rail and send it over the side. DO NOT go to the head, puke in the garbage can or anywhere else. The crew and fellow anglers will appreciate the courtesy.
01-22-2014, 12:25 PM
I think its going to be different for everyone......I have a couple cups of coffee before I even get to the boat and ALWAYS bring a thermos of coffee for out on the water , and thats for summer fluking as well as winter fishing. I eat cereal before I go and bring stuff to eat during the day. I think an empty stomach isnt good and I never stay in the cabin
Capt Joe
01-22-2014, 02:05 PM
Transdermscop Patch. Phone in perscription. Never saw anyone uke with one on!:)
NJ Dave
01-22-2014, 02:27 PM
I think 90% of sea sickness is in your head. Most people talk themselves into in.
Reason i say this is because several times I have handed a hooked up rod to a sick person. The mind now shifts to thinking of the fish not the belly. After landed you tell em bait up the fish are everywhere. Bu the time you know it that person is at the rail fishing and that person does not even realize it the sea sickness has passed.
Sure there are times I felt like crap and i have chummed a few times myself.
Lack of sleep makes me feel a lil funny some times.
A friend swears by a sea sick wrist watch. It was like $200 bux but he says it works for him.
On canyon trips I wear those silly wrist bands. I don't think they work but the mind thinks so and usually prevents the up set belly.
Mind over matter.
01-22-2014, 02:29 PM
As a kid I would feel the Mel de Mare on my uncle's boat out on the lakes and he would curse me out for making him bring me back to dock where he left me to fish until he was done on the boat:( ,years went by and I move to the ocean fishing. Had a little trouble at first but remembered my uncles remedy... Eating Ginger root or drinking good/real ginger ale(Vernors from upstate NY). Worked every time by eating or drinking before we went out. Tried dramamine a few times but that made me pretty tired especially when I was drinking the beer. Today, I really don't take anything, guess I've developed the sea legs with the amount I get out fishing and don't need anything now and have been out in pretty rough seas w/o it...Watch the acidic foods, don't go getting drunk the night before( that's the last time I yacked:o) and get some sleep all mentioned previously.
01-22-2014, 03:53 PM
I don’t get sick much. I did when I was younger. Combination of watching the chum machine, diesel smoke, cigarette smoke, and the boat motion. Stay away from stuff that makes you puke other than motion.
Once I start to feel a little queasy, deep breaths of fresh air and looking at the horizon help me. Try and stay in the center of the boat where the motion is less.
If you can, get your body moving. That helps too.
One time I was on a small boat rocking for a few hours and about to puke when one of the reels started losing line. I ran over, landed a tuna and felt 100% better. I learned that an adrenaline rush cures sea sickness.
And don't try the Banana and Sprite Challenge on a boat.
01-22-2014, 04:11 PM
Scopace - you need a script. It is the same medicine in the patch only in pill form.
Everyone I know that gets seasick that has tried it swears by it. I don't know of even one case where it did not work.
Side affects are minor - a dry mouth. You need one pill every 8 hours. Some folks take only 1/2 a pill.
Scopace (scopolamine) is no longer available in pill form-not even sure if it can be found it a patch anymore. It was is without a doubt the best sea-sickness prevention medication that I have used. Taken 30 minutes before you set sail & you're good to go.
Fortunately, I still have a 15 left and only take them when I know for sure it's going to be snotty.
Fin Reaper
01-22-2014, 04:56 PM
Most trips non drowsey Dramamine works for me, if it's going to be "sporty" I slap on the trans scop patch the night before which will make me practically bullet proof but it gives me Serious cotton mouth. I also carry candied ginger on some trips.
I have also found that the older I get the more important it is to eat sensibly the night before and morning of. The definition of sensible may variy somewhat from day to day but you know your limits
01-22-2014, 05:02 PM
Stone's ginger wine is an old time remedy
shrimpman steve
01-22-2014, 05:16 PM
All the meds mentioned work by drying out the sack in the ear that deals with balance and equalibriam. Take Bonine or Dramamine when you go to bed. This gives the meds plenty of time to do their thing. If it is sporty out when getting on the boat in the morning, take another. I used to get sea sick but have developed my sea legs over the years. However if I know it is going to be very nasty, or I am going on an overnight tuna trip I still may take a bonine. Better safe then sorry.
01-22-2014, 07:06 PM
All the meds mentioned work by drying out the sack in the ear that deals with balance and equalibriam. Take Bonine or Dramamine when you go to bed. This gives the meds plenty of time to do their thing. If it is sporty out when getting on the boat in the morning, take another. I used to get sea sick but have developed my sea legs over the years. However if I know it is going to be very nasty, or I am going on an overnight tuna trip I still may take a bonine. Better safe then sorry.
I too am a bonine before bed guy.
Other tricks,
stay outside. Hang out inear the center of the transom, especially on the way out.
Bring a box of ginger cookies. Eat one every 15 minutes or so. They settle the stomach and give you energy.
Last word, keep trying till you find something that works. It took me about 10 years to find out what works for me and I've tried everything including the scope patch, wrist bands, not eating, eating, etc.
Good luck Dan
01-22-2014, 07:07 PM
Dramamine night before and first thing in morning, if going to be bad, another at boat (I have 2 hour ride to most ports) so that is 3 - 4 hours between morning pills
No greasy food prior night or breakfast
01-22-2014, 07:08 PM
All the meds mentioned work by drying out the sack in the ear that deals with balance and equalibriam. Take Bonine or Dramamine when you go to bed. This gives the meds plenty of time to do their thing. If it is sporty out when getting on the boat in the morning, take another. I used to get sea sick but have developed my sea legs over the years. However if I know it is going to be very nasty, or I am going on an overnight tuna trip I still may take a bonine. Better safe then sorry.
Yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today.......
01-22-2014, 08:07 PM
Those scopolomine patches are overkill for anything but a long offshore trip. It's a powerful drug which was also used as a truth agent by interegators and shouldn't be overused. Dramamine works fine for day trips when you think it will be sporty. Eat a bagel in the morning.
01-22-2014, 08:11 PM
Powered Ginger Root Capsules taken the night before and before the trip. Natural ......and they really work.
Available online at vitamin websites and GNC, I think.
My nephews got sick on their 1st school sponsored whale watching trip and I suggested the ginger. The following year, they took 3-4 pills the night before and 3-4 an hour before the trip. No sea sickness.
Islander II
01-22-2014, 08:17 PM
Pickled herring and a beer;)
I spent years getting sick. And what I have found is that your body eventually becomes immune to something you use over and over again. I first used Dramamine and that worked for a while then not so much. Then I went to the patches and I swore by them for two years then they kinda stop working. In on bonnie now and it works great. Question is for how long.
Best thing I can say is stay in the open air away from diesel fumes and watch what you eat. For me its no orange juice or other acidic foods. Eat a bland breakfast and Snapple ice tea helps keep the stomach feeling good and if you due happen to uncheck it does not burn or taste to bad
good luck
01-22-2014, 11:14 PM
Years ago I relied on Bonine and it worked just fine. I would take one an hour before sailing and if it got rough I would pop another one. One important thing to remember about Bonine, at least with me, never drink any type of alcohol because it will put you out like a light. They just don't mix. About ten years ago I forgot to take it before sailing and guess what....I didn't get sick. On cruises I see many passengers wearing the wrist band and they all say it works...I say try it...what have you got to lose? There is one other remedy that no one mentioned yet....4-6 oz. of vodka before you sail with 4-6 beers out on the water. I guarantee it will take your mind off of being sick. And remember to bring along a designated driver for the drive home.
01-23-2014, 06:29 AM
There is not one med or ritual that works for all. I would start by eliminating coffee, especially if you add milk. If that works, you found part of it. I have been extremely seasick twice and both times it had to do with tea. One time I had a cup of hot tea before a trip and the other was iced tea on the boat. Both times I was sea sick for at least 18 hours. That was what caused mine. Always try to get enough sleep. I would also suggest eating something before the trip, like toast or a roll. Try no butter first then if that works, put some butter on it.
01-23-2014, 07:38 AM
A buttered roll on the way out always makes me feel better. Especially when I banged up from the night before.
Probably help if I didn't party the night before but usually I hyped up because I goin' fishin'!
01-23-2014, 02:59 PM
Wow, what an impressive show of support here. That's why I love this site, always get lots of good advice. Some more than others; "12 pack of Heineken and 20$ worth of tacobell the night before a trip, has never done me wrong". But usually all good stuff. I am going to start my Bonine regiment back up and eliminate coffee(or at least the creamer) and see how that goes.
01-23-2014, 03:24 PM
I utilize the patches and its worth whatever ball busting comes my way. I very rarely use a full patch though....I cut them in half and apply 1/2 a patch the night before. I have yet to experince any type of motion sickness while on the patch. Side affects for me are dilated pupils and dry mouth....which is a small price to pay. With about 1-2 hours left in the trip I remove the patch for a more comfortable car ride home in the evening.
I've found over the years the following will also trigger motion sickness for me:
*Reading my phone while on the boat
*staying in a hot cabin or in a cabin in the belly like on a headboat (especially when anchored)
*headboat bathroom...although this would get me sick at the dock too
*Too much caffeine or acidic foods the night before morning of
*lack of fluids in my body...drink a lot of little sips throughout the trip
Its all very routine for me which I think helps the mental piece out now. Also...if you are think you are going to get sick I do 2 things:
*Keep my mind off of it by thinking about putty tang
*Force myself to heave over the rail and get it over with. Feel much better afterwards!
I believe it is not curable....some people will never understand what its like to be seasick either. But its all about your day of fun so do whats best for you!
How does this drug work?
Scopolamine belongs to a general class of drugs called anticholinergics (antimuscarinics), and is derived from belladonna. It appears to prevent nausea and vomiting by blocking messages that stimulate the part of the brain responsible for nausea and vomiting. It may help motion sickness by reducing the activity of nerve fibers in the inner ear.
01-23-2014, 04:07 PM
Some times I feel quisy sometimes not so on important trips I take Bonine much better than Dramamine. After taking Dramamine for years and still getting sick On the dock, afterwards I was better but still heaved once a trip after that all was well. I looked it up on the comp. and a side effect is nausea, WTF.
01-23-2014, 04:41 PM
An old time trick is to take ginger.. That seems to settle the stomach pretty good..
01-23-2014, 08:06 PM
Scopace .04 mg pills. are the best as previously stated
They are no longer available from the manufacture
You can get a script from your doc and contact Stevens Pharmacy in California.
They will make you the pills at a reasonable cost.
Some have stated that Scopalamine is used for truth serum and date rape drug and that is true. You would need to swallow 25 of these pills at once to reach the level of drug in your system necessary to have those effects though.
I have used these pills with no side effect other than a dry mouth and it is impossible for me to get sea sick when using them.
I was out in 10 -12 foot confused seas in NC tuna fishing, breathing diesel, cig smoke and watching another guy puking and nothing happened. If I was not taking it I'd be right next to the poor guy who refused the pill I offered him.
Capt Brian
shrimpman steve
01-24-2014, 10:17 AM
Some have stated that Scopalamine is used for truth serum and date rape drug and that is true. You would need to swallow 25 of these pills at once
Where can I get 500 of these pills:eek::D
01-24-2014, 01:58 PM
I've found that Bonine gives me the munchies like I just smoked a fatty. Not sure what's in it but I could eat like JMurr when I take those pills.
Dramamine doesn't have the same effect and has kept me from getting sick.
Drinking a few beers and Philly Pretzels have also worked wonders.
Philly pretzel heated up with a cold beer is a cure all for any sickness you may have:D
01-24-2014, 02:20 PM
"I've found that Bonine gives me the munchies like I just smoked a fatty. Not sure what's in it but I could eat like JMurr when I take those pills."
A good fatty tends to knock down nausea also. Maybe I just need to burn one before getting on the boat.:D;)
01-24-2014, 03:33 PM
shrimpman steve
01-24-2014, 03:40 PM
What's a doobie?
01-24-2014, 04:03 PM
What's a doobie?
Quit playin' coy Roy.:D
shrimpman steve
01-24-2014, 05:30 PM
Quit playin' coy Roy.:D
Make a new plan Stan
01-25-2014, 07:35 AM
eat light
stay hydrayted
once you toss your your stomach Emitrol or generic equivilent for nausea and stomach upsets
Used this on overnighter last winter 5 out of twenty five got sick I took a
swig or 2 of this within 20 minutes I was back at the rail, fiishing I believe I was the only one who recovered the other 4 did not . Used this for over 20 years. alfish
Kenny O
01-25-2014, 10:06 AM
Capt Sal
01-25-2014, 10:08 AM
Liverwurst and pickled herring on the side.
Blackfish Doug
01-25-2014, 04:34 PM
Rorer 714 but too bad you can't get them anymore LOL.
Capt Sal
01-26-2014, 04:19 PM
Rorer 714 but too bad you can't get them anymore LOL.
Now that is a"lude"remark lol:cool:
01-27-2014, 04:07 AM
Either a half or whole Dramamine 30 minutes before sailing works for me. If it's nasty, I take another when I leave the inlet.
01-29-2014, 10:04 PM
haven't posted in a while but 30 years
family has been taken bonine as Dramamine
had too many other weird feelings, my
mom swears by those bracelets with the
button on inner wrist seasick sucks
I cruised disney ship right through hurricane
Irene at dinner that seats 100's halfway
through meal only 30 people eating, wide
said people all over hallways leaned over imaginary
toilets, I am fortunate as I don't
tend to get sick but 1 or 2 semi cold
beers always calms the nerves on the way
out way out ( if your not the capt)
Joey Dah Fish
01-29-2014, 10:39 PM
Rorer 714 but too bad you can't get them anymore LOL.
What life gives you lemons take Lemins :eek:
01-31-2014, 02:49 PM
i feel dont drink before going out !!get to your spot first then start drinking real heavy this way your so screwed up your body doesnt care !!! lol
Capt Sal
01-31-2014, 03:23 PM
On a serious note,ginger snaps,gingerale,saltine crackers.Hard large sour dough pretzels are a must.I laugh at people that drink on the out to the canyon!Why pay that much money and get sea sick.It does give us more room lol
Gerry Zagorski
01-31-2014, 03:26 PM
Whatever you do say away from White Castle Halpeno burgers :D
01-31-2014, 04:16 PM
Scopace (scopolamine) is no longer available in pill form-not even sure if it can be found it a patch anymore. It was is without a doubt the best sea-sickness prevention medication that I have used. Taken 30 minutes before you set sail & you're good to go.
Fortunately, I still have a 15 left and only take them when I know for sure it's going to be snotty.
Do you have to decide what days are "spongeworthy"?
Everyone is different and I dont get seasick at all so I cant help on meds but what I do each morning I go out is before I have a sip of coffee is eat a banana and a couple tums. calms my stomach and keeps it settled all throughout the day, until the 5 seconds right before I walk in the door:eek:
Fin Reaper
01-31-2014, 09:30 PM
Disco biscuit and a genesee cream ale!
Ahhhh the memories
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