View Full Version : Flea Market Sticky?

01-19-2014, 10:34 AM
I know when the Hi-Mar is(I'm there before some vendors)...but can we get a sticky for all the other ones coming up? A lot of sponsors and local vendors would appreciate the shared info.

01-19-2014, 11:19 AM
I know when the Hi-Mar is(I'm there before some vendors)...but can we get a sticky for all the other ones coming up? A lot of sponsors and local vendors would appreciate the shared info.

Good site with many of the dates for the flea markets in PA, NJ, DE, NY


01-19-2014, 11:52 AM
Jan. 18, 2014
Lacey Township High School, 73 Haines st., Lanoka Harbor, N.J.
Contact: Jeremy Muermann
Email: jmuermann@laceyschools.org

Feb. 1, 2014
St. Demetrios Greek Church Hall, 41-47 Wisteria st. & Sadowski Pky., Perth Amboy, N.J.
Pleas note: this is a new location for the Raritan Bay Anglers Club show which used to be in Iselin, N.J.
Contact is Ron Nicol 732-381-5336

Feb. 2, 2014
Silverton Volunteer Fire Co, Kettle Creek rd., Toms River, N.J.
contact John Addalia, 732-267-4264

Feb 8, 2014
Toms River Elks hall, Washington st., Toms River, N.J.
This is the New Jersey Beach Buggy Assn. event.
Contact is Dave Paulick, 609-290-6480

Feb 9, 2014
Charles street School, 100 West Charles st., Palmyra, N.J.
Contact is JR Miller, 856-786-0718

Feb15, 2014
Middletown VFW hall, Rt. 36, Middletown, N.J.
This is the Hi-Mar Striper club event.
Contact is not listed.

Feb15, 2014
Southern Regional middle School, 75 Cedar Bridge rd,
Manahawkin, N.J.
Contact is Bob MacMaster, rmacmaster@srsd.net
609 597-9481 X2256

Feb 22, 2014
Surf Day 2014
Brookdale Community College, 765 Newman Springs rd., Lincroft, N.J.
This is the Jersey Shore Surfcasters event.
Contact is Josh Peters, 732-809-3035

Feb 23, 2014
Antrim School, 401 Niblick st., Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Contact is Dan Miles, 732-714-8308

Mar. 1, 2014
Ocean City Intermediate School, 1801 Bay Avenue, Ocean City, N.J.
Contact: Nick Verducci
Email: nverducci@ocsdnj.org

March 2, 2014
Toms River Intermediate School North,
150 Intermediate North Way, Toms River, N.J
This is the Berkeley Striper Club event.
Contact is Steve George, nightstrikes@comcast.net

March 2, 2014
VFW Post 2290 Manville, 600 Washington ave., Manville N.J.
This is the Manville North End Fire Dept. event
Contact: Edward J. Brygier
Phone: 908-526-0403

March 8, 2014
Lacey Elks Lodge 2518, 900 Beach Blvd., Forked River
Contact is, Rich Labor at 609-489-4032

March 9, 2014
Convention Hall, Ocean and Sunset aves., Asbury Park, N.J.
This is the Asbury Park Fishing Club event.
Contact is Joe Pallotto, 732-988-0121

Mar. 14th to 16th, 2014
Garden State Exhibit Center, Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ
The Saltwater Fishing Expo

March 22, 2014
St Thomas Church Hall, 1400 St. Georges ave, Rahway, N.J.
Contact is YETI Enterprises LLC, PO box 5638, Clark N.J. 07066

broken bobber
01-19-2014, 01:12 PM
jan. 18, 2014
lacey township high school, 73 haines st., lanoka harbor, n.j.
Contact: Jeremy muermann
email: jmuermann@laceyschools.org

feb. 1, 2014
st. Demetrios greek church hall, 41-47 wisteria st. & sadowski pky., perth amboy, n.j.
Pleas note: This is a new location for the raritan bay anglers club show which used to be in iselin, n.j.
Contact is ron nicol 732-381-5336

feb. 2, 2014
silverton volunteer fire co, kettle creek rd., toms river, n.j.
Contact john addalia, 732-267-4264

feb 8, 2014
toms river elks hall, washington st., toms river, n.j.
This is the new jersey beach buggy assn. Event.
Contact is dave paulick, 609-290-6480

feb 9, 2014
charles street school, 100 west charles st., palmyra, n.j.
Contact is jr miller, 856-786-0718

feb15, 2014
middletown vfw hall, rt. 36, middletown, n.j.
This is the hi-mar striper club event.
Contact is not listed.

Feb15, 2014
southern regional middle school, 75 cedar bridge rd,
manahawkin, n.j.
Contact is bob macmaster, rmacmaster@srsd.net
609 597-9481 x2256

feb 22, 2014
surf day 2014
brookdale community college, 765 newman springs rd., lincroft, n.j.
This is the jersey shore surfcasters event.
Contact is josh peters, 732-809-3035

feb 23, 2014
antrim school, 401 niblick st., point pleasant beach, n.j.
Contact is dan miles, 732-714-8308

mar. 1, 2014
ocean city intermediate school, 1801 bay avenue, ocean city, n.j.
Contact: Nick verducci
email: nverducci@ocsdnj.org

march 2, 2014
toms river intermediate school north,
150 intermediate north way, toms river, n.j
this is the berkeley striper club event.
Contact is steve george, nightstrikes@comcast.net

march 2, 2014
vfw post 2290 manville, 600 washington ave., manville n.j.
This is the manville north end fire dept. Event
contact: Edward j. Brygier
phone: 908-526-0403

march 8, 2014
lacey elks lodge 2518, 900 beach blvd., forked river
contact is, rich labor at 609-489-4032

march 9, 2014
convention hall, ocean and sunset aves., asbury park, n.j.
This is the asbury park fishing club event.
Contact is joe pallotto, 732-988-0121

mar. 14th to 16th, 2014
garden state exhibit center, davidson avenue, somerset, nj
the saltwater fishing expo

march 22, 2014
st thomas church hall, 1400 st. Georges ave, rahway, n.j.
Contact is yeti enterprises llc, po box 5638, clark n.j. 07066

goog job :)

01-19-2014, 01:51 PM
Thanks, I just copied and pasted to word so I don't loose the list.

01-19-2014, 04:08 PM
Thanx Larry!!