View Full Version : RFA Says Shared Recipe for Disaster Could Be No Fluke

01-16-2014, 05:41 PM


January 16, 2014 - The regionalization plan proposed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) for the management of summer flounder pits state versus state, angler against angler, and business owner over business owner.

As such, the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) sees the ongoing effort to create regions along the Atlantic Coast for sharing season, size and bag limits on summer flounder as being a recipe for disaster which does not attack the truly systemic management failures under the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) during the past two decades.

RFA executive director Jim Donofrio said the organization has spent the past 7 years rallying coastal support for efforts to fix the federal fisheries law, and calls this summer flounder debate at the ASMFC another 'train wreck' in the making.

"All of us who fish, no matter which state we're in, recognize the insanity of this management debacle," Donofrio said. "In 1998 when the summer flounder stock was rebuilding and not yet as fully robust as it is today, New Jersey had 2.7 million fluke while the state of New York had 1.2 million fish, yet here we are with a healthy, rebuilt fluke stock and we're looking at 75% of that 1998 fishery allocation under a status quo, do nothing management approach."

Donofrio said it's easy to see why states are up in arms and fighting for whatever scraps are available in the fishery, but he's worried that NMFS' flawed data could lead to excruciating payback measures in 2015 under a regional approach.

"It's patently unfair to punish anglers by continuously reducing quota due to erroneous landings estimates produced by a still broken recreational data collection system, and it's critical that NMFS dismiss the overages predicted under this survey program under a new system is fully implemented, properly calibrated by NMFS, and ultimately peer-reviewed at a federal level," Donofrio said.

Donofrio said the reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Fisheries Management and Conservation Act in 2006 contained dangerous and arbitrary provisions which have ultimately denied anglers access to rebuilt fish stocks, something RFA has been working to change for more than 7 years.

"Anyone with common sense, perhaps not a PHD in science or high-level marketing position at an environmental society, would be dumfounded to think that we were assigned more fish when the stock was rebuilding and 75% less once the fishery was declared rebuilt," Donofrio said, adding "and therein lays the fatal flaw in the management system."

"It's a system that's been designed primarily to benefit the commercial fishing industry, with the former Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (NMFS) still geared towards preserving the interests of the commercial fleet at the expense of the recreational sector," Donofrio added.

"Forcing neighbors to argue with neighbors over a totally inadequate and scientifically untenable quota allotment is result of our government's inaction and I just don't see this plan can to cure the ills of a broken management system," said RFA Board member Nick Cicero about the ASMFC fluke debate. "More importantly, the proposed changes will do nothing to address the real problem which is clearly the repeated management failures at NMFS during their 20 years of irresponsible stewardship."

"The real issue now is which U.S. Senator is going to step up and tell Senator Harry Reed, Senator Mark Begich and the rest of congressional leadership that Magnuson has to be fixed and it has to be fixed immediately," added Donofrio. "NMFS has to get an accurate and transparent data collection system in place now and stop wasting money like the $25 million they just assigned to create catch share systems in the Gulf of Mexico."

According to Donofrio, while recreational anglers in the Gulf of Mexico for example of spearheaded opposition to sector separation plans and assigned fish tags there, the regional management body under pressure and funding through NMFS is moving forward with plans to divide the recreational sector.

"The fisheries service says they have no money for data collection, yet they've been wasting all of these federally allotted funds on non-science based initiatives to further keep anglers and recreational business owners fighting one another at the state and regional level," Donofrio said.

RFA said the overall problem in the recreational community is that anglers and business owners don't often get active in protest and reform efforts until the pendulum swings in the opposite direction.

"It's time for everybody in all the states and all the groups to get on the same page and call for Magnuson reform," Donofrio said, adding "this hurray for me, I don't care about you attitude is killing our industry and destroying our opportunity for change."

shrimpman steve
01-16-2014, 06:16 PM
I hate to say it, but I've had it with this shit. I am a law abiding citizen, but this crap is rediculus!

I don't care what the regs are. The Feds have finally turned me into a pirate. I will buy my eye patch this week

01-16-2014, 06:28 PM
I hate to say it, but I've had it with this shit. I am a law abiding citizen, but this crap is rediculus!

I don't care what the regs are. The Feds have finally turned me into a pirate. I will buy my eye patch this week

I'm with you there! My avatars says it all!:mad:

01-16-2014, 07:23 PM
You can provide input through the commission website on the Public Input page at www.asmfc.org/about-us/public-input. The deadline for comment is 5 p.m. on January 24th.

Send comments to Kirby Rootes-Murdy, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, 1050 N. Highland St., Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, VA 22201; 703.842.0741 (fax) or via email at krootes-murdy@asmfc.org (Subject line: Draft Addendum XXV).
and comments@asmfc.org.

01-16-2014, 10:04 PM
I hate to say it, but I've had it with this shit. I am a law abiding citizen, but this crap is rediculus!

I don't care what the regs are. The Feds have finally turned me into a pirate. I will buy my eye patch this week

Ill be flying the flag as well!!

01-17-2014, 12:13 AM
They gloat over sea bass stocks being rebuilt so what do they do, close the season, This is just the tip of the iceberg, wait till striped bass goes to one fish in 2015 ;)

01-17-2014, 08:37 AM
i hate to say it, but i've had it with this shit. I am a law abiding citizen, but this crap is rediculus!

I don't care what the regs are. The feds have finally turned me into a pirate. I will buy my eye patch this week

exactly my feelings!!!!!

Capt Sal
01-17-2014, 12:29 PM
Four fluke and next year one striper?If this happens they win and the already starving for hire boats will be a thing of the past.We all say we will be pirates but this does not fix the problem.This was a long time coming and now we are all saying we need more public input.It is not over yet..I would say most of the people on this site are informed and up to date about what is going on with fisheries management.On the other hand you would be amazed how misinformed the average anglers are.Running a charter boat for years you meet new people everyday.One of the main things I hear is-Why doesn't NY and NJ get together and have the same bag limits.It is not that simple.NY would love that and so would i.These people out number the die hards and we also need them onboard.

bunker dunker
01-17-2014, 12:40 PM
They are stealing what is not theirs to take.these fish belong to all of us.the system is so corrupt that it dose not matter if we march,sing or swear up and down.the see dollar signs and its going to the highest bidder.

01-17-2014, 01:35 PM
the future of fishing.

Gerry Zagorski
01-17-2014, 02:36 PM
Four fluke and next year one striper?If this happens they win and the already starving for hire boats will be a thing of the past.We all say we will be pirates but this does not fix the problem.This was a long time coming and now we are all saying we need more public input.It is not over yet..I would say most of the people on this site are informed and up to date about what is going on with fisheries management.On the other hand you would be amazed how misinformed the average anglers are.Running a charter boat for years you meet new people everyday.One of the main things I hear is-Why doesn't NY and NJ get together and have the same bag limits.It is not that simple.NY would love that and so would i.These people out number the die hards and we also need them onboard.

I agree with you Sal.

If this is the case, what we should all do is encourage everyone to get the word out to the average angler and we need to specifically tell them what to do and where to send their letters if that is the tact we want to take...

We can do this here on this site and I can put a post up on my personal and the NJFIshing.com group facebook page leading them back to a specific post on NJfishing.com that we would create. We would encourage people to share the facebook post on their own facebook pages so it goes to their network of friends and hopefully it goes viral.

The biggest problem we face is getting the word out and then getting people to take action. IMHO what we need to do is:
- Get someone to explain in plain English what options we support and why to get people to buy in.
- Once you have their buy in we need to give them a simple means to send a pre formatted email to the people that are either making the decisions or influencing them.

I'm certainly willing to do what I can to facilitate this I can if someone can help me with the explanation in plan English I mentioned above, what we'd want the letters to say and whom to send them to.

01-17-2014, 03:30 PM
I agree with you Sal.

If this is the case, what we should all do is encourage everyone to get the word out to the average angler and we need to specifically tell them what to do and where to send their letters if that is the tact we want to take...

We can do this here on this site and I can put a post up on my personal and the NJFIshing.com group facebook page leading them back to a specific post on NJfishing.com that we would create. We would encourage people to share the facebook post on their own facebook pages so it goes to their network of friends and hopefully it goes viral.

The biggest problem we face is getting the word out and then getting people to take action. IMHO what we need to do is:
- Get someone to explain in plain English what options we support and why to get people to buy in.
- Once you have their buy in we need to give them a simple means to send a pre formatted email to the people that are either making the decisions or influencing them.

I'm certainly willing to do what I can to facilitate this I can if someone can help me with the explanation in plan English I mentioned above, what we'd want the letters to say and whom to send them to.

This is a great idea. Put in layman terms instead of copying and pasting a legal document no one reads.

01-17-2014, 03:37 PM
Over the rail and in the pail...screw'em....

01-17-2014, 03:37 PM
Gerry and all - here is my plain English eMail I sent to krootes-murdy@asmfc.org and comments@asmfc.org. The title/subject should be Draft Addendum XXV and the deadline for comments is 5 p.m. on January 24th. I constructed this simple Email based on Dales' suggestions in page 4 of this post http://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66382&page=4

Please understand that NJ Fishermen have suffered considerably since Superstorm Sandy: destroyed docks, fewer boats, out-of-business party boats and tackle shops.

I feel that “Regional Management” of NJ’s fisheries would further hurt our shore economy and will drive those that persevered Sandy even further into debt. Please maintain NJ’s Status Quo and please consider Quota Sharing between states . . .Many thanks for your consideration,

I urge everyone who reads this to please take 5 minutes & send the emails. Heck, you're already on the computer :eek:

Gerry Zagorski
01-17-2014, 03:56 PM
Thanks Larry - One piece of the puzzel. You and I "no" why we support status quo and quota sharing but the average Joe probably does not and IMHO we need to tell them in plain English why they should support this position as well... In addition, we need to make it convienient for them to somehow click on one button to send the form letter to the people who are making or influencing the decisions.

Something like this that I got from the SeaTow email that is rallying people to comment on getting rid of Ethanol in gasoline.


The more easier we make it the more people are will do it.

Am I making any sense here :confused:

01-17-2014, 04:09 PM
I know i will get a bunch of shit for this statement, but if you say you spend the day going fishing to feed your family or to go home with some meat, then your full of shizzle. 135 for a open boat, 60 for a head boat all day fluking, doesnt matter, go buy filets at shop rite if you want to save a few bucks and eat fish..

One thing i know for sure, is that (and here is where i will get bashed) even if the limits change, it does not make a difference to me personally, i do not need to retain fish, i fish for fun, the sport, the friends, the good times we all have, no one fishes for meat, 2-8 fluke per person, does not matter, what you get from 5 fluke? 4 lbs of meat average? 12.99 in shop rite, thats your head boat fare..

I feel we have gone from a bunch of sportsman, to a bunch of wanna be meat fishermen. Say what you will about my comments, but even if it went to 5 sea bass, 2 fluke, 1 striper, 1 tuna, 1 this, one that, i will continue to fish my charter boats i usually fish all year for the fish i enjoy to catch, not the fish i enjoy to eat.

01-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Not as easy as it sounds to put this in plain English for a one size fits all as there are always varying opinions, and issues for individual anglers, for hire guys, both sides of the state and fishing groups etc. At the same time I believe that there is unanimous opposition to this Addendum and I agree that this path is the way to go.

A lot going on behind the scenes with getting something like you are talking about put together that hopefully everyone can get behind. This is also why I did the Survey to include and AGREE with Capt Sal, Larry and others who have spoken about the need for mass response. We need to send as many emails, letters etc as possible and get to the top rank and file of NJ Elected as well

In my opinion some of the Key Topics to put such a letter together are:

1) Cart before the Horse Theory: How can you discuss Regionalization before Re-Authorization of Magnason and getting the Science / Landing Data FIXED.
A decision of this economic impact can not be supported without real Landings numbers.
2) Too many questions unanswered on regionalization:
What factors are used to determine Regions.
How quotas could possibly be established fairly when fish stocks span multiple regions.
What Lines would have to be rezoned for each region.
Why should all of NJ be in a northern region
(you get the point) but for simplification the 1st sentence could be used as is.
3) Effects of Sandy on NJ fishing participation and economy that needs to be recognized against the faulty Landings data.
4) Addendum States that Fluke and Seabass stocks are rebuilt, NOT overfished and overfishing is NOT occurring so what is fair to NJ about the current proposal.
etc etc.

Again emails have to be sent by Jan 24th so hopefully we can get something done quickly. in the meanwhile write your own and send often, send 1 a day if you want, and send to NJ state officials as well.

Keep you posted: We ALL stay at the rail all day when "Catching" sucks so now we need to stay at the rail and make sure this doesn't happen.

Ol Pedro
01-17-2014, 04:54 PM
l feel we have gone from a bunch of sportsman, to a bunch of wanna be meat fishermen. Say what you will about my comments, but even if it went to 5 sea bass, 2 fluke, 1 striper, 1 tuna, 1 this, one that, i will continue to fish my charter boats i usually fish all year for the fish i enjoy to catch, not the fish i enjoy to eat.

Sportie , some of us like to have the option to eat what we catch . We shouldn't give up anything without a fight to keep that option open. For a lot of us if we don't bring something back it's hard to justify going . I love to fish and pray that our government doesn't stop it all together by chipping away a little at a time. They don't want us to fish unless they can make a profit from it. there may be a time that you can't catch and release Bluefin Tuna . It will only be open to the comm's.

01-17-2014, 05:09 PM
Sorry but after seeing all the lurkers sit back after reading a plea to help THEM.
The march on Washington, when the boats out of the AH sailed with fishermen that don't care.
:mad: Looks like Dooms Day.

Can't really express my felling about the sit back and wait,some one will come to my aid, other then you s**k

Capt Sal
01-17-2014, 05:30 PM
I know i will get a bunch of shit for this statement, but if you say you spend the day going fishing to feed your family or to go home with some meat, then your full of shizzle. 135 for a open boat, 60 for a head boat all day fluking, doesnt matter, go buy filets at shop rite if you want to save a few bucks and eat fish..

One thing i know for sure, is that (and here is where i will get bashed) even if the limits change, it does not make a difference to me personally, i do not need to retain fish, i fish for fun, the sport, the friends, the good times we all have, no one fishes for meat, 2-8 fluke per person, does not matter, what you get from 5 fluke? 4 lbs of meat average? 12.99 in shop rite, thats your head boat fare..

I feel we have gone from a bunch of sportsman, to a bunch of wanna be meat fishermen. Say what you will about my comments, but even if it went to 5 sea bass, 2 fluke, 1 striper, 1 tuna, 1 this, one that, i will continue to fish my charter boats i usually fish all year for the fish i enjoy to catch, not the fish i enjoy to eat.

I wish everyone had a fish for fun attitude.That is not the case with most anglers.Take what you need and enjoy the day.Why not bring home some fillets for the family?I agree it is not cheap to go on a charter boat but who charters all the time?Don't be greedy but take home what the law allows.I am happy with one fresh dinner.I am all for conservation but I still want to run a charter boat.

01-17-2014, 09:13 PM
Sorry to say guys, but the "Word" has been out for years!! I've been going through this crap for most of my career, trips to Washington, meetings with those in Gov positions who act like they give a shit but push you out the door cause they have another call or something more important to address.....Fishing has been and always will be a recreational activity, for those of us who make a living doing this, it's a way of life, to those we've catered to it's a day off, a great sport, a way to get a moment of bliss from a stress filled life, it doesn't consume their lives. To those it's a memory when it's gone. To us, it's a lifetime of devotion and hard work that we see taken away for no other reason than stupidity and greed by people who have been empowered to do a job that does more harm than good.
Putting one another against each other (Commercial, Recreational,State by State) just keeps us all on a different page, we will never come together.
When they tell us the Stock's have been rebuilt and no overfishing has occurred, they still want to reduce the catch and bag limit, Why? The Spring season now is limited to Striped bass, flounder fishing is gone! The pressure on Striped bass will now force a 1 fish limit come 2015...is this sound fishery management? Stupid is as stupid does, but this is management at it's finest. If you think for a minute those thousands of people who own boats, fish on charter or party boats will actually sit and take a minute to right a letter and voice their displeasure, you got it all wrong, the proof was when it mattered to get on the bus to Washington.

The system is taking away everything this great county was based on, hard work and things we believe in........All the hard working people who have done this all their lives (generations) of families, have never once been asked to give their professional impute on to how things should be managed or addressed. We've done this all our lives, do they not think we know what is best, were out there everyday, we see the cycles, the changes, what it takes to keep a healthy fishery viable. No, some BS science has done that and look were we are now....Like I've said in the past, my grand-kids will probably ask their parents "Did Grandpa really used to take people fishing".

Dave A
01-18-2014, 04:44 AM
Amen Ron!

01-18-2014, 09:59 AM


January 16, 2014 -

RFA said the overall problem in the recreational community is that anglers and business owners don't often get active in protest and reform efforts until the pendulum swings in the opposite direction.

"It's time for everybody in all the states and all the groups to get on the same page and call for Magnuson reform," Donofrio said, adding "this hurray for me, I don't care about you attitude is killing our industry and destroying our opportunity for change."

So why does your organization not start working with a NY organization or is this just another talking point and smoke and mirrors?

Because I fish on NJ party Boats and all I hear are captains saying screw NY let them get fish from somewhere else and you are their voices so that would mean you feel the same way.

Where can I find verbiage of your olive branch (trying to reach out) that was extended to any state that you wanted to work together against the regulators?

Irish Jigger
01-18-2014, 10:22 AM
72 Days til April!!

01-18-2014, 11:16 AM
Nothing can be achieved without mass organization! There are millions of fisherman and we have the power to vote....spend money and protest. What is needed isn't a mid-week protest when most are working but a weekend protest's on the local...state and federal level. We must be relentless! If other special interest groups can get laws changed why cant we? Who will be the leader of such a movement? There are plenty of organizations out there that people donate money to that although they are fighting the good fight ....are not doing enough in MHO! Time to get serious people....or say goodbye to a way of life and a right!

01-18-2014, 12:41 PM
Sorry to say guys, but the "Word" has been out for years!! I've been going through this crap for most of my career, trips to Washington, meetings with those in Gov positions who act like they give a shit but push you out the door cause they have another call or something more important to address.....Fishing has been and always will be a recreational activity, for those of us who make a living doing this, it's a way of life, to those we've catered to it's a day off, a great sport, a way to get a moment of bliss from a stress filled life, it doesn't consume their lives. To those it's a memory when it's gone. To us, it's a lifetime of devotion and hard work that we see taken away for no other reason than stupidity and greed by people who have been empowered to do a job that does more harm than good.
Putting one another against each other (Commercial, Recreational,State by State) just keeps us all on a different page, we will never come together.
When they tell us the Stock's have been rebuilt and no overfishing has occurred, they still want to reduce the catch and bag limit, Why? The Spring season now is limited to Striped bass, flounder fishing is gone! The pressure on Striped bass will now force a 1 fish limit come 2015...is this sound fishery management? Stupid is as stupid does, but this is management at it's finest. If you think for a minute those thousands of people who own boats, fish on charter or party boats will actually sit and take a minute to right a letter and voice their displeasure, you got it all wrong, the proof was when it mattered to get on the bus to Washington.

The system is taking away everything this great county was based on, hard work and things we believe in........All the hard working people who have done this all their lives (generations) of families, have never once been asked to give their professional impute on to how things should be managed or addressed. We've done this all our lives, do they not think we know what is best, were out there everyday, we see the cycles, the changes, what it takes to keep a healthy fishery viable. No, some BS science has done that and look were we are now....Like I've said in the past, my grand-kids will probably ask their parents "Did Grandpa really used to take people fishing".

You know how much I respect you and couldn't agree more with your reply. But what now give up? Not sure I can sleep at night if we don't fight this shit

01-18-2014, 01:16 PM
How many states actually have access to saltwater fishing in there state? 20 maybe and some have very little shoreline at best...thats less than 50 percent at best. So why would said politician in other states be pro recreation or oppose commercial supply? I feel we are getting beat little by little so all the us can enjoy a grilled sea bass or stuffed flounder... Time to start deporting the dogfish inland!!! You want it. Come and get it!! Im with the ganging up thing...
Lets stop talking and start doing!!!! We set a date and spread the word alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over and organize! Im ready.

Who else is in?

01-18-2014, 04:00 PM
[QUOTE=dfish28;342236]How many states actually have access to saltwater fishing in there state? 20 maybe and some have very little shoreline at best...thats less than 50 percent at best. So why would said politician in other states be pro recreation or oppose commercial supply? I feel we are getting beat little by little so all the us can enjoy a grilled sea bass or stuffed flounder... Time to start deporting the dogfish inland!!! You want it. Come and get it!! Im with the ganging up thing...
Lets stop talking and start doing!!!! We set a date and spread the word alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over and organize! Im ready.

Can you please tell me if the RFA is on-board with this? and what other groups?

01-18-2014, 05:11 PM
Meetings don't matter. Only thing that matters is money. Start a 100 million dollar fishing PAC and hire connected Washington lobbyists and the limits will liberalize within 3 years.

01-18-2014, 05:35 PM
Meetings don't matter. Only thing that matters is money. Start a 100 million dollar fishing PAC and hire connected Washington lobbyists and the limits will liberalize within 3 years.

BINGO!!!! We have a winner. As the old saying goes, "Money talks and Bullshit walks", so true.

01-18-2014, 07:04 PM
I wish everyone had a fish for fun attitude.That is not the case with most anglers.Take what you need and enjoy the day.Why not bring home some fillets for the family?I agree it is not cheap to go on a charter boat but who charters all the time?Don't be greedy but take home what the law allows.I am happy with one fresh dinner.I am all for conservation but I still want to run a charter boat.

I have a lot of friends in the industry from here to north and down the coast. U do not want to see anyone lose business. I for one will continue to fish for the sport. I would rather catch and release 20 marlin in a day then kill 50 tuna. Just the person I am. I will support my local charter and party boats even if I can't keep anythng. I just hope everyone feels the same way if shit continues to go south like this.

I have also refused to support any organization who claims to fight for our rights. And that's because no one has yet to prove that they are able to actually get something done IMHO.

01-18-2014, 08:45 PM
I know i will get a bunch of shit for this statement, but if you say you spend the day going fishing to feed your family or to go home with some meat, then your full of shizzle. 135 for a open boat, 60 for a head boat all day fluking, doesnt matter, go buy filets at shop rite if you want to save a few bucks and eat fish..

One thing i know for sure, is that (and here is where i will get bashed) even if the limits change, it does not make a difference to me personally, i do not need to retain fish, i fish for fun, the sport, the friends, the good times we all have, no one fishes for meat, 2-8 fluke per person, does not matter, what you get from 5 fluke? 4 lbs of meat average? 12.99 in shop rite, thats your head boat fare..

I feel we have gone from a bunch of sportsman, to a bunch of wanna be meat fishermen. Say what you will about my comments, but even if it went to 5 sea bass, 2 fluke, 1 striper, 1 tuna, 1 this, one that, i will continue to fish my charter boats i usually fish all year for the fish i enjoy to catch, not the fish i enjoy to eat.

I fish for meat... But not because it's cheaper and I don't care that it's easier to get fillets at shoprite. I appreciate your point but it doesn't speak for everyone.

I don't need to fish for my food, I like to. I like being somewhat responsible for what I eat. I harvest/grow what I can. Fishing for food doesn't have to be a financial decision or a question of what's convenient.

Who would still hunt if it was roping a deer, dragging it out of the woods, snapping a photo and letting it go?

Capt Sal
01-19-2014, 11:19 AM
I agree with you Sal.

If this is the case, what we should all do is encourage everyone to get the word out to the average angler and we need to specifically tell them what to do and where to send their letters if that is the tact we want to take...

We can do this here on this site and I can put a post up on my personal and the NJFIshing.com group facebook page leading them back to a specific post on NJfishing.com that we would create. We would encourage people to share the facebook post on their own facebook pages so it goes to their network of friends and hopefully it goes viral.

The biggest problem we face is getting the word out and then getting people to take action. IMHO what we need to do is:
- Get someone to explain in plain English what options we support and why to get people to buy in.
- Once you have their buy in we need to give them a simple means to send a pre formatted email to the people that are either making the decisions or influencing them.

I'm certainly willing to do what I can to facilitate this I can if someone can help me with the explanation in plan English I mentioned above, what we'd want the letters to say and whom to send them to.

The first thing we have to stress is the DEC in NY and the NJ Div. Of Fish and Game do NOT SET BAG LIMITS!!We pick our best options given to us by fishery management known as the Federal Government.Inside our three mile line might be state waters but in reality they control that also.

01-19-2014, 12:09 PM
The first thing we have to stress is the DEC in NY and the NJ Div. Of Fish and Game do NOT SET BAG LIMITS!!We pick our best options given to us by fishery management known as the Federal Government.Inside our three mile line might be state waters but in reality they control that also.

That's why NY and NJ fishermen need to join together to make a huge push back.

01-19-2014, 05:26 PM
I know i will get a bunch of shit for this statement, but if you say you spend the day going fishing to feed your family or to go home with some meat, then your full of shizzle. 135 for a open boat, 60 for a head boat all day fluking, doesnt matter, go buy filets at shop rite if you want to save a few bucks and eat fish..

One thing i know for sure, is that (and here is where i will get bashed) even if the limits change, it does not make a difference to me personally, i do not need to retain fish, i fish for fun, the sport, the friends, the good times we all have, no one fishes for meat, 2-8 fluke per person, does not matter, what you get from 5 fluke? 4 lbs of meat average? 12.99 in shop rite, thats your head boat fare..

I feel we have gone from a bunch of sportsman, to a bunch of wanna be meat fishermen. Say what you will about my comments, but even if it went to 5 sea bass, 2 fluke, 1 striper, 1 tuna, 1 this, one that, i will continue to fish my charter boats i usually fish all year for the fish i enjoy to catch, not the fish i enjoy to eat.

It's a great mindset/attitude but we know most people don't look at it the same way.

You also forgot to include the cost of a case of Mickey's

Capt Sal
01-20-2014, 12:20 PM
That's why NY and NJ fishermen need to join together to make a huge push back.

If it benefits both states I am all for it.Raritan Bay is a drop in the bucket compared to all the rest of the bodies of water in this hughe state.At this time I do not believe it is in our best interest to team up with NY.Convince us of the benefits and maybe we will reconsider.The bag limit on fluke would be the main issue.The second issue would be Striped Bass.I am looking at this as a charter boat Capt not a private boat owner.

01-20-2014, 09:12 PM
If it benefits both states I am all for it.Raritan Bay is a drop in the bucket compared to all the rest of the bodies of water in this hughe state.At this time I do not believe it is in our best interest to team up with NY.Convince us of the benefits and maybe we will reconsider.The bag limit on fluke would be the main issue.The second issue would be Striped Bass.I am looking at this as a charter boat Capt not a private boat owner.

When you see the numbers for 2015, You'll see my point. They are coming for your fishing fleet and they hope to cut it in half.

01-21-2014, 04:18 PM
Gerry and all - here is my plain English eMail I sent to krootes-murdy@asmfc.org and comments@asmfc.org. The title/subject should be Draft Addendum XXV and the deadline for comments is 5 p.m. on January 24th. I constructed this simple Email based on Dales' suggestions in page 4 of this post http://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66382&page=4

Please understand that NJ Fishermen have suffered considerably since Superstorm Sandy: destroyed docks, fewer boats, out-of-business party boats and tackle shops.

I feel that “Regional Management” of NJ’s fisheries would further hurt our shore economy and will drive those that persevered Sandy even further into debt. Please maintain NJ’s Status Quo and please consider Quota Sharing between states . . .Many thanks for your consideration,

I urge everyone who reads this to please take 5 minutes & send the emails. Heck, you're already on the computer :eek:

Thank you Sir. E-mails sent as requested on this snowy afternoon.
In addition, I've written my Congressman AGAIN, urging him to re-visit the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which is certainly biased in favor of commercial interests.
I asked that he re-examine and revise the Act so that perhaps one-day our heirs can still enjoy a day of saltwater fishing.
I expect I'll get another form letter response, but I'll keep trying. Our kids and grandkids deserve better from this great country of ours.
Here's how fishermen can contact their Rep as well. I've given up on writing to Useless Menendez, but that's another story.


Tight lines and safe travels all,
Tom K.