View Full Version : The reason for "size and bag limits'..
01-16-2014, 03:12 PM
On sea bass... These fish are fast becoming more valuable than lobster...
Not long ago here in NY state I saw one on ice at Wegmans in Ithaca[think of Super Shop Rite on steroids], It was a putrid looking thing- white eyes, all bleached out, looked old and rancid.. It MIGHT have been a pound and a half, maybe 15 inches if you stretched it...
It was $14.99...
These fish are going to market because thats where the big money is I guess.. We are getting squeezed, and sadly we might see the day these become off limits.....
I checked prices on several sites, and they are currently $9.00 a pound for WHOLE fish, with head, skin, gills, fins.. Fillets?.. Bring your first born...
I fear for the future of salt water recreational fishing,,, bob
check this out....
NJ Dave
01-16-2014, 04:48 PM
Fishing as a sport is almost extinct, it is all about big business now.
It's a shame
01-16-2014, 05:19 PM
I fish for fun/sport as do most of us on here but if anyone looks at bobs link they might start looking into other options as I was thinking at this point. I am defineitely going to save that link though. some tasty looking options there
01-16-2014, 05:27 PM
Those "Lemon Sole" looks a whole lot like smaller fluke....
How do you get whole 4lb striped bass!?!?
That site is everthing that is wrong with our regulations today
01-16-2014, 06:29 PM
I fish for fun/sport as do most of us on here but if anyone looks at bobs link they might start looking into other options as I was thinking at this point. I am defineitely going to save that link though. some tasty looking options there
Scup.. 4 pounds for $30??? wtf?...
I see all kinds of fish for sale at here in NY at Wegmans, they have a huge seafood dept..
Scup, Sea bass, Mullet, Weaks[ sea trout],Blues, Red hake, Silver hake,, both are called hake, or both are called whiting, depends,,Salmon, rainbows, all kinds of flatfish, swords, Mako, Cod, scrod, Pollock,Haddock, even skate!!!... A friend bought some skate there.. It was inedible.. he brought it back.. tasted exactly like ammonia he told me... Even though I am 230 or so miles from the ocean, and many people don't know the habits of salt water fish, they buy them here at prices that are simply astronomical. Blues are about the only fish that are still reasonably priced.. except for perhaps poison frozen Tilapia from China... People buy that rotten crap too..
anyway, I am now thinking we just can't compete... The money is just too much for us to overcome... I hate to be a bummer, but with the passing of each new year, I fear some sweeping new legislation that will be strongly enforced.. Some kind of "emergency environmental act", that will just keep us from fishing at all... I am 59.. I now honestly think I will see it happen before I go and meet my Maker... bob
Joey Dah Fish
01-16-2014, 06:58 PM
Hoist the flag put on the eye patch and catchem up fella. The government is a failure so we must make the laws!!!! Civil war and civil disobedience is the answer :D
01-16-2014, 07:19 PM
Hoist the flag put on the eye patch and catchem up fella. The government is a failure so we must make the laws!!!! Civil war and civil disobedience is the answer :D
I am starting to get more into that mindset... more and more each day... Catch me if you can....
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