View Full Version : Anyone have top half to shakespeare ant.

Mikey topaz
01-14-2014, 04:19 PM
On our last trip to the canyon i heard a bangggg got back to the dock and the top half of the antenna was missing really hate to buy a new one anyone have too half a Galaxy 5230 14' 8db skakespeare antenna they wanna give away/sell? Thanks!

Capt. Debbie
01-16-2014, 11:51 AM
Good luck with that.

Frequently I have snapped off and lost the top half, in hard seas on the tow boat. Probably broke off 3 in the last year.

Often they break off right above the screw in base to the lower masthead.

Most times are on long hard rides. If the antenna is taking a beating, so is the crew. Problem is the base transmits the shock more. Most antenna bases (lower section) are strapped off to the hard top. ABove the hardtop these things whip wildly in a pounding sea.

So to make an already too long answer to a short question longer, it will happen again after enough rough days. We have 2 radios on the tow boat. With that tip gone, you can not transmit. Combine that with a rough sea day that caused it, and you can be VERY screwed if something goes wrong over the horizon. A second radio is backup, or get a spare antenna tip on the boat.
Just food for thought since this happens often running in crap weather like we do on the tow boats. aka it will break at the worst time... count on that.

Mikey topaz
01-16-2014, 02:53 PM
Thanks seems like it just unwound off the threaded part of the lower section, whatever the outcome is i can guarantee you the next one i put lock tight on the threads and a set of channel locks and vise grips thanks !

Capt. Debbie
01-16-2014, 05:17 PM
We put lock tite on them and used 2x channel locks to secure them.

But admittedly ours get lost right above that furule. And that's top shelf stuff too.

01-16-2014, 10:32 PM
Loctite may interfere with your reception/transmission correct? Aren't the bottom and top ferrules, threads what transmits the current? I'm probably wrong.... They do sell that repair gauze made of carbon or Kevlar you could wrap around the sensitive area touch up w some paint to match and have a stronger point. Look for it in the big orange store or places like such.

01-16-2014, 10:34 PM
Or is it a male female coax in the center thing?

Capt. Debbie
01-17-2014, 04:31 PM
The whole connector is the conductor. So put locktite in threads.

The Antenna is two poles. The base of mast in one side or pole. The tip top of the screw-in antenna is the other side.

When you screw in the antenna to the base you continue the connection to the other side of the antenna.

Remember stiffening it makes it even more likely to break due to the LACK of flex. You want as much flex as possible. That's why it breaks at the ferrule. It's the stiff part.

01-17-2014, 07:17 PM
Very stupid question.... is this antenna a 6' base with a screw on 8' antenna?

Just asking, totally unsure?

I have a few 8' Shakes with chrome ferrules in the attic, no idea if this will help ya out or not? Let me know, will take a look tomoorow and see whats up there.

Mikey topaz
01-21-2014, 12:15 PM
Duffman yes it has a base that is probly 6 ft metal threads then top half which threads on was probly about 6-7 ft long