View Full Version : Saturday toggin

Foul Hook
12-29-2013, 10:16 AM
Fished with Rob B on Saturday. We decided to keep it local with seas a little bumpy. We fished maybe 4or 5 drops which all had a couple of fish on them but we couldn't get em to keep biting. We would get a few bite shorts, keeper or two the n it would shut down. ended the day with only keeps up to 17/18 inches. On a side note I'm tired of pullin the hook and coming up with lobster gear. This shit wasn't marked with any high flyers and it wasn't "ghost" gear as it had fresh bait in it (no lobster or fish either) it took us about an hour to get the string of the anchor in building seas. This shit is not only a pain in the ass but dangerous as well. We are always careful to lookout and see where we drop. Thank god for a good sharp knife to cut it off. Anyway we had a good day to fish and came home with a couple of fillets.

Rob B
12-29-2013, 12:35 PM
i was definitely disappointed that there were no lobsters in the trap. it would have been stuffed blackfish. nice day for end of december though.

12-29-2013, 05:48 PM
Nice report. Seems like we really have to work hard this year to put catch together. Still waiting for that all day suicide bite. Would even settler for an hour of drop and reel slobs.