View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Saturday Report

captain george angler
12-28-2013, 06:55 PM
We went back to where we have had good fishing for big fish the last 2 days and there were a lot of boats there today. Although you have to post so as your customers know whats up it brings the other boats. We had a lot of followers today but they can't get the ones we already caught. There were some nice fish again today with Mike Ozeransky from S Plainfield taking todays pool with a 10 pound tog. A few other 9 pound fish with Carlo having one. Fishing overall was slow today with the bow doing best. Archie was HH with 4 keepers. We were off shore and it blew pretty good from the SW and it was rollie. If the fish had bit it would have been OK. In all we fished 3 areas that all had life. There are a few more ling showing up in the catch with around 30 caught today. Also another cod today.

Tomorrow is not looking to good with rain in the AM and wind afternoon. Monday is also looking windy. WE ARE NOT SAILING TILL TUESDAY


12-29-2013, 09:09 PM
Capt. George both my son and myself enjoyed out time out on Saturday.

My son left on the boat his black winter/snow bib and my Green Grudens next to the bench right next to the galley. I wanted to see if they were found?

I left a voice mail to the same at the number provided on the site ( 732-872-0744).

Joseph Rosa

Chris G
12-29-2013, 09:13 PM
I gave the guys a hand cleaning up the boat when we got in & I put your pants & two pairs of grundens in a pile forward by the galley... i found them on the floor.

12-29-2013, 09:45 PM
I gave the guys a hand cleaning up the boat when we got in & I put your pants & two pairs of grundens in a pile forward by the galley... i found them on the floor.

Hey Chris....thanks for the update and putting the items aside!

captain george angler
12-30-2013, 05:57 PM
I just got your voice mail and i will have Joe put them below in the morning. George