View Full Version : Prowler5 - Christmas Day Tog Report

12-25-2013, 10:41 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. Capt. Glenn called just now and said he's having a tough day so far. He only has a couple of keepers aboard and 7 or 8 shorts so far. He started the day off where I caught them pretty good yesterday. He said nothing happened there this morning. That could be due to the fact that when I left that drop yesterday at the end of the day Capt. Chad told me there was a tug and tow dumping heavy rock right in the area where we were fishing. It just doesn't make sense to dump that hard stuff and kill fish - for what reason? Anyway, that being said, that's the 10:30 Christmas Day report. I'll post a follow-up report later tonight. Once again, everyone have a great Christmas today. Me, Rob and Brian will see you in the A.M. Heated handrails, heated cabin, green crabs, and white leggers.

12-25-2013, 11:22 AM
Maybe I'm naive, but why dump rock on top of established rock/reef??.. Wouldn't it have made more sense to dump that load of rock/debris on the mud or sand just a mile or two away?? Maybe I'm being simplistic, but that would seem to make more sense to me... bob

12-25-2013, 11:37 AM
Absolutely, you're 100% correct. That's what Capt. Chad and me were talking about on the radio yesterday. And it's not like this business isn't hard enough with everything. Especially raising that 14 inch tog to 15 inch. So many 14 and 14-1/2 inch tog have been thrown back this year. Like you said it's a crying shame to dump all that heavy rock and kill the tog, for what? Like you said they could dump just a half a mile away and make new stuff. Thx., for the reply, Capt. Scott P.S. A little bit of good news, Capt. Glenn just called again and said he's got a tog bite going. He said Rob and Brian have been running around with the net the last 45 minutes. I'll post a follow-up report with pictures tonight. Thx., Capt. Scott

12-25-2013, 02:31 PM
Capt. Glenn docked at 1:30 today and it was pretty much what I reported earlier that it was a slow day. We'll be back at it tomorrow. Thx. Capt. Scott