View Full Version : Jamaica II - 12 hour today

Capt Joe
12-18-2013, 04:04 PM
Sluugish Ling fishing today -current as usual-picked some Ling on each drop. Giant Silver Eels finally showed up and were beating the doggies to the hooks. Coolers full of big Silvers. Nothing like a double header of 15 lb Silver eels:eek: A few Cod caught also and 1 big one.
Pool winner:

Alton Cooley Phila, Pa 29 pound Cod

Blackfish Friday 7:30 am (and Monday)
Cod/Seabass/Ling Saturday 14 hour 3am
12 hour Mudhole Sunday 5 am

Captain Steve:)

Capt Joe
12-18-2013, 07:55 PM

Fishin Dude
12-18-2013, 09:54 PM
Nice Cod. I hope you find me one of those on the 28th!

Capt Joe
12-19-2013, 08:26 PM
We will be trying:)