12-17-2013, 08:01 AM
the BIG MAC will start prepping for 2014 next month. minor additions will be added but all in all we will be ready to go april 16, the official opening for stellwagen cod along with Pollock and haddock. last season was very productive, cod were abundant, Pollock fishing was the best in 30 years, haddock had their moments and the arrival of halibut really sparked the season. BIG MAC landed halibut up to 85 pounds. rates for 2014 went up $5 a man, $1320 for a full day on STELLWAGEN. once again the COD LODGE will be available for all fisherman starting april 15. look forward to filling the boxes this season. call capt. jim at 781 8370308 or email at best, capt. jim