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Max@Pride Fishing Tackle
12-11-2013, 04:14 PM
Who introduced you to fishing?
For me, My Dad took my brother and I fishing at an early age. It took me a while to fall in love with the sport but my brother was hooked day one.
12-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Dad - Rental boat via Highlands....then 17 Foot GlasS Par with 75 Johnson. Liked it but didnt get addicted until late 20s.
12-11-2013, 04:37 PM
I have my father to thank for getting me started at a young age fishing.. He opened the door to a activity I love very much! We still to this day fish together as much as we can!!
Its in the blood too.. My Great Grandfather ran a charter boat out of PP.. Tillie's Sport Fishing Charters
Gerry Zagorski
12-11-2013, 04:54 PM
My Uncle Al.... Miss him alot. Every time he'd come for a visit, fishing and crabbing we'd go.
A neihbors Grandfather Mr Blake would take us kids too.
Thank God for putting people like this in our lives.
12-11-2013, 04:59 PM
I'd have to thank my grandfather for getting me hooked on fishing. He used to take me when I was young on his 16 ft aluminum boat which he docked in Seaside Park. Him and I used to make the run in barnegat bay behind IBSP to a place called Johnny Allen's Cove. We used to catch cocktail blues on top water plugs every time . It was like heaven for me. Pop has been gone for 24 years now and I'll never forget those great times we had.
Rob B
12-11-2013, 05:00 PM
My father also he lives in south carolina now so it makes it so much better when we get out now.
Ol Pedro
12-11-2013, 05:19 PM
My Grandmother Lena who helped raise us well into our teens . We lived on Key West in a trailer when I was three and we would catch lunch off the seawall my Dad built every day with a cane pole or hand line. With three adults and four of us kids the fish were a blessing from God .The Snappers and Grunts were easy to catch as we threw out all our food waste in the channel off the seawall. I was the only one to take to it right away. I don't know how many times I got my a&& beat for sneaking off to go fishing on my own. We moved when I was four. My Dad got transferred to San Diego . My Grandmother passed when I was 18 . She taught me so much and I miss her. She's probably making turtle shaped pancakes , frying fish , or Baking stuffed Groupers in Heaven.
12-11-2013, 05:28 PM
My dad taught me fresh water fishing at an early age. My Uncle taught me salt water fishing when I was a teen. A friend taught me how to flyfish and tie flies.
parker pete sportfishing
12-11-2013, 05:32 PM
My Mother, no Dad in picture. she was both.... From the time i can remember she walked me down to the docks to snapper fish.. then as i grew older she pushed me to get a job as a dock rat.... the rest is history
mark b
12-11-2013, 06:00 PM
My dad when I was very young sunfish, bass, trout, then my Uncle Donnie with the saltwater and boating in my early teens. Fly fishing with my dad around 10 or 12 and then with my brother later on.:D
12-11-2013, 06:02 PM
My dad
He used to get me up at 4:30 or 5 to go bass fishing when I was in my teens.
Then drive me to school late with a note that said" please excuse Brian for being late, he was on a marine biological expedition" LOL
I'll never forget the times I got to spend with him 1 on 1 fishing. With 6 other brothers and sisters trying to get his attention I was lucky to have this time with him.
Capt Brian
12-11-2013, 06:03 PM
Been fishing since wearing an ET shirt was cool, thanks to my old man.
Fin Reaper
12-11-2013, 06:38 PM
Dad...I grew up on Lake Musconetcong. One day the old man tossed me off the dock to teach me to swim so I wouldn't drown if I fell off the dock fishing :rolleyes: what can I say, it was the sixties. Then when I got older and could loose my lunch over the rail without dropping my rod he took me on the Shamrock for fluke and mackerel...and in spite of some emotional baggage and a few prescription grade issues I have nothing but great memories and wouldn't want to do it any differently.
Kids today are such wiennies
12-11-2013, 06:48 PM
My Uncle........may he rest in peace.
Joey Dah Fish
12-11-2013, 07:05 PM
My Uncle Al god rest his soul !!!! He was the guy that new everything about fishing but come to think of it I have never seen him catch a single fish. But that man could tell a story that had you glued to every word he said. Now that's a true Fisherman talent:D I miss him
12-11-2013, 07:36 PM
My Dad...the original Croatian Sensation....:D
Guarantee those who read this KNOW.
Porgies and weakfish in Southhold LI.
Butterfish in Sunken Meadow.
Fluke in the Bight
Bluefish and Ling at Ambrose Tower on the PalaceII outta Hoboken.
He got me hooked for life...passing it on to next generation
12-11-2013, 08:04 PM
My grandfather.... on the Out in the Open out of Shark River from the time I was 4. From what I understand, he was a pretty decent outdoors writer on the Jersey Shore for a few years. ;)
I am blessed with memories that I will have until my dying day. I am the luckiest person I know.
Blackfish Doug
12-11-2013, 08:23 PM
My Dad of course you can tell by the picture he was not impressed with the size of the Blackfish he got he was too used to those 10lbers. RIP Dad there's not a day in my life that I don't miss you. Fathers day for most is a happy day but for me it's one of most depressing days I have to deal with.
12-11-2013, 08:24 PM
My Dad- We lived in Little Silver between the Navesink and Shrewsbury rivers...About 5 miles from the shore.
He had me out in the back yard with a fly rod in my hand when I was only about 5 years old. Then practice at Garvey's Pond in Navesink, and Mohawk Pond in Red Bank. Then on to the Gorge for some hands-on trout fly fishing the next Spring.
That was followed by Fluke fishing off the old Long Branch Pier about 1948. My first flatfish was an exceptionally large Sundial that was jigged from the L-Shaped corner of the pier using a strip of Sea Robin tail as bait. I couldn't reach over the top rail so I had to poke the Calcutta Bamboo pole between the middle and top rails to fish.
Then on to Weakfish & Croakers off the beach in Sandy Hook (This was in the late 40's & early 50's so both of these fish could be routinely caught in the Jersey surf.) My favorite was fishing for Blackfish off the old Takanassee Jetty using "sand Bugs" (mole Crabs) as bait.
When I was about 10, I graduated to plugging Stripers off the Sea Bright & Long Branch surf in the Fall.
Those were the days!
Take a kid fishing
12-11-2013, 08:33 PM
My dad and it started on the streams of North Jersey for trout. When we stated fishing in the ocean it was Fluking on a the Happy out of AH. Loved him for everything he did and everything he taught me that I have passed down. :)
12-11-2013, 08:48 PM
My father
12-11-2013, 09:37 PM
Pops...took me out fluke fishing on the Big Marie S
12-11-2013, 10:09 PM
My Father on the Zypher...pier 1 out of Sheepshead Bay and off of the old wooden pier on Coney Island beach way before it burned down.
12-11-2013, 10:18 PM
Dad to Son or Daughter is a given....and thank you for passing the passion!:cool:
My Grand children will likely say MOM as I have instilled some of the best fishing skills, ethics, and motivation that hopefully my daughters are able to be carried forward to generations to come. I got two ole salts now at 11 and 13 (girls) that CAN FISH and CATCH
Know who taught em?:p
My Father also took me on a party boat at the age of 7. It was the Satellite, in Atlantic Highlands, back in the late 70's. He won the pool that day for fluke, but put my name in the paper. :D
He's gone now, but never forgotten... I bring my two kids out fishing whenever I can...
shrimpman steve
12-11-2013, 11:56 PM
Would love to say my dad, but he is not a fisherman. He was a private pilot so I grew up flying not fishing.
It may surprise some to know that the first time I went salt water fishing was about 20 years ago. Went on a charter out of Montauk with some co workers and loved it. The same group of guys still go every year first Saturday in June. We have not missed a year and still use the same captain and boat! So I went once a year for the first two or three years and decided I love the sport and must do more of it. I started going solo on the head boats out of the highlands and the rest is history. I made up for a lot of lost time over the last 15 years or so:D. I figure at this point I have fished more then people who have been fishing their whole lives and I don't plan on slowing down.
I am glad that I have had the chance to introduce my children to the sport. They all love it!
12-12-2013, 12:32 AM
I was not yet 5 years old, my father and grandfather tied me and a rental rod to the rail , fished oyster bay and caught flounders. I was hooked for life before I ever went on the boat.
12-12-2013, 07:47 AM
My dad took me out on a rowboat (which I thought was cool just being out on a boat) when I was 8, and we caught 35 Bluegills that morning. I was in heaven... kept Freshwater fishing for a while, then he took me out fluking and I had a bamboo rod and got my first fluke in the Manasquan River. Then on to bluefishing. I recently re-wrapped the 2 rods we always bluefished with and will always cherish them... here it is 55 years later and I still love Fresh and Saltwater fishing!! :D :D
12-12-2013, 09:00 AM
Father and Grandfathers
Was always a family thing
One Grandfather had a house on West Point Island and there was a dock across the street that we fished and crabbed on
One Grandfather retired to Tuckerton and clammed so we would fish on his boat. He gave me my first shot gun when I was 5 but never got to hunt with him
Was lucky my father would include me on all the trips and both Grandfathers got along so we all went together. The 3 of them have been fishing in heaven for over 20 years now
Both my kids and wife fish and have fished with my Father in Law for almost 30 years so it remains a family thing
Fish Head
12-12-2013, 11:15 AM
Great post! Lou Letche (RIP) - my neighbor growing up. Use to take me out with his friend on his boat "Goody" out of Belmar and make me haul in 100's of bluefish on hand planers. WOW!
Capt Joe Bogdan - Wot's Up Dock - Fluking, winter whiting fishing, trolling bass with wire, Florida fishing, boating in general, rigging,- he taught me about the Shrews Rocks so well I have it mapped out in my head. :rolleyes:
Thank you guys!!! Forever Greatful!
12-12-2013, 11:27 AM
My dad taught me - fresh water lakes for sunnies when I was very young in the late 50's early 60's. Then my grandfather taught me how to fish in the Manasquan Inlet and PP Canal in the 60's. And finally, in the late 60's I think, my dad took me on my first party boat (the pink and green Miss Belmar) for blues at night. I was thrilled to catch a few fish but I got very seasick. In recent years when I take him out on fishing boats, I always think "this is a win win situation". If he catches fish or gets seasick, what he did for me in the past is reciprocated either way.
12-12-2013, 11:44 AM
My father taught me and my three brothers how to fish. I still can't figure out how he was able to untangle nests of fishing line, rescue lures from tree limbs and still teach us how to safely unhook a fish. I laugh even to this day when he reminds us to set our drags correctly- we have finally realized that "horsing" in a fish is really not a great way to fight a fish. Now, I really enjoy teaching my 5 year old son how to enjoy fishing--- such patience but loads of fun.
Islander II
12-12-2013, 12:07 PM
My dad. I had no choice but to fish! He used to wake me up around 4:00 am before school, at the age of 6, to go plug the jetties or live line off the Sea Bright wall. We also used to launch a 14' Mirrorcraft off the beach in Monmouth Beach just to get to the rocks faster. Lots of big weakfish and fluke back then. Talk about crazy! He was very passionate about his surf fishing, with over a dozen stripers above 50lbs. He passed away last July and fished up to a couple months before his passing. Now I take over for him teaching my two daughters to fish and they love it! Rest in peace Dad.
12-12-2013, 12:57 PM
My grandfather "DA" used to take me to Avon every day in the summer from 8:00am on... He showed me how to dig sand crabs and catch spearing and killies by the jetties with a net. Got me my first rod when I was 5yo and started fishing from that point, fresh and saltwater. When I got to be 7 he would walk me from Washington ave to the inlet and let me fish all day there. Picked up a lot from him. I can even remember just taking the walk to the inlet to see the boats come in around lunch when I couldn't fish there yet. Miss belmar, big Marie S, and many other boats I used to wave to from the rocks. I would fish everyday I could. Used to seine spearing and net killies in the cove and make a few bucks selling the bait to guys on the rocks. All my allowance went to something for fishing right from the start,some habits are really hard to break, "Bad Habit"... We fished together for many years,in many places-jersey and Florida which he and my grandmother would fly me down for two weeks every Easter during elementary school and fish the gulf off an old cement pier in long boat key every day and go reef fishing on a friends boat, these memories will last a lifetime- rest in peace Da. As time went on and I could ride my bike to fishing spots it was on from there, me and a few buddies would fish for something thru the whole year. Girls started looking better so I took off a little time but never fully gave up, just wasn't always allowed by the significant other. I learned fast to let the new women that I fish and that's what I do- no problems since: love you Cathy!! I have always fished and always will.
12-12-2013, 01:23 PM
My grandfather got me hooked when he would take me to the Point Pleasant cannel and fish for black fish with 12 foot bamboo poles with twine as line. Miss those days and him very much. :)
12-12-2013, 02:34 PM
Back in the " good o'le days", Sam Lewis and my dad took me to Kensico Reservoir in NY @ the age of 5 for a day of carp fishing.I still have the Penn 200 surf-master that I used along with a 6' fiber glass rod. Now here it is 65 years later, they are both gone, but I love the sport. The peace and quiet is my salvation. My two sons are also into fishing when they have time. They will both get all of my fishing gear when I go to the "big beach in the sky".
Thank you dad!!!
12-12-2013, 10:01 PM
My dad got me hooked! First trip in the salt at the age of 4 and hooked on fishing ever since. 21 years fishing and counting. Only been fishing without him less than a dozen times and yet he calls me an addict now! Thanks pops for introducing me to this sport and therapy I call my addiction. The old man still out fishes me and kicks my but with the old school electric reel in the deep water.
65 years young and still a beast!
12-12-2013, 10:21 PM
My dad and poppa took me out every weekend down on the metitakonk and pointplesant now I am taking my grandson ..I can think of anything better
12-13-2013, 01:52 PM
My dad. I grew up on shongom lake in morris county. I would catch minnows with a home made net at age four.Thanks dad I miss you.
My dad actually left the gin mill to take me to captree black fishing in the early 1960s.My grandfather pulled lobster traps out of highlands but I just went for the ride...I also remember catching eels and then reusing them for striper bait around Fort Totten. At the time I didnt understand the theory of live bait at all...My son is hooked and I have plans for my grandchildren asap..:p
12-13-2013, 10:05 PM
My dad and I would go snapper and fluke fishing in
A 14 ft Starcraft with a 25 evinrude. We used to
Hammer them near mantoloking bridge. And our anual
Greenwood lake trip, I think we caught 1 bass a year !
Good times
12-13-2013, 10:41 PM
Great topic Max, this is sure to be a best of, somewhat of a tear jerker at first for me ,but thanks for asking! This brought up some real good memories: great question,topic, I bet this will be here for a while!! Tear jerkin Biatch!!!
Pennsy Guy
12-13-2013, 11:24 PM
My Dad...took me on a PB out of AC in 1944, I think...some of the guys asked the capt if we weren't going out too far..afraid that a u-boat might blow us got rough in the PM as the wind picked up and one guy got seasick, every time he'd throw up, he'd pull up a fish..someone said he was chumming--after a couple of fish, I asked my dad if he thought it'd be a good idea if we chummed---that got a big laugh...what did I know, I was 7. Still remember that trip as if it was yesterday...
Later on, we went fishing off the bulkead in Ventnor's bay with hand lines..caught my first fish, a small fluke..we didn't have a cooler(box) so it went under a bush out of the sun. Went to get it at the end only to find the SOB who also was fishing there had taken it and was long gone...that was one of "life's lessons" learned....
Max@Pride Fishing Tackle
12-14-2013, 10:27 AM
DFish, I agree and I love reading everyone's post. As we can all see and most of us already know, fishing for the most part is a family tradition and part of our heritage. Introduce a kid to fishing and if they stick with it, they'll remember you forever. Happy Holidays
12-14-2013, 10:54 AM
totally agree Max. growing up in Neptune its sad to see what many of these kids have to deal with I couldnt believe the gang thing had such a hold on so many in so few years of not being around there every day. we need to step up to the plate and change some mindset. it is truly upsetting to hear the road that many of our next generation are taking. If I had the money I would run a free "inner cities" party boat just to show more of our youth the light. Try to change the downhill to an uphill.
12-14-2013, 01:09 PM
Wow, this is all really precious. Love reading every one.
For me, no one around me fished but I just had an innate desire to fish. My father or mother would drive me to the lake and let me do my thing which I'd read up on in books and magazines. Once I started driving, I would go and learn from folks at the water. This is all freshwater fishing around Chicago.
Here in jersey, I did a lot of Internet recon and just learned from folks on the party boats, surf, and wherever I came across friendly knowledgeable people to get proficient in saltwater fishing.
Good thread.
12-14-2013, 04:04 PM
For me it was my Dad. He took me and my brothers to Sandy Hook at an early age to learn how to surf fish. We did not catch much, but we learned how to use our thumbs casting or undo a birds nest. The best part was stopping at Stewart's on the way home!!!!
Dollar Bill
12-15-2013, 11:17 AM
My Dad. Grew up in Garfield and back then it was OK for dads to bring their kids to the bar to hang out. Everyone either hunted,fished or both. Used to go on bus trips with him to Point Judith cod fishing. One trip at 12 years old I got so sick but caught a 21 lb cod, which for me was huge, so it made up for being sick. That was the last time I ever got sick on a boat and got me addicted to saltwater fishing.
Growing up we fished on friends boats either bluefishing or flukin off Sandy Hook. We had our own and used to crab in Barnegat all the time.
Finally in 93 I got my own boat and returned the favor by taking him and his friends fishing. He fished for a few more years until his legs started giving out on him and it was too much to be on a rockin boat. After that he always wanted a fishing report as soon as I got home (pre cell phone days). Miss him much!
12-15-2013, 01:52 PM
My dad. Started fishing in 1986 on Lake Hopatcong with a 1969 Glastron (dad bought the boat 2 weeks after I was born - no idea how he pulled that one off) and then bought an ocean going boat in 1994 which we still have today. Fish just about every weekend in the Raritan bay during the summer.
12-15-2013, 11:21 PM
My Grandfather. He got me started when I was about 7. We would go out to the east end of L.I almost every weekend to fish for Flounder,Fluke and Codfish. Damn do I miss him!
Capt Sal
12-16-2013, 08:45 AM
My dad in 1956.My grandfather was there also.Imiss the pld days!
07-03-2014, 10:32 PM
Sorry to bump but I missed this thread in December. Was working insanely back in the winter and fall.
I started fishing when I was super young, I was no older then 3 years old, born in 95. My dad has been fishing since he was 13 and he would take me down to the beach with him. We lived in Brooklyn then, but fished in Staten Island. We would later move to SI when I was 4 and have been here since.
Anyways, yes he would take me down every time with him. I at the time was of course more interested in the beach and swimming then fishing with a rod and reel, but he would let me reel in fish whenever he had the opportunity. I distinctly remember catching an 8 lb or so bluefish that he helped me out with of course when I was 3. Reeled in short fluke and searobins all the time, fishing was definitley better back then out here. My brother was born in 87 and he fished too with us, but as he entered puberty and became a teenager he lost interest and stop altogether by the time I was 7... I kept fishing on. Went on a party boat for the first time when I was 5, the Atlantis Princess ran a free trip for a parent and their child..... Caught my first fish ever by myself, a 20 inch keeper fluke, the first of many. Kept fishing on religiously throughout the years and finally got my license in 2013, now I'm going down twice a week about not including the surf... Can't wait till I get into my career and can afford running a boat, then the addiction is really going to be crazy. Nothing I love more then fishing.
07-04-2014, 10:36 AM
For me it was two people, my dad to an extent, but growing up he worked so much that it was hard to get out often. My neighbor where I grew up, who was a friend of my older sisters, loved to fish, although mostly fresh water. I'd wake him up at the crack of dawn on saturdays to go to the local lakes to fish, little did I know at that young age he was either very hung over or just home from an all night drunk. He was, and still is, a good guy and I still keep in touch, although we live far from each other now.
Happy Independence Day!!!
07-04-2014, 11:19 AM
My Dad too, started me and my brothers off around 4-5 yrs old catching sunnies in the D & R Canal, some saltwater here and there. Greatest part is we still fish together to this day, Pop is 78, i'm 57. Pic is off Pop and me and two brothers Salmon and Steelhead at Lake Ontario
07-04-2014, 12:05 PM
Grew up living next to freshwater creek. My uncle introduced me to fishing at a young age. I was hooked but lost interest in my teenage years. After a bad motorcycle accident I got back into the addiction full blast since 2007. Have been taking my daughter fishing from shore since 4 yrs old. Next weekend she turns 7 and hoping for her 1st saltwater boat fishing experience.
07-04-2014, 03:26 PM
My father never had much interest in doing anything with me. Let alone fishing. Took me once or twice to the pond only because my Mom told him to.
I learned freshwater fishing at the North Branch of the Raritan River by learning from the old guys. I know they are all gone now but I thank them.
We used to spend two weeks in Beach Haven most summers when I was a kid. I'd go to Morrison's with my fishing pole and some squid. The old baymen that hung out there would teach me. And I would catch some fish. They tought me how to crab. My Mom took me to Fisherman's Headquarters and bought me my first crab trap and we picked up some bunker. Went back to the dock and it made my day. Catching crabs and short fluke or oyster crackers. The baymen told me about oyster crackers and what to do with them. Most of the baymen are gone. I thank them.
As far as party boats go the folks on the CA III and Whitestar in Barnegat Light is where I started. I learned from them as a child.
Once I started working and driving a car I would just fish the rivers for trout. Did not saltwater fish for a number of years. Then in the early 2000's started to bluefish on the MBL in Barnegat Light. Then switched to fluke on the CAIII in Barnegat Light. Then they told me how much fun sea bass fishing is. I was hooked. Then I would stop until the next spring. Until the fine folks on the CAIII told me about these little creatures called Blackfish........ That was it. They taught me how to blackfish and the rest is history.
Then I found this site and learned that the Atlantic Highlands past was indeed its past. Some pretty tough customers would hang out there. So I only when once when I was younger. After reading the captains and Gerry on his site I gave Atlantic Highlands a try. Glad I did. I learned from the most experienced fluke fisherman. I went from the lucky keeper to being on the board almost every trip.
The bottom line is unlike most of you learning from family. I learned from people like you. And I thank you for that.
Gerry Zagorski
07-04-2014, 04:09 PM
My father never had much interest in doing anything with me. Let alone fishing. Took me once or twice to the pond only because my Mom told him to.
I learned freshwater fishing at the North Branch of the Raritan River by learning from the old guys. I know they are all gone now but I thank them.
We used to spend two weeks in Beach Haven most summers when I was a kid. I'd go to Morrison's with my fishing pole and some squid. The old baymen that hung out there would teach me. And I would catch some fish. They tought me how to crab. My Mom took me to Fisherman's Headquarters and bought me my first crab trap and we picked up some bunker. Went back to the dock and it made my day. Catching crabs and short fluke or oyster crackers. The baymen told me about oyster crackers and what to do with them. Most of the baymen are gone. I thank them.
As far as party boats go the folks on the CA III and Whitestar in Barnegat Light is where I started. I learned from them as a child.
Once I started working and driving a car I would just fish the rivers for trout. Did not saltwater fish for a number of years. Then in the early 2000's started to bluefish on the MBL in Barnegat Light. Then switched to fluke on the CAIII in Barnegat Light. Then they told me how much fun sea bass fishing is. I was hooked. Then I would stop until the next spring. Until the fine folks on the CAIII told me about these little creatures called Blackfish........ That was it. They taught me how to blackfish and the rest is history.
Then I found this site and learned that the Atlantic Highlands past was indeed its past. Some pretty tough customers would hang out there. So I only when once when I was younger. After reading the captains and Gerry on his site I gave Atlantic Highlands a try. Glad I did. I learned from the most experienced fluke fisherman. I went from the lucky keeper to being on the board almost every trip.
The bottom line is unlike most of you learning from family. I learned from people like you. And I thank you for that.
Inish - great story. Mine is very similar... Dad worked a lot but luckily I had an Uncle and the Grandfather of a childhood friend who would take us. Made my first trip on a party boat in my late teens. A night Bluefish trip on the Cock Robin and I was hooked. Got my first boat in my early 30s and learned a lot from the old salts down at the dock.
This reminds me that people like you and I need to do our part to pass on the love of this great sport to kids. This sport of ours is something that stays with you for life.. It helps put smiles on faces, takes your mind off of the daily grind and affords us all an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some new ones too.
Love my time out on the water and would not trade it for anything. It's threapy for me and certainly beats spending money laying on a couch talking to a Shrink.
I also met a lot of great people here, in fact some life long friends. I learned a lot too and that my friend is what this site was intended for.
It's posts like this that make me proud to be associated with the great community of people we have here. NJ's finest!
07-04-2014, 05:16 PM
My old man got me started very young. It started with trout fishing and progressed to fluking as I got older, but with time my father had lost interest in fishing. I never stopped fishing, whether it was catching shiners on little #12 hooks or catfishing in the little mudhole down the street, if there was water I was fishing. Eventually hooked up with some friends that shared the same passion and these guys are still my fishing buddies 25 years later. Although I did lose interest in freshwater fishing, my saltwater obsession could be classified as a sickness. lol The same story holds true for my passion of bowhunting, including the same group of friends.
This past fathers day I had the opportunity to take the old man fishing but this time I was the mentor, showing him what I have learned over the years. Even though the weather that day was not ideal and the fishing was slow, it was a very special day seeing that the old man was impressed with my knowledge of the salt and fishing technique. Hopefully my son and daughter will share the passion and teach me a few things when the time comes.
07-04-2014, 05:25 PM
My Dad, back when you could still access the jetty at Atlantic Highlands. There used to be a long railroad tie or plank of wood that jutted out from the jetty. We used to fill up buckets with snappers and caught my very first fluke there in the early 80s. Gotta say my Dad is the best fluke fishermen I know. Have to admit I lost interest in fishing when i reached my teens and twenties, but i re-discovered the passion and love for the sport in my late it turns out, it is still in my blood. Dad's a little older now and he can't get out as much as he'd like, but he's still the first call I make after each trip to give him the full report...and every call I make to him, I'm 7-8 years old again, just as excited to show/tell my Dad about my catch as I was back then. The best part, though, is when his face lights up hearing about my catch, just like it did on that jetty more than thirty years ago. Thanks Dad...:)
07-04-2014, 05:51 PM
My dad.
07-05-2014, 01:05 AM
My earliest memories I have I was holding a fishing rod of some sorts at my grandparents. My early years were tough and I basically stayed with my grandparents in Neptune, went to school there till 2nd grade got dropped off by "Da" grandfather who would be heading to the beach and I was already jealous as he would fish the Washington ave jetty in Avon all beach season long and I always did it with him, but when school was still in... I was pissed then I couldn't be fishing... Lol and this memory is 1st grade! Lol ... Story goes on since , got older , Da taught me the basics, and I got better, Gam(grandmother) and Da brought me down to Long Boat Key in Florida every Easter vacation from school when I was young, Guess what we did down there,yup.. Fish more, stayed at a condo like place; think it was called Holiday Lodge owned by Wynn Cook- he and Da wound up being friends for fishing reasons to start , they went fishing a lot and I started out boating down in Florida on the reefs with them, down there is where I remember getting seasick, really young but man!... I remember fishing a reef for bottom fish and hooking up with a hammerhead before I lost my two front teeth- awesome !! - fished up here with Da at the shark river - all over all fish possible- flounder fluke blackfish eel weaks snappers ... Got my first doormat from the first ave bulkhead in Avon when they were nice enough to let you fish there! But years before that as well- I was this age every summer staying at my grandparents that go to the Avon beach every day, I'm in, go to Washington ave with Da every morning at 8:00, he will leave at 2 to get dinner ready, but Gam will come at 12 and stay till 4 or sometimes later- that basically depended on how the fishing was or bodyboarding was. God Bless my grandparents Anthony and Anita. They had a lot to do in making me who I am now .
07-05-2014, 11:46 AM
My Dad. I was 7 years old. I remember it pretty well, it was 40 years ago. We went out on the Reliable with Capt. Black. My rod was tied to the rail, that pole wasn't going anywhere . The fishing was great. Every weekend we would be fishing either on the Keyport pier or somewhere down there. I would always look forward to going on one of the headboats out of AH or the dolphin out of Keyport. I really miss him.
07-05-2014, 02:25 PM
Inish - great story. Mine is very similar... Dad worked a lot but luckily I had an Uncle and the Grandfather of a childhood friend who would take us. Made my first trip on a party boat in my late teens. A night Bluefish trip on the Cock Robin and I was hooked. Got my first boat in my early 30s and learned a lot from the old salts down at the dock.
This reminds me that people like you and I need to do our part to pass on the love of this great sport to kids. This sport of ours is something that stays with you for life.. It helps put smiles on faces, takes your mind off of the daily grind and affords us all an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some new ones too.
Love my time out on the water and would not trade it for anything. It's threapy for me and certainly beats spending money laying on a couch talking to a Shrink.
I also met a lot of great people here, in fact some life long friends. I learned a lot too and that my friend is what this site was intended for.
It's posts like this that make me proud to be associated with the great community of people we have here. NJ's finest!
Gerry, you are right. People like the baymen from Long Beach Island are gone now. When i was 21 I blew out my knee. My Mom took me to Beach Haven and brought me to Morrison's. There they were, a bit older but still around. They said they remembered us but it did not matter. I fished that day with a leg in a brace and cruches. They helped me take the fish off and an unfortunate sea gull who got tangled with me. I'll never for get that.
When on a boat I will help anyone who needs it. Because I remember the baymen who helped me. And once on the CAIII on a blackfish trip, I helped an older fellow who was new to blackfish. I gave him some tips and showed him how to get the crab to stay on. He caught his first keeper. I said to myself at the time, that was for the baymen........
07-05-2014, 04:14 PM
07-05-2014, 04:54 PM
Same as most my Dad like most kids ya need action to keep em interested sun fish and cats on farm ponds in Blairstown/Hardwick Twp.
Then we moved up to Blair Creek every April and May. I lost him five yrs. ago
and miss him every day .
I started hunting the same way bunnies first and after a few yrs deer.
07-05-2014, 05:13 PM
My great uncle Bo...1977 at 5 yrs old I was brought on a half day fluke trip on Micky Vasallo's "CAPT. JOE II". The addiction was furious as in 1978 I was convincing enough for a full day trip on the SEA KING. The real step up was at age 10 a full day trip on the LENNY for "Jumbo Blues" and the skipper on that trip was making his debut.........Chris Heuth.
07-05-2014, 09:10 PM
Some of the folks on here said their father worked a lot and could not do it. Mine had no interest. In anything I was involved with.
On the Angler on a Ling trip I was pulling them in. Marylin was not doing so good fish wise. She wanted one of my rigs. She wanted to buy one of my rigs. I said there is no way I was going to sell you anything. The look on her face was priceless. I said what I said because I was going to and did give her one. She caught Ling. I was so happy. God rest your soul Marylin. I miss you.
Another older gent who was a WWII vet was having a so so day with the fluke fishing. I tied him one of my haphasard fluke rigs and put a gulp on it and some squid and he got a keeper. One Vet helped me. It was on the Angler and I was doing terrible. He was 85 at the time. He gave me one of his home made rigs with a skirt on it. I said ok, I will give it a shot. I caught 4 nice keepers on his rig. I begged him to let me pay for it. He said no.
Then there is Bob Gorman. He is 93 and was in the Battle of The Buldge. He is a true American Hero. I've fished with him many times on the CAIII from Barnegat Light, NJ. While in WWII when he had time he would hunt deer so the lads had something different for dinner. When on the coast he would make a fishing pole and catch fish and clean them and make it for the lads. I've seen the pictures. Gerry, I wish you could meet and fish with this guy.
Like Gerry said. The people we have met and fished with either on the beach or dock or boat. Its a amazing thing. And I am thankful.
07-06-2014, 10:41 AM
My dad used to go for blowfish with his friends back when they were thick in the bays. He'd come home with a bushel basket full and all summer long we'd be eating blowfish. I was 6ish when he allowed me to come along for the first time. I don't recall if I actually fished or just sat in the boat and watched.
He also liked to go for winter flounder in the spring and that was the first fish that I actually recall fishing for and catching. I remember him teaching me the difference between a bite and the sinker bouncing along the bottom and how to set the hook. I'm guessing I was maybe 8 or so.
Not long after that we started going to my dad's friend's cabin at a lake in Sussex County and dad taught me how to catch sunnies off the dock with a dough ball. We'd literally catch hundreds over the course of a day, but I got bored and wanted to catch big fish. Then one time we went out with his friend, who was a serious freshwater fisherman. He was casting from the boat to the shore. At this age I assumed that shallow water = small fish, deep water = big fish so I asked him why he was casting to shallow water. He explained that the big fish come in to eat the little fish. That made sense to me, it was as if a light went on in my head. By the time I was about 10 I was taking the boat out myself. Dad had bought the cabin from his friend about that time and it is still in the family.
Dad wasn't as an accomplished freshwater fisherman as he was at saltwater so other than that one lesson from his friend and the sunfish lessons from dad I pretty much learned freshwater by myself and by watching what the old timers on the lake used and where they fished. Old Mr Reynolds was my teacher, even though he probably had no clue. I'd row close enough to his boat to see what he had on his rod and watched where he casted to and emulated him.
I'm lucky in that my dad is still around, but his fishing days are pretty much over. He uses a walker and only leaves the house for Dr appts. He still calls me each Friday to tell me what the Asbury Park Press fishing report says (though I rarely fish saltwater) and listens to my fishing tales. But these days he's content with his Fox News, his iPad and his newspapers and books and driving my mom up the wall, and really has no interest in getting out and going fishing. On the positive side he's given me probably a few thousand dollars worth of fishing gear, mostly saltwater, but I'd rather have him in the boat with me than his old gear.
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