Ocean Explorer
12-07-2013, 03:46 PM
12-7-13 Nice day overall,,good ocean conditions...We had to deal with some current though,,strong north tide kept us in the 10-12 oz..range with the sinkers...We did pick away at the fish today,,for the group as a whole I was happy with what we caught..Couple of guys had a limit,,including Kenny the Fluker who is in the first picture below..He also nailed this Jumbo Tog that went 12lbs.on the digital scale..(aka who is gonna be called kenny the Tog now after today and he wanted to pose just for you Mikey!,,),,,,,Tommy in the next pic had a big male that was just under Kennys,..Others had fish to,,some 3-5,,some one,,only a few had the skunk..Decent amount of life most places we stopped..Check out some pics,,,,REMEMBER TOMORROW WE ARE BOOKED FULL FOR A TOURNAMENT..Monday looks iffy as of now to,,I will let you know in tomorrows report..