View Full Version : Fish Tank Thursday

Fin Reaper
12-05-2013, 06:47 PM
Hit the Tank today with Tropics, MVP, Henry, Gary, and Bill, Capt Tom was driving. Ride out was in the soup as was most of the day but the temp was very mild and nobody complained but all of the prevailing conditions made it next to impossible to stay parked over the good real estate and unfortunately our numbers reflected it. Capt Tom went above and beyond and it's a testimony to his ability that under the lousy conditions we all still managed to go home with a bag of fillets.
P.S. First stop of the day, I didn't even get my crab wet and Capt Tom steps up to me and gives me SHIT! ( Specialized High Intensity Training ) taught me his secret rig and proper hooking of the crustacean and I'm a better man for it, Thank You Sir! I am in your debt.

12-06-2013, 06:49 AM
The rig worked, from what you said, you're usually high hook with bergals, but not Thursday. Good fishing with you.

Fin Reaper
12-06-2013, 07:41 AM
Hell yea it worked! Capt Tom is the Yoda of black fishing. Seriously, you have to give credit where credit is due. He could have just stood there and allowed me to fish the way I normally do ( and continue my one man quest to decimate the bergall population) but he took the time to help me out and he never once made me feel like a hack. . .he's a good man.

Fin Reaper
12-06-2013, 07:44 AM
And it was very good fishing with you and the others as well!

12-06-2013, 07:51 AM
Hell yea it worked! Capt Tom is the Yoda of black fishing. Seriously, you have to give credit where credit is due. He could have just stood there and allowed me to fish the way I normally do ( and continue my one man quest to decimate the bergall population) but he took the time to help me out and he never once made me feel like a hack. . .he's a good man.

And all this time I thought it was operator error ??? Gotta be the shoes right ?

Now the bergall population will be ever increasing - hope they do not decimate and takeover the dog fish population now

That must be one patient and nice captain - Way to go Captain Tom ( I know Glen )

Tee Hee MEE G - :cool:

Fin Reaper
12-06-2013, 09:04 AM
Look at you....Jets win a couple games and you get cocky...

12-06-2013, 09:14 AM
Quite a few DECADES of experience on that trip. Naaah - make that CENTURIES :eek: Nice going guys :)

12-06-2013, 10:10 AM
Quite a few DECADES of experience on that trip. Naaah - make that CENTURIES :eek: Nice going guys :)

About 3 centuries.

Fish Tank
12-06-2013, 10:41 AM
hey guys,a lot of reference to my age but u know what,u r as young as u feel and i feel like a young stud.After all these years on the water i still cant sleep thinking about fishin.Every man should have a passion of some sort,be it golf,hunting or just something to excite you.I THANK MY LORD JESUS FOR MY LONG LIFE AND GUIDING ME ON EVERY TRIP I MAKE.I DESERVE NONE OF THE CREDIT,ITS ALL HIM.STAY WELL GUYS CAPT .TOMMY JOSEPH

Fin Reaper
12-06-2013, 11:38 AM
A VERRRRRRRRY long time from now, when your time is done and stand before the gates you will be given not only your wings, but a fishing rod as well!

Thank you for a great day on the water :)

Fish Tank
12-06-2013, 01:02 PM
thank u for those kind words fin,they mean a lot to me capt.tom

12-06-2013, 04:32 PM
Sorry for the late post ( key board #@#**)

Capt Tommy it was a pleasure meeting and fishing with you and the all star crew, sorry for my poor performance. Hope for some more good weather days to get out again.
It was great fishing with the rest of you Bill, Gary, Henry,Alex and my fishing partner Glen.

12-07-2013, 01:53 PM
It been well over 20 years since I last fished with Captain Tommy Joseph on his old boat. Back then I was much younger and took things for granted and did not appreciate the more important things in life. (Family, friends, passion in what you do and givng back without expecting anything in return). Capt Tommy embodies all of those important characteristics mentioned above.

Fishing was not lights out due to some tough anchoring conditions but we still managed to put catch together. I was very impressed with the effort given by Capt Tommy and was even more impressed by the character of the man. I personally have been blackfishing for close to 30 years and have fished with some of the best blackfisherman and capts throughout the east coast. When you think you have it all figured out you meet someone like Capt Tommy Joseph and you are humbled by how much more there is to learn about fishing and life in general.

Just wanted to thank you for the passion you bring to what you do and by reminding me that a successful day is not always measured by what you have in your cooler at the end of the day. Will definatly be looking forward to my next trip with you.


Fish Tank
12-07-2013, 04:24 PM
alex,you flatter me to much,all the praise goes to my savior.he has taught me to be humble and treat all people with the respect they deserve.i pray the way i behave is pleasing to the LORD.STAY WELL MY FRIEND CAPT TOM