Capt Sal
11-29-2013, 07:55 AM
How many days a year are lost to the weather?The bass are here but many private boats are out of the water until next year.Even the head boats are not getting out every day because of the ''witch of November"!Blackfish does not even open until mid Nov.,imagine that.If you can only go on Sat or Sun because of that thing called work,it is a crap shoot.The day after Thanksgiving has always been a hughe day for the pb and charters as well as last licks for private boaters.The weather has been windy to say the least.
The hard core tog fisherman will be out every chance they get but how about the average angler?Even the striper heads are saying "the spring is warmer and the fish are bigger think I will wait".So how many trips did the average angler get in this fall and what is the ''real fish count".Do you think the fish management people take all these factors into consideration?I surely doubt it because common sense is not common.Hope everyone gets out a few more times this year.The best time to go fishing is when you can!!Happy Holidays to all.
The hard core tog fisherman will be out every chance they get but how about the average angler?Even the striper heads are saying "the spring is warmer and the fish are bigger think I will wait".So how many trips did the average angler get in this fall and what is the ''real fish count".Do you think the fish management people take all these factors into consideration?I surely doubt it because common sense is not common.Hope everyone gets out a few more times this year.The best time to go fishing is when you can!!Happy Holidays to all.