View Full Version : BOUNTY HUNTER - Striper Limit+++ With The Bill Zuchero Charter, 11/16

Bounty Hunter
11-16-2013, 06:03 PM
The great Striped Bass fishing continued today on the Bounty Hunter for the Bill Zuchero charter. Along with Bill were fishing buddies Walt, Chris, Ron, Matt & Jon. Paul made his way back to yesterday's spot but found vey little in the way of bait or Striper activity. A move of a few miles put us right in the middle of the feeding Bass. We Trolled a few and Jigged a few and by 11AM we had a Limit catch of 12 nice Bass in the box along with 6 Bonus fish. The split today was about 50/50 between Trolling and Jigging. The Bass bit just about everything we put in the water. Over a dozen short Bass were released but we did keep 4 big Blues. It was another good day of fishing with a group of longtime Bounty Hunter supporters. They will return next week and hope to pick up where the ended today.:) :) :)

11-16-2013, 07:05 PM
Nice trip Captains Paul & Tony. Those stomach contents couldn't be any fresher :eek:

Secret squirrel
11-17-2013, 07:06 PM
Fear Not The Togs Shall Bite In December !!!

11-18-2013, 09:26 AM
Great job as usual Capt. Paul and Tony!!!!!!