11-16-2013, 05:28 PM
There is an ancient expression from fisherman of the olden times that best describes today. That expression is, "Sucky sucky."
The predicted mild weather on a Saturday and the more predictable boat traffic didn't help (that means YOU, people who trolled 50 ft off our stern) what ended up being a very tough day. Lots of fuel burned, lots of guys working hard, plenty of shorts and a lot of blues landed but it just didn't come together with the keepers. You can't win them all. Back at tomorrow.
The predicted mild weather on a Saturday and the more predictable boat traffic didn't help (that means YOU, people who trolled 50 ft off our stern) what ended up being a very tough day. Lots of fuel burned, lots of guys working hard, plenty of shorts and a lot of blues landed but it just didn't come together with the keepers. You can't win them all. Back at tomorrow.