View Full Version : Catch and Release

Joey Dah Fish
11-14-2013, 05:52 PM
I was wondering why I see so many dead stripers pics on all the posts. I personally practice catch and release do pictures thrower back kinda thing. I was wondering what the ratio is between guys who catch and release and guys that keep what they are entitled to keep. I have no problem at all with guys keeping there limit just wondering how we stack up? Answers would be appreciated. I will bet there are as many catch and release guys as there are guys that go for food. Just wondering :confused:

11-14-2013, 06:28 PM
In my own opinion ands this is my experiences veiws and thoughts b.c this thread has the chance to get messy and i caught it early enough where id post so i think wsy more meat hunters than catch and release i am mostly catch and release i fish 4 to 7 days a week and this spring i caught prob over a hundred keepers and all but 2 were released b.c of spawning in tje fall i keep a few more for family and friends but i think ive kept 8or9 this fall out of around 3o keepers that I've thrown back i see. Guys keep everything theres entitled to and i wonder where does it all go? How much is wasted? Not only with bass but all fish. Most of my picts that I've finally learned how to post are a freshly caught fish photo snapped and thrown back within a minute wish i seen it happen more!

11-14-2013, 07:36 PM
I kept half the stripers
All the fluke
1/4 of the porgies
No bluefish
No sea robin
No skate
No rays
All the beers

11-14-2013, 07:43 PM
I agree. It is a resource that will NOT LAST FOREVER! Not saying that guy's are not entitled to take their limit BUT come on, Do they need to everytime they catch it? Nobody eats that much fish! A couple of fish a season is plenty IMO.
Think about how many people fish and the amount of fish that are being harvested, thats an huge amount. Everything in life follows a cycle and all i'm saying is enjoy some fresh fish but don't waste it. If you ain't eating it then don't kill it. Take a Pic and you'll have it forever!!!!
Oh and I forgot All the ILLEGAL fish that are taken by all the people who live here but forever reason think they are entitled or ignorant to obey the laws!
Can't tell you how many times i've seen people with buckets or coolers full of undersized fish in both fresh and salt or running them back to their vehicles!

shrimpman steve
11-14-2013, 08:42 PM
I have to catch one before I keep it:eek: :p

capt richie
11-14-2013, 08:49 PM
for a second i thought i was on bass barn....

Joey Dah Fish
11-14-2013, 08:56 PM
I have to catch one before I keep it:eek: :p
Shrimpy the murderer :eek:

11-14-2013, 09:20 PM
for a second i thought i was on bass barn....

This isn't bass barn:confused:

11-15-2013, 12:51 AM
A lot of the pics are provided by our sponsors, when ppl charter a boat they are much more likely to bring home dinner and all they are entitled to. A lot of ppl with private boats do practice a good amount of catch and release! Being lucky enough to have my own boat and being able to fish when ever weather allows I keep very few fish! To clarify I usually only keep fluke and tog! If times weren't as tuff as they are now more ppl would fish more often and I think more would practice C&R! Also don't forget C&R is a great thing but handle a fish wrong and it will die in no time and you think you have done a good thing by letting it swim!

Islander II
11-15-2013, 06:27 AM
As far as stripers, I usually release them all. I really haven't had one to eat since I was a kid. Decided to keep one the other day around 15lbs, bled it and cut out all the red meat. Absolutely delicious. However, it fed my family for two nights and we where even able to make a dip with what was left. A lot of meat on one fish. So, the private guys that go out with three guys and bonus tags, and keep their limits every week seem completely unnecessary. How much fish can one eat? Take pics of the fish and release. However for the guys on the PB's and charters, (1) pay a good amount of money to go (2) don't get out as much as us with our own boats, should keep their limits, Vacum seal and freeze.

bunker dunker
11-15-2013, 07:31 AM
Oh No,not Again!!!!!!!

11-15-2013, 08:19 AM
I was wondering why I see so many dead stripers pics on all the posts. I personally practice catch and release do pictures thrower back kinda thing. I was wondering what the ratio is between guys who catch and release and guys that keep what they are entitled to keep. I have no problem at all with guys keeping there limit just wondering how we stack up? Answers would be appreciated. I will bet there are as many catch and release guys as there are guys that go for food. Just wondering :confused:
Thanks, Joey, for starting this thread. This is a discussion we need to have.

11-15-2013, 09:08 AM
for a second i thought i was on bass barn....

:eek: lmao!!

11-15-2013, 10:16 AM
I was wondering why I see so many dead stripers pics on all the posts.

Because its an advertisement thats why. Go down to your local dock where you have a charter boat and ask him face to face why the pics?

11-15-2013, 10:29 AM
I keep what I am entitled to if I have a good day of catching.
I pay decent money to fish party or charter boats and my family enjoys to eat the fish.
Anything left over goes to neighbors who love to eat fish and appreciate it when I give them some meat. Nothing ever goes to waste.

11-15-2013, 10:36 AM
for a second i thought i was on bass barn....

We'd be inundated with terrible, non-fishing related ads if it was... :p


Dollar Bill
11-15-2013, 10:38 AM
Oh No,not Again!!!!!!!

LOL I was wondering the other day when this would start up again. Anyway I don't get out that much. So I'll keep my limit of smaller fish. 28 to 35" fish are delicious. Don't have a bonus tag. Nothing goes to waste either as leftover fish not eaten within a couple of days are vacuum sealed. Seems to be a huge body of nice sized fish out there this fall which we didn't have the past few falls, for the past decade it was more of a spring time run of bigger fish.

I think we have a great fishery more from this fish being a non sale fish here. I don't really know if other states practice that.

11-15-2013, 01:28 PM
The bottom line is this, if every boat that goes out every day harvests fish after fish, YOU WILL see a decline and be facing another moratorium like in the 80's.......Capt. Dave Vollenweider:(

11-15-2013, 01:42 PM
I keep what I am entitled to if I have a good day of catching.
I pay decent money to fish party or charter boats and my family enjoys to eat the fish.
Anything left over goes to neighbors who love to eat fish and appreciate it when I give them some meat. Nothing ever goes to waste.

I Second this! Plus I don't go bass fishing 5-7 times a week :D I might get out there 3-4 times a season for bass max. I prefer to eat other fish

11-15-2013, 01:49 PM
I Catch, swallow and release all my beers.....:confused:

Gerry Zagorski
11-15-2013, 02:05 PM
OK just so you all feel more at home, here's an ad for yah :D

A non sponsor of coarse :rolleyes:

11-15-2013, 02:08 PM
I am still trying to get my ONE keeper in the surf this year. It will be for the family at the dinner table, if I get one. I usually give my blues to my neighbor whose mom makes soup with them. I will keep two small blues for the BBQ. Gonna try Tuesday for my first keeper this season, on the beach in the surf.
See 'ya all alter, Robbie

11-15-2013, 02:14 PM
This is a topic that doesnt have a soltuion nor answer nor right or wrong to it....

- always promote catch and release
- if you aren't / get educated - who am I to tell someone how they should police their catch - im not the one paying for your gas, boat and slip.
- keep the harvest for generations to come
- to each his own
- and if we dont keep em / the commercial boats and gil netters will

Joey Dah Fish
11-15-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi again thanks to all. This was meant to be a discussion of takers and releasers I was trying to find out how many people are practicing C&R and how many keep all they are entitled to. I do understand that the guys that don't get out much keeping and the charter and head boats need to keep.it was more about the regulars that get out quite a bit. I should have said that at the beginning my bad:eek: . But it's seems as I thought most of the guys getting out a lot keep some fish sometimes but most do C&R. Sounds to me like we are doing a pretty good job trying to protect the stock of these beauties in NJ. For you guys that make a living by fishing I'm also glad you catch your charters fish and totally understand it's the clients call what to take. If they don't show their buddies this fish they can't spread the hype. Tight lines my brothers and sisters. Catchem up and let go when you can.