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View Full Version : Megan Beth Weekend recap.

Dan McGivney
11-11-2013, 07:56 AM
Emil Antovan and friends fished on Saturday . We headed North which turned out to be a bad move. Read bait and some fish ,but they would not bite. tried jigging and then went on the troll. wound up on the rocks and managed 4 bluefish after hours of trolling. :mad:

Open boat trip of 4 Kurt, Brian, Kurt and Gary:
On Sunday we went South, different story . Wind was already blowing at 6 AM but fishable. Were on the line and found the birds and the fish. Put the rigs out and had our first bass with in a 1/2. Had a good pick early on then died out . Had 4 Bass in the box, when the tide starting moving again we had a bite again. Finished the day with six bass and a Bluefish before heading in in 30-40 knot winds.. :)