View Full Version : Jamaica II -report/schedule change

Capt Joe
11-10-2013, 04:39 PM
Good Seabass and Porgy fishing continues even though we couldnt getout as far offshore as we have been fishing today catches were still decent with some big Seabass and Porgies coming over the rails. All went home with decents bags of filets
C.J. Davis won todays pool with a 12 lb Cod

Due to warm water temps and great Seabass trips this past week we have changed the November 16th Blackfish trip to a 12 Hour Seabass Trip leaving at 5 am Saturday morning Nov 16th. Open Boat

Capt Ryan

11-10-2013, 04:58 PM
I chickened out today. 40 gusts kept me home picking up leaves.

Capt Joe
11-10-2013, 08:06 PM
Can't blame ya!!!:eek: