11-06-2013, 06:40 PM
Had to work the readings all morning as there wasn't much bird live around, what little there was got quickly put down by all the boat traffic.
Several good drifts with 3 to 5 fish on each then move and do it again. The guys who turned the handles and listened to my pleas were rewarded. Couple guys had 3 fish, some with 2 and 1, and many with none.
Remember guys, I can bring you there, tell you what to do, even show you but in the end, your the fisherman. Don't get discouraged, don't quit, watch the guys who are catching and do what they are doing....when it gets tough, FISH HARDER!!! That's what makes a good Bass fisherman.
Many day's, like today, we get a short window of opportunity for the bite, it could last a couple hours or be over in twenty minutes. In that time you surely want to have every advantage available to produce fish.....Don't be shy about asking the crew what's the proper technique, am I set up right, how fast are the guys turning the handles that are catching?
My guys are here to help, we do it everyday, if you don't catch, they don't make money so take advantage of their service..........:)
Capt. Ron
Several good drifts with 3 to 5 fish on each then move and do it again. The guys who turned the handles and listened to my pleas were rewarded. Couple guys had 3 fish, some with 2 and 1, and many with none.
Remember guys, I can bring you there, tell you what to do, even show you but in the end, your the fisherman. Don't get discouraged, don't quit, watch the guys who are catching and do what they are doing....when it gets tough, FISH HARDER!!! That's what makes a good Bass fisherman.
Many day's, like today, we get a short window of opportunity for the bite, it could last a couple hours or be over in twenty minutes. In that time you surely want to have every advantage available to produce fish.....Don't be shy about asking the crew what's the proper technique, am I set up right, how fast are the guys turning the handles that are catching?
My guys are here to help, we do it everyday, if you don't catch, they don't make money so take advantage of their service..........:)
Capt. Ron