View Full Version : Jigging for stripers on a party boat

11-04-2013, 06:02 PM
What's the best jig to use?

11-04-2013, 06:07 PM
AVA 47 with green tube seems to be the most popular, the two stripers I caught this morning seemed to like them :D

parker pete sportfishing
11-04-2013, 06:32 PM
Bring all the jigs, shads, poppers u got.... u never kno day to day what will work

11-04-2013, 07:55 PM
I did well this weekend using a 4oz Hopkins and 4 oz deadly dick.

Garone Custom Rods
11-04-2013, 08:30 PM
My favorite is a RonZ.

Take a kid fishing
11-04-2013, 08:50 PM
Enjoy using the Krock's if you can find'em. AVA's are great too just changing the tails can make all the difference.

shrimpman steve
11-04-2013, 09:00 PM
What's the best jig to use?

The one the fish want that day:)

I like the gold PBJ or hammered gold jig

11-04-2013, 09:05 PM
Top 3 would be AVA 47, 4oz crippled herring, and crocodile jigs. Like Parker Pete said... You never know what will work that day. I carry a variety of jigs, krocs, and crippled herrings. If I had to choose just one type of jig that is the most universal it would be AVA 47 with no tube and with green tube. Ava's have proven to catch fish for me and that's what I tie on first every time.

Ol Pedro
11-05-2013, 08:32 AM
Ava 47's catch more than their share . I like mine naked with a siwash hook. I have fish Salas 6x jr's with siwash hooks the last few years with good results. That being said, no jig will catch fish if it isn't fished correctly. As most Captains will tell you "turn the handle". A lot of times the retrieve is more important than the jig itself. Hit the bottom and reel it back. Vary the speed until you find what they want.

Jimmy in Point Beach
11-05-2013, 11:03 AM
I used about 20 different sizes, colors and shapes last Sunday on the Cock Robin to no avail with the bass. Right Shrimpman? The green tailed Ava did seem to the the jig of choice for the fish that were landed.

11-06-2013, 07:13 AM
Thank you everyone for your help. The A47 with no tail was the key yesterday. My wife and I had 5 fish with 4 healthy keepers up to 19lbs

11-06-2013, 07:42 AM
Bring all the jigs, shads, poppers u got.... u never kno day to day what will work

I agree with Pete. If they are on sandeels, then your AVA's, Hammered Diamonds will be the right choice that day. If they are on larger bait such as bunker, you will need some shads and Krocodiles to catch them.

You can get by with packing up Ava's with & without tubes, Hammered Diamond Jigs, Krocodiles and Shads. With these items in your bag.... your pretty much ready for anything.

Good Luck!

Max@Pride Fishing Tackle
11-06-2013, 10:46 AM
Yesterday the fish were higher in the water column. Savage 7" Sand Eels worked best for us with a medium retrieve. I usually use the heavier AVA's when the fish are tight to the bottom. I agree reeling a jig in is key to success along with tube color.

shrimpman steve
11-06-2013, 11:29 AM
Turn the handle randle:D

Jimmy, you tried everything but the kitchen sink on Saturday. I've never seen so many different jigs:eek:

11-06-2013, 12:57 PM
No such thing as best. One day it could be a gold hammered jig one day a regular diamond with green tail. There are a million that will work just grab two or three different ones and hope that you picked the ones they want that day

11-06-2013, 01:55 PM
Thanks again for the advice, The A47 worked well. I did get my big fish on a live eel at the end of the day.