View Full Version : Lab Memorial - Puosu Vi
Gerry Zagorski
11-03-2013, 09:20 PM
MVP and I are going to be running this year’s PUOSU in memory of LAB and will be donating all the proceeds to the family. We are going to take some cues from how the Charter Master and Equal Opportunity Offender himself would have run this. If you don’t have thick skin I suggest you sit it out on the side lines. If you are in, prepare to get abused and take it like a man.
The Rules:
-If you have to ask what PUOSU or LAB is, you have either been living under a rock or you’re not a true NJFer.. Stay home you ain’t coming on this trip. If you ask on this thread you are out.
-If you ask questions already covered in this thread you are out too, SO READ THIS CAREFULLY.
-Format this year is same as last. If you don’t like it tough! If you have any suggestions keep them to yourself or feel free to run your own trip.
-Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (geens / whiteleggars) and pool. Any money's left over will be donated to the family. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write a check..Paypal address is ( send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section.
-Mailing address if you want to send a check is ( Montview Road Edison NJ 08837. Make sure and put your screen name on the check.
-1st trip is on the Ocean Explorer in Belmar on Sunday, 12/8/13 and will be limited to 40 people. This is first come first served so no wining if you get shut out. We will keep a short waiting list in case someone drops out. To hold a spot reply to this thread and indicate how you will make payment.
-Payment is due to me for the Ocean Explorer trip by 12/1/13 or you are out and your spot will be turned over to the alternate list hacks.... We aint tawking post marked here... It's got to be in my hand.
-Only one registration per person and that person must be a member of this site with a least 25 posts. Don’t even ask if you can register someone else PERIOD!
-All past PUOSU winners are automatically granted a spot on the Ocean Explorer. If they decide not to come we will abuse them and give their spots to some other internet hero hacks.
-2nd trip will be for the people with the 20 heaviest Blackfish on the Ocean Explorer will be invited to fish the following Sunday, 12/15/13 on the MIMI and compete for the 2013 PUOSU VI crown. We will also keep a short waiting list in case a few of the hen pecked winners wives won’t let them fish 2 weekends in a row. So make sure and weigh your fish even if you think you don’t have a shot at the final 20.
-Boarding order for the Ocean Explorer trip will be the past PUOSU winners first, followed by remaining members in order of reservation.
-Boarding for the MIMI will be by heaviest to lightest fish from the Ocean Explorer trip.
-Payment for Mimi trip $125 will be made at the boat. If you say you’re coming, you better be there.
This ain’t no flag football game, its full contact. You can pick your spot but while we are fishing it’s every man for himself. Mugging, skating, bullying are encouraged and to be expected.
All updates with boarding order and payments will be made on this thread so be sure and stay tuned here.
Cancellations for weather will be made at the captain’s discretion and refunds will be issued if we don’t sail. Check back on this post the night before or morning of to get cancellation updates.
Here is the post from last year’s PUOSU to get your juices flowing: (
Alex and I will be coordinating some door prizes raffles and all proceeds will be donated to the family. If you would like to donate a door prize towards the cause, please email Gerry at (
If you can not make trip and still want to make donation to the family please send donation through paypal as stated above.
Everyone is on their own for food and drink. If you‘d like to bring something for the group you are more than welcome to Post it here so we know who is bringing what. We will keep list of participants, what they are bringing and door prizes on the first page so everyone can easily find info as I am sure we will have multiple pages once the trash tawking begins!!
Boarding Order
1 Former PUOSU 1 winner Scotty Paid
2 Former PUOSU 3 winner Rob B Paid
3 Gerry Zagorski Paid
4 MVP Paid
5 Hartattack Paid + $25
6 Joey Dah Fish Paid
7 Shrimpman Steve Paid
8 Stelios Paid
9 Baccala Paid
10 Riverbassfishing Paid
11 Captnvinny Paid
12 Blackfish BobbyPaid
13 Toggytime Paid
14 jig smithPaid
15 HDMarc Paid
16 darrenflynn Paid
17 D-ROD Paid
18 Dales529 Paid
19 Thing2 Paid
20 Thing1 Paid
21 Reelron Paid
22 Dollar Bill Paid
23 jersey boy jimPaid
24 Hookset Paid
25 LeftyReeler Paid
26 Foul Hook Paid
27 dfish28 Paid
28 Kurtis B Paid
29 Grateful Dad Paid
30 M Rod Paid
31 JMurr711 Paid
32 Sportfishing USA Paid
33 DTats Paid
34 Quanman Paid
35 JLrotary Paid
36 Donand Paid
37 Islander II Paid
38 reely Paid
39 Wien 21 Paid
This just in.... Wilson, our resident photo fixer and photographer is coming along and is going to photograph the trip for us...
Door prizes and donations
- Hartattack $25.
- Open boat pass Fish Stix ( $130 valve good for 2014 season.
- MsGold $500
- youngdumbandfullofish 2 sets of Devils tickets - 1 set to the PUOSU VI champ for a 2013/2014 home game (excluding yankee stadium) - 1 set to door prize winner for a home game December 2013
- MVP custom redone old school "Grandma" tog rod
- Gift Certificate for Costa Del Mar Sunglasses valued up to $279.00 from Eyes on First Ave (
- CadiShackFishing $200
- Reel Ron "Life's A Beach" stickers will be for sale on the OE... All proceeds will be given to the family.
- Deidre H donated $50
- PaBeer Guy $75
- RFA-NJ Chapter is donating (1) Garone Custom Rod Gift Certificate: $200 value towards custom rod of winners choice.
- Got some NJF shirts from Jeff AKA Shirtguy at along with some newly designed bumper stickers and some really cool 40 inch fishing tape stickers for boats
- $125 From Steve who was Lab's crab guy
- Islander II/KCS Construction donating 2 busshels of White Leggers and gift certificates from one 2 of our sponsors Max at Pride and Pete at Atlantic Bait and Tackle
-While he was purchasing the certificates Max from Pride donated and additional 4 $15 certificates and Pete from Atlantic Bait and Tackle donated a $50 certificate
Food and Grog
- Keg O' Hancrafted beer from JJ Biitings ( Burp :)
- Foul Hook bringing a few Boxes of Joe and Dognuts from Double D's
- HDMarc Sausage and Peppers
- Joey Dah Fish Award Wining Chili
- JMurr Phiily Pretzels
- Blackfish Bobby bringing Boxes of Joe and Dognuts too
- Rob B Kielesba and kraut
- Scotty Hot Wings (and he likes them HOT)
11-03-2013, 09:22 PM
In please :)
PayPal sent
Joey Dah Fish
11-03-2013, 09:24 PM
In !!!
shrimpman steve
11-03-2013, 09:26 PM
11-03-2013, 09:31 PM
11-03-2013, 09:37 PM
In !!
11-03-2013, 09:42 PM
I want in
11-03-2013, 09:51 PM
I'm game!
Blackfish Bobby
11-03-2013, 10:20 PM
11-03-2013, 10:22 PM
11-03-2013, 10:23 PM
11-03-2013, 10:23 PM
11-03-2013, 10:23 PM
Count me in, payment sent via PayPal
11-03-2013, 10:25 PM
11-03-2013, 10:27 PM
Count me in sending PayPal payment ASAP
Fish Stix
11-03-2013, 10:29 PM
11-03-2013, 10:29 PM
I'm in..miss u lab
11-03-2013, 10:30 PM
In. Thanks for setting it up.
11-03-2013, 10:45 PM
Thing2 is IN GO BBTT
Blackfish Bobby
11-03-2013, 11:05 PM
This is Thing1...the good looking brother of Thing2.....I am using my Dad's login to let you know I am IN..... System will not rest my password....keeps defaulting to Thing2 account. Can you send new password to ... Thanks.
11-03-2013, 11:06 PM
In, Will send Payment via Paypal.
Paypal sent.
11-03-2013, 11:12 PM
Gerry, you're gonna have this trip filled by midnight!
Gerry Zagorski
11-03-2013, 11:14 PM
This is Thing1...the good looking brother of Thing2.....I am using my Dad's login to let you know I am IN..... System will not rest my password....keeps defaulting to Thing2 account. Can you send new password to ... Thanks.
New password sent
Gerry Zagorski
11-03-2013, 11:17 PM
Gerry, you're gonna have this trip filled by midnight!
Yes filling up quick.. A testament to LAB for sure.
11-03-2013, 11:18 PM
Payment sent
Dollar Bill
11-03-2013, 11:23 PM
I'm in Gerry. Will send a check. Eyesight is going who do I make the check to? Didn't see that :)
Gerry Zagorski
11-03-2013, 11:27 PM
I'm in Gerry. Will send a check. Eyesight is going who do I make the check to? Didn't see that :)
Make it to
17 Montview Road
Edison NJ 08837
jersey boy jim
11-03-2013, 11:40 PM
11-03-2013, 11:44 PM
I want in if still a spot
Gerry says you are in
11-03-2013, 11:56 PM
Jersey Boy Jim
As you can see by his initial post Gerry has channeled his inner LAB.
LAB would have bumbed you of the list for not following initial rules no questions asked. I will be a little more forgiving but want to keep the LAB edge in place. Need to have a minimium of 25 post in order to get on trip. I suggest you comment somewhere to get your post up to a least 25 as per rules.
11-04-2013, 12:51 AM
Unfortunately I can not make this trip as I can not gaurantee being able to make both sundays so ill leave the spot open. man im gonna miss out.
Gerry did a wonderful job of channeling his inner LAB, keep it going. Cant wait to hear the odds:D
Somehow I feel there should be a spot left open in the port stern....
Foul Hook
11-04-2013, 06:48 AM
Count me in Gerry. Thanks F.H.
Rob B
11-04-2013, 07:16 AM
count me in. rob b
11-04-2013, 07:48 AM
Gerry - I was able to re-surrect my paypal account, instead of sending you a check. I just sent the payment. Thanks again to you and Alex for making this happen.
Gerry says : Your are welcome Larry and thanks for the extra jing. Your odds have just gone up ;)
11-04-2013, 08:03 AM
Gerry Thanks again to you and Alex for making this happen.
X 2
11-04-2013, 08:10 AM
Put me on da list
PayPal sent.
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 08:42 AM
Unfortunately I can not make this trip as I can not gaurantee being able to make both sundays so ill leave the spot open. man im gonna miss out.
Gerry did a wonderful job of channeling his inner LAB, keep it going. Cant wait to hear the odds:D
Somehow I feel there should be a spot left open in the port stern....
Sorry you cant make it Andrew but but speaking for LAB, don't let the door hit you in the ass :rolleyes:
Odds will be posted a few days before the trip once all the trash tawking is over and just before it's time to PUOSU.
jersey boy jim
11-04-2013, 08:44 AM
Jersey Boy Jim
As you can see by his initial post Gerry has channeled his inner LAB.
LAB would have bumbed you of the list for not following initial rules no questions asked. I will be a little more forgiving but want to keep the LAB edge in place. Need to have a minimium of 25 post in order to get on trip. I suggest you comment somewhere to get your post up to a least 25 as per rules.
Thanks MVP
11-04-2013, 09:01 AM
11-04-2013, 09:03 AM
I'm in.
Grateful Dad
11-04-2013, 09:27 AM
IN !! Thank you Gerry.
Boston Pete
11-04-2013, 09:38 AM
If there is room I'm in....
Gerry says : You are in Pete.... I guess Fin S will have to chaufer you to this affair AGAIN :)
River Rat
11-04-2013, 11:48 AM
I'm down for another hat. :p
11-04-2013, 12:18 PM
I'm In if there's room. Can send PayPal right away, but let me know first. PaBeerGuy is disappointed he was left off the list.:( I got at least 3 of you bastards drunk on Golden Monkey last year. Scotty was for sure. I'm good for another case this year if you'll let me on.
Gerry says: You are in!!
I'm In if there's room. Can send PayPal right away, but let me know first. PaBeerGuy is disappointed he was left off the list.:( I got at least 3 of you bastards drunk on Golden Monkey last year. Scotty was for sure. I'm good for another case this year if you'll let me on.
Looks like you made the cut. No one is being left out. Lab just meant a lot to us and the fishing world so response has been great to get on this trip as 40 spots are filling up in record time. You can always go back to first page of post to see updated list[
Grateful Dad
11-04-2013, 12:49 PM
"Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (geens / whiteleggars) and pool. Any money's left over will be donated to the family. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write a check..Paypal address is send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section."
Let the ball busting start!- WTF is a "geen"?
M Rod
11-04-2013, 12:54 PM
I'm in
Boston Pete
11-04-2013, 12:58 PM
Gerry says : You are in Pete.... I guess Fin S will have to chauffer you to this affair AGAIN
Oh yeah!!!!!.... tough part is getting him to pay my fare.
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 12:59 PM
"Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (geens / whiteleggars) and pool. Any money's left over will be donated to the family. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write a check..Paypal address is send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section."
Let the ball busting start!- WTF is a "geen"?
New super crab discovered by MVP ;)
11-04-2013, 01:06 PM
Pete where there is a will there is a way!!!
11-04-2013, 01:33 PM
Gerry says : ... I guess Fin S will have to shoufer you to this affair AGAIN :)
Really Gerry :confused: - a respectable Web entrepreneur, but I guess we won't be seeing you on ESPN Spelling Bee Finals :p
11-04-2013, 01:33 PM
just saw the post :( good luck guys
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 01:38 PM
just saw the post :( good luck guys
Put you on the Alternate list Murr... You want in if there is space, right??
11-04-2013, 01:40 PM
Gerry says : You are in Pete.... I guess Fin S will have to chauffer you to this affair AGAIN
Oh yeah!!!!!.... tough part is getting him to pay my fare.
I'm usually on a few hours of sleep these days. My job is to get us to the parkway and set the steer while I sleep!
Pay for you?!? Somebody used to tell me about all the dough you're used to counting. :rolleyes: "Hands like a banker" I believe was the term?
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 01:46 PM
Really Gerry :confused: - a respectable Web entrepreneur, but I guess we won't be seeing you on ESPN Spelling Bee Finals :p
That was MVP again ;)
And your odds just went back up :D
11-04-2013, 01:55 PM
Guess its to late to get in..
Gerry Says : Will put you on the waiting list Vinn
bunker dunker
11-04-2013, 02:03 PM
Great Going Jerry.i'm Glad Your Doing This For Lab.i Can't Make The Trip But I Would Like To Send A Donation In For His Family.please Pm Any Info.
11-04-2013, 04:28 PM
Im in !!!!!!!!!!
Do not fear the waiting list. If you still want in we will put you on waiting list. As date approaches unfortunetly life always gets in the way for some of us and member may not be able to make trip. We will then work off the waiting list to fill these spots. If you can not make it feel free to make donation as all monies will be going to a great cause. Details on how to make donations are on first page.
11-04-2013, 05:02 PM
damn....THINGS go fast....i read the rules and 40 people signed KNOW i'm IN...(as an alternate, sheesh)
Foul Hook
11-04-2013, 05:19 PM
Hey Gerry FYI RobB is "rob" a previous champ.
Gerry says: Got it Rob B won PUOSU 3 right?
11-04-2013, 05:20 PM
Hey Gerry FYI RobB is "rob" a previous champ.
as is Scotty, he won the first year
Gerry Says : I was thinking there might have been a tie between ALS Mako and Scotty first year.... Is this correct??
And Murr - If a spot opens up are you in our out??
That was MVP again ;)
And your odds just went back up :D
No problem Gerry. I will fall on the sword for you. Just do not ask if you can weigh one of my big fish on 12/8 to try to make the top 20 on the Mimi.
Mensch Power will prevail
broken bobber
11-04-2013, 05:28 PM
i'm honored and will bring the LAB flag.... missin dat MF'er
Jmurr wants in if spot opens up.
11-04-2013, 06:14 PM
as is Scotty, he won the first year
Gerry Says : I was thinking there might have been a tie between ALS Mako and Scotty first year.... Is this correct??
And Murr - If a spot opens up are you in our out??
i am in if a spot opens but Scoty caught the fish at the whistle from under boston pete i think?
11-04-2013, 06:28 PM
If no one backs out i am about to take some money and buy someone out of their spot. hahah
11-04-2013, 06:29 PM
Please keep me on the alternate list if anyone backs out. Thanks
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 07:37 PM
i am in if a spot opens but Scoty caught the fish at the whistle from under boston pete i think?
Murr - Fish Styx dropped out so you are in.
11-04-2013, 09:06 PM
From Msgold....
Marilyn and LAB have always had a love hate relationship. But due to LAB's love for her breasts....her words, not mine....Marilyn is donating $500 to The LABS fund no strings attached.
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 09:15 PM
Wow :eek: :eek:
shrimpman steve
11-04-2013, 09:54 PM
Wow :eek: :eek:
11-04-2013, 09:56 PM
That is straight up top notch!! I can't do that. But this a great start.
But when I win both pools... They will definitely be given to Mikes family.
Ok... Excuse me, it had to start sometime,I dedicate this first to LAB! May it begin:D !!,
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 10:17 PM
If no one backs out i am about to take some money and buy someone out of their spot. hahah
Had Rob B counted twice as past award winner so Sportfishing USA is in now
From Msgold....
Marilyn and LAB have always had a love hate relationship. But due to LAB's love for her breasts....her words, not mine....Marilyn is donating $500 to The LABS fund no strings attached.
That is unbelievable. Can you please forward me her cell number
That is straight up top notch!! I can't do that. But this a great start.
But when I win both pools... They will definitely be given to Mikes family.
Ok... Excuse me, it had to start sometime,I dedicate this first to LAB! May it begin:D !!,
It is great to set your goals high and swing for the fences. Hate to burst your bubble but someone will need to wake you up from this dream as it is not going to happen.
11-04-2013, 11:01 PM
It is great to set your goals high and swing for the fences. Hate to burst your bubble but someone will need to wake you up from this dream as it is not going to happen.
:D all is fair w love and fishing;)
11-04-2013, 11:04 PM
Does anyone have have a loaner rod? I only have south bend spinners for a set up?
11-04-2013, 11:24 PM
As the real PUOSU #1 winner, I'm in!
11-04-2013, 11:27 PM
Murr - Fish Styx dropped out so you are in.
Now we're talking!
Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2013, 11:33 PM
As the real PUOSU #1 winner, I'm in!
Yes you are Scotty.
All former PUOSU champs are present and accounted for.
11-05-2013, 12:15 AM
I'm In if there's room. Can send PayPal right away, but let me know first. PaBeerGuy is disappointed he was left off the list.:( I got at least 3 of you bastards drunk on Golden Monkey last year. Scotty was for sure. I'm good for another case this year if you'll let me on.
Gerry says: You are in!!
twas a great night, burp :eek: or was it day... LOL
11-05-2013, 12:19 AM
i am in if a spot opens but Scoty caught the fish at the whistle from under boston pete i think? Howard Cosell couldn't have said it better :p
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while ;)
Does anyone have have a loaner rod? I only have south bend spinners for a set up?
I have a nice custom conventional with Shimano TLD 50 with 80 lb test that will be perfect to get those big fish off the wreck before they rock you up that you can borrow. If you prefer a longer rod with more sensitive tip I have a nice 10 ft. surf rod. :D
If you are serious I will hook you up. Just tell me what type of rod you like to fish and I will see what I can put together
11-05-2013, 07:42 AM
I need to drop
Give Bobber my spot if he is not yet on, he deserves it
11-05-2013, 08:20 AM
From Msgold....
Marilyn and LAB have always had a love hate relationship. But due to LAB's love for her breasts....her words, not mine....Marilyn is donating $500 to The LABS fund no strings attached.
This is the kind of person Marilyn is!
P.S. I sent you a PM Debralee.
Gerry Zagorski
11-05-2013, 08:43 AM
I need to drop
Give Bobber my spot if he is not yet on, he deserves it
Bobber already has a spot so Taxman is out and ReelNauti is in...
11-05-2013, 10:07 AM
I have a nice custom conventional with Shimano TLD 50 with 80 lb test that will be perfect to get those big fish off the wreck before they rock you up that you can borrow. If you prefer a longer rod with more sensitive tip I have a nice 10 ft. surf rod. :D
If you are serious I will hook you up. Just tell me what type of rod you like to fish and I will see what I can put together
Thank you sir. Just joking though:D my only reel issue is deciding which set up to bring, thanks to Mr Bogan , cape fear, and Shakespeare ...
Now that we have roster pretty much set for 12/8 trip on OE I want to start focusing my efforts on door prizes from sponsors and others as well as donations from members who can not make the trip but still want to contribute. If you are looking to donate a door prize to be raffled please either contact myself (MVP), Gerry or just post on this site with your Name (Screen Name) with description of your donation. We will keep a list of your name and door prize or donation listed on the first page of this post.
To get things started I will be donating a rod I had built for Lab that I was going to present to him at this years PUOSU to thank him for all he has done it putting these events together for us over the past 5 years. I remember him always talking about this old fiberglass rod with wood handle that he bought at a flea market for like 10-15 bucks that he use to catch a ton of fluke on. He loved this rod so much he had a name for it: GRANDMA. I purchased a rod over the winter which I thought was a Harnell. Nice wood handle with deep bend. Guides were all beat up but rod had a real nice feel to it and reminded me of GRANDMA rod he use to speak about so fondly. After I stripped it down and sanded down blank I found that it was not a Harnell but an old Fenwick that I am very fond off. I had it rewrapped old style thread with updated Titanium guides. The rod came out beautifully as I am sure he would have loved it. I may have to fish it at least once on the trip to give it some good LAB mojo before it goes to a new home.
I am also working on getting white leggars donated for both trips. Can not promise this yet but it is in the works through friend of mine who knew LAB. This will save us around 300 – 400 bucks that can go right to the family. My goal is to raise at least $3000 bucks during this event so I am asking for everyone to step up to the plate and give what you can as I am sure it will be greatly appreciated. Many of you who work at big corporate companies may want to ask your employer to match your donation as we will also list the companies name on the front page list. We are off to a great start so lets keep the momentum going.
Gerry Zagorski
11-05-2013, 11:53 AM
Oooooooooh - I want dat.
Nice of you to donate that Alex. I'm sure that rod is going to have some good mojo on it. One keeper per trip. A "LAB LIMIT" :)
11-05-2013, 12:58 PM
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while ;)
That is funny being as you have 3 of team Blind Squirrel on the trip.:D
11-05-2013, 01:38 PM
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while ;)
The more togging that (those) squirrel does, the luckier he gets :D
ALS Mako
11-05-2013, 08:51 PM
[QUOTE=jmurr711]as is Scotty, he won the first year
Gerry Says : I was thinking there might have been a tie between ALS Mako and Scotty first year.... Is this correct??
gerry, i actually tied with noodlerod tommy? was puosu part 2 on a feb trip on the mimi. a few years ago. thanks for remembering
11-06-2013, 01:13 PM
Now that we have roster pretty much set for 12/8 trip on OE I want to start focusing my efforts on door prizes from sponsors and others as well as donations from members who can not make the trip but still want to contribute. If you are looking to donate a door prize to be raffled please either contact myself (MVP), Gerry or just post on this site with your Name (Screen Name) with description of your donation. We will keep a list of your name and door prize or donation listed on the first page of this post.
To get things started I will be donating a rod I had built for Lab that I was going to present to him at this years PUOSU to thank him for all he has done it putting these events together for us over the past 5 years. I remember him always talking about this old fiberglass rod with wood handle that he bought at a flea market for like 10-15 bucks that he use to catch a ton of fluke on. He loved this rod so much he had a name for it: GRANDMA. I purchased a rod over the winter which I thought was a Harnell. Nice wood handle with deep bend. Guides were all beat up but rod had a real nice feel to it and reminded me of GRANDMA rod he use to speak about so fondly. After I stripped it down and sanded down blank I found that it was not a Harnell but an old Fenwick that I am very fond off. I had it rewrapped old style thread with updated Titanium guides. The rod came out beautifully as I am sure he would have loved it. I may have to fish it at least once on the trip to give it some good LAB mojo before it goes to a new home.
I am also working on getting white leggars donated for both trips. Can not promise this yet but it is in the works through friend of mine who knew LAB. This will save us around 300 – 400 bucks that can go right to the family. My goal is to raise at least $3000 bucks during this event so I am asking for everyone to step up to the plate and give what you can as I am sure it will be greatly appreciated. Many of you who work at big corporate companies may want to ask your employer to match your donation as we will also list the companies name on the front page list. We are off to a great start so lets keep the momentum going.
I will donate a pair of Costa Del Mar Sunglasses valued up to $279.00 from Eyes on First Ave. It would probably be best for the winner to come to the store to try on the glasses and pick out what they want versus me just picking out a pair. I can give you a gift certificate that says it is for a pair of Costa's if that would work. I can mail it to you or you could stop by the store to pick it up. Please let me know what works best for you.
Thank you so much for the kind offer. I was at the store yesterday as I was in the area and just wanted to stop bye and say hi. Unfortunately I stopped on your day off. I will send you a pm with my address so you can mail out to me. Once again thanks you for all you do for njfishing members and your community. You truly provide exceptional customer service to your clients that is greatly appreciated
11-06-2013, 04:08 PM
saw this way too late so please put me on standby.
Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2013, 06:15 PM
Thank you so much for the kind offer. I was at the store yesterday as I was in the area and just wanted to stop bye and say hi. Unfortunately I stopped on your day off. I will send you a pm with my address so you can mail out to me. Once again thanks you for all you do for njfishing members and your community. You truly provide exceptional customer service to your clients that is greatly appreciated
Wow!! Thanks for the donation Jamie.
Got to love the caring and generosity of this NJfishing community. AMAZING
Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2013, 07:13 PM
Ok guys WTF? My expectation was a lot of trash talking. Are you guys going soft on me? I suck as a black fisherman but I imagine that in just a few short days of practice I can kick your butts!!!! I will bring my Mickey pole and some bobbers and show you how it's done!!! Let the games begin please. LAB would have wanted it that way!!!
Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2013, 07:18 PM
Ok guys WTF? My expectation was a lot of trash talking. Are you guys going soft on me? I suck as a black fisherman but I imagine that in just a few short days of practice I can kick your butts!!!! I will bring my Mickey pole and some bobbers and show you how it's done!!! Let the games begin please. LAB would have wanted it that way!!!
Going to lay down a side bet here... How many rigs Joey is going to loose. The over/under is pegged at 10.
Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2013, 07:23 PM
Going to lay down a side bet here... How many rigs Joey is going to loose. The over/under is pegged at 10.
And probably say that it I quit fishing I'm done at least 4 times!!!! Ok you are on I say I lose 6 rigs :)
Ok guys WTF? My expectation was a lot of trash talking. Are you guys going soft on me? I suck as a black fisherman but I imagine that in just a few short days of practice I can kick your butts!!!! I will bring my Mickey pole and some bobbers and show you how it's done!!! Let the games begin please. LAB would have wanted it that way!!!
Ok Joey you asked for it. Be careful what you wish for. I normally do not like to talk SMACK as I normally let my cooler at the end of the day do my speaking for me most of the time. I have not fished with you but I will be happy to give you a blackfishing spanking you will not forget on 12/8. The only thing I am worried about is that you may like that kind of thing.:eek:
I will even hook them and pass the rod to you so you can feel what a keeper feels like. :D
11-06-2013, 08:29 PM
Ok Joey you asked for it. Be careful what you wish for. I normally do not like to talk SMACK as I normally let my cooler at the end of the day do my speaking for me most of the time. I have not fished with you but I will be happy to give you a blackfishing spanking you will not forget on 12/8. The only thing I am worried about is that you may like that kind of thing.:eek:
I will even hook them and pass the rod to you so you can feel what a keeper feels like. :D
Alex, it that you talking?
Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2013, 08:30 PM
Ok Joey you asked for it. Be careful what you wish for. I normally do not like to talk SMACK as I normally let my cooler at the end of the day do my speaking for me most of the time. I have not fished with you but I will be happy to give you a blackfishing spanking you will not forget on 12/8. The only thing I am worried about is that you may like that kind of thing.:eek:
I will even hook them and pass the rod to you so you can feel what a keeper feels like. :D
Don't worry about me I will wear my big boy diaper :) I may get luck!!! You never know!!!
So True. You may want to ask Larry if you can join team Blind Squirrel.
Joey Dah Fish
11-06-2013, 10:12 PM
I can't associate with the likes of them :eek: I will prevail on my own merits and skills or cry like a little girly man if I come up short!!:D
11-06-2013, 10:58 PM
I can't associate with the likes of them. . .
That's harsh NANCY :p
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 09:47 AM
Hmmmm - seems like the throw down has been made. How many on the Blind Squirrel team on this trip Larry?
A little face off and side bet against Team Flying Zagorski Brothers ?? We can make it total number of keepers perhaps ??
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 10:19 AM
This brings back some memories from a past PUOSU trip....
Had a side bet with LAB... Who ever caught the smaller fish had to write the following when any questions about Blackfishing were asked on the board for one year.
" If you want to know anything about Blackfishing you will have to ask Gerry because he is a much better Blackfisherman than me, I suck"
Man I could imagine how much it pained him to type those words and the guys here rode him like a broken bike asking all sorts of questions about blackfishing...
A man of his word Mike typed this in many times that year... Funny though, that on the aniversary date, he went back in and deleted every post.
Miss that guy, especially with this trip coming up... Mike was one of the few that could work a croud on a boat. He'd make a stop in your area, throw some insults your way and head off to another part of the boat were more laughter would errupt.
Never minded being the brunt of LABS jokes. He was an equal opportunity offender. The more he liked you the more he'd bust you.
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 10:23 AM
Hmmmm - seems like the throw down has been made. How many on the Blind Squirrel team on this trip Larry?
A little face off and side bet against Team Flying Zagorski Brothers ?? We can make it total number of keepers perhaps ??
HMMMM - Larry must be away from his computer. That or a large object must have fallen on him keeping him from responding :rolleyes:
Any other team challengers amongst you hacks??
11-07-2013, 11:15 AM
Thank you so much for the kind offer. I was at the store yesterday as I was in the area and just wanted to stop bye and say hi. Unfortunately I stopped on your day off. I will send you a pm with my address so you can mail out to me. Once again thanks you for all you do for njfishing members and your community. You truly provide exceptional customer service to your clients that is greatly appreciated
Your welcome Alex and Gerry! Sorry I missed you the other day Alex. I will mail the Gift Certificate out to you today. I feel a tremendous amount of support from the community so I am always happy to show my support especially when it is for such a good cause. Thank you for the opportunity. Plus I am loving the trash talk, very entertaining!:D
11-07-2013, 11:18 AM
Looks like just Larry and myself from Team Blind Squirrel (who by the way took some money at the Elks!!) but sure Larry will agree with me and take on your BET.
“In every species of fish I’ve angled for, it is the ones that have got away that thrill me the most, the ones that keep fresh in my memory. So I say it is good to lose fish. If we didn’t, much of the thrill of angling would be gone.” Ray Bergman
All this time I thought Joey da Fish wrote this with a little help from brother Geddy:D
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 11:35 AM
Looks like just Larry and myself from Team Blind Squirrel (who by the way took some money at the Elks!!) but sure Larry will agree with me and take on your BET.
“In every species of fish I’ve angled for, it is the ones that have got away that thrill me the most, the ones that keep fresh in my memory. So I say it is good to lose fish. If we didn’t, much of the thrill of angling would be gone.” Ray Bergman
All this time I thought Joey da Fish wrote this with a little help from brother Geddy:D
Elks - Smelks - It's on and you guys are going down!!
2 person teams.... Who else wants in??
- Most keepers caught by each 2 man team
- In the event of a multiple team 2 man limit, tie breaker will be 2 heaviest fish.
- $50 per team winner take all
- At end of trip on the boat, all losers will have to get on their knees, bow to the wining team and exclaim " We are not worthy to be in your presence oh great ones.... We suck" Should be a nice photo and video opp :eek: Get your knee pads ready!!
Will keep teams here in this thread
- Flying Zagorski Brothers (Gerry and Joey Dah Fish)
- Blind Squirrel (Dales and Hartattack)
- Team UB (FinS and Boston Pete) Now there's a pair that beats 3 of a kind (they scratched)
- Beer Batterd Shrimp (Lefty Reeler and Shrimpman Steve)
- Scotch In The Rocks (ReelRon and Riverbassfishing)
- Stixum Fish (dfish28 and darrenflynn)
- Sleeping Giants (Stelios and Baccala)
- Wrecking Crew (MVP and Toggie Time)
Who else is going to man up??
11-07-2013, 11:42 AM
Hmmmm - seems like the throw down has been made. How many on the Blind Squirrel team on this trip Larry?
A little face off and side bet against Team Flying Zagorski Brothers ?? We can make it total number of keepers perhaps ??
Team Blind Squirrels will be (inadequately) represented by myself and Dales. This ain't an off-shore trip, but Dales is due - - if you've thrown down the gauntlet, we accept
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 11:54 AM
Team Blind Squirrels will be (inadequately) represented by myself and Dales. This ain't an off-shore trip, but Dales is due - - if you've thrown down the gauntlet, we accept
Like Moths to a flame :D
River Rat
11-07-2013, 02:22 PM
I'll take on both "Z Boys" by myself... I'll even fish with one eye closed. ;)
11-07-2013, 02:27 PM
Im ready to throw down to anyone who accepts my challenge. Biggest fish and the loser takes the winner fishing on their own boat or party/charter boat.
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 02:42 PM
I'll take on both "Z Boys" by myself... I'll even fish with one eye closed. ;)
Get yo-self a partner and get in and then you can talk all the smack you want, my brotha. Remember this is PUOSU
PS Please remember to bring me that tog stick to try out :D
11-07-2013, 05:09 PM
Hmmmm - seems like the throw down has been made. How many on the Blind Squirrel team on this trip Larry?
A little face off and side bet against Team Flying Zagorski Brothers ?? We can make it total number of keepers perhaps ??
Total number of keepers...Haha thats a good one. You guys better counts shorts or there will not be a winner.
11-07-2013, 05:19 PM
Aight Chowder asked for it!
Me and Boston Pete are tossing a crab into the ring.
"Team UB"....IN!!!
11-07-2013, 05:23 PM
...which brings me to my next comment...what's the FOOD situation? :D
Cant wait to see what team name the Philthy Phisher and the Big Ragu come up with. Haha!
Yeah buddy
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 06:14 PM
...which brings me to my next comment...what's the FOOD situation? :D
Cant wait to see what team name the Philthy Phisher and the Big Ragu come up with. Haha!
Yeah buddy
Ahhhhem - Did you bother to read the first post Polish Puller :confused:
Team Murragu don't have a chance unless we do a Skate pool :D
You "no" Murr is going to be fishing with clams all day looking for trash fish for his Phillyroad kill fish stew.
Nothing from Shirmpy yet either.... Hmmmmmmmm
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 07:21 PM
Total number of keepers...Haha thats a good one. You guys better counts shorts or there will not be a winner.
Hmmm - Now you're tawkin some trash Kurtis... Are you gonna field a team or what?? PUOSU ;)
M Rod
11-07-2013, 08:53 PM
Would everybody be interested in a 10 dollar double digit pool. Winner takes half the pool and the other half goes to mikes family. No double digit fish then the biggest fish takes its weight in percentage of half the pot. For instance a 7 pounder would take 70 percent of half the pot and the 30 percent would go towards mikes family in addition to half the pot.
Joey Dah Fish
11-07-2013, 08:54 PM
You tell them Geddy I'm to pissed so I have to change my diaper now!! I'm all in!!! We'll kick their asses back so far they will wake up during the Kennedy years!!
shrimpman steve
11-07-2013, 09:05 PM
I was avoiding getting involved with your childish wagers, but now that I have been called out I am announcing the team of lefty and shrimp.
I will catch fish and lefty will down miller lattes:D
Bring it on bitches:eek:
Joey Dah Fish
11-07-2013, 09:06 PM
Would everybody be interested in a 10 dollar double digit pool. Winner takes half the pool and the other half goes to mikes family. No double digit fish then the biggest fish takes its weight in percentage of half the pot. For instance a 7 pounder would take 70 percent of half the pot and the 30 percent would go towards mikes family in addition to half the pot.
I'm in for that great idea!!!
Joey Dah Fish
11-07-2013, 09:07 PM
I was avoiding getting involved with your childish wagers, but now that I have been called out I am announcing the team of lefty and shrimp.
I will catch fish and lefty will down miller lattes:D
Bring it on bitches:eek:
Listen here life jacket boy!!! Make sure you bring your blow up doll to cry on :D :eek:
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 09:37 PM
Would everybody be interested in a 10 dollar double digit pool. Winner takes half the pool and the other half goes to mikes family. No double digit fish then the biggest fish takes its weight in percentage of half the pot. For instance a 7 pounder would take 70 percent of half the pot and the 30 percent would go towards mikes family in addition to half the pot.
Count me in M Rod. Gonna need you to run this one, OK??
Gerry Zagorski
11-07-2013, 09:55 PM
I was avoiding getting involved with your childish wagers, but now that I have been called out I am announcing the team of lefty and shrimp.
I will catch fish and lefty will down miller lattes:D
Bring it on bitches:eek:
You'd think these 2 could come up with a better name than Lefty and Shrimp :rolleyes: How about putting some effort in here? Between all the coolers and custom pretty fishing poles they are sure to bring on board, I say we charge them double. I dub thee "Team Beer Battered Shrimp"
Take dat Biatches :D
shrimpman steve
11-07-2013, 10:51 PM
You can call us anything you want, but at the end of the day "bitch better have my money":D
PS. I like the name. Just remember I originally coined "the flying zagorskis"
Gerry Says : I don't think so Steve... Dave's been calling us that for years
Joey, I'll bring u something to blow:eek: :D
It's on like donkey kong!
Joey Dah Fish
11-07-2013, 11:46 PM
Bring on Donkey Kong!!! It's cabinobinoxide time!!
11-08-2013, 07:52 AM
Would everybody be interested in a 10 dollar double digit pool. Winner takes half the pool and the other half goes to mikes family. No double digit fish then the biggest fish takes its weight in percentage of half the pot. For instance a 7 pounder would take 70 percent of half the pot and the 30 percent would go towards mikes family in addition to half the pot.
Still thinkin' 'bout the team thing! (I don't play well with others) However I am in for the $10.00 pool.
Garone Custom Rods
11-08-2013, 10:57 AM
Please add me to the waiting list Gerry.
shrimpman steve
11-08-2013, 11:12 AM
The name sucks anyway:eek: :D
Just an FYI. The current trip at 125 per person includes everything including pool. If M Rod runs $10 dollar double digit pool mentioned that will be totally separate from the original pool that everyone is entered into automatically
River Rat
11-08-2013, 02:18 PM
If the extra pool helps the Family I'm down.
Gerry Zagorski
11-08-2013, 02:24 PM
This just in.... Wilson, our resident photo fixer and photographer is coming along and is going to photograph the trip for us...
Make sure and dress nice fellahs.
I hope he is going to shoot a video of the team loosers bowing to the team winners :eek:
Gerry Zagorski
11-08-2013, 06:15 PM
Keg O' Handcrafted Beer from JJ Bittings in Woodbridge ( will be on hand.
There goes my odds.....
Burp ;)
11-08-2013, 08:17 PM
This just in.... Wilson, our resident photo fixer and photographer is coming along and is going to photograph the trip for us...
Make sure and dress nice fellahs.
I hope he is going to shoot a video of the team loosers bowing to the team winners :eek: I'll do the best I can. Everyone will have a cell phone camera on the boat, and a fishing rod.
Me just a camera. SMILE
Joey Dah Fish
11-08-2013, 08:23 PM
Do I need to call you all out yet again on the lack of ball busting and talking smack? You guys are seriously goin soft WTF? Are you just a fraud that the flying Zagorski brothers are going to take your butts to school on black fishing? Will this is called put up or shut up!! I certainly don't know how to shut up so I'm gonna put up!! I'm in the extra pool in the teams bet and other challenge you light weights got to offer!!!
Gerry Zagorski
11-08-2013, 09:25 PM
Do I need to call you all out yet again on the lack of ball busting and talking smack? You guys are seriously goin soft WTF? Are you just a fraud that the flying Zagorski brothers are going to take your butts to school on black fishing? Will this is called put up or shut up!! I certainly don't know how to shut up so I'm gonna put up!! I'm in the extra pool in the teams bet and other challenge you light weights got to offer!!!
You tell'm Joey, I'm too pissed :D
shrimpman steve
11-08-2013, 09:42 PM
Are you just a fraud that the flying Zagorski brothers are going to take your butts to school on black fishing?
Now that's funny!!!!!! Your brother won't care about fishing by 8:30 (burb) and you'll be doin nothin but tying rigs:eek:
Joey Dah Fish
11-08-2013, 10:10 PM
Now that's funny!!!!!! Your brother won't care about fishing by 8:30 (burb) and you'll be doin nothin but tying rigs:eek:
True dat but I will be catching some fresh between snags one of them gonna have a big white chin and a fat belly.
Joey Dah Fish
11-08-2013, 10:11 PM
Now that's funny!!!!!! Your brother won't care about fishing by 8:30 (burb) and you'll be doin nothin but tying rigs:eek:
What is u ignant?
11-08-2013, 11:35 PM
Keg O' Handcrafted Beer from JJ Bittings in Woodbridge ( will be on hand.
There goes my odds.....
Burp ;)
Ohhh boy!
I happen to be about a drunken jog away from there( don't ask how I know) if ya want me to pick it up...
Dollar Bill
11-09-2013, 12:11 AM
Are you just a fraud that the flying Zagorski brothers are going to take your butts to school on black fishing?
OK. The last time I fished with the flying Zagorski brothers I managed the pool on the Mimi back in Jan. Going to be tuff for a repeat with this crowd but when all else fails there is always the JJ Biitings. :D
11-09-2013, 07:38 AM
True dat but I will be catching some fresh between snags one of them gonna have a big white chin and a fat belly.
The closest you gonna be to a White Chin & Fat Belly is when I skate in between you & Gerry to pull them toggies right from under you!
11-09-2013, 08:38 AM
The closest you gonna be to a White Chin & Fat Belly is when I skate in between you & Gerry to pull them toggies right from under you!
^^ FUNNY stuff Ron :D ^^
One month to go and we're already on Page 16 :eek: , this is shaping up nicely :)
The closest you gonna be to a White Chin & Fat Belly is when I skate in between you & Gerry to pull them toggies right from under you!
Reelron talkin SMACK. This is getting interesting.
Joey Dah Fish
11-09-2013, 08:11 PM
I guess I'm going to have to man up this year and put the flying Zagorski Brothers on the big board!!! Watch out fellers I'm coming for you!!
11-09-2013, 09:14 PM
white (grey) chin and fat belly describes at least half the guys on the trip:p
Gerry Zagorski
11-10-2013, 06:39 PM
The closest you gonna be to a White Chin & Fat Belly is when I skate in between you & Gerry to pull them toggies right from under you!
OK ReelRon making this interesting... His odds are getting more favorable but the guy you wanna mug is Mr Softbait. They come for the shrimp and stay for your crab.
shrimpman steve
11-10-2013, 07:41 PM
I'm already working on my order of hermits:D
Joey Dah Fish
11-10-2013, 11:06 PM
Hermit spurmit your gonna need a lot more then that my brother. Better bring some cabinobinoxide.
Foul Hook
11-10-2013, 11:13 PM
Gerry, and other PUOSU contestants I 'll grab a couple of "boxes of joe" and doughnuts to get the crew warmed up fro the event !
Foul Hook
11-10-2013, 11:27 PM
I'm already working on my order of hermits:D
Shrimpy, bubby, I love you, but those hermies are going to be as useless as a terd in a punch bowl babe. You've been banging that hammer for years now, give it a rest and do some black fishing with the rest of us. Save your money for the DD pool! I'll bring it home for you.;)
Joey Dah Fish
11-10-2013, 11:37 PM
Shrimpy, bubby, I love you, but those hermies are going to be as useless as a terd in a punch bowl babe. You've been banging that hammer for years now, give it a rest and do some black fishing with the rest of us. Save your money for the DD pool! I'll bring it home for you.;)
I think he should be known as the fisherman formerly known as the Shrimpman. Now known as the Kermit the Hermit :p
11-10-2013, 11:49 PM
Reelron and I are teaming up so watch out. I have won two pools on the ocean explorer. We both have a huge passion for tog fishing. I know im going to do good cause i wont be be able to make the mimi trip.
11-11-2013, 12:04 AM
Reelron and I are teaming up so watch out. I have won two pools on the ocean explorer. We both have a huge passion for tog fishing. I know im going to do good cause i wont be be able to make the mimi trip.
Yea, The only thing Will has to do between now and the first trip is to quit smoking! :D
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Gerry, and other PUOSU contestants I 'll grab a couple of "boxes of joe" and doughnuts to get the crew warmed up fro the event !
Thanks Foul!! I'll make note of this in the first post of the thread.
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 08:51 AM
Reelron and I are teaming up so watch out. I have won two pools on the ocean explorer. We both have a huge passion for tog fishing. I know im going to do good cause i wont be be able to make the mimi trip.
Getting interesting now that we have a few Tog Ringers in the mix. I know Ron has a taste for Single Malts so I took the liberty naming your team Scotch In The Rocks, subject to your approval.
Teams so far
- Flying Zagorski Brothers (Gerry and Joey Dah Fish)
- Blind Squirrel (Dales and Hartattack)
- Team UB (FinS and Boston Pete) Now there's a pair that beats 3 of a kind
- Beer Batterd Shrimp (Lefty Reeler and Shrimpman Steve)
- Scotch In The Rocks (ReelRon and Riverbassfishing)
Any other teams up for the challenge?
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 09:14 AM
2 of our PUOSU challengers showing off their White Chins. Fins and Kurtis B.
broken bobber
11-11-2013, 10:29 AM
right now I'm a free agent and will look over offers
11-11-2013, 11:20 AM
Food and Grog
- Keg O' Hancrafted beer from JJ Biitings ( Burp :)
- Foul Hook bringing a few Boxes of Joe and Dognuts from Double D's
:confused: dognuts: gonna need something with a little more kick to wash that down!!
11-11-2013, 06:38 PM
Hey Gerry, I hate to interrupt all the trash talk here, but I wanted to let you and the boys know that I'll be making sausage and peppers in the crock pot for the trip
Joey Dah Fish
11-11-2013, 06:48 PM
If my brothers wife is will to share her recipe I will make chili. Hey Gerrrrrrr what say you? :D I guess I will have to bring extra diapers :eek:
11-11-2013, 07:14 PM
"Getting interesting now that we have a few Tog Ringers in the mix. I know Ron has a taste for Single Malts so I took the liberty naming your team Scotch In The Rocks, subject to your approval."
Works for me, as long as it is ok with my little buddy! Better than Rigs in the rocks!
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 07:37 PM
Hey Gerry, I hate to interrupt all the trash talk here, but I wanted to let you and the boys know that I'll be making sausage and peppers in the crock pot for the trip
Awesome Mark, THANKS. Note made in original post.
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 07:44 PM
If my brothers wife is will to share her recipe I will make chili. Hey Gerrrrrrr what say you? :D I guess I will have to bring extra diapers :eek:
Will do Joe, thanks. Ruth's Award Winning Chile Recipe will be emailed to youand is noted in original post.
11-11-2013, 07:51 PM
Love the name. Cant wait for this trip.
11-11-2013, 09:13 PM
Ok team "Stixum Fish" is on this... Me and Darren are in this, double dig. pool whatever, let's have some fun!!
Joey Dah Fish
11-11-2013, 09:20 PM
Ok team "Stixum Fish" is on this... Me and Darren are in this, double dig. pool whatever, let's have some fun!!
What in heavens name is stixum fish? A new disease ? A vitamin supplement?
Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2013, 10:05 PM
Ok team "Stixum Fish" is on this... Me and Darren are in this, double dig. pool whatever, let's have some fun!!
Got you and Darren down D
M Rod
11-12-2013, 03:10 PM
Does anybody have any input on tackle and or rigs I should bring on this trip.
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 03:22 PM
Big long surf pole, some split shots, a bobber and 8 lb test for leaders :D
All kidding aside, you want a conventional rod/reel stiff enough to fish 4-8 ounces, strung with 30 - 50 pound braid, some 40 to 50 pound leader material and sinkers ranging from 4 to 10 ounces. All the rest including instructions on tying rigs you can get while on the boat.
If you want info on hook preferences go here
11-12-2013, 03:32 PM
The question is.... WHO IS IN FOR THE TAILGATE PARTY?!?!
11-12-2013, 03:45 PM
Talked to my partner in crime who just got back from his honeymoon. After explaining about all the bragging going on we both said there is nothing better than watching grown man cry! Call us what you wish, but team Stelio and Dave are in!
11-12-2013, 03:53 PM
Talked to my partner in crime who just got back from his honeymoon. After explaining about all the bragging going on we both said there is nothing better than watching grown man cry! Call us what you wish, but team Stelio and Dave are in!
Maybe team Bacca up? :D
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 04:02 PM
Talked to my partner in crime who just got back from his honeymoon. After explaining about all the bragging going on we both said there is nothing better than watching grown man cry! Call us what you wish, but team Stelio and Dave are in!
Uh ohhhhh we have awakened the "Sleeping Giants" and that's going to be your team name.
Honeymoon is over Dave. You and Stelio better bring some knee pads :D
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 04:08 PM
The question is.... WHO IS IN FOR THE TAILGATE PARTY?!?!
Question is when you gonna man up and get a team mate Vinn. I hear Bobber is entertaining offers. :eek:
11-12-2013, 04:11 PM
The question is.... WHO IS IN FOR THE TAILGATE PARTY?!?!
I'll probably join you for the tailgate then hop on the BMH....UNLESS SOMEONE DROPS OUT
11-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Question is when you gonna man up and get a team mate Vinn. I hear Bobber is entertaining offers. :eek:
Team mate? for what? I am the size of two teenagers put together, i am my own team, good thing we dont have to pay by weight or i would have to pay 250...
I am my own teammate, that is unless someone wants to pick up a scrub like me !? hahahah
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 07:03 PM
Team mate? for what? I am the size of two teenagers put together, i am my own team, good thing we dont have to pay by weight or i would have to pay 250...
I am my own teammate, that is unless someone wants to pick up a scrub like me !? hahahah
It's out there boys....Vinn looking for a partner.
M Rod
11-12-2013, 07:11 PM
Big long surf pole, some split shots, a bobber and 8 lb test for leaders :D
All kidding aside, you want a conventional rod/reel stiff enough to fish 4-8 ounces, strung with 30 - 50 pound braid, some 40 to 50 pound leader material and sinkers ranging from 4 to 10 ounces. All the rest including instructions on tying rigs you can get while on the boat.
If you want info on hook preferences go here
Hahaah hook line and sinker Gerry. First one to bite was the first I'm gonna mug the sh*t out of. Leave some room in ur back pocket for me. Atleast now you can say the pool fish was caught in your spot. Too bad by me though.
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 07:37 PM
Hahaah hook line and sinker Gerry. First one to bite was the first I'm gonna mug the sh*t out of. Leave some room in ur back pocket for me. Atleast now you can say the pool fish was caught in your spot. Too bad by me though.
MRod - I took the bait but me and Joey Dah Fish have a combined weight approaching 500 pounds... We make most boats squat on our side but we don't scare easily.
Bring it on tuff guy cause all you're gonna see are a$$e$ and elbows and you'll never make it to the rail :D
Looking forward to seeing you on the boat... Who loves you M ?? ;)
PS- We need some more trash tawking and chest pounding like this.... The legend lives on in Mike and all in good fun. So looking forward to this trip to honor our fallen brother. He woudn't have it any other way.
Joey Dah Fish
11-12-2013, 08:15 PM
Do we have a count on the double digit pool yet?
Gerry Zagorski
11-12-2013, 08:58 PM
I can only keep track of so much stuff here Joey... MRod the trash talker tawked it up and I'm gonna let him run the double digit pool. Only fitting he who tawked it up should be bringing it home, right????
Hey M wazzzup Yo?
11-12-2013, 09:49 PM
I would like to be on the waiting list if its not 30 deep already!!!
Thanks Gerry!!!!
Gerry Zagorski
11-13-2013, 09:04 AM
I would like to be on the waiting list if its not 30 deep already!!!
Thanks Gerry!!!!
Put you on the list Kruger.
11-13-2013, 10:15 AM
Gerry I think we some you up! Never seen so much trash talk from ya! Anyway my slickers don't come with knee pads!!! You just bring a red carpet for your team to stand on and we will be happy to use it !!!;)
Gerry Zagorski
11-13-2013, 01:12 PM
Gerry I think we some you up! Never seen so much trash talk from ya! Anyway my slickers don't come with knee pads!!! You just bring a red carpet for your team to stand on and we will be happy to use it !!!;)
I'm usually not a trash talker... Just trying to run this and stir the pot like only Labby could and how he would have wanted it.
I must however admit it's been fun living vicariously through him and mixing it up with you all. All in good fun ;)
Gotta see what we can do about that red carpet :D
shrimpman steve
11-13-2013, 06:33 PM
Gerry, if you keep up this trash talking we are going to have to ban you from the site:eek:
Joey Dah Fish
11-13-2013, 06:40 PM
Hey Shrimpy how is ur search for hermits going?
shrimpman steve
11-13-2013, 07:59 PM
Hey Shrimpy how is ur search for hermits going?
Bushel being delivered to my house tomorrow morning, which means I have to drive down tomorrow to hang them
Joey Dah Fish
11-13-2013, 08:10 PM
Bushel being delivered to my house tomorrow morning, which means I have to drive down tomorrow to hang them
If you need a hand PM me
Bushel being delivered to my house tomorrow morning, which means I have to drive down tomorrow to hang them
Let me know were you will be hanging crabs so I can keep an eye on them for you:cool:
Joey Dah Fish
11-14-2013, 07:24 PM
Let me know were you will be hanging crabs so I can keep an eye on them for you:cool:
Pm me I will meet you there I know where they are and I have plenty of BFhs :eek:
shrimpman steve
11-14-2013, 08:21 PM
The hermits are hung by the chimney with care (enough for the season, if they live):D
Joey Dah Fish
11-14-2013, 08:39 PM
The hermits are hung by the chimney with care (enough for the season, if they live):D
In hopes that the Shrimpman will soon be there
Foul Hook
11-14-2013, 08:56 PM
Shrimpy, bubby, I love you, but those hermies are going to be as useless as a terd in a punch bowl babe. You've been banging that hammer for years now, give it a rest and do some black fishing with the rest of us. Save your money for the DD pool! I'll bring it home for you.;)
Got no smack Shrimpy? Tried to kick you in the balls and got nuttin. Oh well. Well I've lurkin around I always make the cut, gave my boy RobB the crown on#3, Labby saw the hit I missed but I was to busy Chewin his ear off, Rob standin next to me gets the next hit and wins. Man I miss that dude!
shrimpman steve
11-14-2013, 09:10 PM
I have never missed a cut. Four for four baby. And we all know what would have happened last year if my fish was not accidentally bled by our little buddy:D , god rest his soul!
shrimpman steve
11-14-2013, 09:14 PM
Got no smack Shrimpy? Tried to kick you in the balls and got nuttin. Oh well. Well I've lurkin around I always make the cut, gave my boy RobB the crown on#3, Labby saw the hit I missed but I was to busy Chewin his ear off, Rob standin next to me gets the next hit and wins. Man I miss that dude!
My wife had my balls that day:D
Lookin forward to vindication this year. Goin for five for five in the qualifying round. And I'll swing that hammer enough times to build a house:eek: :D
Gerry Zagorski
11-15-2013, 09:36 AM
I have never missed a cut. Four for four baby. And we all know what would have happened last year if my fish was not accidentally bled by our little buddy:D , god rest his soul!
Hmmm - there were 5 trips :rolleyes:
You shouda seen the look on LABS face when he found those bananas Shrimpy dropped into his bag. You coudah fried and egg on his head. The Charter Master went totally ballistic and banned him the following year.
shrimpman steve
11-15-2013, 10:23 AM
He chased me around the boat that day, will never forget it. Well worth the one year banishment :eek:
Gerry Zagorski
11-15-2013, 04:16 PM
This just in.... Reel Ron had some stickers made up that will be for sale on the OE and all money collected will be donated to the family.
Thanks Ron!!
11-15-2013, 11:55 PM
Put me down for 2 cases of Victory Variety Packs. That will include 12 botlles each of Golden Monkey, Prima Pils, Hop Devil, and Headwaters.:D Is that cool :cool: or will that be too much beer?:confused: I could switch 1 up with a case of water or Gatorade instead.;)
11-16-2013, 05:35 AM
This just in.... Reel Ron had some stickers made up that will be for sale on the OE and all money collected will be donated to the family.
Thanks Ron!!
Window Decals ABout 8" X 2"
Had these done a while ago, wasn't sure how to deal with it. I only have a limited amount of 50. Figured I will sell them for $5.00 each, or any amount over that you feel like giving, all to be donated to the wells Family
11-18-2013, 10:31 AM
What the heck add me to the waiting list Gerry
Jimmy Lee
Joey Dah Fish
11-18-2013, 07:27 PM
Alright I'm officially excited!!! Just stopped at the tackle shop and started tying rigs :) and you who know me will appreciate how many I have to tie :eek: I should change my name to Joey the Snag :mad: I may suck as a tog fisherman but nobody likes a quitter :p
11-18-2013, 10:49 PM
Please put me on the Alt. list.
Please put me on the Alt. list.
It's about time:D
11-19-2013, 01:53 PM
I like to fish with owner aki twist hooks, 3/0 4/0 5/0 on 50-60lb leader with slider hooks, could anyone be willing to make me a bunch? i am way to lazy and tying rigs is way over rated. :p :D
shrimpman steve
11-19-2013, 04:23 PM
the only tying you can do is "tying one on":D
just bring your miller lattes, you don't need anything else
11-19-2013, 10:35 PM
Hmmm - there were 5 trips :rolleyes:
You shouda seen the look on LABS face when he found those bananas Shrimpy dropped into his bag. You coudah fried and egg on his head. The Charter Master went totally ballistic and banned him the following year.
LOL! thats great!
11-20-2013, 12:15 PM
There Will Be Pretzels!
Also Remember All "trash Fish" Go In The Murr Trash Bag
11-22-2013, 04:44 PM
Waited two days to talk some smack on theis thread, now I forgot what I wuz gonna say! Getting old sucks! :( Hope my partner remembers to remind me about the trip!
Oh yea, lost my brand new tog stick, but no matter I had 11 keepers, most over 5# on tagged Fish, wednesday, with the Fin-S magic stick! When I win this thing I may have to take Bob & his wife out to dinner? :confused: If I can remember.
11-22-2013, 07:28 PM
Two warm up trips for me so far and two plus limits. Biggest fish on one trip, the only limit today on a PB.
11-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Two warm up trips for me so far and two plus limits. Biggest fish on one trip, the only limit today on a PB.
You do realize the limit is 6 now! That first picture is of a much younger man and Mark MUST be baiting your hooks :D
Nice Job Kurtis, thought that was you on the Angler
11-22-2013, 11:30 PM
Two warm up trips for me so far and two plus limits. Biggest fish on one trip, the only limit today on a PB.
Almost looks like you have a leash on that tog in the first pic, is she your pet tog you bring out:D
11-23-2013, 12:52 AM
Almost looks like you have a leash on that tog in the first pic, is she your pet tog you bring out:D
Yep, she is my 7 pound backup fish. Goes everywhere with me.
Gerry Zagorski
11-23-2013, 02:32 PM
Two warm up trips for me so far and two plus limits. Biggest fish on one trip, the only limit today on a PB.
Nice fish Kurtis..... Your odds are going up since I think you've used up all your good Blackfish Ju Ju ;)
11-23-2013, 04:41 PM
Riverbassfishing used up his blackfish juju today with his personal best today on the Monger. He should just give up his spot to me now :)
11-23-2013, 07:06 PM
Riverbassfishing used up his blackfish juju today with his personal best today on the Monger. He should just give up his spot to me now :)
Don't you be messin' with my partner! You just leave his JuJu alone!
Got my limit on the Skylarker today!
mark b
11-23-2013, 07:18 PM
You do realize the limit is 6 now! That first picture is of a much younger man and Mark MUST be baiting your hooks :D
Nice Job Kurtis, thought that was you on the Angler
Dale I had to keep reminding him the limit is 6.:p and your odds are improving since I won't be there to bait Kurt's hook;)
Gerry Zagorski
11-26-2013, 03:54 PM
Some drop outs and adds from the waiting list so please see original post.
Gerry Zagorski
11-26-2013, 04:39 PM
Reminder payments due by 12/1 or you give up your spot
Pink Avet Girl
11-26-2013, 04:57 PM
I didnt participate in any of the PUOSU's but it was fun following all the posts and I definitely enjoyed all of the pre-competition trash tawk last year. I was as shocked as any at the passing of LAB and kudos to you all for carrying on this tradition in his honor. I look forward to this years pre-PUOSO banter :D
11-26-2013, 09:27 PM
Nice fish Kurtis..... Your odds are going up since I think you've used up all your good Blackfish Ju Ju ;)
Just getting warmed up. Limit plus and the pool fish on the Mimi today. Had to listen to some tawkin from the neighbor when we got back to the dock.
11-26-2013, 11:51 PM
Some drop outs and adds from the waiting list so please see original post.
Confirmed. Thanks
11-27-2013, 07:58 AM
Confirmed. Thanks
Does that make for a Molly team?
11-27-2013, 01:12 PM
I have Boston Pete's spot! That's gotta be some good Karma right there.
11-27-2013, 01:13 PM
Does that make for a Molly team?
Or maybe a team on Molly :eek:
11-27-2013, 01:47 PM
I have Boston Pete's spot! That's gotta be some good Karma right there.
This ain't no Porgy trip! :D
11-27-2013, 02:12 PM
Just getting warmed up. Limit plus and the pool fish on the Mimi today. Had to listen to some tawkin from the neighbor when we got back to the dock.
i MIGHT have overheard that conversation......
how much WARMER ya gonna get?! sheesh, your sinkers are melting!
I didnt participate in any of the PUOSU's but it was fun following all the posts and I definitely enjoyed all of the pre-competition trash tawk last year. I was as shocked as any at the passing of LAB and kudos to you all for carrying on this tradition in his honor. I look forward to this years pre-PUOSO banter :D
Hey Pinky,
Saw cover girl on the Fisherman Magazine trying to steal your thunder all decked out in Pink.
Fishing pink Avet reel and custom pink rod. Looks like you have some competition. :D
11-27-2013, 03:28 PM
Give my spot up, not going to make this trip
11-27-2013, 03:52 PM
What happened to davetats on the list of alternates?
Gerry Zagorski
11-27-2013, 04:12 PM
What happened to davetats on the list of alternates?
He got in and took FinSguys spot.
11-27-2013, 04:12 PM
What happened to davetats on the list of alternates?
Dtats #12, Quanman #30
Gerry Zagorski
11-27-2013, 04:13 PM
Give my spot up, not going to make this trip
Got it Lou. Sorry you can't make it and thanks for the heads up.
Loud out and Mike Garone in.
Just saw this breaking news report on TMZ. Rumor has it that new team is being formed to fish the PUOSU VI out of Belmar NJ on the Ocean Explorer on 12/8/13. Reports are coming in that two NJfishing members have been hitting local boats from SI down to Barnegat sharpening there skills for this historic event and putting together some impressive catches even on days when fish are not chewing. We have photographs on file of new two member team having dinner at secret location in Brooklyn with marketing mogul Jay Z who has been working to bring this two many team together in Blockbuster deal not seen since the Hershel Walker trade in the late 80's. Negotiations have been difficult as these two sharpies like to fly under the radar and let their catching do the talking for them. Being the event is for a good cause and both were friends with Lab they are thinking of getting together to help the cause.
Leaks of this partnership are starting to get around as some of the top Blackfisherman in the state are dropping from this event like flies. Final details are not in but we have been notified from reliable sources that a secret package is in route to owner of NJfishing Gerry Zagorski with full details of the merger. Once word gets out there is a good chance that the Ocean Explorer will be a ghost town on 12/8 as few mortals will want to do battle with this group of stone cold blackfish sharpies. Hopefully members will not be scared away and show up for the event and PUOSU. Please stay tuned for future updates.
Gerry Zagorski
11-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Bring it on Alex!! Will be awaiting the details of the soon to be "Failed" merger.
Boston Pete
11-27-2013, 05:45 PM
"Originally Posted by Quanman
I have Boston Pete's spot! That's gotta be some good Karma right there. "
You got this brother...good luck!
Bummed I can't make this trip.
11-27-2013, 06:04 PM
The LEGACY from Staten Island had the pleasure of having one of the members of this rumored 2 man team onboard yesterday for a day of blackfishing. Conditions were much better than weatherman predicted. We fished south all day and had a decent slow steady pick through out the day ending up one shy of our NY limit. Would have had a double Jersey limit but we only keep 16 inch plus fish. Mystery team member had 10 NY keepers to help fill our cooler.**Can not show his picture at this time as we had to sign a disclosure agreement before**official announcement is made. Trust me, the ladies were in force at The Tiki Bar awaiting his triumphant return.
I hope to get this masked man back on the grounds Friday to bloody the decks with a fall bluefin early and then more blackfish. He gets it done from Rhode Island to Maryland.
Foul Hook
11-28-2013, 12:02 PM
I have Boston Pete's spot! That's gotta be some good Karma right there.
You gonna be wearin that hat again? Do me a favor if you bring that homemade wine again please keep it out of my reach, I'm still hung-ova from 2011:D . Got a couple of trips coming up to get ready. I don't need a teammate to prop me up I'll fly solo like the "LONE WOLF". Just be careful if you start to get a bite I'll be in your back pocket so keep it on the down low. I'm lurkin in the shadows! F.H. p.s. Happy Turkey Day yall
A few Updates as trip date approaches:
As per rules on page 1 date to get paid up and secure your spot is 12/1/13.
Enclosed are payment details:
Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (greens/whiteleggars) and pool. Any money's left over will be donated to the family. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write a check.
Paypal address is send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section. Mailing address if you want to send a check is 17 Montview Road Edison NJ 08837. Make sure and put your screen name on the check.
As per Charter masters rules if you back out of trip and a replacement is not found you are responsible to either find replacement or pay your fare.
Your Fare will include you into the pool. Separate pool is being run by M-Rod for high hook 2 man team competition. He will be collecting the separate pool monies for this side bet. With that being said when money gets involved people sometimes do not act appropriately. I am sure nothing like that is going to happen with this group. Any kind of cheating will not be permitted. No giving buddy fish to help them make the cut or sharing fish with members in team competition to help win pool. Any violators observed doing anything unethical will be automatically disqualified.
Remember what this trip is really all about. Helping a family in need, keeping the memory of our friend LAB alive and having a great time.
For sponsors and members of the site who want to contribute to the raffle please post so we can add your name to list of prizes. Free trip, gift certificates etc.. For those who can not make trip but still want to donate we will make your donation eligible for chance to win raffle prizes. Dec 8th is right around the corner so do not wait till the last minute to contribute to the cause.
If you are planning to bring some food or whatever please post so we can keep list updated.
All we need now is for mother nature to bless us with some good conditions and some hungry tog. Wishing the best to everyone and their families.
In one way or another we all have a lot to be grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Pink Avet Girl
11-28-2013, 09:23 PM
Hey Pinky,
Saw cover girl on the Fisherman Magazine trying to steal your thunder all decked out in Pink.
Fishing pink Avet reel and custom pink rod. Looks like you have some competition. :D
I saw that MVP...guess I better get out there and start doing something then. We'll be out on OE tomorrow begging the fishing Gods to keep the blackfish bite on. Good luck on the PUOSU next week.
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