View Full Version : Lab Memorial - Puosu Vi

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Joey Dah Fish
01-05-2014, 07:00 PM
Or just the opposite.

You guessed it :mad: but it wasn't for lack of effort on all parts. First stopped had slow bite but quality fish. I stunk the place up. Kenny and Josh worked hard as usual.

Gerry Zagorski
01-05-2014, 07:31 PM
Well... The King has been crowned. Congrats to JLrotary for winning PUOSU VI.

KurtisB got the all important "Yo Dollah" fish on the first drop were there was some decent life.... We lost anchoring conditions to shifting winds and Kenny and Josh were busy trying to keep us on the piece. We made a few more moves and picked a few here and there. Kurtis and Reel Ron had a few contenders and DRod has his limit early but in the end JLrotary (Jimmy Lee) had the right one. I think a few had 3 or 2 some 1 or none. A slow day overall but given the recent reports it exceeded our expectations.

LAB's wife Diane and her son Mick came down to meet us at the boat and we gave her the envelope with all the donations. It was about 15 minutes later when my phone went off... It was Diane in tears. She and Mick got home and opened the envelope and could not believe how generous you all were. I told her I could not believe it either but it was a testament to how much we all cared about them and Mike.

From me and my partner in crime Alex MVP, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and generosity you all showed to Mike's family.

RIP LAB.... It was a privilege to honor your memory and do what we could to help your family..... The PUOSU Saga continues but it's not the same around here without you brother.

Gerry Zagorski
01-05-2014, 07:34 PM
To the King go all the spoils and let sleeping dogs lie :)

Gerry Zagorski
01-05-2014, 07:41 PM
An email I just got from the Wells Family

I don't know how to thank you all. Michael would be so happy that all of you took care of his family the way you did. Mick, Kimberly, and I love you all so much, and can't express how much we appreciate your help. Again, just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that was involved in this, though i feel like nothing i could say could truly show just how thankful we are.

Love Diane Mick and Kimberly Wells (and the dogs of course)

Fish Stix
01-05-2014, 07:44 PM
WTG Jimmy Lee!

01-05-2014, 07:51 PM
Thanks Gerry and Alex for putting this together. It was a fun day glad I could be part of it.

Thanks to JMurr for keeping us entertained while the fishing was slow.

Grandma is home safe and sound along the Yo Dollah fish.

Rob B
01-05-2014, 07:54 PM
nice job guys. and RIP lab it will never be the same without you.

01-05-2014, 08:08 PM
CONGRATS Jimmy Lee !!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2014, 08:22 PM
Fishing was tough but actually better then i expected & better then what i heard went on in other ports today. I had a fath 16inch keepah, 7 or 8 shorts, a 19inch cod(stupid size limit) 1 philly mako & a bergall i won most variety....i also hand fed a molly shark which were all over the surface Fishing was better deep 75+ & believe it or not greens got more bites then honky legged crabs. Kenny & josh were fantastic & of course huge congrats to my man jimmy lee dude deserves it no doubt & sh!t anyones better then shrimpman!

Most importantly I am so happy this was able to help out the Wells'. thats what this was about if we caught something cool but if not oh well, we all know Mikey would & did do anything for so many of us & never expected anything in return so i'm glad we could help em out. Trips just weren't the same without him not once did I hear he spent a year in philly 1 weekend. Miss ya so much old timer glad we can honor your memory & we need to keep this going every year!

follows da link for pics:


01-05-2014, 08:58 PM
Got the royal skunkola today but it was well worth it, had a lot of fun with a great bunch of guys for an even better cause...helping Lab's family and carrying the crown as Mike would have wanted. Kenny and Josh were top shelf today, and thanks to Gerry and Alex for getting the whole thing together. Congrats Jimmy Lee, one Helluva nice fish, and thanks Joe Murray, entertainment at its finest!

01-05-2014, 09:27 PM
Thanks everyone and thank you Alex and Gerry for putting this together. Fishing started off better than I expected. Caught the winning fish around 9am and spent the rest of trip waiting to see if it would hold up. Lucky for me, it did. Fish ate whole whitelegger with top shell removed on a snafu rig. Ended the day with 2 keepers. Glad we were able to help out the Wells family. RIP LAB.

01-05-2014, 10:10 PM
Congrats JL and Gerry , Alex for doing this in memory of LAB most down to earth guy I could relate to Tell it like it is. RIP Mike

01-05-2014, 10:41 PM
Gerry & Alex, GREAT JOB!

Joey & Vinnie, what can I say? Probably nothing is best!

Two strange but great days on the water and being able to help some good peeps out, great way to end one year and start a new one.

Glad I could help in some small way.

Sad to see that I couldn't continue my streak on the Mimi but happy to say, Congrats Jimmy Lee!

01-05-2014, 10:53 PM
Sorry I couldn't be with you today, but being part of the crew that brought tears to Lady Di's eyes is a true privilege. Congrats to Jimmy and thanks Gerry and Alex for making this happen :)

01-05-2014, 11:02 PM
As always had a great time fishing with the njfishing crew, thanks to all that made it happen... Congrats t Jimmy Lee!!!

01-05-2014, 11:20 PM
As always had a great time fishing with the njfishing crew, thanks to all that made it happen... Congrats t Jimmy Lee!!!

Honorable mention to the modest DRod who was the only guy who got his bingo! Great job Dave!

Dollar Bill
01-06-2014, 12:31 AM
Great fishing with everyone today. Congrats to Jimmie Lee on the winner. I thought I had a contender but probably took third. Definitely a better morning than afternoon but Kenny and Josh gave it 200 % to try and get us and keep us on fish.

Thanks to Gerry and Alex for keeping the LAB tradition alive!

Captain Ahab
01-06-2014, 05:54 AM
Nice Job Jimmy!

Great job to everyone for a great cause - good stuff

Islander II
01-06-2014, 07:19 AM
I had a blast with lots of laughs! Wound up with one keeper and at least a dozen shorts. Sound like the Mimi did the best today as other boats had none. Kenny and Josh worked at it all day, and as always, is much appreciated. Good job Gerry and Alex! Congratulations Jimmy.

01-06-2014, 08:11 AM
Nice work by NJfishing and it's members

Gerry Zagorski
01-06-2014, 09:13 AM
Fishing was tough but actually better then i expected & better then what i heard went on in other ports today. I had a fath 16inch keepah, 7 or 8 shorts, a 19inch cod(stupid size limit) 1 philly mako & a bergall i won most variety....i also hand fed a molly shark which were all over the surface Fishing was better deep 75+ & believe it or not greens got more bites then honky legged crabs. Kenny & josh were fantastic & of course huge congrats to my man jimmy lee dude deserves it no doubt & sh!t anyones better then shrimpman!

Most importantly I am so happy this was able to help out the Wells'. thats what this was about if we caught something cool but if not oh well, we all know Mikey would & did do anything for so many of us & never expected anything in return so i'm glad we could help em out. Trips just weren't the same without him not once did I hear he spent a year in philly 1 weekend. Miss ya so much old timer glad we can honor your memory & we need to keep this going every year!

follows da link for pics:


Thanks for the pics and the laughs Murr...

01-06-2014, 10:24 AM
Got the royal skunkola today but it was well worth it, had a lot of fun with a great bunch of guys for an even better cause...helping Lab's family and carrying the crown as Mike would have wanted. Kenny and Josh were top shelf today, and thanks to Gerry and Alex for getting the whole thing together. Congrats Jimmy Lee, one Helluva nice fish, and thanks Joe Murray, entertainment at its finest! Couldn't have said it better myself, so I'll just second Marc. Good time eveyone :)

01-06-2014, 10:27 AM
Adding a big congrats to Jimmy Jlrotary for the pool fish. You seemed to be putting on a clinic at that first drop :)

01-06-2014, 10:40 AM
Great cause!! And good times, had a blast!! Great talking to all of you guys as well. Gerry and Alex : I applaud you guys immensely for all that you have done!
Kenny and Josh were spot on and worked there arses off to put us on some fish and they did. I may not have caught many, but I got that bitch out of the wreck,
And that made my day right there. I slept well last night for sure. Hope to see you guys out there again.

shrimpman steve
01-06-2014, 10:49 AM
Great peeps, great cause, great fun.

Congrats to jimmy lee, and kudos to our grand puba Gerry, and last but not least MVP.

I waited around to present the donation, it was worth every minute. Mrs. LAB had no words to describe her thanks.

See you all soon

01-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Thanks again to everyone involved in the PUOSU trip and it's great that we raised money for the Wells family. LAB was a good person and is certainly missed.

Catching or not catching fish, it's always a fun event and look forward to the next one.

Congrats JL on winning the PUOSU title. Also, let's not forget about DRod who caught about 20% of the keepers that came over the rail.

Gerry Zagorski
01-06-2014, 03:17 PM
DRod was on fire for sure... He was on the OE trip too. That guys got some serious Tog game.

01-06-2014, 05:27 PM
So.... Did anyone tell Joey that Steve put some hermit crabs under his tree when he slept over? I hope so... Don't want him to get any kinda bugs, lmao:D

Foul Hook
01-06-2014, 06:11 PM
Nice work Jimmy. Great job by all involved! A real tribute to the kind of guy Mike was.

Joey Dah Fish
01-06-2014, 11:01 PM
So.... Did anyone tell Joey that Steve put some hermit crabs under his tree when he slept over? I hope so... Don't want him to get any kinda bugs, lmao:D

Too many bugs :( but no hermits :D of course I got home everything was my fault I apparently bought the bugs put them on a special super secret app on my phone and waited until we were out fishing to unleash the beast thru my super secret app. Lol
Special shout out to Chris for calling my wife and telling her what they were are they are not a threat to humans or the puppies. Thanks Chris and I hope your finger is getting better.

Gerry Zagorski
01-07-2014, 10:00 AM
Combined all the PUOSU 6 posts here and so far they have been viewed 37,000 times :eek: Quite a tribute to LAB for sure.

The saga continues and a tradition worth carrying on.

Murr suggested an additional PUOSU for Fluke. I think that would be fun and will start thinking about that. First thought is I think there would be a lot more interest so we'd probably need more than 1 boat. More on that to follow.

Thanks once again to everyone who particpated, gave so generously and a special thanks to our sponsors who donated all the awesome door prizes on the OE trip and at the Holiday party. Please support these businesses

OE Sponsor Donations:
- Open boat pass Fish Stix www.fishstixnj.com/ $130 valve good for 2014 season.
- Gift Certificate for Costa Del Mar Sunglasses valued up to $279.00 from Eyes on First Ave www.eyesonfirstave.com
- RFA-NJ Chapter is donating (1) Garone Custom Rod Gift Certificate: $200 value towards custom rod of winners choice.
- Got some NJF shirts from Jeff AKA Shirtguy at www.grafxnj.com along with some newly designed bumper stickers and some really cool 40 inch fishing tape stickers for boats
- Islander II/KCS Construction donating 2 busshels of White Leggers and gift certificates from one 2 of our sponsors Max at Pride and Pete at Atlantic Bait and Tackle
-While he was purchasing the certificates Max from Pride donated and additional 4 $15 certificates and Pete from Atlantic Bait and Tackle donated a $50 certificate

NJF Holiday Party Donations
- Cock Robin gift certificates www.cockrobin.com
- Crossroads Audio Video www.crossroadsaudiovideo.com/ and IEI www.interstateelectronics.com/‎ a 51 inch Samsung flat screen tv
- Eyes on First Ave www.eyesonfirstave.com Gift Certifcate for up to $279 for pair of Costa sunglasses
- 2 Baskets of Cheer donated by Sandy and Debralee to carry on the Marilyn (MSGold) tradition
- Got some NJF shirts from Jeff AKA Shirtguy at www.grafxnj.com along with some newly designed bumper stickers and some really cool 40 inch fishing tape stickers for boats
- 2 gift certificates which can be used on the Big Jamaica www.bigjamaica.com/ or the Paramount www.wreckmasters.com/ 3/4 Day or nite on the Jamaica or 6:30 - 3:30 trip aboard the Paramount.
- $100 gift certificate for Garones Custom Rods
- Tuna Spin jigging rod 300g red www.jiggingworld.com

01-07-2014, 10:18 AM
Murr suggested an additional PUOSU for Fluke. I think that would be fun and will start thinking about that. First thought is I think there would be a lot more interest so we'd probably need more than 1 boat. More on that to follow.

This is an excellent idea

01-07-2014, 01:12 PM
This is an excellent idea

See I am not just a pretty face :)

broken bobber
01-07-2014, 01:35 PM
GREAT JOB Z-MAN........ as hard as he was at times I am SURE he was looking down on all the shennanigans and as the boats hit the docks he was humbled and touched by the out pouring of support from most.....

just a thought for 2014..... My man was a die hard tournament guy.... he would look for and suggest to me fluke tourneys that some didnt even know existed...and he would look for one right to the finally day of fluke season..competetive guy ??? YES TO THE END...... SO... With so many fluke sharpies on this site either members or lurkers, and the popularity of these tourneys every year, why not form a committee to possibly start a LAB Memorial FLuke Tourney with proceeds going to things like the Violant Crime Vitctims Fund ........ Just a thought.......


01-07-2014, 01:50 PM
See I am not just a pretty face :)

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a234/jl_rotary/3F44AB9C-DEB8-41E7-8703-555345FA0245_zpsl0ure1dl.jpg (http://s12.photobucket.com/user/jl_rotary/media/3F44AB9C-DEB8-41E7-8703-555345FA0245_zpsl0ure1dl.jpg.html)

01-07-2014, 04:28 PM
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a234/jl_rotary/3F44AB9C-DEB8-41E7-8703-555345FA0245_zpsl0ure1dl.jpg (http://s12.photobucket.com/user/jl_rotary/media/3F44AB9C-DEB8-41E7-8703-555345FA0245_zpsl0ure1dl.jpg.html)


BB that would be awesome anything i can do to help let me know I miss that little man so much :(

Joey Dah Fish
01-07-2014, 07:47 PM
I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to fish we you all, laugh with you all, bitch with you all, donate with you all,morn with you all,but most importantly honor Lab and his family with you all!!! He is missed by all, including the ones that never met him. God Bless You Brother from all of us down here on earth

01-07-2014, 09:13 PM
Combined all the PUOSU 6 posts here and so far they have been viewed 37,000 times :eek: Quite a tribute to LAB for sure.

The saga continues and a tradition worth carrying on.

Murr suggested an additional PUOSU for Fluke. I think that would be fun and will start thinking about that. First thought is I think there would be a lot more interest so we'd probably need more than 1 boat. More on that to follow.

Thanks once again to everyone who particpated, gave so generously and a special thanks to our sponsors who donated all the awesome door prizes on the OE trip and at the Holiday party. Please support these businesses

OE Sponsor Donations:
- Open boat pass Fish Stix www.fishstixnj.com/ $130 valve good for 2014 season.
- Gift Certificate for Costa Del Mar Sunglasses valued up to $279.00 from Eyes on First Ave www.eyesonfirstave.com
- RFA-NJ Chapter is donating (1) Garone Custom Rod Gift Certificate: $200 value towards custom rod of winners choice.
- Got some NJF shirts from Jeff AKA Shirtguy at www.grafxnj.com along with some newly designed bumper stickers and some really cool 40 inch fishing tape stickers for boats
- Islander II/KCS Construction donating 2 busshels of White Leggers and gift certificates from one 2 of our sponsors Max at Pride and Pete at Atlantic Bait and Tackle
-While he was purchasing the certificates Max from Pride donated and additional 4 $15 certificates and Pete from Atlantic Bait and Tackle donated a $50 certificate

NJF Holiday Party Donations
- Cock Robin gift certificates www.cockrobin.com
- Crossroads Audio Video www.crossroadsaudiovideo.com/ and IEI www.interstateelectronics.com/‎ a 51 inch Samsung flat screen tv
- Eyes on First Ave www.eyesonfirstave.com Gift Certifcate for up to $279 for pair of Costa sunglasses
- 2 Baskets of Cheer donated by Sandy and Debralee to carry on the Marilyn (MSGold) tradition
- Got some NJF shirts from Jeff AKA Shirtguy at www.grafxnj.com along with some newly designed bumper stickers and some really cool 40 inch fishing tape stickers for boats
- 2 gift certificates which can be used on the Big Jamaica www.bigjamaica.com/ or the Paramount www.wreckmasters.com/ 3/4 Day or nite on the Jamaica or 6:30 - 3:30 trip aboard the Paramount.
- $100 gift certificate for Garones Custom Rods
- Tuna Spin jigging rod 300g red www.jiggingworld.com

Gerry I would feel privileged to fish for Fluke and honor LAB for what he loved best fishing.

shrimpman steve
01-07-2014, 11:10 PM
Love the idea of a LAB memorial tourny!

I would be in