View Full Version : Lab Memorial - Puosu Vi
River Rat
11-29-2013, 05:54 PM
Unfortunately I have to bow out of PUOSU this time around.... if anyone is interested in my spot contact Gerry Z.
Gerry Zagorski
11-29-2013, 06:04 PM
River Rat is out and Krueger is in.
Joey Dah Fish
11-29-2013, 08:42 PM
Watch you mere mortals Joey Duh Fish went out on a NSB today to practice and his his personal best!!!!!! More fish then snags :D I guess you all thought I was gonna say I got a 10lber :eek: not!!!! But managed 4 keepers slow day togging down in LBI
11-29-2013, 08:54 PM
Cream pied them today, getting snagged is my favorite thing! We were north. 50' I'm ready Mick!
And to the dog that got me... Hope you like your nose job!
It is now official.
The WRECKing Crew will be coming into town to Demolish the competition at this years PUOSU. MVP will be teaming up with this years top Free Agent TOGGYTIME. Negotiations were tough as many were bidding for his services. For those who may not know of him he will be the guy fishing Custom Bogan Glass rod with deep bend fishing mono on old school Penn reel. My advise would be to stay far away from him as he will catch all the fish in his strike zone and leave you reeling up empty hooks and crying for your mommy. Lab would be shaking in his boots at the thought of having to fish with this well known Tog Slayer. Hoping everyone catches allot fish as you compete for second and third place. :D
Joey Dah Fish
11-30-2013, 02:31 PM
It is now official.
The WRECKing Crew will be coming into town to Demolish the competition at this years PUOSU. MVP will be teaming up with this years top Free Agent TOGGYTIME. Negotiations were tough as many were bidding for his services. For those who may not know of him he will be the guy fishing Custom Bogan Glass rod with deep bend fishing mono on old school Penn reel. My advise would be to stay far away from him as he will catch all the fish in his strike zone and leave you reeling up empty hooks and crying for your mommy. Lab would be shaking in his boots at the thought of having to fish with this well known Tog Slayer. Hoping everyone catches allot fish as you compete for second and third place. :D
Bring it on liver lips !!!!! This is why they say PUOSU !!!!! Make sure you guys have ur tee time set for the following week and bring extra tissues for your ride home :p
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 04:02 PM
It is now official.
The WRECKing Crew will be coming into town to Demolish the competition at this years PUOSU. MVP will be teaming up with this years top Free Agent TOGGYTIME. Negotiations were tough as many were bidding for his services. For those who may not know of him he will be the guy fishing Custom Bogan Glass rod with deep bend fishing mono on old school Penn reel. My advise would be to stay far away from him as he will catch all the fish in his strike zone and leave you reeling up empty hooks and crying for your mommy. Lab would be shaking in his boots at the thought of having to fish with this well known Tog Slayer. Hoping everyone catches allot fish as you compete for second and third place. :D
Hmmmmm - another team to jumps into the frey like moths to a flame.
As you can see Joey Dah Fish ain't rattled one bit as he was High Hook this past Sunday out of 25 guys and had more keepers than snags. Fair warning.....Watch trying to mug him, you might end up "sleepin wit dah fishes"
Any more of you Internet Tog Heros up to the team challenge??
11-30-2013, 04:31 PM
Missed my window of opportunity to put money on my paypal account today. By strict rules I'm out, if you give me until Monday I'm still in...your call.
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 04:43 PM
Pay Pal not open today or something?? A further explaination needed here Jig...
11-30-2013, 04:53 PM
Paypal works just fine. I let the account funding it get too low. I was going to go to the bank today to fund it and didn't make it in time. If you gotta cut me loose I understand but I do want to go.
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 04:57 PM
You have till noon Monday Jig.
11-30-2013, 04:59 PM
Okay thanks.
11-30-2013, 05:03 PM
You have till noon Monday Jig.
What would LAB done?
That's the real question...
I was gonna sign up earlier for PUOSU but don't have internet and library was closed, so now here I wait on the waiting list...
11-30-2013, 05:07 PM
What would LAB done?
That's the real question...
I was gonna sign up earlier for PUOSU but don't have internet and library was closed, so now here I wait on the waiting list...
I'm not lookin to be a dick. You want the spot? You got it.
11-30-2013, 05:19 PM
Let's make it official...I'm out. I don't want anybody crying at home because somebody got a break. Have fun guys.
11-30-2013, 05:26 PM
What would LAB done?
That's the real question...
Lab would understand, pay when you can. Jerry gave Jigsmith till monday. No need to whine !!
11-30-2013, 05:28 PM
Geez just alittle ball busting....
I am sure the trip will be full of it.
Not my rules, not my call.
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 05:32 PM
Easy boys....
Jig you are in as long as I have your money by noon Monday as previously committed if you still want in.
JL - LAB would have called an audible which I just did and had you called him out on it on the board you would have been out for good. Calling another audible. Your are still on the waiting list and based on how I think things will work out you are likely to be in ;)
11-30-2013, 05:40 PM
My post was not intended to piss anyone off or call anyone out, just some ball busting that's all. :rolleyes:
Islander II
11-30-2013, 05:44 PM
I'm in if anyone else bails!
11-30-2013, 05:46 PM
My post was not intended to piss anyone off or call anyone out, just some ball busting that's all. :rolleyes:
Alright then, I also was not looking to piss anyone off either. I will take the opportunity Gerry extended to me (which I do appreciate :) ). If I mess up your #1 on the list anyway.
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 05:48 PM
Alright then, I also was not looking to piss anyone off either. I will take the opportunity Gerry extended to me (which I do appreciate :) ). If I mess up your #1 on the list anyway.
If JL makes it gonna put the 2 of you on a team :D
Gerry Zagorski
11-30-2013, 05:52 PM
I'm in if anyone else bails!
Islander II on the waiting list.
11-30-2013, 05:52 PM
Maybe we can team up Jig if I get on ;)
11-30-2013, 05:53 PM
If JL makes it gonna put the 2 of you on a team :D
Just saw this guess I was too late. Lol
12-01-2013, 01:09 AM
1 Gerry Zagorski - Good Karma for for being the Charter Master brings his odds down to 50:1. I had him as a dark horse last year - that horse is still running
2 MVP - his good deeds and Mensch Mentality certainly go a long way. However his togging skills and Eastcoast Pursuit of same make him a favorite 5:1
3 Hartattack - certified hack - Teaming with DALES :confused: put a fork in him 75:1
4 Joey Dah Fish - Mr. High Maintenance talks the talk but still can't walk 49:1 (marginally better than the other Flying Zagorski)
5 Shrimpman Steve - hits his thumb while cracking Hermits; we'll need to hide the Hammer because it'll be used against him if we have to hear about him catching another Teen-ager 25:1
6 Stelios - newlywed with new-found vigor, always a Contender 10:1
7 Baccala - will be riding team-mate Sleeping Giant's coattails 25:1
8 Riverbassfishing - this "kid" can tog. Little known fact: is he really a kid? Compared to the Old Goats on this trip - he's still in diapers 5:1
9 Captnvinny - don't "no" Vinny - I ain't no LAB :eek: he gets the same odds as the Field 50:1
10 Blackfish Bobby - homecourt advantage is negated by his constant tending to Thing 1 and Thing 2, however no Falafels this year will be his undoing 25:1
11 Toggytime - MVP talks him up. This factoid would normally be moot, but now as an official member of TEAM Wrecking Crew, he must have some cred 20:1
12 fin s guy Dropped out and now DTats is in - If TATS boards in the number 12 spot his odds are 50:1, if he boards when he should be boarding, as an alternate, his odds drop to 15:1
13 jig smith - did he pay ? Oh yea, FALCON paid. Too bad FALCON ain't togging 35:1
14 HDMarc - don't "no" HDM - I ain't no LAB :eek: he gets the same odds as the Field 50:1
15 BottomBouncer13 - did he pay ? It's now 1-Dec - - Sea 'ya
16 darrenflynn - can he do it without Kaptain Kris - hell yea 10:1
17 D-ROD - did he pay ? It's now 1-Dec - - Sea 'ya
18 Dales529 - Blind Squirrel finds a Silver Eel 25:1 - he's my partner :eek:
19 Thing2 - youth is wasted on the young 25:1
20 Thing1 - see above 25:1
21 Reelron - White Chin with a big belly - Ron catches his lookalike and teams up with Will to grab 2-man team honors 5:1
22 Dollar Bill - does well on Private Boats but from what I saw on OE @ PUOSU V, hes' an also ran 25:1
23 jersey boy - don't "no" JB - I ain't no LAB :eek: he gets the same odds as the Field 50:1
24 Hookset - don't "no" HS - I ain't no LAB :eek: he gets the same odds as the Field 50:1
25 LeftyReeler - no bagels?, no chance 25:1
26 Foul Hook - don't "no" FH - I ain't no LAB :eek: he gets the same odds as the Field 50:1
27 dfish28 - gets some Brownie Points for his frequent, helpful posts/reports 20:1
28 Kurtis B - Silent but Deadly, has had some successful warmup trips and backed 'em up with pix (afterall 1 pic = 1000 words, it would take Kurtis 2 years to speak 1000 words :p ) 10:1
29 Grateful Dad - we saw his skill level at this year's RFA trip. I could brown-nose Jeff to ensure future trips on his boat, but I gotta call it like LAB would even if I never get to be Jeff's bow-monkey again, 50:1
30 Boston Pete is out and now Quanman is in - If Quan boards in the number 30 spot his odds are 50:1, if he boards when he should be boarding, as an alternate, his odds drop to 49:1
31 PA Beer Guy - thanks for the Brewski's, burp, but with JJ Bitings on board - they'll just get lost in the sauce. Sort of like an ordinary Togger against the Elite, 35:1
32 M Rod - did he pay ? And he's supposed to run the supplemental pool ? It's now 1-Dec - - Sea 'ya
33 JMurr711 - the Philly Phanatic is energized by all the Trash Fish he collects and turns a few heads 20:1
34 Sportfishing - too many Miller Lattes for breakfast is his undoing 35:1
35 ReelNauti - thinks he's on the CockRobin and proves you can't catch Tog on an A47, 35:1
36 Mike Garone - would take him seriously if he didn't hold his rod upside-down when togging, and no - it's not even a Spiral 25:1
37 Krueger - NJ DEvils karma works well on this trip 15:1
38 Former PUOSU 1 winner Scotty - always a Contender, never a Pretender; but sticka Fork in him if he's wearing that Flyers hat 15:1
39 Former PUOSU 3 winner Rob B - don't "no" RB - I ain't no LAB :eek: he should get the same odds as the Field, but as a former winner he gets some respect - NOT 35:1
40 Former PUOSU 4 winner LAB won this so only fitting to give it to his long time partner in crime Broken Bobber - I know we're all thrilled that you're joining us Tom and we're pulling for you. Can't make you the odds-on favorite though - in my eyes you're still a rookie on NJFishing trips :p 15:1
Having struggled thru these last 40 entries it makes me even more amazed at the brilliance, insight and camraderie that Mike brought to the table EVERYTIME I came in contact with him. I miss 'ya Mike and thank you for making me a better NJ fisherman and writer !!
12-01-2013, 06:57 AM
Nice job on the odds! But me at 5:1 ? I see what you did, You figure this will make my 7 5/8 head even bigger thus I won't be able to get my hat on and can't possibly win with cold ears!
Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2013, 07:02 AM
I love it Larry!! The Charter Master would be proud.
Thanks for doing this. Much appreciated since now you will have to field all the crying about the odds you set.
Speaking of which, I see you have MVP as the favorite. Good deeds never go unpunished and that dog don't hunt and hasn't on every one of the past PUOSU trips. I guess the sun shines on every dogs a$$ once and a while but 5-1 :rolleyes: I think your crystal ball is a little foggy :D
12-01-2013, 07:49 AM
will jump on if you need anymore? If not catch them up boys and have a great time.
12-01-2013, 06:30 PM
Nice write up on the odds Larry. My odds should be much higher no matter when I board.
And you know Scotty will be wearing that disgusting Flyers hat, LOL (
12-01-2013, 07:49 PM
Pics pics no one believes without, not photogenic but here's a few small guys, I'm the guy on the left btw... Lol it's on baby! (
12-02-2013, 08:12 AM
Appreciate the 10:1 odds Larry but I think I might of used up all my mojo already, catching some quick limits and a 9 pounder
shrimpman steve
12-02-2013, 08:24 AM
The way my first few trips have gone, I'm lookin at one and done:eek:
12-02-2013, 10:39 AM
are we really even going to sail i mean whats the point just give me the $ & lets go to the bar
12-02-2013, 02:16 PM
Getting close, the only one we have to watch out for is that lying, cheating, no good weatherman!
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2013, 02:25 PM
OK guys - Bobber had to drop out and I called an audible to add a few more seats to the trip so everyone on the waiting list is now in... I also revised the boarding order with former PUOSU champs on top and for those who took other people's spots that had to drop I put them in the proper order.
For those of you who have not paid yet, your payments are due to me by Wednesday. If payments are not recieved we will open up an alternate list again.
Pay Pal is
Please see the sticky post I put up for boarding order and times
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2013, 02:46 PM
OK Guys – Here is the drill for PUOSU on Sunday 12/8 on the Ocean Explorer in Belmar.
Boarding time is 6:30 and the boat leaves at 7:00… You can put your stuff on the boat when the Captain Bobby arrives but at 6:30 we will ask everyone to get off the boat with their poles and will reboard in order. If you miss the boarding call then you go to the back of the boarding order… If you miss the boat, well, you missed the boat and no refunds will be issued.
When your name is called you can re board and set up any place you’d like. As you board you will be given a tag for your heaviest fish which you will give to the weigh in team at the end of the trip.
You can only weigh in 1 fish of your choice and it must be a fish that you personally caught. For this reason each person must have their own bucket or cooler for their fish so no comingling fish. The fish must also be a minimum of 15 inches. All judges’ decisions are final.
Bring and use whatever bait you'd like. Green and Whitelegger Crabs will be provided.
The top 20 heaviest fish will be granted a spot on the Mimi the following Sunday to compete for the PUOSU crown. If for some reason there are not enough keeper fish caught to fill out 20 spots, the remaining spots will be filled in order of the original boarding list.
My suggestion is as long as you have a keeper, you should give it to the weigh team since some people who qualify with a heavier fish may not be able to make the Mimi trip and you could sneak in.
12-02-2013, 05:06 PM
Since I have half a rep. as being a cranky old man I may as well say this. 40 was just barely tolerable, 43 is a crowd. Don't see anyone else crying cause they can't get on. Just a suggestion but why not try to leave it at 40 if the few sloths don't pay by Wednesday? That way there would only be maybe 39 fishing as Vinnie will be sleeping before we drop on a spot!
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2013, 05:12 PM
Since I have half a rep. as being a cranky old man I may as well say this. 40 was just barely tolerable, 43 is a crowd. Don't see anyone else crying cause they can't get on. Just a suggestion but why not try to leave it at 40 if the few sloths don't pay by Wednesday? That way there would only be maybe 39 fishing as Vinnie will be sleeping before we drop on a spot!
That's the plan Ron.... If everyone pays by wednesday we sail with 43. If not, we go with fewer. If that happens to be less than 40 we open it up to last minute alternates to make a total of 40.
Foul Hook
12-02-2013, 05:37 PM
Gerry What's the status of white crabs or should we be bringing our own?
12-02-2013, 05:41 PM
OK, just trying to maintain my grumpiness! As Captain Chad said yesterday, "You may fish over him, but you will never fish around him!"
12-02-2013, 06:08 PM
Bottom Bouncer- you better not mess up my mojo and pay up brother! Palease!
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2013, 06:38 PM
Left him a voice mail D.. Wednesday is deadline..
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2013, 06:41 PM
Gerry What's the status of white crabs or should we be bringing our own?
Looking into that as we speak and will know in the next day or 2.
12-03-2013, 02:17 PM
Mr.Z with me,tats & ragu all going on the same trip what is the plan for when it blows 75 northeast?
12-03-2013, 03:11 PM
I had to cancel kind of last minute (this week) because I found out yesterday that I need to travel to Seattle for work leaving Sunday the 8th. Sorry Scotty, no Golden Monkeys for you this year. Best of luck to y'all. I'll be dining in style on the company's dime instead. Check out my favorite place to eat in SeaTac.
Gerry Zagorski
12-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Sorry you can't make it Dan but thanks for the donation for the family.
Back in the day I would spend a week a month in Seattle. If you're into Steak and on the company dime check out the Metropolitan Grill downtown.
Best place I found to stay was the Woodmark in Bellvue right on Lake Washington. Smaller boutique hotel that is one of the best I've ever stayed in anywhere.
Gerry Zagorski
12-03-2013, 03:22 PM
Mr.Z with me,tats & ragu all going on the same trip what is the plan for when it blows 75 northeast?
I was going to say we'd send the 3 of you out on a different boat but with the company you keep, not sure who would have you Murr ;)
12-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Mr.Z with me,tats & ragu all going on the same trip what is the plan for when it blows 75 northeast?
Gonna be one hell of a tailgate
12-03-2013, 05:18 PM
Gonna be one hell of a tailgate
Just don't forget the mix tape! :eek:
shrimpman steve
12-03-2013, 06:13 PM
Here we go
12-03-2013, 06:14 PM
im OUT....sorry
Gerry Zagorski
12-03-2013, 07:18 PM
Nauti out. Got it Bill
12-03-2013, 07:50 PM
Here we go
Wind Guru looks much better. Getting nasty later.
12-03-2013, 08:13 PM
Let's see which one starts adjusting...
12-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Here we go
thats nothing for the OE
12-03-2013, 09:54 PM
I know I'm not going with you guys this year but I've been following the posts about the PUOSU and it jumps right out of my screen just how much LAB is missed. There is no one that can even come close to his snarky wit and off the cuff humor. Not only was he a special, good hearted person but he could organize any size trip and keep everything and everyone on time and up to snuff. I could go on for 3 pages and we all know that but I just wanted to say a few words about our departed friend. Good luck to everyone.
12-03-2013, 10:09 PM
I know I'm not going with you guys this year but I've been following the posts about the PUOSU and it jumps right out of my screen just how much LAB is missed. There is no one that can even come close to his snarky wit and off the cuff humor. Not only was he a special, good hearted person but he could organize any size trip and keep everything and everyone on time and up to snuff. I could go on for 3 pages and we all know that but I just wanted to say a few words about our departed friend. Good luck to everyone.
don't worry mick,me & tats clickers will be on in rememberance
12-03-2013, 10:27 PM
im OUT....sorry
Did I scare you away? hahaha
12-03-2013, 10:48 PM
Reelron - White Chin with a big belly - Ron catches his lookalike and teams up with Will to grab 2-man team honors 5:1
Wow if everybody keeps dropping out I can start believing my own odds?
12-03-2013, 11:48 PM
Ok so I have to ask... Who is Randy G and how did he suddenly get a spot up near the top, and bump me off my number???
12-04-2013, 12:11 AM
I know I'm not going with you guys this year but I've been following the posts about the PUOSU and it jumps right out of my screen just how much LAB is missed. There is no one that can even come close to his snarky wit and off the cuff humor. Not only was he a special, good hearted person but he could organize any size trip and keep everything and everyone on time and up to snuff. I could go on for 3 pages and we all know that but I just wanted to say a few words about our departed friend. Good luck to everyone.
Razz' post reminds me of the many trips that Lab put together over the years. One memorable one was the Cluck-U Challenge in the PP Canal, where the participants fished for 2 hours for quantity. IIRC, Captain Jerry Fish Monger won with 49 and was treated to Cluck U wings by all those who fished. Great ball busting was had. Later that season, we had the Pre-PUOSU Deleware trip (January 2008). I drove down with Lab at 230AM and got home around midnight; I laughed so hard for so long that my ribs were killing me and I had cramps in my face from smiling so much. A day I'll never forget - due to that mad man Lab :) Had a nice fish too that won the pool. His b busting of those who didn't win was brutal - if you can imagine. I will miss that dude :(
12-04-2013, 07:51 AM
Randy G sounds like a sleeper!!
12-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Just don't forget the mix tape! :eek:
HAHAHA. I guess you want us to REALLY drive people insane.
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 08:28 AM
Ok so I have to ask... Who is Randy G and how did he suddenly get a spot up near the top, and bump me off my number???
I was confused at first too. Although Randy never posted in this thread, when I went into my pay pal account to reconsile it, he had sent in the money so I called him to make we wanted in and he does.
12-04-2013, 08:33 AM
As far as bait goes, can we bring our own own or are we just allowed to fish boat bait
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 08:39 AM
As far as bait goes, can we bring our own own or are we just allowed to fish boat bait
Got to give this one some thought and will get back to you Toggy.
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 08:47 AM
Krueger is out and we are back to 40... If I don't hear from Bottom Bouncer today he will be out and it will open up one spot to get us back to 40.
If someone wants to be listed as an alternate to take Bottom's spot, now would be a good time to throw your name in the hat.
12-04-2013, 09:49 AM
As far as bait goes, can we bring our own own or are we just allowed to fish boat bait
Was curious about this myself
12-04-2013, 12:05 PM
Lol, so who's gonna tell shrimp to leave the hermits home?
12-04-2013, 02:19 PM
the little loud guy used to say WHITES & GREENS ONLY! LEAVE YOUR DOGFISH FOOD AT HOME KID whenever i asked to bring mackerel............
12-04-2013, 02:29 PM
I remember the greens only PUOSU. That was a bust.
12-04-2013, 02:32 PM
Also i do not care about this, but i know the alternates not beinf on bottom of list is going to give you a problem in the long tun imho
12-04-2013, 03:13 PM
I do not get on here much..
I will say the tailgate will be great, plenty of beer, babes, and breasts... Yes, shrimpman has been contracted to wear his bra for the event.
Reelron is right, i am one and done, as you can see in a picture Tats put up, i caught my qualifier and bamm, i just stopped fishing, Did not want to waste any of my talent, but of course, could not make the next trip.. boohoo..
If shrimp brings hermits, i will turn them in to a pinata for the tailgate party and everyone can take a swing.. CHEATER hahahahah oh wait, bring them, you still wont catch sheeettt. hahaha
Toggytime has been saving his time for this trip, if he doesnt qualify then dere be sumtin wrong..
One thing i know, is that i will be the first one drinking, last one to board the boat, and the only person to not move around the boat one time all day! hahahah I'm like a giant arborvitae, i just plant my ass in one spot and stay!
12-04-2013, 04:01 PM
Nice write up on the odds Larry. My odds should be much higher no matter when I board.
And you know Scotty will be wearing that disgusting Flyers hat, LOL (
scoot wil oversleep & i will ask him to tell me which side will be sunny thus cutting hours into his fishing time & you oh you mr tats my friend, i will just continue to remind you of that time you caught me & isabella in a french love fest GAME OVER
12-04-2013, 04:05 PM
I do not get on here much..
I will say the tailgate will be great, plenty of beer, babes, and breasts... Yes, shrimpman has been contracted to wear his bra for the event.
Reelron is right, i am one and done, as you can see in a picture Tats put up, i caught my qualifier and bamm, i just stopped fishing, Did not want to waste any of my talent, but of course, could not make the next trip.. boohoo..
If shrimp brings hermits, i will turn them in to a pinata for the tailgate party and everyone can take a swing.. CHEATER hahahahah oh wait, bring them, you still wont catch sheeettt. hahaha
Toggytime has been saving his time for this trip, if he doesnt qualify then dere be sumtin wrong..
One thing i know, is that i will be the first one drinking, last one to board the boat, and the only person to not move around the boat one time all day! hahahah I'm like a giant arborvitae, i just plant my ass in one spot and stay!
12-04-2013, 04:23 PM
The arborvitae is an evergreen tree or shrub from the cypress family. They are found primarily throughout eastern Canada and the northeastern United States
12-04-2013, 04:29 PM
The arborvitae is an evergreen tree or shrub from the cypress family. They are found primarily throughout eastern Canada and the northeastern United States
so scuba got ya a dicktionary!
12-04-2013, 04:38 PM
scoot wil oversleep & i will ask him to tell me which side will be sunny thus cutting hours into his fishing time
LOL, it rises and sets in the south East/west, respectfully,, my friend - speically this time of year. it remains to be seen which way the boat will be pointed (due to wind and sea), but it don't much matter because I will be fishing the bow.
then again, i think it will be cloudy :rolleyes:
12-04-2013, 04:45 PM
LOL, it rises and sets in the south East/west, respectfully,, my friend - speically this time of year. it remains to be seen which way the boat will be pointed (due to wind and sea), but it don't much matter because I will be fishing the bow.
then again, i think it will be cloudy :rolleyes:
scoot better take that dramine with the forecast!
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 06:51 PM
OK got tired of chasing BottomBouncer around for money so he is out.
We have one open spot and the first one who pay pals me is in and the trip is officially full and closed.
Did I tell you how much fun it was changing all those numbers in the first post with all the ins and outs... I need a check up from the neck up :rolleyes:
Next year (did I just say that??) the spots are going to people based on when they pay pal or when I recieve checks.
12-04-2013, 06:57 PM
OK got tired of chasing BottomBouncer around for money so he is out.
We have one open spot and the first one who pay pals me is in and the trip is officially full and closed.
Did I tell you how much fun it was changing all those numbers in the first post with all the ins and outs... I need a check up from the neck up :rolleyes:
Next year (did I just say that??) the spots are going to people based on when they pay pal or when I recieve checks.
mr z do we got a backup plan if sundays a no go? pick out of a hat for the mimi trip?
12-04-2013, 07:31 PM
mr z do we got a backup plan if sundays a no go? pick out of a hat for the mimi trip?
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 08:25 PM
mr z do we got a backup plan if sundays a no go? pick out of a hat for the mimi trip?
Will cross that bridge when we come to it Murr.... Captain's call and I will post it here when I "no" and we make decisions from there. If the Captain says we go, we go..
12-04-2013, 08:31 PM
Will cross that bridge when we come to it Murr.... Captain's call and I will post it here when I "no" and we make decisions from there. If the Captain says we go, we go..
you know i'm game rain sleet or snow lets seperate the men from the boys like mikey would want!
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 08:33 PM
you know i'm game rain sleet or snow lets seperate the men from the boys like mikey would want!
I'm with your Murr!!
12-04-2013, 09:05 PM
Also i do not care about this, but i know the alternates not beinf on bottom of list is going to give you a problem in the long tun imho
hate say it but i'm with ragu
12-04-2013, 09:06 PM
I remember the greens only PUOSU. That was a bust. & scoot both broke cameras
12-04-2013, 09:13 PM
any word on the tarantulas?
shrimpman steve
12-04-2013, 09:24 PM
Tellin you now that bait rules were never mentioned. I will have shrimp and other goodies. It is true that ONE year it was only boat bait. I had my specials last year and will have them this year.
There was no previous mention on banned baits, not to mention last year LAB picked them up for me and delivered them. If baits were to be banned it should have been mentioned earlier. I swung my hammer last year and will swing it again this year.
With that said, they haven't worked for me yet this year:(
I will abide by Gerry's decision, but should have been mentioned in original rules. Once again, LAB allowed it so I can't see why different baits would be banned now.
12-04-2013, 09:37 PM
Tellin you now that bait rules were never mentioned. I will have shrimp and other goodies. It is true that ONE year it was only boat bait. I had my specials last year and will have them this year.
There was no previous mention on banned baits, not to mention last year LAB picked them up for me and delivered them. If baits were to be banned it should have been mentioned earlier. I swung my hammer last year and will swing it again this year.
With that said, they haven't worked for me yet this year:(
then i'm bringing mackerel!
shrimpman steve
12-04-2013, 09:42 PM
Bring whatever you need, it's not gonna help:p
12-04-2013, 09:42 PM
Sweet, I'm bringing lobster!!
12-04-2013, 09:55 PM
Sweet, I'm bringing lobster!!
i will steal that faster then any tog!
Gerry Zagorski
12-04-2013, 10:32 PM
Oh man... You guys are exhausting :mad:
A decison will be made and it will be FINAL. End of discussion.
12-04-2013, 10:39 PM
You wanted to be in charge!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
12-04-2013, 10:39 PM
Oh man... You guys are exhausting :mad:
A decison will be made and it will be FINAL. End of discussion.
thats what made mikey so special :)
shrimpman steve
12-04-2013, 10:51 PM
Oh man... You guys are exhausting :mad:
A decison will be made and it will be FINAL. End of discussion.
I will not be the one to make a stink. I will abide by the charter masters decision
12-04-2013, 11:17 PM
scoot better take that dramine with the forecast!
hear dat :eek: may have to put the skates on...
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 10:37 AM
Loosing my mind :confused: Turns out RandyG and Hookset were actually one in the same.
We now have 2 open spots to get us back to 40. First 2 people to Pay Pal me are in, if not we sail with 38.
Pay Pal is
shrimpman steve
12-05-2013, 10:42 AM
Having fun yet Gerry :p :D
12-05-2013, 10:46 AM
Too funny! Just put that together, in my phone he is Hookset Randy. Oops
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 11:03 AM
OK here is the ruling on bait. Fish with whatever you want.
Discussed this with my co chair MVP. They way we figure it is part of being a top Blackfisherman is choosing the type of bait you think the fish want. Limiting it to boat bait takes that important element out of it.
Also, we are still hunting down White Leggers... Don't have them yet but will hopefully know soon. We had a couple people from the trip looking that have so far come up empty, the main guy apparently hurt his back, so now Captain Bobby is looking too.
If anyone can get their hands on 4 busshels, please let me know ASAP and I will make arrangements for payment and or pick up.
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 11:13 AM
We got good news and bad news.
Good news is the wind forecast got a lot better for Sunday
Bad news is there seems to be a White Legger shortage.... A couple of people on this trip were looking into getting them but apparently the main supplier hurt his back and is out of commission. Captain Bobby is on the hunt now too but if any of you can get us 4 busshels, let me know and I will make arrangement for pick up and payment.
Will keep everyone up to date on this thread.
12-05-2013, 11:17 AM
We got good news and bad news.
Good news is the wind forecast got a lot better for Sunday
Bad news is there seems to be a White Legger shortage.... A couple of people on this trip were looking into getting them but apparently the main supplier hurt his back and is out of commission. Captain Bobby is on the hunt now too but if any of you can get us 4 busshels, let me know and I will make arrangement for pick up and payment.
Will keep everyone up to date on this thread.
now i am definitely bringing clam!
12-05-2013, 11:29 AM
OK here is the ruling on bait. Fish with whatever you want.
Discussed this with my co chair MVP. They way we figure it is part of being a top Blackfisherman is choosing the type of bait you think the fish want. Limiting it to boat bait takes that important element out of it.
Also, we are still hunting down White Leggers... Don't have them yet but will hopefully know soon. We had a couple people from the trip looking that have so far come up empty, the main guy apparently hurt his back, so now Captain Bobby is looking too.
If anyone can get their hands on 4 busshels, please let me know ASAP and I will make arrangements for payment and or pick up.
Waiting to hear from Rich at Jersey Hooker on white leggers
12-05-2013, 11:36 AM
Rich suggested a ns out of Brooklyn, PM sent
12-05-2013, 11:41 AM
...If anyone can get their hands on 4 busshels, please let me know ASAP and I will make arrangements for payment and or pick up...
Gerry - - there is a recent post by Kevin Kovach: " there is a ns bait and tackle shop is sea isle city tbat i got my whites from, full bushel is 50 bucks, half is 30. Pm me if ya want the info" just sayin' :cool:
12-05-2013, 11:43 AM
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 12:10 PM
Wien 21 just paid so one spot left to the first person to Pay Pal me.
12-05-2013, 12:16 PM
Wien 21 just paid so one spot left to the first person to Pay Pal me.
At this stage of the game, do they have to be a board member?
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 12:28 PM
Yes they have to be a board member Ron.
12-05-2013, 12:53 PM
12-05-2013, 04:09 PM
I still have that picture on my fridge. No idea why :confused:
12-05-2013, 04:31 PM
I still have that picture on my fridge. No idea why :confused:
because you & your beautiful wife love me & my toaster?
Foul Hook
12-05-2013, 05:06 PM
Ocean City?
12-05-2013, 06:44 PM
Many on board this trip and Mike have been supporters and its our way of giving a little back for the cause of a fellow fisherman's family and a lost friend of the fishing community. You are doing him justice and I am sure he is proud of your work running this trip. Also sure he would have some kind :rolleyes: words as well on the job you are doing.
Please add to raffle prize list:
RFA-NJ Chapter is donating:
(1) Garone Custom Rod Gift Certificate: $200 value towards custom rod of winners choice.
broken bobber
12-05-2013, 06:50 PM
Mike's killer court update now in non fishing forum........
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 07:01 PM
Islander and Hookset came through with the White Leggers so we should be all set so call off the dogs.
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 07:04 PM
Islander and Hookset came through with the White Leggers so call off the dogs.
Thanks guys.
12-05-2013, 07:26 PM
Islander and Hookset came through with the White Leggers so call off the dogs.
Thanks guys.
4 Bushels huh! Maybe that's what I am doing wrong, I usually use the same crab all day::p :eek:
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 08:43 PM
The stage is set and crabs on the way.... Here is the crown
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 08:53 PM
Many on board this trip and Mike have been supporters and its our way of giving a little back for the cause of a fellow fisherman's family and a lost friend of the fishing community. You are doing him justice and I am sure he is proud of your work running this trip. Also sure he would have some kind :rolleyes: words as well on the job you are doing.
Please add to raffle prize list:
RFA-NJ Chapter is donating:
(1) Garone Custom Rod Gift Certificate: $200 value towards custom rod of winners choice.
Thanks Dave. Very nice of the RFA - NJ Chapter to recognize Mike and what he gave to our fishing community.
As fas as his kind words of our work here.... I think it would have went something like " I laid it all out for yah and you wait till the last minute to almost get shut of of White Leggers??? You are out next year :)
12-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Ocean City?
that pic should strike fear in all your hearts! glad we got whites I hear shrimpman & sportfishing are bringing us a blueclaw & shrip boil
Gerry Zagorski
12-05-2013, 09:59 PM
Stage is set, crown is here and White Leggers are there way.
12-05-2013, 11:05 PM
Stage is set, crown is here and White Leggers are there way.
do you really think boarding me,vinnie & Tats in a row is a good idea???? god help whoever is by us! CLICKERS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-05-2013, 11:14 PM
Stage is set, crown is here and White Leggers are there way.
Hope that is a 7 5/8
12-05-2013, 11:15 PM
Shrimpman will do anything to get his hermits legalized.............
12-05-2013, 11:26 PM & scoot both broke cameras
shrimpman steve
12-06-2013, 12:02 AM
Shrimpman will do anything to get his hermits legalized.............
That's just wrong:D
12-06-2013, 12:16 AM
That's just wrong:D
Mikey wouldn't want it any other way imma have to start some sh!t talking
12-06-2013, 12:45 PM
Let's not forget about the LAB "dolla dolla bill yo" fish.
Everyone come with a crisp $1 bill. Person with the 1st keeper gets the $$
Gerry Zagorski
12-06-2013, 12:46 PM
Let's not forget about the LAB "dolla dolla bill yo" fish.
Everyone come with a crisp $1 bill. Person with the 1st keeper gets the $$
12-06-2013, 01:22 PM
1 Former PUOSU 1 winner Scotty – all I got to do is ask him where the sun will be & message him on his jdate profile, love him like a brother but no chance- 200:1
2 Former PUOSU 3 winner Rob B – will be to busy cutting foul hooks crabs not a 2 time champ 300:1
3 Gerry Zagorski- the king of njfishing the 1 & only MrZ! Without him there is no site but this aint fishing for sundials 10,000:1!
4 MVP- I hear he can catch em in Maryland but this is Nj & dude cannot stay off his phone in church hows he staying off it on a boat? But always a shot 35:1
5 Hartattack- any friend of dales is a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggshooooootttt 300:1
6 Joey Dah Fish- the looks of the Zagorski family( that’s like being skinniest kid at fat camp) ain’t bucktailing flat trash this is togging 500:1
7 Shrimpman Steve- will be to busy protecting his hermits & skating around 75:1
8 Stelios- ah my big greek brother will be to busy planning his honey do list for Sunday but I know “ I caught a 20lb” blah blah blah tis aint Delaware & you been asleep more then at the rail! 80:1
9 Baccala-will steal stellys life I like his chances40:1
10 Riverbassfishing- the asian sensation can tog I like my homies chances 25:1
11 Captnvinny-WHO???????????? 100:1
12 Blackfish Bobby-knows this boat better then his kids homefield advantage 10:1
13 Toggytime- wayyyyy to far norf for toggytime 100:1
14 jig smith-heard he can fluke,this aint fluke bounce away! 80:1
15 HDMarc-avatar has striped catfish in it no true togger would have that 100:1
16 darrenflynn-aint gonna have FishDix putting him on the meat 150:1
17 D-ROD-my black & mild brotherIf he has 6 or more bud ice pounders before we sail 15:1 if he has less 50:1
18 Dales529- thanks for all you do with the rfa, stick to fundraising 400:1
19 Thing2- daddy can’t save you now 100:1
20 Thing1- Jesus how many of yous are there 100:1
21 Reelron- the silent sniper, considering I ate 2 ½ filets at his lovely daughters wedding & drank them out of coors light the Gods are with my retired law enforcement brother especially when he steals his son in laws life 30:1
22 Dollar Bill-aint a private boat this is party boat toggin 100:1
23 jersey boy jim- 27 posts? Just made the cut getting in WHOOOOOO?????? 250:1
24 Hookset- don’t know em but dude sounds like he knows what the deal is but until I see proof 100:1
25 LeftyReeler-my man cabbyshack kller to busy sharing a late wit ragu 250:1
26 Foul Hook- love em, always laughs at my jokes but this aint last comic standing & he will be to busy ordering Rob B around 125:1
27 dfish28- don’t think we ever met but posts seems like he knows his game but again needs to sees it to believes it- 100:1
28 Kurtis B- sleeper pick this year, puts in his time can fish 30:1
29 Grateful Dad- ain’t fluke fishing eating your cherry Garcia 125:1
30 M Rod- be to busy trying to sell those sexy sticks of his & not paying attention to the bites. 50:1
31 JMurr711- Mikey wouldn’t say it any other way “ Sillies win the Series, Sixers a nba title, Flyers a cup & da beagles a Bowl before I win PUOSU” 1,000,000,000:1
32 Sportfishing USA- ahh Vincent, has been working 72 hour shifts to give his beautiful wife & daughters a fantastic Christmas & driving all over the easten seaboard looking for every crab that exists. All of this is great except 1 little issue YOU SUCK! 1,000,000:1
33 DTats- my friend, has a picture of me on his fridge, is a canal master & a molly dancer, wil be to busy giving out fitness tips, see ya at the rutt hutt not on the mimi, & remember that time in Montreal when ya saw…………. 400:1
34 Quanman- anyone with the subtitle superscupman gets the nod from me as being a good egg but this aint poooogggyy fishing 100:1
35 JLrotary- the true asian sensation will use the life riverbassfishing builds & get a contender 20:1
36 Donand- is to busy trying to find his own bushel of whites to mentally prepare. This aint rhode island wit scubajew these fish aint on Zoloft you gotta pay attention so I will give him some whiskey & tell em theres a protestant below deck & that Mick will vanish NO CHANCE! 10,000:1
37 Islander II- uses jigs for tog…… Mikey would ban em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 250:1
38 reely-WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,000:1
39 Wien 21- supposedly fishes wit fishdix a lot, if Darren hooks his fish for em maybe he catches 1 but NOPE! 250:1
My guess at the winner I am going wit my man DROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on the hate!!!!!!!!!!
Gerry Zagorski
12-06-2013, 01:38 PM
Quick Update.
4 Busshels of White Leggers in our possesion thanks once again to Hookset and Islander II... The 2 of them saved the day for us.
Forecast although always subject to change is looking good for now... Blowing at little out of the NW (generally a good direction) in the AM and switching over to NE later in the day but very light so it should not be an issue.
Spoke to Bobby and he said we will probably try the deep and the currents have been strong so make sure and bring some 8s and 10s and maybe even a few 12s.
Chomping at the bit to feel a nice Thump-Thump and looking forward to fishing with you all..
12-06-2013, 01:45 PM
Quick Update.
4 Busshels of White Leggers in our possesion thanks once again to Hookset and Islander II... The 2 of them saved the day for us.
Forecast although always subject to change is looking good for now... Blowing at little out of the NW (generally a good direction) in the AM and switching over to NE later in the day but very light so it should not be an issue.
Spoke to Bobby and he said we will probably try the deep and the currents have been strong so make sure and bring some 8s and 10s and maybe even a few 12s.
Chomping at the bit to feel a nice Thump-Thump and looking forward to fishing with you all..
Does he sell sinkers, and slider rigs on the boat? I aint got time for dat sheet.
12-06-2013, 01:48 PM
Does he sell sinkers, and slider rigs on the boat? I aint got time for dat sheet.
Vin buy me some 12's & 14s I will pay ya by check dated 2023
shrimpman steve
12-06-2013, 01:49 PM
Chomping at the bit to feel a nice Thump-Thump
Just stand in front of jmurr and grab your ankles:eek: :D
12-06-2013, 01:50 PM
Vin buy me some 12's & 14s I will pay ya by check dated 2023
I really hope i get the bow, i will be fishing 4 oz pyramids.. and taking payment from the stern winner! haha
12-06-2013, 02:02 PM
I really hope i get the bow, i will be fishing 4 oz pyramids.. and taking payment from the stern winner! haha
ummm me you & tats are gonna be by ourselves except maybe lefty he is game for molly madness partyrock
12-06-2013, 02:59 PM
1 Former PUOSU 1 winner Scotty – all I got to do is ask him where the sun will be & message him on his jdate profile, love him like a brother but no chance- 200:1
2 Former PUOSU 3 winner Rob B – will be to busy cutting foul hooks crabs not a 2 time champ 300:1
3 Gerry Zagorski- the king of njfishing the 1 & only MrZ! Without him there is no site but this aint fishing for sundials 10,000:1!
4 MVP- I hear he can catch em in Maryland but this is Nj & dude cannot stay off his phone in church hows he staying off it on a boat? But always a shot 35:1
5 Hartattack- any friend of dales is a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggshooooootttt 300:1
6 Joey Dah Fish- the looks of the Zagorski family( that’s like being skinniest kid at fat camp) ain’t bucktailing flat trash this is togging 500:1
7 Shrimpman Steve- will be to busy protecting his hermits & skating around 75:1
8 Stelios- ah my big greek brother will be to busy planning his honey do list for Sunday but I know “ I caught a 20lb” blah blah blah tis aint Delaware & you been asleep more then at the rail! 80:1
9 Baccala-will steal stellys life I like his chances40:1
10 Riverbassfishing- the asian sensation can tog I like my homies chances 25:1
11 Captnvinny-WHO???????????? 100:1
12 Blackfish Bobby-knows this boat better then his kids homefield advantage 10:1
13 Toggytime- wayyyyy to far norf for toggytime 100:1
14 jig smith-heard he can fluke,this aint fluke bounce away! 80:1
15 HDMarc-avatar has striped catfish in it no true togger would have that 100:1
16 darrenflynn-aint gonna have FishDix putting him on the meat 150:1
17 D-ROD-my black & mild brotherIf he has 6 or more bud ice pounders before we sail 15:1 if he has less 50:1
18 Dales529- thanks for all you do with the rfa, stick to fundraising 400:1
19 Thing2- daddy can’t save you now 100:1
20 Thing1- Jesus how many of yous are there 100:1
21 Reelron- the silent sniper, considering I ate 2 ½ filets at his lovely daughters wedding & drank them out of coors light the Gods are with my retired law enforcement brother especially when he steals his son in laws life 30:1
22 Dollar Bill-aint a private boat this is party boat toggin 100:1
23 jersey boy jim- 27 posts? Just made the cut getting in WHOOOOOO?????? 250:1
24 Hookset- don’t know em but dude sounds like he knows what the deal is but until I see proof 100:1
25 LeftyReeler-my man cabbyshack kller to busy sharing a late wit ragu 250:1
26 Foul Hook- love em, always laughs at my jokes but this aint last comic standing & he will be to busy ordering Rob B around 125:1
27 dfish28- don’t think we ever met but posts seems like he knows his game but again needs to sees it to believes it- 100:1
28 Kurtis B- sleeper pick this year, puts in his time can fish 30:1
29 Grateful Dad- ain’t fluke fishing eating your cherry Garcia 125:1
30 M Rod- be to busy trying to sell those sexy sticks of his & not paying attention to the bites. 50:1
31 JMurr711- Mikey wouldn’t say it any other way “ Sillies win the Series, Sixers a nba title, Flyers a cup & da beagles a Bowl before I win PUOSU” 1,000,000,000:1
32 Sportfishing USA- ahh Vincent, has been working 72 hour shifts to give his beautiful wife & daughters a fantastic Christmas & driving all over the easten seaboard looking for every crab that exists. All of this is great except 1 little issue YOU SUCK! 1,000,000:1
33 DTats- my friend, has a picture of me on his fridge, is a canal master & a molly dancer, wil be to busy giving out fitness tips, see ya at the rutt hutt not on the mimi, & remember that time in Montreal when ya saw…………. 400:1
34 Quanman- anyone with the subtitle superscupman gets the nod from me as being a good egg but this aint poooogggyy fishing 100:1
35 JLrotary- the true asian sensation will use the life riverbassfishing builds & get a contender 20:1
36 Donand- is to busy trying to find his own bushel of whites to mentally prepare. This aint rhode island wit scubajew these fish aint on Zoloft you gotta pay attention so I will give him some whiskey & tell em theres a protestant below deck & that Mick will vanish NO CHANCE! 10,000:1
37 Islander II- uses jigs for tog…… Mikey would ban em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 250:1
38 reely-WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,000:1
39 Wien 21- supposedly fishes wit fishdix a lot, if Darren hooks his fish for em maybe he catches 1 but NOPE! 250:1
My guess at the winner I am going wit my man DROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on the hate!!!!!!!!!!
12-06-2013, 03:25 PM
The stage is set and crabs on the way.... Here is the crown
Nice Crown, looks good
Gerry Zagorski
12-06-2013, 04:06 PM
Does he sell sinkers, and slider rigs on the boat? I aint got time for dat sheet.
Yes they do Vance. I think the rigs are free but you pay for sinkers.
Gerry Zagorski
12-06-2013, 04:11 PM
Just stand in front of jmurr and grab your ankles:eek: :D
Will not be dropping any quarters on this trip ;)
12-06-2013, 04:51 PM
Can I ask to be in so, like LAB, you can tell me 'This ain't no kayak fishing'
12-06-2013, 05:03 PM
Will not be dropping any quarters on this trip ;)
Then why did I just see you at the bank getting a roll of quarters?
12-06-2013, 05:05 PM
Then why did I just see you at the bank getting a roll of quarters?
he's "that guy" at the titty bar :eek: :eek:
12-06-2013, 05:19 PM
he's "that guy" at the titty bar :eek: :eek:
dats philly style making it hail!
shrimpman steve
12-06-2013, 07:54 PM
Can I ask to be in so, like LAB, you can tell me 'This ain't no kayak fishing'
This ain't no kayak fishing:D
But u are always welcome. On the waiting list that is:eek:
12-06-2013, 08:05 PM
1 Former PUOSU 1 winner Scotty – all I got to do is ask him where the sun will be & message him on his jdate profile, love him like a brother but no chance- 200:1
2 Former PUOSU 3 winner Rob B – will be to busy cutting foul hooks crabs not a 2 time champ 300:1
3 Gerry Zagorski- the king of njfishing the 1 & only MrZ! Without him there is no site but this aint fishing for sundials 10,000:1!
4 MVP- I hear he can catch em in Maryland but this is Nj & dude cannot stay off his phone in church hows he staying off it on a boat? But always a shot 35:1
5 Hartattack- any friend of dales is a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggshooooootttt 300:1
6 Joey Dah Fish- the looks of the Zagorski family( that’s like being skinniest kid at fat camp) ain’t bucktailing flat trash this is togging 500:1
7 Shrimpman Steve- will be to busy protecting his hermits & skating around 75:1
8 Stelios- ah my big greek brother will be to busy planning his honey do list for Sunday but I know “ I caught a 20lb” blah blah blah tis aint Delaware & you been asleep more then at the rail! 80:1
9 Baccala-will steal stellys life I like his chances40:1
10 Riverbassfishing- the asian sensation can tog I like my homies chances 25:1
11 Captnvinny-WHO???????????? 100:1
12 Blackfish Bobby-knows this boat better then his kids homefield advantage 10:1
13 Toggytime- wayyyyy to far norf for toggytime 100:1
14 jig smith-heard he can fluke,this aint fluke bounce away! 80:1
15 HDMarc-avatar has striped catfish in it no true togger would have that 100:1
16 darrenflynn-aint gonna have FishDix putting him on the meat 150:1
17 D-ROD-my black & mild brotherIf he has 6 or more bud ice pounders before we sail 15:1 if he has less 50:1
18 Dales529- thanks for all you do with the rfa, stick to fundraising 400:1
19 Thing2- daddy can’t save you now 100:1
20 Thing1- Jesus how many of yous are there 100:1
21 Reelron- the silent sniper, considering I ate 2 ½ filets at his lovely daughters wedding & drank them out of coors light the Gods are with my retired law enforcement brother especially when he steals his son in laws life 30:1
22 Dollar Bill-aint a private boat this is party boat toggin 100:1
23 jersey boy jim- 27 posts? Just made the cut getting in WHOOOOOO?????? 250:1
24 Hookset- don’t know em but dude sounds like he knows what the deal is but until I see proof 100:1
25 LeftyReeler-my man cabbyshack kller to busy sharing a late wit ragu 250:1
26 Foul Hook- love em, always laughs at my jokes but this aint last comic standing & he will be to busy ordering Rob B around 125:1
27 dfish28- don’t think we ever met but posts seems like he knows his game but again needs to sees it to believes it- 100:1
28 Kurtis B- sleeper pick this year, puts in his time can fish 30:1
29 Grateful Dad- ain’t fluke fishing eating your cherry Garcia 125:1
30 M Rod- be to busy trying to sell those sexy sticks of his & not paying attention to the bites. 50:1
31 JMurr711- Mikey wouldn’t say it any other way “ Sillies win the Series, Sixers a nba title, Flyers a cup & da beagles a Bowl before I win PUOSU” 1,000,000,000:1
32 Sportfishing USA- ahh Vincent, has been working 72 hour shifts to give his beautiful wife & daughters a fantastic Christmas & driving all over the easten seaboard looking for every crab that exists. All of this is great except 1 little issue YOU SUCK! 1,000,000:1
33 DTats- my friend, has a picture of me on his fridge, is a canal master & a molly dancer, wil be to busy giving out fitness tips, see ya at the rutt hutt not on the mimi, & remember that time in Montreal when ya saw…………. 400:1
34 Quanman- anyone with the subtitle superscupman gets the nod from me as being a good egg but this aint poooogggyy fishing 100:1
35 JLrotary- the true asian sensation will use the life riverbassfishing builds & get a contender 20:1
36 Donand- is to busy trying to find his own bushel of whites to mentally prepare. This aint rhode island wit scubajew these fish aint on Zoloft you gotta pay attention so I will give him some whiskey & tell em theres a protestant below deck & that Mick will vanish NO CHANCE! 10,000:1
37 Islander II- uses jigs for tog…… Mikey would ban em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 250:1
38 reely-WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,000:1
39 Wien 21- supposedly fishes wit fishdix a lot, if Darren hooks his fish for em maybe he catches 1 but NOPE! 250:1
My guess at the winner I am going wit my man DROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on the hate!!!!!!!!!!
Jmurr, I like some of your odds, but remember - this is only the preliminaries.
good luck to everyone. bring enough lead, rigs, gloves etc and lets have a smackdown day to speak of for years to come :cool:
12-06-2013, 08:23 PM
Good call Scotty. I hope there was a PRELIM hat made up
12-06-2013, 08:29 PM
Good call Scotty. I hope there was a PRELIM hat made up
LOL, Gerry would love that!
12-06-2013, 09:08 PM
he's "that guy" at the titty bar :eek: :eek:
Ahh, the old tear the bill in half and tell em to come back next round, lol, I know a guy that does that.
Just wanted to say a big Thank You!!!! To Hookset "aka sleeper Randy G" for taking the long ride to SIC to get our white leggers for the trip, they are fresh and well fed and lively! SaMe to islanderII, great looking guys! We got some great bait!! I'm not even going to bring my lobsters, I'm eating them right now!
I like my odds J- it's better than my odds when I was single at.... Bring it on, and I apologize to those ahead of time that don't like getting mugged, it's just how I do it. Sorry:D
12-06-2013, 10:17 PM
Posting this helpful info for my partner-in-crime DALES and any other Blind Squirrels looking for that nut. The info is mostly NY-centric, forget the Montauk Rig, you wanna learn the Belmar Rig :)
For most of us it's old news, if not - PUOSU is not for Newbies :eek:
. . . . Enjoy !
Family of bony fish, having thick lips, spiny fins, strong teeth, called tautog, blackfish, tog, bulldogs
They range along the Atlantic coast from Nova Scotia to South Carolina;
There is no sustained fishery north of Massachusetts. These fish are associated With rocky bottoms where they feed on a variety of mollusks and Crustaceans (mussels, crabs, barnacles). They are normally slow swimmers With a slow growth rate and they can live for as long as 34 years (22 lb). The average fish that is caught by anglers is 6-10 years old (3-4 lb). Males Are generally bigger and they live longer than females. Older males display a Pronounce difference in their external features; the very large males have an Enlarged white chin, with white margins on the pectoral and caudal fins. Sexual maturity occurs at approximately age 3 or 4, and the males outnumber Females in older fishes. These fish do not undergo seasonal migration, but move inshore as sea temperatures rise in the spring, and they spend winter in offshore waters at Depths between 80 ft to 150 ft. They first appear in New York Bight in late March and early April, This is all according to current water temps on the bottom. Not surface temp. The water on the bottom can vary greatly from the surface temps they move inshore by the end of April each Year and remain close to shore in depths ranging from 5 ft to 25 ft. This is also the time they move in to spawn. After the spawn which is triggered by water temps the fish will move a bit deeper and some will move back to the deeper wrecks. I have seen fish in July thru Oct. staying the 40 ft range. They are more difficult to locate by July, until mid-September when they reappear. Some of the best fishing is in this second run which is late October-November, and then the fish return to deeper water. The location is all temperature related. So make sure you always know the water temps. I have taken a pool thermometer at times and dropped it down to the bottom to get a true reading.
3. location of the tog
Blackfish often share the same areas as porgies, usually rocky terrain
Including rock piles, shipwrecks and artificial reef. Blackfish instinctively
Head for deeper water once hooked, and it is necessary to turn the fish
Around to avoid the risk of having the line severed on sharp rocks or
Barnacles. Do not be scared to truly raise your rod above your head to stop the larger fish from getting back into the structure. These are very strong fighters and promise a memorable experience to the angler. Fishing for blackfish requires a more substantial outfit than what is required for porgy fluke, and other bottom dwellers. Experts recommend a stout rod about 7 to 7?6? ft in length with a long butt handle. The spool should also be strong with 30-60 lb test ?abrasive resistant? line. Braid for tog is highly recommend to increase your feel of the bite and help hold bottom with less weight in higher current areas. The terminal tackle should be equally sturdy, and the angler should be prepared to replace lost tackle often. Lures are rarely used during fishing but there are a few anglers that surprisingly land an occasional tog on a lure or jig. However, there are a wide variety of shellfish to use as bait including blue mussels, steamer clams, green fiddler and calico crabs, Hermits, Green crabs, and rock crabs, as well as the more recent Asian crab found under rocks of our local beaches.
12-06-2013, 10:22 PM
Continued . . .
Bait choice is something that requires a little experimentation. Tog are very picky when they come out of there fall hibernation. This is the time of year we usually will start with softer bait and not a Crustaceans. Clams are the bait of choice. Sometimes you can start with a clam and move them over to a Crustaceans. This is something that is totally trial and error but I will always carry both baits in the spring for you never know what they will be feeding on at the time. Another bait that works well all year long is the Hermit crab. Hermits are softer bait and usually can be used the same time of the season as the clam. Hermits are popular bait on the North shore due to the fact it is more native to that area. The single most important bait is the Calico crab. Calicos are one of the native baits found on many of the structures the Tog live by. One other key point that I will mention here Tog has a keen smell. You must remember when you put bait down in deeper water the Tog relies only smell greater then any other sense to catch his prays. For some reason the Calico crab is the Caviar of bait choices. Now this is my own personal observation and other baits at times will work just as well but thru trial and error we see the Calico and rock Aka White leggers, land more and bigger fish.
Here are my observations.
1) Soft bait in the early spring (fresh clams, steamers and sea worms, Hermit)
2) Fiddlers are excellent in shallow waters?
3) Asian crabs and calico crabs are deadly around deep jetties and wrecks?
4) Whenever there is a heavy bergal (pest) population?. A strip of conch will usually do the trick.
5) White crabs are the preferred bait by most sharpies (including myself) ? but when the bite is tough? Without any reservations ? I will go to a HERMIT!
6) Green crabs are the standards and at times ? will outperform whites!?
7) When green crabs and whites are tough to find, blue claws are good substitute!
When the bite is ?picky? You really can?t go wrong with white or Hermit
So you want to know about the difference between a stone and white crab? First, we divide the crabs into two types, the swimmers which have paddles, and the crawlers. The calico and blue claw are the swimmers, while the green, white, stone, and hermit, the crawlers. Swimmer crabs, have to be handled very carefully when you catch them since they are more delicate to keep alive for future use. They are noticeably more aggressive when you trap them and have to be prepared for safekeeping. The crawlers on the other hand, can be stored relatively easily and can be kept in a nylon bag for months at a time as long as you feed them. We catch the crabs by using fish baskets. They can be purchased from mail order houses like Memphis net. You set them up with fishing twine.
Now go into shoal waters around jetties or along beaches in depths from 7-15 foot of water. People use bunker to catch crabs, but any dead oily fish will work. But this is something you have to figure out on your own! Drop a few over the side, let them soak, and after a few minutes start hauling them in, one basket at a time, pull them up slow and steady. Now this is where you need to make the distinction between the swimmers and crawling type crabs. When you catch swimming crabs, you should declaw them right away, so that do not kill each other when kept together in a bucket or fish basket. It also makes it much safer when you reach in later on to grab a crab to fish with! Crawlers are just tossed into the basket, and kept separate. Along our shores in the NY Bight, we catch stones, whites, and calicos with a handful of greens. Up off the north shore and out east, you will catch much more green crabs. Hermits are always an occasional catch depending on the area where you put your basket down. To store your crabs, the swimmers, we prefer wooden fish/lobster boxes that remain half in half out of the water. This is the only way to keep the swimming crabs alive for a couple of days. You must check your crab basket at least every other day. Usually the dead and rotten crabs will be floating on top...toss them out. Crawlers are kept in nylon bags, and can be tied to the dock hidden under the water.
Never sink the bags into the mud though! If you want to keep crawling crabs alive for a few months, just toss a small fish rack or fish discards into the bag, or the crabs will start eating each other. Fiddlers are kept in a nylon bag that is kept half in half out of the water. Fresh dead swimming crabs are kept on ice for a day, then discarded. Hermits are kept in a cooler on top of ice, again, separated by cardboard or newspaper from the fresh water.
Now the difference between a stone and white crab has been debated by many of the fishermen who catch them. We differentiate the stone from the white crab by its size, even though they may be the same crab. A small white crab is called a stone, and when they get big, because of their white belly, called a white crab. Maybe they are different crabs, and we do not know about it, but if you use the above terminology, at least we have an idea of what you are talking about!
One thing about catching crabs...of course you toss back all egg bearing female crabs of any species. Second, I believe you need a license from the DEC if you want to keep more then 50. Be careful, even though calicos and whites are not the most popular table fare when compared to our local favorite the blue claw, you can be summonsed for having shrimp baskets full of these critters even though you intend to use them for bait.
Finally on the conch for blackfish bait. We have found it to be a fair bait during cold water fishing. I must say I have seen it catch some nice fish in January and February, when you had a shot of possible catching a cod. If it was used in the late fall and winter fishing, its primarily purpose was when you had ferocious perch life on a piece just tearing up your crabs, when you have a picky blackfish bite. It was not a bait that would slay the fish, so we never made any attempts to bring it along. If you are fishing deep water and having trouble feeling bites or have a very picky bite, then the conch makes sense to use as a bait, since at least
You have something left on the hook when you miss a few bites. Some party boats would bring it along, to preserve the amount of crabs they had aboard, especially during the winter when green crabs are tough to come by since it is a much easier bait to fish with for novice black fishermen. Unless you know of a dragger man who can get you some, I would not kill myself for use as blackfish bait
There is with out a doubt a difference in the way each color of bait works. But it all depends on the area you are fishing. I have had days where the red is better then the light green. It's is all a matter of trying till you actually notice a difference between the two. There are some days when it won't matter at all about the bait color they may be just biting well that day. But the trick here is to learn what and when they want it! Experiment, which is my secret weapon, is the key. I usually try my last successful routine before I jump to something else. When the fish are not biting well we will try everything as far as color baits. Rig?s till we find out what get s them going. You cannot go out fishing and expect everything to be the same all the time .That is why it is fishing? You must learn to adapt to every situation no matter what kind of fishing you do!
The fish coming out of hibernation and the salinity as well as the depth change put the fish in a sluggish stage. They are not hungry or as aggressive. Once they see an easy to eat bait you actually can entice them to eat. Once there is a feeding the fish will turn on. You just have to try all baits before you give up. I personally have found that the mild winters make my bait of choice still crabs. I have not had to use skimmers in 3 years. Most will start with skimmers but I find sticking with the hard bait with warmer winters works well and gets bigger fish!
12-06-2013, 10:24 PM
Fiddler fishing... Lami MB963M and cut tip slightly.
Spring fishing... Lami MB1143F cut back to 11 tip and slightly off
the bottom to suit the fishermen due to its length.
Other options were the Mikes Special (inshore fiddler and great
skimmer rod) and MB 1083M for early spring fishing down south off of
Long Branch or in the channels.
Fall fishing...mid depths, MB1143F with 11 tip or cut to 12 tip, or
Shakespeare GBU 84 series.
Winter fishing...MB1143F cut to 13 tip. Fenwick 1206 (especially
when you knew their was a chance for cod) and MB1083M were also
Reels, newell 220, 4 to 1 and 3.6 ratios for shallow water.
Newell 229 as your all around tog reel.
Fall fishing, newell 322.
For fishing the deeper if using mono, the newell 332 and 338 were used,
but the newell 322 with 50lb spectra is all you need. Other then a
sidewinder, the newell was by far the best tog reel around.
50lb power pro spectra,
4/0-5/0 gamakatsu octopus hook,
either a 50lb or 60lb shock leader of 3 foot of trilene, ande or
silver thread mono for abrasion resistance, especially when fishing
Uni to Uni or Albright knot for connections.
Tie hooks with both dupont stiff and softer perlon leader material depending on how the fish are biting, or make the traditional Montauk rig, where you make a Dropper loop cut one side of the loop and attach hook.
Usually longer leaders when looking for bigger fish, but watch the current and shorten the leader when necessary if the rig keeps getting tangled on the line.
Snafu with big crabs, but trim baits if the bite is picky....other then snafu rigs, use just one hook. Again cut crab legs if you are fishing areas with loads of current to prevent the bait from spinning.
If using mono instead of spectra, their are only 3 lines to use: jinkai, momoi and silver thread.
Use softer rods when using spectra, and don't stick like you are setting the hook into a tuna.
Flat sinkers to prevent your rig from rolling around, but when fishing inshore, a bank sinker works fine when fishing on rocks. Double up the loop on the bottom and put the sinker through this loop.
Best all around blackfish rig...MB1143F with 11 tip, with newell 220
3.6 and 50 lb power pro. Tip size will vary with weight of lead you need
I like ot carry 2 or 3 rods to adapt to this. I like to use the odd tip sizes from 11 ,13, and 15 for the true heavy sinker use. The use of braids has left my heaver tipped rods at home these days and using braid is the way to go for today?s togger.
Their are a number or rigs to consider...if you are fishing for big fish, then go to the Montauk rig, which is a big dropper loop that is cut at one end near the main line...the length of your leader now can range anywhere from 12 - 16 inches...I knew one fellow who fished this rig, as long as 18 inches, and caught many mule blackfish while fishing up north. When you have a picky bite, the blackfish, especially the bigger fish tend to not want to feel any tension on the line, thus the longer leader. Their are times though when you should go to a shorter leader when you get out to the deep water and have trouble hooking fish. You have to see what works best that day.
Your other option is to get straight lengths of DuPont leader material 40-50#, and cut them down to the size you like, preferably 16 inches for a single hook rig. This seems to be the best all around hook, one bait. If you are using a snafu' rig, fishing a large crab, cut the dupont leader material longer, so that you can tie hooks on both ends of the SINGLE PIECE...then make a dropper loop in the middle. I and other guys in our crew, always bring out 3 rigs, one or two rigged with a single hook on dupont leader material, and one with the Montauk rig....depending on what pieces we were fishing, is the setup we would grab. If you get onto real nasty reef bottom, you best bet is to get the rig with the dupont material due to having better abrasion resistance when compared to the regular mono rig. But if I am fishing rocky area like Southwest Ledge, or off Mass, in the Nomans area or Buzzards Bay, I go to the Montauk rig on 50lb jinkai or momoi line. I shy away from fishing two hooks since they increase the likely hood of getting hung on the piece, especially once you hooked a fish. 40 to 60 lb. Ande works just as well and I have been using this for years. Knots to know taught in the seminar will be, improved clinch, uni, uni to uni, droppers, sturgeons, snell, and palomer.
12-06-2013, 10:27 PM
Another thing that was raised was about my questioning the fishing in eastern Long Island sound and the use of extremely heavy sinkers to hold bottom. First, fishing in this area from roughly Six Mile Reef, to Fishers Island, is highly specialized. It is unique since this is one of the few areas where you have to fish a 'window' in the tides. I have only seen one area with tides as strong, and that?s at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay off the Cape Henry wrecks. Vineyard Sound off the Elizabeth Island Chain comes close, but I have still found it fishable in a running tide. If you have no idea of how to fish the tides in this area for blackfish, then you better find something else to fish for or learn to adapt. This might be the toughest area to catch blackfish in deep water from. Once the blackfish move off the beach, to waters of over 100 feet in December, there are only a handful of wrecks to pick from. With a handful of deep water wrecks like the Potato Barge, Berrateria, Thames, Hatchett Pt, City Services, and 2-3 relatively unknown large wrecks, there?s' not much to pick from.
And before captains from that area, start reaching for their Digitalis heart medicine for giving out such secret information, anyone can purchase any wreck publication from the Long Island fishermen, by Pete Barrett, and Tim Coleman, or go on the internet, and do searches, or pick up a Capt. Seagull chart to find the numbers to these spots. One thing that has happened with the advent and widespread use of the loran, and GPS ..their are very, very, few unknown spots, especially if they are large wrecks.
Spring Blackfish...Rockaway Reef and the wrecks and rock piles along
the east beach.
Fall Blackfish...By far the Sandy Hook reef...second choice would be the wrecks between the channels if you did not want to run that far south. North Shore...area around Six Mile Reef
Late fall and early winter...Southwest Ledge off of Block Island.
Fishermen buoy area second choice. Western edge of 17.
Winter...New Grounds/NE 17 fathoms/ Barges south of the BA' Buoy
Early Spring....Farms area and Long Branch, period
. Best wreck...every wreck has its day!7. FINDING SPOTS
What?s a good place to fish? Anything on the chart would tend to be over fished, and in my experience, fish tend to be much smaller. For instance, I fish the N Fork and the popular spots out there are all just off the north side of Plum. There are too many boats on these piles and they all hold small fish which and tend to get fished out early.
The best spots I have are small piles, out of the way that are very difficult for the "weekend warrior" to anchor on. These always seem to produce the best fish both quality and quantity.
First grab a chart of your area. I use chart view or Maptech software, which is one of a number of good programs that you can store on your computer to view NOAA charts. The most productive areas for blackfish usually are ones where you see contour changes, where shallow water spots, lie next to channels, or just deeper water. Up in Buzzards Bay, we found points of land that stick out, that had rocks around them, pretty productive, and usually these areas are the first you try when you start fishing a area that you are not familiar with. An example of this was Woods Hole channel which connected Vineyard Sound on one side to Buzzards Bay on the other. Also look for spots on a chart, where you see lumps surrounded by deeper water. Once on the water look for visual signs of rocky bottom or even wrecks...Lobster pot buoys are the best indicators of rocks/wrecks in a area. Finally, look for areas marked rocky bottom on a chart.
Once you got that all down, it?s up to you to investigate these areas. Go and run your boat with the bottom machine on....this is the best way to find your own cherry spots and honey holes. You do not have to find bottom that comes up 5-10 feet to be productive for blackfish. Up in the sound, a few boulders, spread out, are good enough. Watch your machine while you ride along, and watch for
Hardness of the bottom, and even better, tails, which show even harder bottom. All a tail is, when you see this when you ride along, is a thickening of the bottom, that extends downward. This could just be rocks and stones that come up no more then a foot off the bottom. Areas like this get little pressure, so give them a shot. If you are looking for bigger fish in the Sound, use fiddlers and hermits for your bait, instead of the green crabs early in the season. Shallow water happens to be very productive for big fish. When I fished off of Woods Hole back in the 80s, we would fish rocky bottom spots as shallow as 7 feet of water, to catch some pretty big fish...This was in late October, and the first week of November up off Buzzard Bay. But remember, if you start seeing a vast majority of small fish, push out deeper, increasing water depth by ten feet on each drop till you find fish. Another thing about rocky bottom spots, is that sometimes, you just have to sit there, and build up the life.
Blackfish move around, and you can sit on spots for an hour with a pick of a few fish, then all of a sudden, you start bailing them for a while. Watch the tides, depending on the time of the year, since incoming or outgoing water vary due to the temperature difference of the water, it can shut fish down. In October, I will try my shallow water spots first, see what size fish I was catching, then push out further into deeper water. You should realize by November, the bigger blackfish will be off the beach, which means going out into water deeper then 60 feet. Experience is your own best teacher with this, and you have to go out, and fish a number of spots in different depths to see where the blackfish are setting up. Then you develop a MO on how the blackfish move around in your area. Use one hook rigs as I mentioned before.
So what do we learn from this? First, get charts, of the area, and develop a game plan, on what spots you are going to both look for and fish. Instead of running all over the ocean wasting time, get highlight type markers, and make indications on a few areas where you want to check around for productive bottom. Watch water depths, especially as you get later in the season. Bigger fish move off the beach once we get into late October/early November, which means, you have to look for bottom in deeper water. Remember that many rock piles are good productive blackfish holding spots. It?s nice to drop on a spot, and you start to lock and load with the fish climbing up the line. I have seen, and this goes for fishing up north, where there are rockpiles all over the place, and you just sit, and pick a fish or two. Make a note of this and move on. Maybe it?s the time of the year, maybe its water temp...come back at another time, and recheck it. We have seen rock piles, where you anchor up and catch bergalls to the point, where your blue in the face...but if you see them slow down, or stop, stick around, since sometimes, that is a signal that some blackfish may have moved onto the piece. If you sit on a rock pile and see nothing happening with the hard bait, put some skimmers down and see what happens. Sometimes this acts like a chumming effect, and gets fish into a feeding mode...the smaller fish start then after awhile, switch back over to the hard baits. Early in the fall, scup and seabass, can clean up on the softer fiddlers and hermits, so bring both the soft and hard baits.
Finally take note where other boats have anchored up. And when I say take notes, that?s all it means. Do not run over to an anchored boat just to get the numbers. Courtesy is the main point I can tell you when it comes to wreck fishing. Check out the spot on another day. With black fishing if you learn from/or using a 'ground' up approach' instead of everything given to you on a silver platter, you will be a much better fishermen. You start to think, and become a more
Efficient and productive fishermen on the water.
12-06-2013, 10:28 PM
Many times, good party boat captains, will move the boat slightly, once their boat setups, so that more customers can get onto a bigger piece, different part of the piece or more productive area of the piece of bottom. They will either back off on the anchor, take in some line, put briddles on, set two anchors, or just turn the wheel to redirect the boat to another portion of the piece....but sometimes, the captain, can knock everyone out by doing these adjustments. You can also be put on a very nasty piece of bottom where you get hung up almost every time you get down to the bottom. Reef areas in particular where rebarb is all over the bottom, is such a place where this will happen. Many pieces are not as big as the party boats that fish them, so you have to keep this in mind. You might be fishing in the 'mud' as they say and get few if any bites.
As we get latter in the season, their is usually more room along the rail to jockey around, or as they say, 'put your roller skates on' to try a different spot on the boat...the stern sometimes, is not the best spot on the boat. Many party boats have their transducers set just aft of the frontal portions of their boats, about where the boats pilothouse is, so that the midship area is the first area where a captain usually setups since the boat is directly over the piece. This makes adjustments much easier for the captain, since he has a idea on how the boat will lay now, with the effect of both the tide and current on his boat. You might notice on the first one or two drops a party boat makes in the morning, that their will be a little more 'jockeying' around the piece as the captain is figuring out how a boat is going to sit in a certain area. Again currents and winds differ from one area to the next, especially in a area like the NY Bight. A west wind might not have much effect when you are sitting tucked in, to the beach in the NJ Highlands, but as soon as you move slightly north towards Sandy Hook or south to Sea Bright, leaving the protection from the hills on the Highlands, that breeze can make a hugh difference in a way a boat is going to lay. Take a look at how a captain is setting the boat up when he initially sets up on his drop, to see what the most productive spots are along the rail of the boat. Of course days with roaring currents due to moon tide periods or areas like channels which always have stronger current flows, will make it easier for fishermen in the stern portion of the boat. If you are towards the front of the boat, cast ahead to allow your sinker rig to settle under the boat. It is extremely hard to fish on what we call 'angles' where you pole is pointed in one direction, and the line running off in another. You should always try to have the pole and your line, laying in one plane', which makes it easier, to detect bites, and stick the fish.
On some days, especially when the boats start moving out to deeper water like 17 Fathoms, you get what is called a 'cross current'. Your line goes down in one direction, yet ends up setting up in the opposite direction! To explain this clearer, just imagine, that you line is going down like you have a incoming tide on top, yet ends up on the bottom like you have a outgoing current...if you do a great deal of winter black fishing this is very common. With monofilament lines, you will get a nice belly in it which makes it harder to detect bites. Gel spun lines lessen this phenomena since they have a thinner diameter, causing less resistance, thus work much better when you have these conditions. You want as straight a line going from your rod tip to the bottom. That does not mean keeping a ultra-taut line, which is really poor should just have enough tension on your line, to detect bites! You will notice that big fish will hit a bait, then backoff sometimes due to the tension you have on your line...slacken it off slightly! One thing you can do is to go to a slightly heavier sinker. Another is to fish a slightly longer leader, which lessens the tension from the main line when a blackfish picks up the bait. I know first hand, when I get that 'big fish hit' then feel little pecking from small fish the longer my crab is on the bottom. Many times I know its from keeping too much tension on my main line.
This is a great deal to understand, since it requires thinking on your part. At first it is not automatic when you fish on a party boat. But this is why certain fishermen on a party boat always catch more fish and bigger fish, because they pay attention to the small details. These are some very important tips to remember.
In regards to boat positioning? I must agree. The stern is not always the place to be because the Capt. will at times move the boat (to assure everyone catches their fair share of tog). However, if you want to increase your probability whether it?s a small piece or not? it is important to know where the transducer is located.
12-06-2013, 11:44 PM
Nice Larry and the best picture ever. Got to borrow it for the weekend.
12-07-2013, 01:29 AM
I think that's a sneak tactic^^^^^^^, hoping a few will still be reading that info and not realize its time to get on the boat! My rigs,or rig, is all ready... And let me take this oppurtunity to apologize for any "so called mugging,gouging,poaching , I may be accused of,I'm just havin fun...don't let me see you're snagged or else... Good luck everyone this is gonna be fun, 85 and sunny!!!
12-07-2013, 01:41 AM
Many times, good party boat captains, will move the boat slightly, once their boat setups, so that more customers can get onto a bigger piece, different part of the piece or more productive area of the piece of bottom. They will either back off on the anchor, take in some line, put briddles on, set two anchors, or just turn the wheel to redirect the boat to another portion of the piece....but sometimes, the captain, can knock everyone out by doing these adjustments. You can also be put on a very nasty piece of bottom where you get hung up almost every time you get down to the bottom. Reef areas in particular where rebarb is all over the bottom, is such a place where this will happen. Many pieces are not as big as the party boats that fish them, so you have to keep this in mind. You might be fishing in the 'mud' as they say and get few if any bites.
As we get latter in the season, their is usually more room along the rail to jockey around, or as they say, 'put your roller skates on' to try a different spot on the boat...the stern sometimes, is not the best spot on the boat. Many party boats have their transducers set just aft of the frontal portions of their boats, about where the boats pilothouse is, so that the midship area is the first area where a captain usually setups since the boat is directly over the piece. This makes adjustments much easier for the captain, since he has a idea on how the boat will lay now, with the effect of both the tide and current on his boat. You might notice on the first one or two drops a party boat makes in the morning, that their will be a little more 'jockeying' around the piece as the captain is figuring out how a boat is going to sit in a certain area. Again currents and winds differ from one area to the next, especially in a area like the NY Bight. A west wind might not have much effect when you are sitting tucked in, to the beach in the NJ Highlands, but as soon as you move slightly north towards Sandy Hook or south to Sea Bright, leaving the protection from the hills on the Highlands, that breeze can make a hugh difference in a way a boat is going to lay. Take a look at how a captain is setting the boat up when he initially sets up on his drop, to see what the most productive spots are along the rail of the boat. Of course days with roaring currents due to moon tide periods or areas like channels which always have stronger current flows, will make it easier for fishermen in the stern portion of the boat. If you are towards the front of the boat, cast ahead to allow your sinker rig to settle under the boat. It is extremely hard to fish on what we call 'angles' where you pole is pointed in one direction, and the line running off in another. You should always try to have the pole and your line, laying in one plane', which makes it easier, to detect bites, and stick the fish.
On some days, especially when the boats start moving out to deeper water like 17 Fathoms, you get what is called a 'cross current'. Your line goes down in one direction, yet ends up setting up in the opposite direction! To explain this clearer, just imagine, that you line is going down like you have a incoming tide on top, yet ends up on the bottom like you have a outgoing current...if you do a great deal of winter black fishing this is very common. With monofilament lines, you will get a nice belly in it which makes it harder to detect bites. Gel spun lines lessen this phenomena since they have a thinner diameter, causing less resistance, thus work much better when you have these conditions. You want as straight a line going from your rod tip to the bottom. That does not mean keeping a ultra-taut line, which is really poor should just have enough tension on your line, to detect bites! You will notice that big fish will hit a bait, then backoff sometimes due to the tension you have on your line...slacken it off slightly! One thing you can do is to go to a slightly heavier sinker. Another is to fish a slightly longer leader, which lessens the tension from the main line when a blackfish picks up the bait. I know first hand, when I get that 'big fish hit' then feel little pecking from small fish the longer my crab is on the bottom. Many times I know its from keeping too much tension on my main line.
This is a great deal to understand, since it requires thinking on your part. At first it is not automatic when you fish on a party boat. But this is why certain fishermen on a party boat always catch more fish and bigger fish, because they pay attention to the small details. These are some very important tips to remember.
In regards to boat positioning? I must agree. The stern is not always the place to be because the Capt. will at times move the boat (to assure everyone catches their fair share of tog). However, if you want to increase your probability whether it?s a small piece or not? it is important to know where the transducer is located.
after making me reads all dat your odds are now 1,000:1!
Dollar Bill
12-07-2013, 01:41 AM
Nice info Larry. Do I hear a book on NJ Blackfishing? Marine forecast is looking good no matter where you read it. Looking forward to Sunday!
12-07-2013, 06:01 AM
LAB would be laughing his ass off
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 08:43 AM
Just a reminder if anyone thinks they are man enough
2 person teams....
- Most keepers caught by each 2 man team
- In the event of a multiple team 2 man limit, tie breaker will be 2 heaviest fish.
- $50 per team winner take all
- At end of trip on the boat, all losers will have to get on their knees, bow to the wining team and exclaim " We are not worthy to be in your presence oh great ones.... We suck" Should be a nice photo and video opp Get your knee pads ready!!
- Flying Zagorski Brothers (Gerry and Joey Dah Fish)
- Blind Squirrel (Dales and Hartattack)
- Team UB (FinS and Boston Pete) Now there's a pair that beats 3 of a kind (they scratched)
- Beer Batterd Shrimp (Lefty Reeler and Shrimpman Steve)
- Scotch In The Rocks (ReelRon and Riverbassfishing)
- Stixum Fish (dfish28 and darrenflynn)
- Sleeping Giants (Stelios and Baccala)
- Wrecking Crew (MVP and Toggie Time)
- Team Bromance (Dtats and JMurr)
- Team Megans Ring (Rob B and Foul Hook)
Who else is going to man up??
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 08:52 AM
And don't forget one crisp dollar bill for the traditional "Yo Dolla Bill" bet for the first keeper.
12-07-2013, 09:36 AM
LAB would be laughing his ass off
shocker lives on!
12-07-2013, 12:05 PM
Jmurr, I like some of your odds, but remember - this is only the preliminaries.
good luck to everyone. bring enough lead, rigs, gloves etc and lets have a smackdown day to speak of for years to come :cool:
coot those are prelim odds they will be adjusted if any of you meetme on the mimi. Mr.Z please add "Bromance" to the team list- jmurr & Dave Tats
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 02:45 PM
coot those are prelim odds they will be adjusted if any of you meetme on the mimi. Mr.Z please add "Bromance" to the team list- jmurr & Dave Tats
You got it Murr. One more reason not to drop any quarters on this trip :D
12-07-2013, 03:05 PM
Missed my flight yesterday so I'm stuck in Puerto Rico tying my rigs.. Lol see you guys tomorrow!
12-07-2013, 03:22 PM
Missed my flight yesterday so I'm stuck in Puerto Rico tying my rigs.. Lol see you guys tomorrow!
I'll see if I can find some Bud Ice tall boys for you later on
Rob B
12-07-2013, 03:26 PM
Just a reminder if anyone thinks they are man enough
2 person teams....
- Most keepers caught by each 2 man team
- In the event of a multiple team 2 man limit, tie breaker will be 2 heaviest fish.
- $50 per team winner take all
- At end of trip on the boat, all losers will have to get on their knees, bow to the wining team and exclaim " We are not worthy to be in your presence oh great ones.... We suck" Should be a nice photo and video opp Get your knee pads ready!!
- Flying Zagorski Brothers (Gerry and Joey Dah Fish)
- Blind Squirrel (Dales and Hartattack)
- Team UB (FinS and Boston Pete) Now there's a pair that beats 3 of a kind (they scratched)
- Beer Batterd Shrimp (Lefty Reeler and Shrimpman Steve)
- Scotch In The Rocks (ReelRon and Riverbassfishing)
- Stixum Fish (dfish28 and darrenflynn)
- Sleeping Giants (Stelios and Baccala)
- Wrecking Crew (MVP and Toggie Time)
- Team Bromance (Dtats and JMurr)
Who else is going to man up??
put me and foul hook in team megans ring. Im also bringing a thing of Kielesba and kraut.
Foul Hook
12-07-2013, 04:06 PM
put me and foul hook in team megans ring. Im also bringing a thing of Kielesba and kraut.
Good call Capt. Rob I think we can compete with this crew:rolleyes: . Hell I fished with lefty and Shrimp sunday, no challenge there.
BLIND squirre,l the name says it all, no worries
The Zagorski clan, will be too busy at the keg.
Scotch in the rocks, Ron is a seasoned vet the kid got lucky with Jerry at the helm.
Stixum, couple solid guys, probably stuck in the mud all day though.
The Greek connection, could be the one to beat, solid team.
Wreck crew, Mvp is solid don't know toggy half a team don't cut it solid!
Bromance, to busy canoodling over old photos thanks for the donation.
Good luck to all. See ya in the AM
12-07-2013, 04:30 PM
will be bringing wings (I like them hot) buffalo style
Joey Dah Fish
12-07-2013, 05:05 PM
will be bringing wings (I like them hot) buffalo style
I will be all over that!!! You will probably like my chili then too!!
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 05:21 PM
put me and foul hook in team megans ring. Im also bringing a thing of Kielesba and kraut.
Glad you and Foul Hook finally manned up Rob. Thanks for the food donation but you guys are still going down. Me and and Joey Dah Fish ain't fallin for the "Keep the Polish boys occupied with Kielesba and kraut" routine ;)
For those of you in the stern, please be forwarned..... Kielesba gives me gas :eek: Pfffffft!
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 05:22 PM
will be bringing wings (I like them hot) buffalo style
Great Scott!! I like em hot too.
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 05:26 PM
I will be all over that!!! You will probably like my chili then too!!
Joey..... Wings, Kielesba and kraut, Double Ds dougnuts and cawfee, Sausage and Peppers, Chili and Philly Pretzels...
Can you pick up some adult diapers so we don't loose any time at the rail please ?? :o
12-07-2013, 05:33 PM
I will be all over that!!! You will probably like my chili then too!!
sweet, love it! hopefully the captain makes a few moves, so we can fest out
12-07-2013, 05:42 PM
who has a pic of their biggest tog (showing your face)...
I just have a terrible time with names and you have all seen mine :p
12-07-2013, 06:13 PM
Great Scott!! I like em hot too. :D
12-07-2013, 06:15 PM
From the Golden Eagle : "We will not be sailing tomorrow, Sunday, due to forecasted weather." :eek:
Rob B
12-07-2013, 06:53 PM
Good call Capt. Rob I think we can compete with this crew:rolleyes: . Hell I fished with lefty and Shrimp sunday, no challenge there.
BLIND squirre,l the name says it all, no worries
The Zagorski clan, will be too busy at the keg.
Scotch in the rocks, Ron is a seasoned vet the kid got lucky with Jerry at the helm.
Stixum, couple solid guys, probably stuck in the mud all day though.
The Greek connection, could be the one to beat, solid team.
Wreck crew, Mvp is solid don't know toggy half a team don't cut it solid!
Bromance, to busy canoodling over old photos thanks for the donation.
Good luck to all. See ya in the AM
Ya thats why i through in the kbas & kraut to keep the skis out, but the greeks can eat to. You might have to peel me from the keg to.:D good luck to all.
Rob B
12-07-2013, 06:56 PM
From the Golden Eagle : "We will not be sailing tomorrow, Sunday, due to forecasted weather." :eek:
Just got in and not much wind now, ocean was real calm.
12-07-2013, 08:39 PM
I'm thinking they're going to have a field day tomorrow after all the limit+ reports from today!:eek: I predict a handful of 10lb+ fish too.:D I wish everyone the Best of luck tomorrow. Wish I could have joined you but work got in the way.:mad: Maybe next year.;)
Gerry Zagorski
12-07-2013, 08:50 PM
Keg, NJF Hoodies and Poles in the truck and the rest of the stuff staged in my office so I'm good to go.
See all you Buoys at 6:30 am sharp...
shrimpman steve
12-07-2013, 08:56 PM
They're rods, your a pole:D
Down in point already:eek:. Staying at my winter shore house (gotta love it). Picked up my pets and some hand picked whites. Sitting down now to tie some rigs. BRING IT THE FRIG ON!!!!!!!!!!
shrimpman steve
12-07-2013, 09:10 PM
I would hope we are all honorable people and friends. In hopes of cutting back on 40 fish coolers can we mark our fish and share a cooler, especially for the "teams". In other words can lefty and I share a fish cooler if we each have our own mark?
I would hope we can trust peeps to keep track of their own fish without having to keep them all in separate buckets. Just askin.
12-07-2013, 09:20 PM
I'm thinking they're going to have a field day tomorrow after all the limit+ reports from today!:eek: I predict a handful of 10lb+ fish too.:D I wish everyone the Best of luck tomorrow. Wish I could have joined you but work got in the way.:mad: Maybe next year.;)
Way to give us the kiss of death.
12-07-2013, 09:33 PM
I can't wait to see who has the privilege of fishing near #'s 31, 32 and 33
12-07-2013, 09:37 PM
From the Golden Eagle : "We will not be sailing tomorrow, Sunday, due to forecasted weather." :eek:
marine forecast looks ok, driving homes gonna suck but what ya gonna do! good luck but none of you bitches got a chance!
I am getting my gear together as I write. I feel like a little kid just before Xmas morning anticipating tomorrows BITE and spending time with some good friends. Picked up an Australian last winter and have been fishing it hard for the past few weeks with some great results so hopefully the good MOJO will continue.
Hope everyone is all set for tomorrow. A lot of time and effort goes into putting an event like this together and both Gerry and I greatly appreciate everyone's participation and help in pitching in and helping us continue the PUOSU tradition.
Best of luck to everyone and see you in the morning.
shrimpman steve
12-07-2013, 10:50 PM
I am getting my gear together as I write. I feel like a little kid just before Xmas morning anticipating tomorrows BITE and spending time with some good friends. Picked up an Australian last winter and have been fishing it hard for the past few weeks with some great results so hopefully the good MOJO will continue.
Hope everyone is all set for tomorrow. A lot of time and effort goes into putting an event like this together and both Gerry and I greatly appreciate everyone's participation and help in pitching in and helping us continue the PUOSU tradition.
Best of luck to everyone and see you in the morning.
We should get our Austrailians together. Maybe we'll end up with a bunch of little ones:D
She will not need any company as she will be accompanied by old school Fenwick and Lami.
Keep your Australian away from mine as I do not want her to pick up any bad habits from yours.:D
shrimpman steve
12-07-2013, 11:07 PM
That hurts me. I'm gonna have to go crocodile Dundee on your ass. :eek:
Thanks for putting this together. We all know its a PIA. I hope you get a ten tomorrow but I hope I get a twelve!:D
Joey Dah Fish
12-07-2013, 11:26 PM
Good luck tomorrow to all you ladies :D
shrimpman steve
12-08-2013, 12:08 AM
Who am I kidding......I'm to wound up to sleep!
I may go start cutting crabs and smashing shells now:eek:
See you beeches in the morning.
Lets make LAB proud
12-08-2013, 12:37 AM
Who am I kidding......I'm to wound up to sleep!
Thought I was the only one that was wide awake :D! Just stirred up the "sawseege" in the crock, gear packed, see you all in the morning...
That hurts me. I'm gonna have to go crocodile Dundee on your ass. :eek:
Thanks for putting this together. We all know its a PIA. I hope you get a ten tomorrow but I hope I get a twelve!:D
I am pulling for you to make the cut as I have something special for you planned on the Mimi trip:eek:
12-08-2013, 04:44 AM
Carma Beter be for real as I stayed at work until 245 am doing my job coming home finding my house half out of power waiting for JCPL to come fix a crimp now drinking beer tiring rigs wating till 5 am to go drive to boat! All this after driving to south jersey to get white leggers for tourney yesterday! I am due for a double digit if Carla is on my side! Tight lines to everyone good luck not as good as mine please!
12-08-2013, 05:47 AM
Looking forward to meeting and better yet beating some njfishing members today. Good luck to all
Gerry Zagorski
12-08-2013, 05:51 AM
26 degrees as I type this and get ready to head out the door. It's so cold I can cut glass with my nipples :D
Gerry Zagorski
12-08-2013, 05:57 AM
I would hope we are all honorable people and friends. In hopes of cutting back on 40 fish coolers can we mark our fish and share a cooler, especially for the "teams". In other words can lefty and I share a fish cooler if we each have our own mark?
I would hope we can trust peeps to keep track of their own fish without having to keep them all in separate buckets. Just askin.
You guys can share anything you like EXCEPT COOLERS. The rules cleary state no sharing of coolers and comingling fish. No exceptions. Now stop wining and crack me some Hermits:rolleyes:
12-08-2013, 06:22 AM
520 where r u bastards?
Joey Dah Fish
12-08-2013, 07:38 PM
I picked the starboard now to fish today. What a mistake :( one keeper and snow if the face for about 3 hours. Man it was burrrrrrrrrr :eek: great job by Bobby and the Crew trying to get us fish and always being there to help . congrats to team Willy and team bobby black fish on the team tie/win!! Congrats to Dollar on the pool!! Congrats to me for winning a custom rod!!! Lotsa bull busting I'm not sure but I think Capt Bobby had the best cracks of the day over the loud speaker. Thanks for keeping us going Bobby as usual great fun, great capt and great crew!!
12-08-2013, 08:24 PM
I picked the starboard now to fish today. What a mistake :( one keeper and snow if the face for about 3 hours. Man it was burrrrrrrrrr :eek: great job by Bobby and the Crew trying to get us fish and always being there to help . congrats to team Willy and team bobby black fish on the team tie/win!! Congrats to Dollar on the pool!! Congrats to me for winning a custom rod!!! Lotsa bull busting I'm not sure but I think Capt Bobby had the best cracks of the day over the loud speaker. Thanks for keeping us going Bobby as usual great fun, great capt and great crew!!
Guess it would have been tuff for all the other teams to kneel ? :confused: I was so looking frward to that> :D
Joey Dah Fish
12-08-2013, 08:39 PM
Guess it would have been tuff for all the other teams to kneel ? :confused: I was so looking frward to that> :D
I was kneeling all day!!!!!!!! :p
12-08-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks to all that were involved in putting the trip together, bringing food, drinks, bait, donating prizes and everything else.
Fishing wasn't the best but had a great time regardless.
Looking forward to WILSON'S! pictures and the PRELIM results list.
Dollar Bill
12-08-2013, 11:00 PM
Great time for my second PUOSU. Would like to thank Gerry and Alex for carrying on the LAB tradition. A well run operation. Thanks to Bobby and crew for being top notch as always. Fun day out with everyone and good to put some more faces to the names.
Action was sort of there, nothing great. A couple of limits (Wil and Bobbie) and some skunks. The day got really cold when that snow started. Also can't wait to see the staff photog pics. there will be classics :D
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 10:12 AM
Decided to cancel the trip and reschedule for Jan 5th. More details to follow.
A quick re cap here and the results.
- DRod won the "Yo Dolla" and donated it back to the family
- DollarBill won the pool with a 6.7
- We had a tie for the Team pool.. Last minute entrants Team Bobbly Lee Blackfish (Blackfish Bobby and JLRotary) tied with Team Scotch in the Rocks (Reel Ron and riverbassfishing)
Here is the list of the top 20 qualifiers that earned their way on to the Mimi this Sunday to compete for the PUOSU crown. If your name is on this list please post here to let us know if you are in out so we can be sure to fill the 20 spots. . All fares for the Mimi trip will be collected on the boat.
1 DollarBill 6.7 in
2 Jlrotary 5.9 in
3 KurtisB 5.7 in
4 Islander II 5.6 in
5 Shrimpman Steve 5.4 in
Riverbassfishing 5.1 scratched
6 Jmurr 5.0 in
Baccalla 4.12 scratched
7 Dtats 4.10 in
8 Reel Ron 4.7 in
9 Blackfish Bobby 4.0
10 D Rod 3.15 in
11 Jersey Boy Jim 3.14
DarrenFlynn 3.13 scratched
12 Dfish28 3.12 in
Stelli 3.8 scratched
13 Thing2 3.8
Rob B 3.7 scratched
14 SportfishingUSA 3.7 in
Hart Attack 3.6 scratched
15 Joey Dah Fish 3.6 in
16 MVP 3.5 in
17 HDMarc 3.3 in
Foul Hook scratched
18 Dales 2.13
Wein 2.11 scratched
19 Scotty
20 Toggy Time
If you want to keep your spot on the above list and you have not confirmed yet, you need to confirm by Thursday at noon, one way or the other.
On Deck Circle
jig smith
Stelli and Baccalla might need to work if it snows so they gave up there spot and might jump on last minute if we are not full
If other spots are needed to fill out 20 it will go by boarding order of the OE trip list so stay tuned.
I stunk up the stern with a skunk so looks like I will be watching you all fish on Sunday:mad:
And to Ron, Will, Bobby and JL. I am not worthy to be in your presense oh great ones. I suck :eek:
12-09-2013, 10:25 AM
If someone bails, count me in Gerry
12-09-2013, 10:31 AM
My pixs will be up around 1 PM today.
J Murray might be arrested after there up:eek:
shrimpman steve
12-09-2013, 10:50 AM
It's official......this season has sucked for me so far:eek:. I had one keeper at a little over five pounds. The fishing was very tough but I think I will advance.
As for the trip itself.....fantastic! Great people great boat great food and too many laughs.
Thanks to the organizers, and boat for an unforgettable day.
I will entertain monetary offers to stay home next week so the rest of you can catch fish. I am a jonna:eek:
12-09-2013, 11:40 AM
JMurr AND RAGU make the cut.....CA'MON!!! REALLY?!
12-09-2013, 11:54 AM
OUT - I'm sick as a dog today :( Hours at the rail with snow blowing in my face couldn't've helped :eek:
Just wanted to point out that Bobby's partner was not JLRotary, it was the other Jimmy Lee :o
I hope that whomever replaces me wins the Crown - catch-em up guys :)
12-09-2013, 11:58 AM
It's official......this season has sucked for me so far:eek:. I oh had one keeper at a little over five pounds. The fishing was very tough but I think I will advance.
As for the trip itself.....fantastic! Great people great boat great food and too many laughs.
Thanks to the organizers, and boat for an unforgettable day.
I will entertain monetary offers to stay home next week so the rest of you can catch fish. I am a jonna:eek:
You came in # 5 Steve, pretty respectable considering who was on board.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 12:09 PM
OUT - I'm sick as a dog today :( Hours at the rail with snow blowing in my face couldn't've helped :eek:
Just wanted to point out that Bobby's partner was not JLRotary, it was the other Jimmy Lee :o
I hope that whomever replaces me wins the Crown - catch-em up guys :)
Sorry you can't make it Larry and made the correction to Jimmy Lee.
You and Joey Dah fish tied for 20th with 3.6 so you were both going to go but now back to 20.
Feel better soon.
12-09-2013, 12:13 PM
Team Bud Ice.... In!!!!
Islander II
12-09-2013, 12:22 PM
I had a blast! Thanks for the beer and great food. Lots of laughs, that's for sure. It was nice meeting you guys. Unfortunately I cant make the Mimi trip as I will be hosting our family Christmas party Saturday. Hopefully everyone made it home safe last night. Good luck guys!
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 12:37 PM
Great fishing with you in the stern Kevin and thanks for the White Leggers and gift certificates you donated. Your generosity is going to make a big difference in the gift we give the family just before Christmas.
All the best to you and yours and have fun at the party.
12-09-2013, 01:05 PM
Just wanted to point out that Bobby's partner was not JLRotary, it was the other Jimmy Lee :o
Confused.... I am Jimmy Lee, I am jlrotary and I was Blackfish Bobby's partner...
Regardless, I had a great time yesterday even though the fish were not feeding. Great meeting some members. Thx to Gerry and Alex for organizing. Thx to all who donated.
12-09-2013, 01:09 PM
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 01:13 PM
Confused.... I am Jimmy Lee, I am jlrotary and I was Blackfish Bobby's partner...
Regardless, I had a great time yesterday even though the fish were feeding. Great meeting some members. Thx to Gerry and Alex for organizing. Thx to all who donated.
I thought so Jimmy, made the correction above.
Are you going to be able to make it next Sunday??
12-09-2013, 01:17 PM
Thank Gerry and Alex for all the hard work. It was an awesome trip. The snow made it perfect. Glad I picked up that Stormr jacket.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 01:25 PM
Thank Gerry and Alex for all the hard work. It was an awesome trip. The snow made it perfect. Glad I picked up that Stormr jacket.
LAB must have been looking down and having a good laugh on our account with that snow.... It was certainly a sign from him and added to the experience of the trip.
Will we see you Sunday?
Please see the separate results post and let us know.
12-09-2013, 01:29 PM
i'm 50/50 gotta talk to a loan shark but if i can secure the cash i'm in
12-09-2013, 02:14 PM
I have so many comments to make about this trip I don't know where to start.
So...I will say that I tied Gerry Z. in the fish catch total. ZERO
I did not even bait a rod or even fish for 1 minute, Gerry on the other hand.....
Thanks for letting me attend I had great time and my hand were warms throughout the entire trip.
Also I have never seen a more impressive display of expensive fishing equipment all in one place ever!
The link below will take to a slide show of the pixs. You all know who you are and what you ate and how big Murray's ass is:eek: :eek: :eek:
12-09-2013, 02:17 PM
I thought so Jimmy, made the correction above.
Are you going to be able to make it next Sunday??
My wife is scheduled to work on Sunday. Need a few days to make babysitter arrangements, but I plan on attending. I will let you know ASAP
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Great shots Wilson and in more ways than one ;)
For some reason it stops at 24 of 76 for me....Are there 24 or are there more??
12-09-2013, 02:50 PM
Gerry, you can see them all here by clicking on the camera button in the upper left corner.
Here's a direct link. Good job Wilson.
12-09-2013, 03:00 PM
I also wont be making the mimi trip cause of work. It was a lot of fun fishing with fellow board members. Thanks gerry and mvp.
12-09-2013, 03:03 PM
Great shots Wilson and in more ways than one ;)
For some reason it stops at 24 of 76 for me....Are there 24 or are there more??
Sorry I'm a little new to this website PB that is.
The 76 photo's are not edited so you will see a bunch of dups.
shrimpman steve
12-09-2013, 03:39 PM
shrimpman steve
12-09-2013, 03:43 PM
I am pulling for you to make the cut as I have something special for you planned on the Mimi trip:eek:
Now I'm scared:eek:
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 04:15 PM
If someone bails, count me in Gerry
You are now in Marc
12-09-2013, 04:21 PM
HAHA, some sweet pics taken.
Islander II
12-09-2013, 04:32 PM
No one paid you money to stay home!:D
12-09-2013, 04:47 PM
Big Thanks to Gerry and Alex for running a well organized trip from start to finish. I am sure LAB would have approved. Great cast of characters to say the least. The talent rose to the top, congrats to Bobby, Will and Dollar Bill on top honors and to the top 20. Good luck in the finals.
Weather was typical for winter Tog but after the snow hit I remember stating " I can think of a lot of "other" things I suck at that I can do WARM!"
Was great fishing next to ReelRon, watching Stelli in action for awhile and had a good position near the bow having Will, Dollar Bill, Jimmy Lee close by so I thought only good has to come from this. Had a couple shorts , doggies and my LAB limit of 1. (although a rat, was still happy to put 1 in the bucket )
Great day on the water and Thanks Capt Bob and crew for the stellar effort and attention. Also thanks for staying Late:eek:
Nice job on the pics Wilson.
Received your pm asking me if rod you won is a tog rod. You are not set up to receive PM's so I will respond to you here. If you have any questions you can give me a call.
I purchased rod and stripped and rewrapped rod to present to LAB this year as a Thank you for all the work he did in putting the PUOSU trips together.
It reminded me of rod he fished that he called GRANDMA. It was intended for him to use fluke fishing. It is all fiberglass blank that has a deep bend all the way to reel seat and does not shut off. total length is 7'10" I personally fish very soft tip rods with lots of bend but would not consider it a tog Rod
12-09-2013, 04:52 PM
Had a good time, thanks for having me onboard.
Good to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones, great bunch of guys.
shrimpman steve
12-09-2013, 04:53 PM
No one paid you money to stay home!:D
Let the bidding begin:)
12-09-2013, 05:15 PM
I am IN... Booyah!
12-09-2013, 05:22 PM
Had a good time ,may not of caught a blackfish but I definitely had a limit with the raffle.Thanks Jerry and Nice meeting you and some of the guys. Good luck next week.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 05:45 PM
Had a good time ,may not of caught a blackfish but I definitely had a limit with the raffle.Thanks Jerry and Nice meeting you and some of the guys. Good luck next week.
Nice meeting you too Reely. Seems like we called you number 3 or 4 times... What prizes did you win??
shrimpman steve
12-09-2013, 05:47 PM
I couldn't ever win one of those small njfishing t shirts:eek:
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 05:48 PM
" I can think of a lot of "other" things I suck at that I can do WARM!"
Funny stuff right there Dales :D
You are on the short list so it looks like you might be sucked in again.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 05:50 PM
Had a good time, thanks for having me onboard.
Good to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones, great bunch of guys.
I see we finally got you back on Wien. Nice to meet you and thanks for coming out
12-09-2013, 05:59 PM
I won a bag of Richie Tropics rigs, a Pride Fishing Tackle gift certificate and a gift certificate for Eyes on First Ave for a pair of Costa Del Mar sunglasses. Christmas came early, Thanks again to you and your sponsors.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 06:04 PM
Wow, nice.
Gerry Zagorski
12-09-2013, 06:11 PM
I couldn't ever win one of those small njfishing t shirts:eek:
First of all you have to buy tickets:rolleyes:
And you think your a Jonah. Step I'm my shoes for a moment.
Site gets jacked, next day power in the house goes out. Hot water heater went this past Friday... OK its over and i get to go fishing. Spend all day at the rail and not one fish. My raffle ticket gets pulled and its for the hoodie. I think I got you beat my brotha.
Joey Dah Fish
12-09-2013, 06:15 PM
Duh Fish is in!!! God only knows how :p I should have the name blind squirrel :D but my one keeper made it:D I did win a new custom rod Shrimpy:p and a free spot on fish Styx Shrimpy :p oh and I have a nice Shimano reel I have to pick up at the reel seat later this week to go with the rod!!!!:eek:
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