View Full Version : Megan Beth 11/02/13 report

Dan McGivney
11-03-2013, 07:37 AM
Brian Downey and friends were aboard the Megan Beth in search of the Stripers. Took the ride down to IBSP . Found plenty of bird life and bait readings and plenty of boats but no takers on the jigs. Decided to look at the 3 mile line and troll. After about a 1/2 mile had a knock down on a big fish but the wire broke :mad: . Rigged up again and back on the troll with not a touch for hours. Heard of a little bite off Spring Lake . Took the ride back North. Again read a lot of bait but no takers on the Jigs. Went back on the troll and landed one Bluefish. Heard of a bite off Mantoloking. headed there and trolled no takers. Not our day on the water. :( Hope to get them next time....

11-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Dan, that sucks. When they showed up north (SH) it took at least 2 weeks before they chewed anything but the bait they were chasin. See ya in 2 weeks or so, cant wait to jig with you again this fall. Perry

11-03-2013, 06:47 PM
No worries, we as surf rats are used to the constant hunt with few payoffs. You did a great job as a captain constantly searching for the fish, the only thing you can't do is make them chew! and we still all had a great time. We will be back at again with you soon. Thanks for the great day Dan.

jenny lee sportfishing
11-04-2013, 06:54 AM
never a lack of effort for your folks dan

Dan McGivney
11-04-2013, 07:43 AM
Thanks guys . We will try again this weekend. Hopefully they chew.. :)

Capt B
11-04-2013, 08:36 AM

I think you were a day early - I was down there on Saturday as well - trolled from Lavellette to IBSP and back - never had a hit - I'm sure the South wind on Friday didn't help. Yesterday was a different story - 68' of water - they were busting and biting. Bit sloppy on the ride back to MI - but well worth the effort.

11-04-2013, 08:48 AM
Just my luck, I've always been a day late and a dollar short! ;)