View Full Version : Head Hunter Canyon Report...Great trip!! Final count 34 Tuna!!

10-29-2013, 07:51 PM
Captain Evan and crew had the Big Blue Beast out east last night with a Tuna charter.....the charter was hard core to the Tuna Bone!.........and their great effort when the fish came through rewarded them with a thousand plus pounds of meat for their freezers!!

Pics will be posted tonight or tomorrow!!

We will stay with the Canyon runs when the weather allows as long as we are able to keep putting our customers on the fish with quantity!!

Boys we will start Bass fishing this week as well....... our rates for Bass will be:

$850 for the whole boat and $155 per man on open boat trips!
Fish in real Comfortable conditions with our Huge Cockpit giving you a very spacious fish area, Heated Cabin, your own bunk and huge Sat TV!!

Call the number below for reservations and any questions.

Come try the Big Blue Beast out for stripers as Captain Evan and crew will do their very best to put you on the Bass as he has been on the Tuna!!

10-30-2013, 08:24 AM
Hey Evan are you going to do any offshore seabass trips if yes when and how much.Hope you do you have a great boat for that.:)

10-30-2013, 06:14 PM
Guys we have 2 need 4 more for Saturday Bassin on the Big Blue Beast!!

We have one for Sunday need 5 more on that Bass Trip!

10-30-2013, 09:33 PM
First trip of the year for me and it was one to remember..

Had some fish under the boat right away, but no takers for a while.
Hour later, Saw some decent marks on the screen and dropped a jig on their heads. First longfin in the boat. Dropped right back down, second one in.
We boated 1 more and then it died off. Slow night except fro the porpoise show and the oddball bluedog swimming by.

Took a nap and woke up when i heard the rattle of a tuna on the deck. Jumped up and grabbed the jig rod. screen was lit up again and it was basically drop and reel for the next hour. From 4:50-6 we boated over 30 more longfin. Some of the best fishing i have ever experienced.

Great comfortable boat with tons of room and an awesome capt and mate.
Super crew, tons of food, and a great time for everyone.

10-30-2013, 11:57 PM
Nice haul boys !!!

10-31-2013, 10:44 AM
Frigging sweet Gene!!! Whens the BBQ?....:D

10-31-2013, 08:06 PM
Bagelboy thx for the nice compliments!!

Boys weather for Bassin this weekend looks good....jump aboard and fish in comfort this fall!!

Also on another note we maybe looking at a weather window early part of next week for another Canyon run....anyone that has interest and the time to go should call ahead as we are getting a lot of interest still for Canyon fishing!!