View Full Version : FISH STIX - Fri Sat Sun Reports - BASS/TOG

Fish Stix
10-27-2013, 05:51 PM
Friday 10/25 we had John Kostavicks charter for bass/blues. No bass takers for us. Caught some blues. They wanted to try blackfish and it was tough for them but they caught some and some nice Seabass that went back. On the way home it was game on weakfish. Caught well over 100 keepers but only keeping our legal limit. Ended the day with a little mixed bag.

Saturday 10/26 we had David Peters charter for bass/blues. Left early to beat the wind. Again the bass were there and we had one and lost him. That was it. Went togging and caught only a few before the wind came on and they called it a day at 12pm. Tough day for sure.

Sunday 10/28 Arbens charter for bass/blues. Ughhh, once again no bass. But they caught around a dozen or more blues. When they were tired of that we went blackfishing. 4 of them were first timers including Arben. Anchors came tight, BAM they were chewing. Arben was HIGH HOOK. I don't even know how many keepers he had. But I do know that he broke the hooks off on one! It was a monster for sure. You should have seen his face. Dave and the other guys put the smack down on the togs as well. Catching well over 30 keepers. Quality fish to 6lbs and the one that got away. The boys kept their boat limit of 5-6lb blackfish and 8 blues around 5lbs for the smoker. Nice job boys. Some new addicted toggers were added to the community today!
Back at it tomorrow. We'll see if these pesky bass wanna eat.

Capt Kris


10-27-2013, 06:12 PM
Wish I was there for the antipasto

10-27-2013, 08:09 PM
Kris and Darren your constant effort to find us fish was greatly appreciated on friday. Love to fish with a Capt and mate with a strong work ethic. Kudos to you both. (A couple years ago we had them at the mud bouy, we marked them on the radar). John Kos

Fish Stix
10-27-2013, 08:36 PM
Thanks Jon!

Can you read the fluke on the scope???hahaha

See ya soon.

Urban Angler
10-28-2013, 08:59 PM
Once again...you two guys are the man....we had one he'll of a time as always. Tons of laughs, one almost puked, three cherries popped, more arteries getting clogged, more ball busting..(can u please hang the phone up n follow the birds)...lol...u continue to find us fish,, thx again and see u real soon.