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10-27-2013, 05:17 PM
Anyone know the results?

10-27-2013, 11:00 PM
I was at bahrs last nite and at that time the big fish was a bit over 15 lbs.

10-28-2013, 07:23 AM
I was at bahrs last nite and at that time the big fish was a bit over 15 lbs.

Don't know where you saw, or heard, that but that is incorrect. The tournament ended at noon yesterday and the winning boat had Combined weight just over 54 lbs. I believe. Sorry but I was a little busy at the awards ceremony so I didn't write anything down and don't want to give out misinformation.

When it is posted on the website or FB page I will post it here.

One little tidbit to keep the conversation rolling: There was a blue fish calcutta this year. You would think that with the monster blues guys have been catching, that the 1.st & 2.nd place fish would have been in the 15-20 range, right? Nope, 1st. place Bluefish 3.6# 2nd. place .4#. :eek:

10-28-2013, 07:36 AM
Wow, the winning bass combined were the jigged, trolled, or chunked? That's if you even know?lol

10-28-2013, 09:50 AM
Guys we (ALL IN) took 5th, tough tourney with some rough seas 20lbs and 17.5 lbs were our 2 big fish. I heard the winning boat trolled the fish on bunker spoons.

10-28-2013, 03:19 PM
From the Tournament Chairman:

The annual Hi-Mar 40 hour Striped BAss Fishing Tournament had mainly clear skies, but very windy conditions with small craft advisories up all weekend. This had an effect on the number of boats entered into the tournament.
Most of the bass were caught on Bunker Spoons or eels from Staten Island area to Jones Inlet and the Shrewsbury Rocks.
The winner of the tournament was defending champ Tom Novak on S.T.Barb, fishing with Jake Campi and Quinn Bolivar. They trolled bunker spoons off Jones Inlet. Their largest fish were 28.6 lbs. & 22.8 lbs., a total of 51.4lbs.
The Lady Angler was Irene Block on MakTac, 22.6lbs.
There was no Junior Angler this year.
The special Bonus Prizes of 2 largest Striped Bass caught on Julian's Montauk Spoons donated by Julian Sport Shop Were:
1st. Feeling Crabby, Ryan & Gregg Taffet, 25.olbs.
2nd. MakTac, Casey Campi, 22.6lbs.
The most unusual catch was by Capt. Steve Weber on Reel Lucky. The rod man was Jeff Sutton. It was an 80lb. Black Drum caught on a Shad Rig. The fish ran off 300' of wire and almost 300 yds. of mono backing. It was released at the boat.

1st. S.T.Barb, Tom Novak, Green Brook, 28.6 & 22.8 = 51.4lbs., Jones Inlet
2nd. Nauti Boy, Al Dudas, Cliffwood, 31.8 & 17.4 = 49.2 lbs, Staten Island.
3rd. Feeling Crabby, Gregg & Ryan Taffet, Tinton Falls, 25.0 & 20.6 = 45.6lbs., Jones Inlet.
4th. MakTac, Casey Campi, Little Silver, 22.6 & 20.4 = 43.0lbs., Jones Inlet.
5th. All In Gary Carr, Hazlet, 20.0 & 17.6 = 37.6lbs., Shrewsbury River.

The Hi-Mar would like to thank Bahr's Restaurant for hosting this event.

Bob Kamienski
Tournament Chairman