View Full Version : Loss of my Best Buddy..

10-24-2013, 11:08 AM
I have seen almost 40 years on this Earth. In those years , i have seen some great things, and some things that almost shame me to be part of the Human Race.

There are those things that have been a steady, unconditional part of my life, My beautiful wife and Two Awesome Children(who also share in my Fishing Addiction/Obsession )--Kids , not wife. :)

Then there is my buddy Rebel. A Yellow Labrador born in 2004. This guy loved all of us more than i can begin to express. He never needed a leash .
He was a member of our family.

He swam like a fish. He would swim for hours in our lake . It was
His "Heaven "

Two weeks ago (he was 9 and 1/2 years ) i called in my dogs from the yard.
Only my Six year old Female came running. His Sister.
I went out to find him and when i did I knew something was wrong, he looked Dazed and could barely walk. Next day he had a major seizure in front of the family .
We have been treating him with seizure medicine , and ran all tests. Everything else pointed to a healthy Dog .
Last night I got a call from the Wife and screaming kids that he passed.

My vet said it had to be brain cancer. Im crying right now typing this, as I dont feel like speaking with any one right now . I hope this helps ease some of my pain . This may not be the right forum, but you guys feel like an extended family. Thanks for listening . I know alot of other members have the love of Dogs in common with me, as well as Passion for fishing....
Till I see you again Rebel....Tight Lines Everyone...


10-24-2013, 11:16 AM
So sorry for your loss. He sounds like an amazing dog and friend.

10-24-2013, 11:27 AM
Really sorry to hear your lil buddy passed .... :-(

10-24-2013, 11:29 AM
Tim, I also lost my best buddy Rebel ,also a yellow lab, 2 years ago after a having the privledge of spending 15 years with him. I feel your and your familys pain. Wish yiou all the best in dealing with this.

Just an FYI, look up a pome on the web call "The Rainbow Bridge" a friend sent it to me and it did help me get over my grief.

10-24-2013, 11:33 AM
Sorry for your loss. :(

10-24-2013, 11:38 AM
Sorry for your loss Tim. Rebel sounded like a great dog/friend

Dollar Bill
10-24-2013, 12:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. Looked like a beautiful dog. Been through this before :( Definitely read the Rainbow Bridge.

10-24-2013, 12:40 PM
I've loss, ( 2 ) 4 legged Loves and a son at birth in my 64 years. So, I Truly Feel your loss of your buddy to you and your family. His sister is also feeling the loss.. I have a Yellow Lab named Casey who is My Love. She's going on 12 and can no longer or should say, we don't allow her to climb the stairs to sleep with us or run in circles that she Loved to do or take long walks. She has torn both ACl's, one has healed over time and the other one is about 6 months old. To have it repaired would mean putting her under, etc etc. We just DON'T want to take that chance at her age. I too fish a lot, so she'll be waiting patiently looking out the window for me, but now because of her issues, age, she just lays around and naps until I come home. I don't think it 'cause she Loves me but I want to think so but it could be that I Always save her some lunch!! LOL Her picture is on the wallpaper on my Iphone and I do have 4 grandkids!! I know every day that Casey is with us is Precious! Rebel and Casey could pass for brother and sister! I will now stop typing and wake her up and give her a hug and a cookie. I know, it doesn't help...but you have to remember all the Good Times you had together to get through each day. Dennis

shrimpman steve
10-24-2013, 12:46 PM
It's just the same as loosing a family member. I had my last dog put down in my arms at home, then promptly carried her down to the backyard and burried her myself. It was brutal. My condolences!

10-24-2013, 12:57 PM
Sorry for your loss Tim. I have a chocolate lab myself and they truly are part of the family. He sounded like an amazing dog and lived a happy life.

10-24-2013, 12:58 PM
I am so sorry for the loss of your Rebel. I can not imagine the pain and loss you and your family are feeling. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. Dogs are truly members of the family and show constant pure unconditional love. They are your best friend when you need one the most. I have a 12 year old yellow lab named Otis. I love him more then words can describe. He started having seizures a few years ago. Initially we were told it most likely was a brain tumor, fortunately it was it not. We are treating him for the seizures with medication daily. Every day, I fear that something is going to happen to him. All I can say is I am so sorry for your loss. I am going to hug and hold my Otis a little closer when I get home. My thoughts are with you and the family.:(

10-24-2013, 02:32 PM
Thanks to all for your sympathies and for sharing your experiences.

Thanks Gerry and Admin for not moving this Thread --it is helping me make the day ...

I am tearing reading all of your stories, I told my wife i posted and cc'd her and this is her response...

"I know... This seems unbearable to feel. Too much pain. I want to hold him and kiss him one last time. If I had known I would have done so much differently last night and I would have never left his side. I feel like I abandoned him when he most needed me and I know the guilt will pass but have to just go thru the feelings. I know we did everything we could for him and there is no doubt in my mind that he knew how much we loved him. He wouldn't have held on for so long. He fought until the very end but when I saw the tears in his eyes last night I knew he was ready. I miss him and the hole in my heart will take time to fill if at all. He was so amazing. We were so blessed w him. "

Gerry Zagorski
10-24-2013, 02:42 PM
Happy to oblige Tim... There are some things in life (not many) that trump fishing. Very tough loosing a family member... Happened to us a few years back with our cat Puddy.. Every once and a while when I look out our back door I'm still expecting to see her scratching at the glass to come in.

Sorry for your loss and I feel your pain.

10-24-2013, 03:25 PM
just read the post--tears came to my eyes---god bless
i'm looking at my yellow

10-24-2013, 03:38 PM
I know how you feel. I have a diabedic dog and is blind and care for him so much. He has become high maintenance but the wife and I forgo going out to eat so we can get his insulin for him. They are the best companions

bunker dunker
10-24-2013, 03:52 PM
Sorry For Your Loss.just Remember That You Had 9-1/2 Years Of
Unconditional Love.

10-24-2013, 04:28 PM
Very sorry for your loss. It actually made me take my old beagle for a little longer walk today.

10-24-2013, 04:41 PM
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I had to put my 9 year old lab down last December. One day he was fine, the next he would yelp if you touched his face. The vet said it was a infection, gave him a shot he was good for a day and back to pain. The vet said his body just wouldn't fight the infection. It broke my heart. He was the greatest dog. I feel your pain. Almost a year later and never day I don't think about him. Time will ease the pain but the memories are etched in your brain forever. If you remember all the good times, you will almost smile.

10-24-2013, 04:42 PM
Very sorry to hear of your loss. Not any different then loosing a family member. Lost our german shepard King when I was a kid. We all loved him very much especially my Dad and I. Before passing away I remember him coming into both my dads and my room in the middle of the night and licked our face, Next morning we found that he had passed away. I quess it was his way of saying good bye to us. Rest in peace REBEL.

Joey Dah Fish
10-24-2013, 04:49 PM
Very sorry for your. I can't even imagine losing one of my 2 babies. Very sad for you keep the faith brother.

10-24-2013, 05:35 PM
Sorry to hear this Tim, I'm sure all the respondents understand what you're going thru. I have 3 guys that are all 10 years old and we have thought of their mortality and the joy they bring us everyday, all they want is to be loved and food :-). Never an attitude always happy to see us, they are our best friends. Again so sorry pal.

10-24-2013, 06:38 PM

My condolences for your loss. The saying "A dog is a man's best friend" couldn't be any more true. Unconditional love at it's best. I've lost a few labs over the years and have to say they are without doubt the best dog in my opinion bar none! They do actually become a member of the family! Loyal as the day is long and they find a very special place in your heart. I know what your feeling but at the same time you should have a smile on your face and feel fortunate for all the good years you had with your buddy and for all the countless memories you'll cherish for the rest of your life. Many people never have a chance to feel those emotions!

You will never be able to replace your friend and wouldn't want to, BUT it might be time soon to find another little fella to fill the hole Rebel left in your heart!

Hang in there my friend!


10-24-2013, 07:32 PM
Tim first my condolences for your loss . No words can describe the love we have for our pets and there are also no words to describe the intense feeling of sadness we feel when they leave us. I lost my 9 year old Rottie Dolce last year to bone cancer. I carried her out of my house 3 x a day for the last month or so because the cancer became too much for her to walk. The things we do for them. I would have to done it forever if I thought it would have helped her get cured. In the end all we have left is the great memories they gave us.i hope those memories help you get through these tough days. Hang in there buddy.

10-24-2013, 07:40 PM
God should have made dogs with much longer lifespans for us people!!

10-24-2013, 07:41 PM
So sorry for your loss.
They are a family member in all sense of the word.
My condolence to you and all of your family.

10-24-2013, 07:55 PM
Sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like. I can still remember the date when i had to put my best buddy down. My dog Nautica was 3/4 golden retriever and 1/4 american eskimo. My family was given the choice to put the dog down or go through kemo treatment. It would
have been wrong to put the dog through painful treatment. I miss that dog but a short time after my family now has a new dog.


Artie Lange
10-24-2013, 08:14 PM
sorry for your loss i lost my yellow lab 12 years ago still miss him

10-24-2013, 08:20 PM
my tears for your loss of a important member of your family.

CompTime Charters
10-24-2013, 08:26 PM
Tim., sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. Just put down my English pointer after hunting with her for 14 years. They are our best friends. Just enjoy the memories you've had. Hang in there!!!

10-24-2013, 08:41 PM
Sorry for your loss keep ur head up i couldnt imagine losing my pal

Reel Class
10-25-2013, 04:28 AM
So sorry :(

10-25-2013, 05:55 AM
The vast majority of us have stood in your shoes, you really aren't alone... We understand the awful feeling and extreme sadness you are dealing with.
It will pass in time..
I am 59, and have buried beloved pets way too many times... It got to the point that about about 9 or so years ago, I swore off having dogs anymore.. just could not deal with the grief when they had to be put down... I said ,we'll just stick with our cats.. However, although they do live longer than dogs, they inevitably get old and die, or get so sick and feeble they must be put down.. I went through it again in May.. Had to put down 2 of our beloved kitties, a mother and daughter that have been with us for about 17 years, cuddling with us, sleeping in the same bed at times, etc.. I placed them together in a sheet and buried them snuggled close together.. They went into eternity they way they went through life.. Mother and daughter cuddled up close together.. It didn't matter 1 bit that they were "only cats", I was just as heartbroken as I was with the dogs, maybe more..
As you can see, pets are pets.. We love them while they are here with us, and are heartbroken and devsatated when we must say goodbye.

You sound like you have a heart for God's creatures and thats a good thing.

You can do like I did, swear off dogs to try and never experience the hurt again, but you probably will anyway even if you "substitute" one pet for another... Its your heart that gets broken, because it has that soft spot for pets.. In time, you may want to give another animal a great home, like you gave the beloved friend that just left your wonderful home and went on to the Rainbow Bridge.
Our 4 legged pals NEED men like you to care for them.

Meantime ,please take some small comfort in that fact that we all really do understand, as we have lived through exactly what you have just lived through and its unpleasant to say the least.. You'll be ok before too long.....
I wish you and those you love all the best...bob

10-25-2013, 06:14 AM
Tim I feel for you and your family....I am 54 and too have lost a few four legged loved ones.....they are so much a part of your family!

I presently have 5 dogs in my home 2 belong to my son who is just waiting to close on his next house.....We are a family that really enjoys dogs.

We at a 15 year stretch also had a cat that is no longer with us.....we are obviously an animal loving family that loves to fish!

I never took up hunting because I love animals to much!

You will never forget your buddy and the pain lasts for awhile ...but eventually you learn to deal with your lose.

The Poem Rainbow Bridge is a great one....get your hands on it....sit down your family and read it to them ....it truly does help your pain!!

I expect one day to truly experience what that poem truly signifies!!

My best to you and yours.....animal loving people are the best people on this earth!! And you can consider yourself one of those best people!!

In time the pain will get easier!!

Good luck to you and your family!! Your family deserves nothing but the best from this world and you will get it!! Good Karma is a wonderful thing....I live my life by this!! And in the end hopefully it will show!

10-25-2013, 07:17 AM
Hi Tim.... when I first read your post at lunchtime yesterday, I started crying cause I have 2 dogs who are my Best Friends too.... my daughter and 2 dogs are my 3 kids and I spoil them all.... always keep his spirit in your heart and smile when you think about all the great times you had together...

Fish Head
10-25-2013, 08:31 AM
Hi Tim,

Very sad for you and your family. Thoughts and prayers from ours to yours. I am going through a similar situation and have to put my buddy of 13 years down today. Buoy - Chesapeake Bay Retriever. They can hang out and swim at the Rainbow Bridge.

Best of luck to you, hang in there. The amazing outpouring of support from all on this site is very helpful, thoughful, and comforting!!

10-25-2013, 08:56 AM
So sorry Tim and Mike

2 yellows and a pointer in my house, usually in my bed, I dread the day that you are experiancing

10-25-2013, 10:28 AM
Ughhh... this tugs way too hard at the heart strings. Lost my dog late spring/early summer of this year after 12 years of hearing the pitter-patter of his feet on the hardwood floors and tile in the house. It IS the loss of a family member--no doubt about it. As stated in posts prior, most of us can understand the pain. So sorry for the loss...

10-25-2013, 11:11 AM
Hi Tim,

Very sad for you and your family. Thoughts and prayers from ours to yours. I am going through a similar situation and have to put my buddy of 13 years down today. Buoy - Chesapeake Bay Retriever. They can hang out and swim at the Rainbow Bridge.

Best of luck to you, hang in there. The amazing outpouring of support from all on this site is very helpful, thoughful, and comforting!!

First off , thanks so much to all for taking time out of their day to add to this thread. It is very encouraging to me and my family. I am reading these replies to my wife and kids. It is helping very much with our grieving process.
Mike , stay strong. My Rebel helped me out so I didn't have to make the choice to put him down , but I know it was getting close to time to do it.
Those last few days it wasn't Him. Your Buoy will tell you. Hang in there Brother !
Ps ...my six year old daughter woke up yesterday , after her traumatic night with our Rebbie. And said " Guys , let's go say hi to Rebel !!"
I thought to myself, oh no. She's either forgot , or was in denial.
She then proceeded to wave up at the ceiling saying "good morning Rebel !! Miss u , your in Heaven now,."
Hurt but gave me a little more Faith

Thanks again All. What a great group of people on the board !

Tim M

Tony Cav
10-25-2013, 03:11 PM
Wow.....I am welling up myself. They are such great dogs...only....they just don't live long enough. My girls Maggie and Gem have been there when no one else was.

So so sorry for your loss.

10-25-2013, 04:13 PM
Losing a family dog can be as hard as losing any other family member when they are close to you.
Very sorry to here of your loss and hope the other dog is taking the loss well.

10-31-2013, 08:47 PM
Ive been avoiding this post for the last week b.c i knew my dogs day was coming sooner than later and it was to much to think about i am truly sorry for your loss. But today was time just hope i did the right thing my pup was more than just a friend she was family and a partner in crime!

Gerry Zagorski
11-01-2013, 06:29 AM
Figure I'd wait a few days and let some time and emotions pass before I'd share this story.

Puddy was a stray cat that adopted us when she was a kitten…. At first my wife Ruth insisted we didn’t need a pet and “that Cat” was relegated to the back deck. She was kind of sickly when we, or should I say Ruth, first started taking care of her. Little by little she was nursed back to health and worked her way into our home and our hearts. First it was the kitchen and shortly afterwards the run of the house and everything revolved around Puddy. This cat was a constant companion to us and especially Ruth. This, the same woman who said there would never be a pet in our house, was now calling the cat into bed with us at night. You know how that goes…. I’m out and the cat is in J

Puddy loved to be inside with us but also liked to be outside…. She drove us nuts with the constant in or out ordeal. When outside she’d pretty much stay on our deck guarding the perimeter and like a dog, she’d immediately come when called. She’d stray off the property once and a while but if she was in earshot and heard Ruth call her, she’d come running full speedback into the house to get petted and lectured by her Mom about straying offthe property.

This one particular summer day Puddy went missing for more than a few hours, which was not like her and Ruth was really concerned. Ruth had to leave the house for a job and before she left asked me to keep an eye out for Puddy. It wasn’t buta few minutes and my cell phone goes off . It’s Ruth and she is crying hysterically. “Puddy got hit by acar!! It’s her, it her!!” She was just down the block so I jumped in the car to go to the scene. There is my wife with her car parked in the middle of the road, door wide open kneeling down next to the cat…

Now our cat Puddy was very unique, a multi colored Tordie and there was no mistaking her for another cat. Ruth was questioning if it was her or not but I insisted and was convinced it was. We put Puddy in my car, I pulled Ruth’s car to the curb and drove us home since she was in no condition to drive. Over the next few hours we’d burry Puddy. I stayed with her outside kneeling by the grave sobbing and praying… After a while I couldn’t take it anymore and went into house to try and get a hold of my own emotions. I also knew we had a party at the house the next day. Knowing we’d be in no shape for a party I started making some calls to tell people the sad news and let them know the party was canceled.

After a few hours, I’m finally getting control of my own emotions, meanwhile Ruth is still outside by the grave strugglind with hers. I'm in my office with the windows open and suddenly I hear Ruth scream from the backyard…. “SHE'S ALIVE…. SHE’S ALIVE !! IT’S A MIRACLE, IT’S A MIRACLE!!

You have to know my wife to appreciate this fully, but let just say she's an extremely emotional and excitable person. I drop what I’m doing and as I head for the backyard I have visions of this crazy woman overcome with emotion dancing around the backyard with the dead cat we just buried. Sure enough she’s dancing around the yard out of her mind but no cat. I hug her and try to bring her back to reality. “No Ruth, we just buried Puddy and she is in that grave”. Ruth was so excited all she could do was point to under the deck. Apparently when Ruth was sitting by the grave, Puddy walked up and jumped in her lap. In all the excitement she startled her. Sure enough and much to my surprise there was Puddy under our deck.

Needless to say we were thrilled and had many more years with her. She lived to a ripe old age of 14 and although we were heartbrokenwhen she passed, we still have this unbelievable story to remember her by. They say time heals all wounds but I still find myself checking the back door expecting to see her scratching at the glass to come in.