10-17-2013, 01:28 AM
We had a small crowd and don't you know it they had the feed bag on. I read fish on Mon. nite and was unable to fish there on Tue. nite- to rough, so I set up on first drift and 5 on right off the get go and we picked away some drifts catching and some not, and at the end of the nite we had our best fishing of the fall season with a pool winner of 34 lbs. caught by Steve Furda of Ocean on a rental rod-best outfit there is, and he wound up with his limit plus a few shorts. Also big Sal had a 30 pounder- we use a scale to weigh them, had a big fatty, plus Matt and Red from Cranford had their limits, good job you guys and girls. There was also guys who never had a bite and got off the boat saying they would be back tomorrow, heh its bass fishing, you never know. There was bass caught by a Sheepshead Bay boat over on there side last nite also, thats a good sign- means a spread of fish. SOME NITES THEY BITE SOME THEY DON'T, YOU GOTTA BE THERE YOU CAN'T CATCH EM ON THE COUCH. We will be sailing tonite at 6;30. For info 908-930-2335.