View Full Version : Riding the snott for some bass.

10-11-2013, 04:37 PM
I took a ride out to the hook to see if there was life around. I think I was the only boat out there. But the good news is that the stripers got there feed bag on. they ate everything!!! Eels, Clams, Jigs, They all worked. and there stacked. Given a lot of shorts in the mix. No porgys or sea biscuits round the beds. I guess they all moved off. I started going a little offshore but the decided to turn back after a mile. I thought about shooting to shrewsbury rocks. bad idea too. turned back after a mile again. Rain, wind, period swell that was like 2 sec apart, white caps all over. At least i got a 29 in for the table tonight. :cool:

10-11-2013, 04:41 PM
I took a ride out to the hook to see if there was life around. I think I was the only boat out there. But the good news is that the stripers got there feed bag on. they ate everything!!! Eels, Clams, Jigs, They all worked. and there stacked. Given a lot of shorts in the mix. No porgys or sea biscuits round the beds. I guess they all moved off. I started going a little offshore but the decided to turn back after a mile. I thought about shooting to shrewsbury rocks. bad idea too. turned back after a mile again. Rain, wind, period swell that was like 2 sec apart, white caps all over. At least i got a 29 in for the table tonight. :cool:

Steve your nuts man! What size is your boat?

10-11-2013, 04:47 PM
29 everglades pilot

Foul Hook
10-11-2013, 05:28 PM
Nice Job Capt!!