View Full Version : Late Weekend Hudson report

10-08-2013, 12:51 AM
Got to the boat at 9 am sat morning to start the loadi g and prep process left a little later then expected due to thick fog but had a nice smooth ride out! Got to the Hudson dropped the out riggers and started the troll! Went about 1.5 hours with out a touch and decided to look for a home for the night! As looked around we found some warmer water 71.6 degrees and decided that was good and started the chunk! About an hour in I get hit and bring in 20 pound LFT, bleed it ice it and back at it! Crews missed two more on that flury and then we had to deal with the blue sharks! We had three around boat and took the hook! Didn't mess wih them long before we cut line and let them swim!

Attempted to jig a few squid which was unsuccessful very few were seen! Then back to tune had a little lul then the one of the rods has a run off and it all attention! Seconds later I get hit again and bring in a 40 pound class YFT!!! Two for me!!! After several hours of no reads no sharks no sea life no hits we started talking about re setting when we get a call from a partner boat that they have had them stacked up under their boat for 40 minutes and its an all out jig bite!!!!

We make the move and start reading lots of fish from 40- 100 ft drop the jigs and start working them, after 30 minutes and no hits we call to see if they are still catching and hear that they have have room for only 1 more fish! WTF what's going on! Then my jig gets taken a out 110 ft down and I land a 70 class YFT reset and the Kyle gets a 60 class tuna! And we lose an 80 class at boat side! Re set and loose two more! I had one that straitened out a swivel!!!

After that we had the sharks again two more blue dogs cut free! Things the. Slowed so we set a deep rod about 70 ft and few chunk rods! Around 445 the two bait rods bounce up and line goes slack! Huh then the deep rod starts screaming!! O boy, John grabs the rod and I just yell let him run! The. I yell now now as John set the hook and rod doubled he went almost went right over! We peeped Eric with a belt and harness and let him go to town!! 50 minutes later we dart a 150 pound sword and lift him him!!! That took up the rest of our ice and room so cleaned shop watched the dolphins and at first light started the trip in! Long night but productive 3 YFT 1 LFT and 1 swordy! Lots of cutting and cleaning made it home in time to fire up the grill and enjoy with neighbors!

Great trip great crew and lots of memories! Can't wait to do it again! We didn't do as well as others out there but hands and arms were sore my freezer is full so what more can I ask for!!!

Tight lines

10-08-2013, 01:03 AM

10-08-2013, 09:56 AM
GREAT report, I loved reading it, thanx.

Capt. Debbie
10-08-2013, 10:24 AM
Great trip. Work. Work. Work. Then BINGO!!

Thats fishing.

Pennsy Guy
10-08-2013, 12:01 PM
Very nice...good report too...

Gerry Zagorski
10-08-2013, 12:52 PM
Great report and good read... That Swordy looks HUGE!!

10-08-2013, 02:34 PM
We through the sword was an easy 200 lbs when it took three of us to get into the boat but an official scale put it just shy of 150 lbs. I can you this for sure it taste great grilled!!!