View Full Version : TUNA on the Baccala 2

10-05-2013, 07:10 AM
Hearing about a chunk bite the last couple of day's and only a few short trial runs on the new boat we decide to put together a last minute trip Thursday morning. Knowing Chris and Jason could leave at the drop of a hat we all headed down to Toms River to meet at the boat and of coarse Stelli! After loading up we make great time on the Contender and arrive in just about 2.5 hours to were we wanna be, along with the other 100 that got the same news...lol. Conditions allowed for a drift so we got set up for the chunk. Had a lot of life and started to pick at YF right away. After a few hours it shuts off like a switch but with great readings on the machine we can only wonder. Then the mystery finally reveals of a large shark beneath the boat as three rods get bit and break off upon hookup. Finally throw a shark rig out but the guest decided to leave. The current dies down and the next few hours are uneventful. Now with gray light just around the corner we have to make a move to get away from a boat that seams to keep getting to close. Ran back to the starting point of our line and with hopes to get it going again I throw a flat of butters in 15 mins! Than a rod clicks a few times in the bow and nothing. I hear someone say "what is that noise OMG they are breaking water in the bow and BAM, 3 rods are screaming.. Its total mayhem for the next 20-30 mins as tuna are swarming 5 feet under and anything you could throw they ate and as fast as u got it back in it was hooked up! After the war is over its a battle field of blood with YF and LF sprawled all over the deck. We decide its time to clean up and head for the barn as we have enough clean up work ahead of us. Total count was 14 ranging from 30-60lbs. The radio chatter had a lot of boats doing well and some not at all. Hope the fish hold long enough for one more trip. Posting off my phone and I have no idea how to load pics from here so hopefully someone will load a few.

shrimpman steve
10-05-2013, 08:24 AM
Saw Steli at fishermans supply. Hope the intel helped you out. Congrats on a successful maiden run!

10-05-2013, 08:33 PM
Saw Steli at fishermans supply. Hope the intel helped you out. Congrats on a successful maiden run!

No suck thing as intel. It's simply run to the Hudson and chunk Hahahah. Sure the southern guys are having a field day south of there.

10-05-2013, 11:43 PM
Dave congrats on breaking her in on a great tuna bite and getting the new ride bloodied ied up.

10-06-2013, 07:28 PM
Thanks shrimpy but I hope it wasn't you that told the other 150 boats LOL. We actually stopped a little short on some bait breaking the surface. Herd of many guys on the "spot" that did nothing with only a few doing well. We opted to stay away from the fleet. Thanks Alex, bloody was an understatement. After a 20 min frenzy in the gray light, the smoke cleared and it looked like a war zone.

10-06-2013, 09:47 PM
way to go boys!

10-11-2013, 11:41 AM
Here's some video from the overnighter thanks to Chris V. Long but cool from the GoPro cam!!!


10-11-2013, 11:58 AM
Here are some pictures..

10-11-2013, 03:34 PM
Ah, this was last week. Man, I'm reading this thinking wow, this guy is nuts going into a heavy NE, wtf? Then I think to check the date of the original post. Not the first time that's happened. Maybe they could make the original post date more prominent?