Ocean Explorer
10-04-2013, 05:24 PM
10-4-13 We had a really nice day today,,,again,,,trust me I am not getting sick of saying it..Flat calm and warm..Caught some really nice sea bass today as well..Just check out some pics here below..Jimmy in the first picture below took high hook award with 18 nice sea bass..He was doing no wrong today,,others had different catch totals,,some high some low,,,but overall for a decent crowd I though we had a pretty good day..Lots of manuvering looking for a good spot that had life,,,some little honey holes helped to..some spots were dead,,,had to move on when we had no life.Jigs,,Jigs,,Jigs,,,some did real well with em if you were doing it right..a-27 with no tails were the ticket.The fish are full of sand eels and very picky it seems like..I could get on some great readings and only pick at the fish but sending a jig down would sometimes get a nice fish to attack it.We also had to throwback some nice fluke,,some giant winter floiunder and we caught some ling as well.Oh,,also quite a few big eye mackerel which make for some nice sashimi........TOMORROW LOOKS GREAT,,GET IN AND GET ONBOARD CAUSE WE ARE GOING BACK AT IT AGAIN.....WEATHER LOOKS GREAT....BRING A BAIT ROD AND JIG ROD..SEE YA IN THE AM..PICS