View Full Version : Fishing Yard Sale 10/5

10-04-2013, 12:52 AM
My Town Cranford is having a town wide Yard Sale. Decided to take this opportunity and sell off a ton of my fishing gear that I have accumulated over the years. Half the proceeds from sale will be going to help two elderly people from town that are in need of financial help. Sale will include rods, reels, lures, jigs, hooks, line, terminal tackle, Plugs, plastics, gulp, tackle boxes, coolers to much to list. Will have stuff from freshwater all the way up to fluke, blackfish, seabass, cod, shark, tuna, tiles and everything in between. Many custom rods including (several Bogan rods) as well as off the shelf gear too. Some new never used as well as used but in good condition, especially my personal gear I have fished as I am meticulous about taking care of my tackle. Opportunity to gear up at savings from 25-75% while helping a few people in need. Try not to beat me up to much
Fishing yard sale will take place:
This Saturday 10/5/13
Time: 9 am - 4 pm
219 Walnut Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016

Any questions give me a call,

10-04-2013, 04:26 AM
your a class act Alex

10-04-2013, 05:09 AM
Now that is a very nice gesture.....I tip my hat to you sir!!

A lot of people have hit hard times in the last few years....it is really nice to see that some .....really care and go out of their way to ease the pain for people in need especially the elderly!!

Again kudos to you for such a nice gesture!!!

Gerry Zagorski
10-04-2013, 05:57 AM
Alex has so much stuff he will probably have to spread it out over several blocks. They might as well call it the Cranford Fishermans Flea Market.

Nice gesture Alex and best of luck with the sales...

Where might the other half of the proceeds be going Alex??? My bet is a few days after this there is going to be a run on all your favorite tackle shops.

Once a collector, always a collector :D

10-04-2013, 06:46 AM
Alex, save some for the Hi-Mar Fishing Flea Market! I am fishing Saturday so I won't be able to get up your way. But I wanted to let you know that if you do have stuff left over for the Flea Market your table is on me.

10-04-2013, 08:12 AM
I must give you alot of credit for all that you do with helping others . Kudos to you sir .

Going to try and stop by early with some cash - looking for some stuff actually , I am just a town over in Westfield

Hope you do well


10-04-2013, 08:18 AM
very nice gesture.... will try to stop by around 2pm after work...

10-04-2013, 09:38 AM
That's Great

Art Berkman
10-04-2013, 10:20 AM
Good stuff Alex !

Good things happen to good peeps ;)

shrimpman steve
10-04-2013, 10:47 AM
Good karma coming your way

10-04-2013, 03:37 PM
MVPs first annual flea market...wish I was not marching in the parade with my school.

10-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Alex, save some for the Hi-Mar Fishing Flea Market! I am fishing Saturday so I won't be able to get up your way. But I wanted to let you know that if you do have stuff left over for the Flea Market your table is on me.

Very nice gesture on offer of table at Hi Mar. Had a great turnout last year with the help of your members that made fundraiser i did a great sucess. Greatly appreciate the offer. Last years event is kinda what gave me the idea for tomorrows event as there are several elderly people in the community that need our help. Wish i could help everyone but i identified 2 of them to personally help out. Makes you feel good about yourself when you are able to help someone in need out.

10-04-2013, 05:26 PM
Alex has so much stuff he will probably have to spread it out over several blocks. They might as well call it the Cranford Fishermans Flea Market.

Nice gesture Alex and best of luck with the sales...

Where might the other half of the proceeds be going Alex??? My bet is a few days after this there is going to be a run on all your favorite tackle shops.

Once a collector, always a collector :D

Hate to let go sometimes as there is something about purchasing an old classic rod and stripping it down and bringing it back to life. Have
purchased way to much stuff over the years and projects that i will probably never get too. Knowing that money raised will go to a good cause seems the only way for me to justify letting things go.

10-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Never met you or know who you are, but your tops in my book. May all your hook sets end in a catch, but sounds like you'll be releasing most. Kudos to you.

10-04-2013, 06:12 PM
Any shot at a list so guys that are out black fishing tomorrow
Can help even thought they can't attend??

10-04-2013, 08:27 PM
Hey Alex great job on this brother, I agree a quick list would be great I have a charter tomorrow but want to help out if possible man got to load up for winter projects, thanks man f not still good luck with the sale thanks again.

10-04-2013, 09:01 PM
Alex, I'll see ya tomorrow!

10-04-2013, 09:20 PM
Good To See That There Is Still Good People .

10-04-2013, 10:12 PM
Nice! Cranford - i will be there in the morning, be nice to meet you in person

10-05-2013, 10:08 AM
[QUOTE=MVP]My Town Cranford is having a town wide Yard Sale. Decided to take this opportunity and sell off a ton of my fishing gear that I have accumulated over the years. Half the proceeds from sale will be going to help two elderly people from town that are in need of financial help. Sale will include rods, reels, lures, jigs, hooks, line, terminal tackle, Plugs, plastics, gulp, tackle boxes, coolers to much to list. Will have stuff from freshwater all the way up to fluke, blackfish, seabass, cod, shark, tuna, tiles and everything in between. Many custom rods including (several Bogan rods) as well as off the shelf gear too. Some new never used as well as used but in good condition, especially my personal gear I have fished as I am meticulous about taking care of my tackle. Opportunity to gear up at savings from 25-75% while helping a few people in need. Try not to beat me up to much
Fishing yard sale will take place:
This Saturday 10/5/13
Time: 9 am - 4 pm
219 Walnut Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016

Any questions give me a call,

That's awesome Alex, so nice of you to help people in need. Good Luck today! Just don't sell the Costa's.:)

10-05-2013, 11:44 AM
It was nice to meet you today Alex.
Stopped by and got my fix, new rod and some freshwater lures.
You have the largest cooler collection that I have ever seen:D

Go Giants

10-05-2013, 01:26 PM
Turnout has been amazing. People from njfishing and fisherman in general are great people with big hearts. Raised over 1000 dollars and still people showing up. Will run through 4 pm today. If you are interested in anything in particular give me a call and i will let you know if it is worth it for you to make the drive. Lot of stuff still left.

Gerry Zagorski
10-05-2013, 01:38 PM
Got any rods that would be good for togging and match up with a avet sx ?

10-06-2013, 12:57 AM
What can i say. Today will be a day i will not forget. Got a call from guy at around 7:30 that he is here and that he is not alone as another guy was also waiting. Took a quick shower and before even getting a chance to get set up 4 kevin Bogan customs were sold. Goes to show that the early bird gets the worm. As people start to show up George from njfishing shows up who I only recognize from the christmas party and hangs out in corner table with freshwater guys shows up and gives me a hand setting up table and all the fishing goodies. Another njfishing guys stops buys and does not buy anything but donates 20 bucks to the cause. A reel class act.

Later in the day a girl from nj fishing shows up and buys my brand new saltiga 50 and custom tile fish rod that i did not have a chance to use. I never make assumptions with people and that was defintely the case as she new her stuff. She got a great deal on a great setup so I hope she post a picture once she catches her first tile fish on that set up. A wife and husband start looking and are looking for starter surf setups as she just recently went to surfcasting workshop at SH and seems to be hooked on fishing. Rods, plugs reel she is all set up. Can not wait to hear back from her when she catches her first striper this fall. We should start a thread about women and fishing. As there are some really good woman fisherman out there. I remeber being on Blackfish trip a few years ago on Last Lady and a husband and wife were on this open boat trip. He was very experienced fisherman and she never blackfish before. Well you probly know were this story is going as she outfishes him at least 5 to 1. I rember looking at Ralph as she kept putting fish after fish in the box while he had trouble putting a keeper in the box. She just had the patience and did not swing at every little bite, Women fisherman ROCK.

Donated a few freshwater rods and some plastic lures to a few of the kids who showed up with parents. Cool to see how their eyes light up when they talk about how they can not wait for daddy to take them fishing and catch the BIG One. This is how it all started for most of us.
Had my neice and newphew set up their Pink Lemonade stand to help the cause. Told nephew he would need to donate half the procceds at the end of the day. He was not so thrilled about the idea at first. By the end of the day they made $24.50 and were thrilled as they thought they hit the lottery. Was cool to see him hand me over 12 bucks at the end of the day. Do not think he gets it yet but I figured I will try to start them early as i know it took me till i was about thirty before I figured out it is not all about ME. Hated to let a few of the things go as I was having seperation anxiety but the thought of helping a few people in need made it all worthwhile.

Can not thank all the members enough for stopping by and making a purchase to help the cause. Might just have to make this a yearly event as i have some ideas to make it even bigger and better next year.

PS Gerry, you snooze you loose. your members took all the good stuff. Only rod I have left right now that would match up to Avet SX for blackfish is a Star rod. I do have a few blanks that might make good blackfish rods but it is all about what type of feel you like and preference. Appreciate all you do and all the nice people and friends I have made on this site


10-06-2013, 07:14 AM
Awesome results for an excellent cause - I'll say it again: "you're a mensch Alex" :D

Gerry Zagorski
10-06-2013, 08:52 AM
PS Gerry, you snooze you loose. your members took all the good stuff. Only rod I have left right now that would match up to Avet SX for blackfish is a Star rod. I do have a few blanks that might make good blackfish rods but it is all about what type of feel you like and preference. Appreciate all you do and all the nice people and friends I have made on this site

Love Love Love reading posts like this Alex. Sounds like you had an amazing day. Would have loved to have seen those kids light up when you handed them the tackle and your nephew beaming as he counting up the loot.

We certainly are very fortunate to have such a caring and friendly cast of characters on this site. I've also made some lifelong friends here and I know many others have. That my friend is what it's all about.

10-07-2013, 09:55 AM
Just wanted to bump this up again -

Alex - MVP - this was an awesome thing you did and next time/ next year when you do this please let me know , I will be more than willing to help out/donate what I can.

I figured I would be one of the first ones there at 9:00 am being only 1 town over - not - the place was jamming already . Wilson great meeting you and talking to you for a couple of minutes - you to Alex sorry I couldnt stay - long honey do-list

You Rock Alex- MVP
