View Full Version : A little giving goes a long way!!

10-02-2013, 11:19 AM
On Monday evening I had the pleasure of taking a group of vets from Lyons Hospital out on the MiJo..We had a great trip with all catching demonistic blues from 14-18 pounds. Some of these guys had never even seen the ocean or been on a boat!! The only way this trip was possible is because of the generousity of Pete at Atlantic Bait and Tackle!!! Pete has a jar on the counter for donations that go towards Wounded Warriors and other veteran organizations..now we all know that a charter of this type is not exactly low-cost, and I also know that the change and singles in the jar did not come anywhere close to covering this. Pete dug deep into his own pocket to make it happen!! He also donated bait and a full outfit (awarded to one of the vets) for this trip.... This post will probably get me in trouble because Pete never wants any recognition for the many things like this that he does..But too bad!! Peter Crosta, it is an honor to call you "my friend"!! As always, THANKS!!
Capt Robby, MiJo II
"Support Your Local Shop"!

10-02-2013, 11:37 AM
Very cool report...Nicely Done on all accounts!

10-02-2013, 09:29 PM
And that's why going a lil further out of the way to support a businessman like Pete, is not a question in my book! Woodbridge to hazlet to Sri... I don't need to say more. If you haven't gone there and met Pete, you really should. I'm sure if you forgot your sweatshirt or rain gear on the way out and mentioned it, he would give you his. As long as you're the first guy that day. I recall a story not too long ago of a guy goin offshore, found a broken handle on a 2 speed offshore outfit and Pete gave him one of his to get by. Now that is a great way to keep your business in the top %+1 percent in my books.Know any online stores like that?

Thank you Pete for everything ...! And an extra thumbs up with our nations finest!!!

10-03-2013, 12:25 AM
Class Act

10-03-2013, 02:20 AM
Very nice story

10-03-2013, 07:21 AM
been fishing for a few years now. always fish ah area. used to use that bait store before atlantic bait and tackle on 35. forgot something one day and stopped in to see pete for the first time. this guy is a class act. he is a true humanitarian and is a genuinely nice guy. he runs one hell of a business and his kindness towards people is very evident. ive never been to another tackle shop again since I started going there. hearing a story like this confirms all my beliefs. well done pete. people should use u as an example of how to live life and treat people.

10-03-2013, 01:34 PM
Pete has been incredible in helping the New Jersey Chapter of Heroes on the Water to make our program available to our wounded vets. He goes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY beyond when it comes to supporting our vets. HOW-NJ is blessed to have supporters such as Pete!

Gerry Zagorski
10-03-2013, 03:01 PM
Great story.... Thanks for sharing it here and a tip of the cap to all involved.