View Full Version : FISHERMEN/FLUKE 2013 Big Pool Winer!!

10-02-2013, 07:28 AM
Congratulations to Nick Joanow on winning this season's Big fluke Pool. Fish weighted in at 10.2 pounds and was 29 1/2 inches long.

Our largest for the season was 12.2 and an 11.4 caught by Wendel in July. Big Bob had the lead for roughly 2 weeks with his just under 9 pound fish.

Let's hope the bay gets back to normal for next season!! Thanks to all for fishing with us, hope to see you for the Stripers....:)

Capt. Ron

Gerry Zagorski
10-02-2013, 07:40 AM
Congrats Nick!!

10-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Good Job Nick That Was A Beauty;)

10-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Nice bunch of fish!